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lucky760 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I promoted two videos about 13 hours ago and they are still promoted.

This one was also promoted over 3 hours ago and is still promoted

@siftbot must of passed out. I think we need to do an intervention.

Also videos aren't pqing after 2 days. Preventing sifters from submitting new videos due to full unsifted slots.

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Official Trailer 2

MichaelL says...

Lots of mixed emotions about this...
We went from one superhero and one villain and a fairly simple story in the first movie to three - maybe four - superheroes and at least two supervillains in the second.
Seems like they are trying to jam a LOT into this movie and it could collapse under the weight of it all.

Cats And Dogs Rumble At The Gentleman's Club

Nordic Fish Woman

Zifnab (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

I say, old chap, it seems that you are another year older. Have a most spiffing birthday, old bean. Celebrate with jam and scones, crumpets and lashings of ginger beer. Cheerio Shane!

Pipe Guy - House/Trance/Techno Live

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, The incredible pipe guy, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

This achievement has earned you your "Pop Star" Level 10 Badge!

One More Way China's Beating America....Traffic

One More Way China's Beating America....Traffic

grahamslam says...

I think you'd get a traffic jam anywhere you go from 50 lanes down to 4, although it was hard to really see that through the smog.

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

enoch says...

i do not know if you are aware,but you actually made my point in regards to justification.specifically your third paragraph.

as for the disagreement in regards to religious texts being inert and neutral.this should not really be an issue and should be plain for all to see.religious texts are amalgamations,musings,stories,philosophies all jammed into a canonized text.they are often hypocritical and is the reader that interprets and injects their own subjective understandings based on their own proclivities.

which then makes religious text a subjective if you are violent,then your interpretations will be violence,which would lead to justifications based on those interpretations.

unless you are using fundamentalism as a fulcrum.which sees religious text as the unerring word of god,which brings a whole new conundrum into focus:contradictory philosophies which are in diametric opposition.which is an impossibility to reconcile,but again brings us to my main point:justification.(by way of mental gymnastics).

and harris does not just smell like apologist BS,he IS an this is understandable when seen through the lens of nationalism,but it engages in the same wishful thinking harris accuses many religious people of engaging in.

we WANT to feel we are the good guys.
we WANT to think that what we are doing is for a higher,and more morale purpose.
we WANT to think all this violence and bloodshed is ultimately for a better and more prosperous future for everybody involved.
we WANT to believe that our government is not just destroying and destabilizing whole communities with wanton destruction just so our corporations can have a new market to exploit,or to control the oil fields for BP and chevron to control.

but thats not the reality.
our wants are just wishful thinking and an inability to accept that we cling to these wants to justify horror,destruction and death.

so what is OUR justification?
so just like the more moderate and secular muslims who look the other way when faced with horror.we too,look away at the truth of things,because to recognize the reality means to accept responsibility.
we have blood on our hands....all of us.
as do those muslims who also look away.

but the allure of justifications....
to have the ability to turn horror into righteousness.
it is extremely powerful,and we ALL participate.
even sam harris.

The Pachelbel Rant - Never look at the Canon in D the same

Neil Young and Pearl Jam - "Rockin' In The Free World", live

Stephen & Pearl Jam Perform "Rockin In The Free World"

Stephen & Pearl Jam Perform "Rockin In The Free World"

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