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You're not a scientist!

So You Think Your Job Sucks?

CrushBug says...

Crossing barbed wire with a dude lying across it? Yeah, that is exactly how it was done. Usually that guy got a leather jacket to wear and he would throw himself on top and people would walk over him. The motivation was pretty high to go fast, as usually there were bullets flying at you.

The Grass Roots - Midnight Confessions

Instant Ice Cream Rolls in Thailand

Weather girl predicts 'Slow & Slutty' Valentine's Day

Crazy pickpocketing skills! Apollo Robbins

moonsammy says...

The pen at the end couldn't have possibly been the same one, unless the video was edited. After he takes the pen he touches Lauer only one time, and is nowhere near his jacket pocket. I assume *a* pen with a torn $100 was in there from the get-go, rather than it being the same item.

Surviving TWO Near Misses In The Space Of TEN Minutes.

Forty Million Dollar Gas Platform Sinks In Seconds

Sagemind says...

"Editors note: This story was initially reported on January 30th citing a press release on the Iranian, Pars Oil and Gas website. $40 million was the number placed on the value of what sank off Iran.

An update from the Pars Oil and Gas website today proves what is abundantly clear by watching this video. The sinking structure is the “jacket,” or the structure used to support the topside production facility which has yet to be installed. Jackets such as this one do not cost $40 million to make.

We apologize for making this out to be more than it is, but considering we don’t speak Persian and Google Translate pretty much sucks, getting the real facts is a challenge sometimes.

If we get any further updates, we’ll pass them along."

Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony

Xaielao says...

Harlequinn I would say you are correct. Only metal spoons aren't harmful to anyone (accept those like myself with a metal allergy..) and the guns that will eventually be unavailable can mow down a dozen people in about 30 seconds, blasting them into bits. So, it's a bit different.

I personally feel the solution to 'assault weapons' is to make them available at gun ranges. That way folks who want to be able to fire them, can still have access to them, but they are still restricted to have in ones home and thus cannot be used in violence. Just the way some shooting ranges offer military weapons a civilian cannot get access to any other way.

And for the record I'm relatively pro-gun. I don't own any but I grew up with them, received my first as a birthday present when I was 10 and my mother owns two and her boyfriend makes his own rifles for use in competition.

If congress manages to only do one thing about the gun violence in this nation, I'd personally rather see it be a national gun registry that would allow instant background checks at gun shows/etc. You know things are bad when someone on the terror watch list can buy an AR-15 with a 100 round magazine, armor piercing bullets and a flack jacket out of the back of a van and it's perfectly legal in some states. That's an extreme example I grant, but not unrealistic.

18 Things That Actually Exist

Somebody Picked the Wrong Girl

VoodooV jokingly says...

Yes, because that's how it turns out EVERY time!

no one ever misses or is too scared to fire and gets robbed/raped anyway and steals the gun and uses it later for more harm.

No one ever accidentally shoots a loved one instead.

No one ever puts jacketed ammo into the gun, maybe they even shoot the robber, but shoots an innocent beyond the target.

Every person has a nice quick access lock system. no one EVER leaves their guns around for kids to find or stolen and used for harm.

And all damsels in distress are hot redheads that don't panic and are cool under pressure and all criminals are easily identifiable with their creepy, disheveled looks and faint at the first sight of a gun (WTF was that anyway?)

Oh yeah, and since it's a Glock commercial, everyone who owns a competitor's gun ends up robbed, raped, or dead.

Everything is black and white and has a simple answer!

Ask Archer

James Madison clarifies the American right to bear arms

Xaielao says...

The problem is the current systems in check to prevent criminals from obtaining guns to kill people has been laughably de-balled and stripped down over the last decade +. When a felon can go to some of these 'no gun laws' states and buy an assault rifle with a 100 round drum, a glock with a 16 round clip, armor piercing ammunition and a flack jacket from the back of some guys van and it is 100% legal.. something is terribly wrong.

I do agree that this tends to get rather overboard. I'd much rather see assault rifles available for use at firing ranges instead of being personally owned vs outright outlawing them that will only cause other potential issues. I also agree 'assault weapons' is a buzzword.. though some weapons most certainly qualify (especially if the military classifies a weapon as such).

As to legalizing drugs, I wouldn't personally want to legalize 'all' drugs, but when there is already a dangerous, highly addictive drug that costs the country and states millions and takes/ruins thousands of lives a year, it seems to me that keeping a certain drug highly illegal to the point that in some states being caught with a gram can net you 10 years in prison.. there is something horribly wrong with the system.

jones1899 said:

Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! But allowing the government to tell responsible citizens that they can't own something because criminals might use a similar gun to kill people makes zero sense in a dozen ways.

Criminals kill people. Killing people is illegal. Therefore criminals are up for doing illegal things. If owning certain guns is illegal and we've already established that criminals do illegal things, then...

Also, why is it the same crowd that wants to ban "assault weapons" (such a misunderstood and misused, meaningless term) supports legalizing drugs? How does that make a lick of sense? And do say that guns are responsible for more deaths, because it you look at the stats, there so called assault weapons are very RARELY used in crimes.

Let's just get rid of all the bullshit that's between the two sides. Can't we agree on: Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! YES! YES!

California news teams overreact to “cold” temperatures

Xaielao says...

I spent several months in LA for work last spring (Huntington Beach area to be specific) and besides the beautiful weather the culture and people drove me NUTS. Thankfully one of my oldest friends moved out there not to long ago so we got a spend a good bit of time hanging out and he felt much the same way.

I'm sure right now he's laughing his ass off at his neighbors putting jackets on their dogs when they take them out to pee, themselves bundled up in fleece jackets. Most of them wouldn't last a week in upstate NY on an average February day.

Ticketless gets on the bus and Capturing..BUS FÄ°GHT

Sagemind says...

Not sure what;s going on.
The woman with the dark jacket/yellow spots starts to push the kid around. The the other guy steps in and grabs her by the hair and then forces her off the bus.

I can't understand what they are saying. The titles doesn't make sense to what I am seeing. What is going on here?

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