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Robot Chicken makes fun of the Iron Man Ending

Robot Chicken makes fun of the Iron Man Ending

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Marvel, Adult swim, nick fury' to 'Marvel, Adult swim, nick fury, Iron Man 2, movie, comics, thief, steal, ending, sequel' - edited by ant

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn - Teaser

Throw it! Throw the stick! Now! Throw it! The stick! Throw!

AC/DC Shoot to Thrill

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

Sketch says...

You seem to keep insisting that there are only two types of people involved in a debate? When, in the history of debate, has it been about trying to sway proponents of either side of an argument? A debate is about attempting to sway an audience. I don't care if it's about religion, gay marriage, climate change, going to war, health care, eating fast food, or whether you should or shouldn't wear white after Labor Day! You are absolutely right, Ray is probably never going to be swayed from his position, and neither will anyone entrenched in either side, but there is a host of people listening who may be somewhere in the grey middle. That is who debate is really for, and unless you want them to go to the other insane, but incredibly vocal, and well organized, side of the fence, then you better be prepared to make a strong case for your greener pastures. Complacency solves nothing.>> ^VoodooV:

Since the idea of a god as we currently know it is a product of our imagination, someone is always going to come up with some imaginative "explanation" that supposedly trumps science's current understanding of the universe.
God uses lightning to show that he is angry with you...
God exists because the stars revolve around us...
God exists because a banana fits in your hand nicely...
All someone has to do is say "God made evolution" and we're back to square one again. It's like a comic book. Every so often they revise the origin stories. Iron Man's origin story originally took place in Vietnam. Now it's Afghanistan.
Debating Creationists is a waste of time. It lowers you, it elevates them and nothing worthwhile happens.

Atheist Experience ep. 702 - Ray Comfort Interview!

VoodooV says...

Since the idea of a god as we currently know it is a product of our imagination, someone is always going to come up with some imaginative "explanation" that supposedly trumps science's current understanding of the universe.

God uses lightning to show that he is angry with you...
God exists because the stars revolve around us...
God exists because a banana fits in your hand nicely...

All someone has to do is say "God made evolution" and we're back to square one again. It's like a comic book. Every so often they revise the origin stories. Iron Man's origin story originally took place in Vietnam. Now it's Afghanistan.

Debating Creationists is a waste of time. It lowers you, it elevates them and nothing worthwhile happens.

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Iron Man Dances in a park

Iron Man Dances in a park

Iron Man Dances in a park

Thor - First trailer

L0cky says...

It's not really rumoured any more, it was long since announced and Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans have already done interviews about the movie.

It's probably one of the most ambitious franchise projects I've heard of in a while and includes the following films:

Iron Man 2

and then:

Captain America: The First Avenger
Nick Fury
The Avengers

There's potential for a Hawkeye movie in the same vein but none has been announced.

Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg will be in four of the movies (Nick Fury isn't mentioned for Thor, and Agent Coulson isn't mentioned for Captain America).

It's very unlikely that Spiderman and Wolverine will make appearances; although separate for both are in the works, but as separate entities.

The Wolverine is being directed by Darren Aronofsky so it'll probably have quite a different tone; and despite Hugh Jackman being scheduled to play it looks like it will be a departure from the X-Men movies (ie, ignoring the disappointing X-Men Origins: Wolverine). So it's unlikely in the same way you wouldn't see Christopher Nolan's Batman in a Justice League movie alongside Ryan Reynolds as the The Green Lantern.

Either or both might get a nod though, but neither are fundamental to the Avengers anyway.

The Hulk is scheduled to appear and is much more important to the Avengers, but I guess there's many good reasons there's no spin off movie

/me not as interested in this as it sounds

Thor - First trailer

Thor - First trailer

Thor - First trailer

EMPIRE says...

so far so good. I liked the trailer

Certainly not the best thing ever, but more than enough to make me interested. But lately I've been going less and less to the movies. I mean... Bluray + 50 inch plasma HD? Who needs to put up with annoying people in the theaters? Too bad the dvd and bluray editions take a few months to come out after the movie.
I did watch Iron Man 2 at home with Bluray, and I don't look back.

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