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Arthur C. Clarke predicts the future in 1976

America really flew the U-2 spy plane off aircraft carriers

newtboy says...

Why would they try to land on an aircraft carrier, breaking the plane every single time by scraping the wingtips off on the deck? In air refueling means it would never be required, and a total lack of stealth makes it just stupid, landing strip width makes it incredibly difficult to land a plane over 3 times the wingspan of an F16, especially one as in precise and hard to fly as a u2….and impossible to store off the deck, making the carrier useless until the U2 was removed.

On land they had chase cars that drove under the wings at landing, installing the wheels and/or keeping the tips off the ground.

Not trusting this internet source…beware unknown sources.
There’s a reason there wasn’t one shot of a successful landing, the best they had was a 3 point landing with the wing as point 3. At best this was a failed test, not a functional program.

The Plane That Will Change Travel Forever

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

rancor says...

There's a lot of internet traffic that claims this was essentially "faked" by the department. His controlled fall, some lack of urgency by the trainer, good color/not suffocating... Also a lot of "this is not how fentanyl works" from medical professionals.

Divide by Zero on the Friden STW10 Mechanical Calculator

Roger Waters to Mark Zuckerberg

Roger Waters to Mark Zuckerberg

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

newtboy says...

"Truth" is an idea in the mind of a crazy person. You don't need to know the truth to not lie.

"I thought I easily won the election fraud, if it wasn't for the fax checkers debunking it all...but I believe it's real." Wtf, lady. If real FACT checkers debunked it, with proof, then it's not real. She's like a 17 year old who, even though she's actually helped her parents play Santa for her little sister and seen first hand that no fat guy came down the chimney or flew off behind a bunch of giant flying deer, still believes Santa is real. How did so many Americans become so incredibly delusional that they trust convicted con men and anonymous internet trolls spreading bat shit crazy convoluted conspiracy theories that require impossibly perfect secrecy from millions of people about outrageous things like eating live babies and a cadre of space lasers over professional fact checkers with verifiable proof and sanity?

*promote for @bobknight33, you are this woman in most everyone's eyes....but far less honest, you would never admit you were wrong and definitely wouldn't pay your lost bet.

White Woman's Instagram -- Bo Burnham

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Welcome to the Internet

Welcome to the Internet

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

Racing for $100

newtboy says...

Yes, I have no doubt my words fall on deaf ears, so to speak, but that doesn't mean his silliness doesn't warrant contradiction.

I believe it's the latter, perhaps 2 & 3. It's hard to believe someone with internet and tv access could possibly be underexposed to the level he displays.

I agree, it was if I should have the answer to a long term social if there is one answer that might solve it. It was the type of rhetorical question that, unanswered, he would trot out as "proof" that liberals don't have any answers.

I liked the Arnold video, but was disappointed how little he knows about steel....if anyone should know the secrets of steel it's Conan.

luxintenebris said:

dig your vigor 'tho still believe 33 isn't a person words have much meaning. some folks have to live it to learn it. bk has to be one of those. to believe there's no white privilege shows a lack of exposure, comprehension, and/or willingness to accept an obvious truth. doubt he's even heard about 'black like me' let alone be inclined to risk D. L. Hughley.

let the 'what's the answer' slide. wager it's rhetorical.
[think he's looked at single-parent household numbers?]

reading the 'no joe' parts, kept hearing 'broken men' from this video...

and this is a better subject related video

MAFIA but 500% facial animations

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