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Who Invented Metal?

MilkmanDan says...

I tend to agree. However, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida and Born to Be Wild are really close to tipping the scale in my head from "hard rock" to "metal". The cover of Summertime Blues mentioned in the video, not so much (at least to my ear).

Anyway, it is cool to see/hear some of the early influences that got things going in the direction of the music that I love, even if none of them jump out and make me say "now THAT is metal" like Sabbath.

Mordhaus said:

1970, Sabbath. That is all.

Happy Colony!

StukaFox says...

Dude! Ants are stealing our JERNTS! Next it'll be our lighters, then our tasty tasty snacks!!

Daaaamn, I'd better smoke this bomber and eat these little Reeses motherfuckers before ants steal 'em.

Hmmm, seems ants are a bad influence. I should hang out with them more!

PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

Mordhaus says...

There are numerous things that need to be overhauled with police, but in this video I feel the officers were justified in returning fire. The events that led up to that point are still primarily on the defendant.

He broke the law, operating a vehicle while under the influence, and then chose to escalate the situation by attacking the officers. This is not one of the situations where the person shouldn't have been treated this way.

PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

Mordhaus says...

Authorities say the Nov. 7 clash started with a routine traffic stop that erupted in violence when Kelly and Seiple tried to arrest Clary on suspicion of driving under the influence of marijuana.

Should have just taken the arrest, now he is looking at attempted murder.

In Australia lots of things can kill you ...but not AR15s

wtfcaniuse says...

The part where they say "at least we don't have an NRA" is wrong. We have the SSAA which is the NRA's retarded younger brother. The NRA helps fund the SSAA and influences politics and gun law in Australia the same as they do in the USA.

Also kangaroos will fuck you up and drown your dog. If you're a tourist visiting Australia please don't treat them like pets, even if other people are doing it. Stay the fuck away from the males.

Selling Divorce to the West

Mordhaus says...

Movies didn't influence divorce rates. There were a series of events that led to them skyrocketing.

1. Birth Control pills. Women and Men were no longer forced to remain in marriages because of children.

2. Due to economic change and because of WW2, women became more acceptable in the workforce. This increased year after year due to varying factors and after a while, many women became less dependent on their spouses to support them. With this economic independence, women who were in unhappy marriages no longer HAD to stay in them. This also led to....

3. The rise of Feminism. With economic independence, women could start fighting for their rights. Rights that had been withheld from them for many years.

4. The Baby Boom after WW2. Most countries experienced it at some level and with a much high population, more people are going to divorce.

5. The importing and mainstreaming of new ideas in regards to relationships, spirituality, and sex. This didn't come from Hollywood, but from the East. The Kama Sutra, Mysticism, and more worldly takes on relationships.

6. Changes to existing laws, possibly one of the biggest reasons. Prior to the time period listed, divorce was a PAIN IN THE ASS to accomplish. Fault was usually required - one of the spouses must have committed a crime or 'sin' that justified the divorce. A long separation before the divorce used to be mandatory. Around the 50's, states began relaxing many of these laws, swapping to a no-fault style divorce and decreasing the separation period. By 1970, almost all states had laws allowing no-fault divorces. These laws had a great effect on the divorce rate. From 1940 to 1965, the divorce rate remained near 10 divorces for every 1,000 married women. By 1979, the rate had doubled.

7. Divorce also became more acceptable. The guilt and fault of the old divorce laws were gone. As more couples separated, divorce gradually became a normal part of life.

8. Children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced. As the number of divorced parents increases, so will the number of their children that get divorced.

These are the root factors, not movies. If you believe movies lead to divorce, you probably also think video games lead children to violent acts. We all know how wrong that is.

DHS - Russia Did NOT "Attack" Elections --

newtboy says...

So, to save you wasting 22 minutes watching this dreck, this is all a semantic argument about how you define "attack".

If you say illicitly intruding on a system and stealing the data, and probing the system to prepare for future intrusions is just "scanning" and to be an "attack" they must successfully, detectably use that stolen data to take over/directly influence the system (like deleting or invalidating voters or freezing/ransomwareing the election computer systems) or to successfully change the results inside election machines, then there was no successful attack detected.
If you think breaking into election systems, stealing the data, and scanning the election system for exploitable vulnerabilities is an attack, there were many attacks detected.

Jebus Christ, this is what Jimmy Dore has become, a ranting conspiracy theorist that gleefully twists any fact to match his narrative? How sad.

The Day Liberty Died

StukaFox says...

It's an offensive against Jewish people around the world that anti-Zionist somehow came to equal anti-Semitic. You can be against a political policies of a nation without being against the citizens who people her.

As a side note, it never ceases to amaze me that a literal century later, we're still paying for the sins of World War 1.

(I mention WW1 specifically because of the Balfour Declaration, which laid the seeds for the founding of modern-day Israel. It was signed during the Great War in order to influence Jews to rally to the Allies against the Central Powers, and other geopolitical reasons around the Suez Canal.)

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

FYI...#walkaway is a right wing campaign where they had republican actors (and stock photos) claim they were Democrats who were sick of the liberal nonsense and they, and millions like them, were walking away from the Democrats. It was for right wingers, not left, false verification that they are correct and lefties are finally coming around to their truth, and a counterpoint to the "blue wave" campaign. They were caught on day one, and it never caught on outside right wing websites, mostly because it was a horrible, stupid, poorly implemented, transparent ploy. No surprise that, even though he knows that, Bob still puts it out there hoping to convince someone.

Looking into it, I've found that it's reportedly become a Russian ploy.....
#WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing (July 17), according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.

Just one more time Bob is spreading Russian propaganda.

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

Another Trumpism....pure bullshit masquerading as an argument....

Yes, the largest fine ever, for the best funded campaign ever. Compare campaign funds and it's right in line with other fines.
Donations of $1000 or more must be reported within 48 hours in the last 20 days....they were late, not hidden.
Trump's was never reported and actively hidden and lied about.

These were civil charges, Trump is facing umpteen CRIMINAL cases, many of them felonies. Hiding huge payments to a porn star (and other women) for her (their) silence to influence the election is among the felonies.

Just duh, Bob.

bobknight33 said:

When you have the fake news in you pocket - No crimes ever come to fruition.

Obama Campaign Fined Big for Hiding Donors, Keeping Illegal Donations

The resulting fine, one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC, is the result of a failure to disclose or improperly disclosing thousands of contributions to Obama for America during the then-senator's 2008 presidential run, documents show.
The FEC says the Obama campaign failed to disclose the sources of 1,300 large donations, which together accounted for nearly $1.9 million. Election Commission rules state campaigns must report donations of $1,000 or more within 20 days of Election Day.

And you panties are in a wad for paying an porn star to say nothing.

Aphex Twin Mindmelting Video T69 Collapse

Aphex Twin Mindmelting Video T69 Collapse

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

newtboy says...

There's a big difference between peace and appeasement, Trump is offering the latter, we already had the former.
Russia is expanding both it's borders and influence in Europe. Their actions merit some hysteria. Using nerve agents on foreign soil is an act of war against our allies and humanity, as were the invasions of Crimea and the Ukraine. Is Alaska the next lost satellite Putin has his eye on? Who's going to come to our aid if so?

Spacedog79 said:

There are many good reasons to oppose Trump but I don't think thawing relations with Russia should be one of them. Sure they may have meddled in elections but they are rank amateurs compared to America who do it to just about everyone, friend or foe.

I get the distinct impression that there is a powerful section of the American oligarchy who are terrified of peace with Russia and are trying everything they can to stir up fear and hatred in the public, and its working. Mention Russia and it's borderline hysteria, it's really not healthy.

Trump and Putin -- A Love Story. Trump Does Bite

newtboy says...

He said this specific indictment contains no evidence of administration involvement, that's a far cry from a statement that there was none. Every time you lie this way it's exactly the same as admitting you know your arguments are failures minus the honor of being truthful.

They have been consistently clear that the FBI won't decide if or how Russian interference influenced the election, that's not their job, but it's clear that was and is the intent, and Putin isn't known for spinning his wheels. You still spout Russian made slogans and theories constantly, it influenced you immensely.

The intelligence community under Obama didn't do nothing, but I agree they didn't do enough. They absolutely should have said Trump was under investigation for working with our enemies to subvert government processes when they publicly reopened the Clinton investigation over emails that contained nothing.
Trump's intelligence community has apparently actually done nothing, nor has Trump besides encourage Putin to do it again by standing with him against America's interests time and time again and by hinting another free pass with no resistance can be expected this election.

bobknight33 said:

RED WAVE coming.
you need to join #walkaway

This all occurred under OBAMA administration. Obama administration and did nothing. Sill Rodinstine when he came out last week about teh 12 Russians also noted NO American involvement and Zero influence in the outcome of the election.

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