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But Intelligent People Believe in God...

MilkmanDan says...

To me, the video sorta oversells the difficulty in identifying / escaping from "ridiculous claims", at least in comparison to my personal experiences.

I grew up in a very religious (Christian, Methodist) family / city / state / country. I was questioning the indoctrination at an early age (younger than 10), and rejecting it due to never receiving satisfactory answers to those questions by ~12. Actually, one of the most significant pushes for me was the ultimate reward/punishment thing. Zero consistency and open contradictions between different religions / sects / sources, etc. In symbolic logic, contradictions mean that one of your premises is wrong. Reconsider what you "know" and try again.

With regards to atheism vs (a)gnosticism, technically I'm an agnostic because I don't know with absolute certainty that there is no god / gods out there. However, in practice, I easily and comfortably would rather self-identify as an atheist. Why, when I don't know for certain? Because I also don't know that there isn't an Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Loch Ness Monster, or Leprechauns, yet I don't feel compelled to tell people that I'm "agnostic" about those things. No. They are pretty clearly human-invented bullshit, with readily apparent human motivations behind their invention. Sounds like religion to me.

That's basically Russel's teapot.

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

shinyblurry says...

I wasn't raised in the church nor did anyone ever tell me about the Lord. I came to believe in God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior entirely by personal revelation.

The information bubble that he talks about equally applies to secular society. Many elements of our society, be it entertainment, media, or education all point to the secular creation story. Watch basically any nature video and you'll see the indoctrination "blah blah evolution blah blah deep time blah blah deep time blah blah evolution" etc

I never had a Christian or spiritual friend, my friends and family all believed what I did. That wasn't by design since no one ever brought up God or spiritual beliefs to me. There was zero information coming into my life about God.

I developed an arrogance towards believers although I was incredibly ignorant about what they believed. I had cherry picked a few bible verses which I thought disproved their religion, and that's about all I had.

The majority of unbelievers are in the position I was in. I would have gone that way forever if God hadn't revealed Himself to me.

This video is partly true, as beliefs can develop in a bubble. Then it brings up the "truth" as the antidote, yet what is the truth according to the creators? They failed to define what it is, only that it wouldn't be a belief in God, with no proof for that at all. True believers in the secular story don't see that as faith, because of the indoctrination, ironically

11 Year Old Naomi Wadler's Speech At The March for our Lives

bobknight33 says...

Just like indoctrination of the Nazi youth .. brainwash the kids and you have them for life. They will grow up wanting to ban all guns.
Must be a
She might not be a Tool but she is being used as one.

Just worried about girls and woman. Kinda of sexist .

Just school shootings? What we don't care about inner city shootings of which represent some 95% of all shootings.

Considering its slew of liberal funders, it’s hard to see March for Our Lives as anything more than just another gun control group bought and paid for by the professional Left.

American Football player fires a minigun

Payback says...

A man is susceptible to the attitudes of the group he identifies himself with. I wouldn't consider him a soldier after long. There is an indoctrination in both groups. I just believe the military has a focus that's easier to avoid the mentality I ascribe to police.

The us v. them mentality makes the bad cops worse, makes most cops protect the bad, and makes the exceedingly good somewhat rare.

SFOGuy said:

Serious question:
If that's true--then what happens with those of the ex-military (note: not all ex-military) who become police and are perceived as "occupying" minority neighborhoods?
Is that a sort of "they are all insurgents" kind of thing?

John Oliver - Mike Pence

bcglorf says...

One of Jordan Peterson's claims, that the left has settled into higher ed and wants to shutdown debate in favor of indoctrination, is openly on display in the video. All 3 staff from Wilfrid Laurier state it as contrary to the university environment to present a debate on use of pronouns, or to allow the subject to be debated, save that student's are FIRST taught and thoroughly prepared to know which side of the debate is right before hand.

One of them even dismisses Peterson's claim that you can be convicted for failing to use the pronouns requested by others as baseless and contrary to all evidence. Mean while the Ontario human rights tribunal clearly states that is exactly the case. link below.

If you are find with higher education abandoning reasoned debate in favor of indoctrination then you don't need to care. Of course, here in Canada we aren't facing the same risk you American's are of finding the tables turning and the indoctrination landing in the hands of tea party or trump types.

Still, keeping free speech and reasoned debate a cornerstone of education is extremely important to maintaining a free society in my opinion and the video is a window into dark corners hell bent on shutting that down.

ChaosEngine said:

I fail to see the relevance of that. Whether the staff are right or wrong only changes my opinion of the staff, not of Peterson.

If I tell you I hated Hitler because he was a vegetarian, I'd imagine you think that was a pretty stupid reason to hate Hitler, but I doubt you'd change your own opinion on Hitler just because I'm being unfair about one thing.

A Strange History of confederate monuments in the South

MilkmanDan says...

Parallels with religious indoctrination much? Not to mention blunt-instrument nationalism like the pledge of allegiance?

To me, critical thinking, logic, and open exposure to light seem like the best way to combat bad ideas like this. The good news is that exposure to light is generally much more automatic today in the internet age than it ever was before. The bad news is that critical thinking doesn't seem to be doing as well.

I think we're trending in the right direction. Change might be generational, when everything about our culture and society expects things to happen now, but we're getting there.

Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America - Festival

Mordhaus says...

I'm a firm believer that racism is, by and large, allowed to exist through simple ignorance.

People fear what they don't know, and uneducated (not stupid) people can easily be led into believing the worst things simply because a leader took the time to indoctrinate them.

Additionally, it is a damn shame we don't have a better memorial at the site of the I have a dream speech.

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: Trump is Clueless on North Korea

enoch says...

welcome to the epic battle of the narcissists!

where women...children and young men indoctrinated into the religion of nationalism, die in horrible and grotesque manners all to appease the bloated ego's of two sociopaths!!!!

coming to Netflix this fall!
don;t miss it!

newtboy said:

Too bad no one can convince Trump of that. He's the one stating clearly and publicly that we'll act unilaterally and preemptively if there are more threats (followed immediately by another threat by lil' Kim), and he is also the one who suggests we'll use nukes in that preemptive strike.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

SDGundamX says...

You might want to re-read your bible (I refuse to capitalize it).

Revelation 19:6:

And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Also Matthew 19:26 “with God, all things are possible” and Luke 1:37 “with God nothing is impossible” make it clear the Christian god is omnipotent without actually using the word.

And even if it wasn't explicitly written, in practice every major sect of Christianity follows the doctrine that the Christian god is both omniscient (i.e. going to judge everyone for their sins on judgement day) and omnipotent (i.e. can do anything, such as create a universe from nothing).

EDIT: So @newtboy's original comment stands. The bible's inconsistencies are too huge for anyone not completely indoctrinated into Christianity to ignore.

harlequinn said:

Simple question:

Where in the bible does it say God is omnipotent?

I ask because as far as I know it doesn't. It speaks of his power, mystery, understanding all being great. But it doesn't say he is omnipotent. The closest you'll probably get is in Jeremiah where he has a high opinion of God saying "nothing is too hard for you".

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad ...

newtboy says...

What about those illegals escaping certain death or indoctrination into drug gangs before they're 10 years old? Because they entered illegally, you would send them back to near certain death (because leaving was snubbing the drug gangs, and they don't like that)? While most migrate for economic reasons, many also do so for survival.

I do think the issue will continue until employers pay the price instead of just the disposable immigrants.

Mordhaus said:

That is pretty much the sticking point we will disagree upon. I do not believe they were forced to come, they came to fill a vacuum and because they were looking for a place they saw as a better country to live in. I do not and will not support amnesty for those currently here illegally. They must be returned to their country of origin and apply to live here as per the laws of our country.

Businesses that have profited off the equivalent of sharecropper labor should be punished legally, but the mere removal of their illegal work force will hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook. I have no sympathy at all for businesses that have exploited illegal labor to run other businesses into the ground, then increased their own profits afterwards.

I do understand your points, but we really are at an impasse on our feelings regarding the issue.

Oregon Polar Bear Awakes to Snow. BLISS!

coolhund says...

I think he meant climate change. Everyone indoctrinated by Al Gore crap knows they die from it. So if you eat less meat, you will lower CO2 production indirectly and save them!!!!1111eleven

JustSaying said:

I wish I could down-vote your comment.
Who the fuck eats Polar-Bears and Elephants?
I get it, you're a hard-core vegan but this is getting ridiculous. As if anybody eats Otter.
The destruction of our eco-system by humans is a very serious problem. You're not helping with this. And this is coming from a guy who likes sausage. The food where you grind up an animal corpse to a fine paste and stuff it into its own colon for consumption.
Again, I get your point, I just strongly disagree with your method. You're not helping your own cause.

Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?

coolhund says...

People are even too stupid to learn from simple and well documented history, so of course they arent able to judge if killing someone like Hitler would make everything right.
Simple facts like that Hitler was just able to rise that high due to many like-minded people, often get ignored completely, also where those people came from, what made them that angry, even though in 1919 some intelligent people already knew.
Its this biased view of things. Of course you cant judge things if you dont look objectively at them because it was indoctrinated into you that someone that bad must be evil itself and shouldnt be looked at with logic, that could put the blame on others or make him look less bad.

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

newtboy says...

I felt mine was a result of the 'golden file's (one of the few things I kept from the attempts at indoctrination I suffered as a kid).

Often they slap you in the face, you don't have to seek them out.

I think it would be a good idea to force kids to take a class explaining 'both' sides of equality issues and the history involved so they could at least bring a few facts to a discussion they force on passersby. Sadly, I think required classes are on the way out rather than being added to.

Babymech said:

I always felt that my progressive ideology was a natural result of my atheism and 'skepticism', so it was really weird to find all these angry conservatives online shouting at women, muslims and black people while calling themselves atheists and rational skeptics.

I think the 'problem' with SJWs online is that a lot of concepts that 20 years ago would have been discussed mainly by well-educated academics, such as privilege, appropriation, etc., are now becoming mainstream and are being wielded by teenagers, lunatics, and people who are no smarter than you or I. This is technically a good thing - we need to get those concepts into the open if we are ever going to address the real problems they describe - but it means that there will be some people who fuck up or overreach while trying out these concepts. If somebody badly wants an excuse to dismiss all of feminism, or all of racial equality, there will thus inevitable be some teenager online with a webcam who is all too happy to give them that excuse - but why look for that excuse in the first place?

Satanist leads prayer at Pensacola council meeting

Curious says...

When I was younger and indoctrinated into that Baptist church I always though Satanists were simply worshippers of death and misery and evil. That's what the members of the church taught me. But this is a beautiful thing. It's nothing more than a commentary on the dangers of arbitrary power invoked by religion.

I just wish I had the powers of critical thinking when I was younger. Although, really I just wanted to be in the church because there were cool girls there and I wanted to fit in so they'd like me.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

MonkeySpank says...

Well, what pisses off me about racism in the States is that we enslaved people for 200+ years, made them live in shacks and treated them like cattle. We pretty much stripped them of dignity and all that is human to the point where many of them believed it, then we said: "Hey, you are free now, so act like us!" What in the funking funk is that kind of logic? Do we expect them to say, "Thanks for the freedom, now I'll just erase the indoctrination and all the memory and I'll magically be jolly jumping ideal citizen like the best examples of your race." What adequate tools did we give them to re-engage in society?

We often expect a tabula rasa from African Americans when in fact we ruined them and should heavily reinvest in them for at least a few decades, if not centuries. Racism based on half-assed logic boils my blood more than pure racism.

kir_mokum said:

even if modern western [white] culture is the least racist, the problems seem to stem from the fact that it is the dominant culture. so whatever racism there is, it's magnified significantly.

for example: the internet often likes to claim that black american culture is way more racist than white american culture. assuming this to be true, look at how little an effect this has. black communities, groups, event, whatever organization can be as racist as they want and we as white people essentially laugh it off as being funny or ignore it or use it as political leverage. it doesn't effect us unless we go out of our way to let it effect us.

then look at the reverse, assuming white culture is the least racist. it categorically devastates communities, groups, generations, events, etc. even after decades of us collectively and actively trying to not be racist, systemic or otherwise.

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