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Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Now just days later 3 Russian states are under Ukrainian control with almost zero resistance, and incursions are continuing to gain ground inside Russia. The motherland is unprotected.

Reports are Russia has depleted even their mothballed armor supplies with little left in the tank yards besides empty rusting shells of tanks.
Entire columns of full troop transports have been destroyed attempting to reinforce Russian defense positions.
F-16 sorties are unchallenged.
International support is increasing drastically, as is support for attacks inside Russia. There is little chance Russia wants to escalate it to a nuclear conflict, especially now that it’s on Russian soil.

Who’s “winning” again?

bobknight33 said:

Russia is winning a war that that they didn't want.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bidenomics saved America from the disaster that was 2020 and before. His worst economic numbers were better than the last guys best. He kept unemployment at a record low for most of his term, and it’s still lower than under the felon who lost almost 3 million jobs and near a million small businesses. 4.2% is pretty much the Goldilocks number, btw. A healthy unemployment is between 3%-5% with around 4% being preferred. 😂
The trade deficit he insisted would be his crown jewel and would turn to below zero instead went UP by 36.3% from 2016 to 2020 despite his trade wars and hundreds of billions paid by American consumers in tariffs and more in subsidies to American producers.
“Illegal immigration” increased 15% under the felon.
Economic growth was a NEGATIVE 2.2% under the felon.
The crime and murder rates rose faster than ever in history under the felon, and are down over 25% under Biden.

And don’t forget Biden just got his 70th political prisoner released including 2 taken by Russia during the last administration without paying a dime or removing sanctions or handing over Ukraine and got 2 prisoners for each criminal we released, unlike the last administration that only got 50 something released, paid cash, removed sanctions, and always got the short end of the deal, once releasing 5000 Taliban for nothing but an agreement they wouldn’t attack us if we left fast. The contrast is stark.

You are such a delusional tool, constantly regurgitating the lies you ate hook line and sinker…like your last post of an adult only closed event you claimed was happening right in front of children.
No surprise you won’t admit it….again. You never can, you have no spine, zero testicular fortitude, zero honor, zero honesty….you are an infant whining in his full diaper screaming that he didn’t poop in them. I’m done listening. I bet your family is too.
The felon has lost, his racism and sexism are on full display, his complete lack of self control is too. His vp is the biggest loser ever, worse than Palin and that’s not an exaggeration (his favorability rating started at -6 and has plunged to a disastrous -15%! The average favorability rating is +19%. The campaign is now at around -9%), and his project 2025 that he supported and praised since 2022 is an anchor he cannot escape. Even Fox polls have her up by as much as 10% and she hasn’t chosen her vp…she’s at a 50%favorable 46%unfavorable (+4%) now, Butigieg could get her to 75% favorability. Good job morons, you couldn’t keep your fascist dictatorial plans to yourselves and now no one believes you about anything but your fascism.
The felon won’t get to use the presidency to escape his vast array of crimes like he planned, and will end his days in Ryker’s Island.

The Dude Joins White Dudes For Harris

newtboy says...

Fixed that for you.

The Biden/Harris track record isn’t just head and shoulders above the DonOld track record, it’s a stellar penthouse performance vs sub basement with plans to dig down hard.

Prosecutor/AG vs felon and rapist and multi decade partner with Epstein
Best unemployment numbers in living history vs worst unemployment numbers in history period
Strengthened international relations with our allies vs Strenghened international relations with our enemies (by capitulating to them)
Infrastructure bill vs Mythical infrastructure week
Health care vs attempts to end health subsidies
25% drop in crime vs The biggest single year increase in crime in history
$4 trillion in debt invested in America vs $9 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it
Tax breaks for the poor vs Tax breaks for the ultra rich
Made a career of enforcing the law and constitution vs made a career out of flauting the law and called to suspend the constitution for his benefit
Minority woman professional vs professional misogynistic racist

All that on top of his project 2025, his advanced age, his track record of bankruptcy over and over and over and over and over and over, his fraudulent businesses and charities, his viscous vindictiveness, and his utterly ridiculous VP pick who appeals to no one and supports Sharia law

It really is amazing anyone would consider anyone with a record 1/10 as bad as his.
It is not a bit surprising Harris is reaping the fruits of HIS unpopularity.

bobknight33 said:

EDITED-Amazing that people are so gullible for a person that has such a poor track record of leadership [that they] are thinking of HIM [as] a potus.

Democrats gave us slavery, Republicans gave us freedom.

newtboy says...

Again, you predicate your argument on the blatantly overtly racist idea that “blacks” are just all too dumb to see who uses them as props and who works and legislates for their benefit….and you are too dumb to see your own deeply rooted and flawed racism even when it’s pointed out with a spotlight.
Democrats don’t believe all the members of any “race” are genetically predisposed to be that stupid. All the members of some political/religious movements maybe.

Crime is down nearly 25% in cities under Biden. If political leadership controls crime rates, Democrats win hands down. Why do Republicans always end up raising crime rates when they’re in control, like 2020 the biggest increase in violent crime on record?
You do know the highest crime states are mostly Republican states, right? You do know that Republican counties have higher PER CAPITA crime rates than big cities, right? My guess, even knowing those facts doesn’t make you think twice about your incorrect position…because you believe admitting a mistake is a sign of weakness, which is a sign of insecurity and weakness itself. Adults can admit mistakes without guilt or shame….hiding from them is shameful.

Republicans cut federal and state public school funding, and legislated teaching to the point that all competent teachers fled red states (making your party even dumber generationally). That’s why public schools in low income/low tax revenue zones struggle, especially in red states. When 100% of funding comes from property taxes, clearly schools in low value areas will suffer, and that’s 100% Republican legislating.

Democrats get 85% because they work to fund programs that help minorities far beyond your racist trope of “government cheese” (cheese like school funding or redlining protections). Republicans would strip them of those programs, the cheese, and any civil protections…eventually even their vote because they/you say the founders only wanted white male land owners to vote, not the poor, not minorities, not women. Trump’s/MAGAs project 2025 is all about that….stripping rights away.

Once again, people can see who works for their interest and who works against it, and it’s an 85%/8% split…I say that’s because the 85%+- are intelligent and have their eyes open and 10-20% of all people are just brain dead slugs (looking directly at you)…your position is the 85% is just too dumb to know better and are easily tricked because they’re black….but you think you aren’t racist. 😂

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Why do to continue to be a Democrat TOOL?

Democrats use Blacks just for their votes.

If Democrats gave a shit about Blacks, why haven't they improved their cites is such a way as to bring in jobs for inner city communities.

Why are inner city schools shitty compared to others. City planners can spend $ and make them excellent. But they don't care about blacks, just their vote.

Democrats get 85% just because they don't want to loose the barely tolerable government cheese. Better to have something than nothing.

And that is economic slavery.

Newt by being blinded to this reality this also makes you part of the problem. A slave holder.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The economic numbers are so amazing that the world bank recently said the American booming economy is almost single handedly stabilizing the entire world economy.

Your dream of a failing economy like your convicted felon and rapist candidate and disgraced ex president has failed, the economy has never been better. The market continues to hit record highs, unemployment remains at record lows, inflation is at zero for months, wages are still rising fast. You can’t lie fast or convincing enough to contradict the reality that the Biden economy is the envy of the world.

BTW- the deficit under Biden has been half what it was under the felon…$4.3 T vs $9 T…with $2.2 T being infrastructure investments in America. $2 T in deficit reduction under Biden vs $440 billion.

Many Americans have not yet recovered from 2020 when your guy drove us off a cliff, crashed the market, destroyed jobs, completely erased the economy to a negative gdp, ignored long term supply chain failures, and oversaw the biggest jump in crime rates in my lifetime, etc.

Suck it!

Surprising, but fun! Your team lost in the Supreme Court…red states cannot sue the federal government when the fed asks social media companies to police dangerous lies. Red state governors had sued the Biden administration because Twitter downgraded their disinformation campaigns, fighting all the way to the top to protect their right to lie to you without contradiction, correction, or comeuppance. They lost. Not good news for your guys campaigns that rely on misinformation to mislead voters into voting for them.

Suck it again. 😂

Sadly the maga court just legalized bribery so long as the payment comes AFTER the corrupt act. No surprise, two of the six were guilty of bribery under the near 40 year old anti corruption law they struck down. America can suck it again, says maga.
The same corrupt court accidentally released their decision about emergency abortions in Idaho. Alito again? The corruption and incompetence increase daily.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 More predictions! Love it. You clearly haven’t noticed your own track record with predictions….hint, you recently said Trump would be acquitted and the DA prosecuted. You said Hillary would be in prison in 2017. Also don’t forget that series of red tsunamis. How’s that going? 😂

Trump will lose AGAIN (he has never won the popular vote except for conviction) because everyone including you cultists know the multiple grand jury directed prosecutions aren’t politically motivated they are based in fact and the law, which he broke daily for his entire adult life, and can finally see that Bidenomics is a massive success with constant low unemployment, wage increases outpacing inflation, inflation low (compared to the rest of the world or what Trump left) and falling, gdp strong and rising…every metric of an economy is great under Biden, you just refuse to admit reality.
The cases also expose the immoral, unethical, narcissistic, disloyal, and incestuous character of the man.

Trumpenomics was the failure…Trump was president in 2020 and let everything go to shit, the economy, the health and longevity of the citizens, the state of the national union, functioning supply chains, the confidence in government, debt and deficit, every metric of a nation became FAR worse under Trump, every single metric. All but debt are better under Bidenomics including deficit (so in a way even debt is better)…most are better even without 2020 included in Trump’s record like unemployment, new businesses, and gdp increases.


The markets jumped up significantly when the verdict was read, it didn’t collapse because Trump became less likely to be elected like the Trumpists predicted. None of your predictions are coming to fruition, yet you keep making them. The advantage of having no memory I suppose, you never have to feel dumb for your ridiculous idiotic past and can convince yourself you have a valid point to make today.


BTW- here’s that guy you think can’t walk or speak…
…He’s going to wipe the floor with dottering rambling and confused Sleepy Don who won’t be able to interrupt constantly….assuming the coward shows up at all, which is highly unlikely…he said he would, indicating he won’t.

bobknight33 said:

Trump will win 2024 because of this and other trials are political hit jobs and for Bidenomics failure.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Get a new lie you moron. You started that one on Jan 20 2021 and it’s never been true.
The economy is doing great. Plowing hard uphill, Americas earning power is STILL INCREASING. Unemployment still record lows for a record time period, gdp still high, inflation low and dropping. Biden’s support is growing while Trump’s is falling off the cliff, idiot. That’s why Trump no longer talks about polls and has removed poll numbers from his tweets…he’s 5% behind now and falling a few more points every week. 😂

You get your nonsensical lies from idiots who only convince other ignorant idiots. Every word a total lie. You love to eat those lies and look the fool, then cannot ever admit your mistakes making you an infant who’s testicles shriveled and fell off.

Wishful thinking doesn’t create reality. I don’t know where you got this stupidity, but it doesn’t resemble reality one bit, sucker.

Nicky Haley is still getting 20%+ in primaries despite being out of the race for months. Trump can’t even get all Republicans, and they are a rapidly shrinking minority today. He has ostracized anyone not in his cult, insulted them, told them they aren’t welcome in maga, and warned that he will get retribution when he gets power. That is not the way to gain votes, it’s how you make people vote against you out of pure self preservation. Will he be replaced at the Republican convention in July? (Ps. DNC Convention is like saying PIN Number…it once again just shows you don’t know what you are saying.

bobknight33 said:

So how is that great Biden economy doing?
Sliding down hill, Americans are going broke.

Bidens support is falling off the cliff.
Will he be replaced at the DNC convention in Aug?

Joe Rogan Clarifies His Vaccine Comments

newtboy says...

From the Mayo Clinic-
Tons of side effects including coma and death. I guess more encephalopathy doesn’t scare an encephalitic waterbrain.

When taken above the therapeutic dose (like most of those fighting Covid did), increased concentrations of ivermectin may overwhelm the ability of the P- glycoprotein pumps to keep it out of the CNS by saturating the pump. This can lead to neurotoxic effects such as ataxia, tremors, myoclonus, seizures, encephalopathy, and coma.

IVM pre-treatment demonstrates detrimental effects in cardiac ischemia through exacerbation of cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial dysfunction, and increased cardiac hypertrophy.

Ivermectin hurt thousands, killed some, and helped absolutely no one with covid, a virus that ivermectin doesn’t kill or treat. The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans or animals…it’s an anti parasitic, not anti viral. Duh.

“People have been using it as an anti viral for years” only shows that people are ignorant morons. Mercury-laced “cures” for melancholy, constipation, influenza, and parasites are still being used all over the world. Remember thalidomide? It’s still being used.

But you keep listening to the infallible Mensa member Joe Rogan, he knows more than thousands of practicing virologists and hospital doctors who dealt with the ivermectin idiots, more than the FDA, CDC, and WHO combined.

You just can’t pass up a chance to prove your gullibility and ignorance.

bobknight33 said:

Rogan and Cuomo spouting nonsense


newtboy says...

Bidenomics has put America’s economy far ahead of pretty much everywhere else, with continuing record low unemployment, record stock market increases, record wage increases, record gdp increases, low inflation, and looking like lowered interest rates coming soon.
Bidenomics is the envy of the world. Recovering faster than any other Western nation. Only anti Americans dislike it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

The biggest violent crime/murder increase was 2020, since then there’s been significant progress made in lowering violent crime in the last 3 years, down double digits, property crime (like petty theft) is down 25% over the last decade.

“As of 2022, New York City has a murder rate of 6.3 per 100,000. This makes the Big Apple one of the safer large cities in the country. Overall, crime rates continue to go down in New York City. New data released in late 2023 shows an overall decrease in crime — a drop of 4.1% compared to the prior year.Feb 21, 2024”-,compared%20to%20the%20prior%20year.

Again, since it didn’t penetrate the feculent helmet the first few times… If the cities like NY and SF were the shitholes you claim, absolutely no one would want to live there, instead they are the highest valued real estate in the country. Explain this conundrum.

The narrative is bullshit. All actual crime statistics prove that.

Hilariously Right Side Network’s Brian Glen was shocked live on air to find that New York was not the hotbed of liberal crime and debauchery when he was there, only ably to point to seeing scary groups of Hispanics and black men, but no crime or squalor visible.
Reminds me of the MAGtard caravan to the border and when they got there they said “where’s this invasion you said was happening?”.
The Trump crime family leaving New York significantly lowers the amount being stolen in the city…a statistically significant amount likely equal to petty theft.

bobknight33 said:

The narrative is TRUE
Your liberal cities have been turned into shit holes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In just days after it was posted 91 mental health professionals have already signed the petition declaring that Trump is showing multiple signs of full blown advanced dementia, not just misstatements, not just the slurring, not just forgetting who is who and mixing up names and actions, but real, clinical, FULL BLOWN ADVANCED DEMENTIA.
This is not a “diagnosis”, but educated observations by trained professionals that would insist on full cognitive testing if he was their patient.
Trump claims he passed a cognitive test 4+ years ago but never proved it, let him take one on tv. Won’t happen.
Watch, he won’t debate Joe either, because he can’t and his full blown dementia would be in stark contrast to Joe being not just lucid but also knowledgeable.

Bonus- Habba and Robert are in HUGE trouble for not disclosing the perjury they suborned by using Wiesselberg’s false testimony and refused to respond to Engoron when he directly asked them about it. Weisselberg has now pleaded guilty to committing more perjury for Don Trump in this case, perjury which would have increased the award/fine had it been disclosed before the judgement was handed down. They are likely to be disbarred, possibly prosecuted, possibly even fined for the full amount they just stole from NY state by lying in court….hundreds of millions MORE. 😂

Now the prosecutors have every person in the Trump org who was involved in the illegal payoff of the pornstar Trump humped while Melania gave birth either itching to testify like Cohen or terrified they will die in Rikers island if they lie again like Wiesselberg (facing another 10 months already with more to come). Also David Pecker of the National Inquirer who will testify to the catch and kill program he ran of paying accusers for exclusive rights to their stories of being sexually abused by Trump then never running them (sounds a lot like that Hunter’s laptop story that you say was Biden cheating his way into the whitehouse, doesn’t it, except this isn’t a fraudulent bit of “evidence “ produced by Russians, it’s numerous American citizens with evidence…every accusation you make is an admission.). And multiple VPs and lower with knowledge of the illegal schemes. (All of these no longer have a job with Trump since he’s barred from his businesses now and the Trump org is defunked). He has until Thursday to post $83.5 million + interest (or Carroll starts selling buildings), and about 3 weeks for another $450 million+-. That criminal case starts in 3 weeks, right around the time Trump will default on his judgement to New York and what’s left of his properties will be seized. He can’t weasel his way out of all of them, no matter how many complicit judges he packed the courts with. His record in the courts has been abysmal so far.

Bonus - NEW perjury charges for felon Chesebro in Nevada after his secret Twitter and other accounts he claimed under oath didn’t exist and that completely contradict his self serving testimony in multiple criminal cases, and prove he was directly involved in what he knew was an illegal attempt to subvert democracy and use fake documents and electors to falsely install the election loser as the president were discovered.

Lemme guess…every single MAGGOT in the inner circle getting convicted of (usually pleading guilty) perjury (and many other felonies) for telling the same lies you believe in court doesn’t give you a single pause about Trump’s “best people”.

Wow…the abject failure of the “blacks for Trump” frauds this week are hilarious, from a “blacks for Trump” event where the only black people attending were the two on stage with Trump to the hilarious AI generated images of Trump hanging with black folks who have 3 arms and gibberish on their hats/shirts showing exactly how comfortable he is with real black people. 😂

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

So again, that’s a “no”. You are not man enough to admit statements that are true. No surprise.

Instead you would prefer to make up some alternative facts that make you feel good.

Violent settlers (often Americans) forcing Palestinians off their land at gun point or just outright murdering them to steal their land increased exponentially during Trump’s tenure, as did IDF attacks on innocent civilians (often in support of the settlers, not counted in official IDF killings), they also increased the slow genocide of medical embargoes, intentional starvation, cutting off water and electricity, violent random attacks on mosques, all under Trump. They don’t count those as “IDF killings” either, but they are.

The IDF has been committing a slow boil genocide for decades, under both parties, a genocide they accelerated under Trump’s regime in many ways, and again under Biden when they used their (intentional?) abject intelligence failure in Oct. as an excuse for escalating farther to such an extent its looking likely they allowed the attack for that very reason, an excuse for escalating the genocide. It’s become clear they caused many of the casualties on Oct 7 and made false rape claims that have been debunked, also to excuse their escalation.

Netanyahu is a far right wing “leader” Trump still today lovingly calls Bibi who would have been out of office without Trump’s help and quite recently Don has voiced his FULL support for any lengths Netanyahu wants to go including taking the entire Gaza Strip and expelling the residents (into the sea because no country will take them, knowing if they do Israel will use them having a country to take refuge in as a pretext to take the West Bank too)…and you want to pretend Biden who has called him a war criminal is MORE complicit than Trump who backed his every genocidal move. 😂

At least you are consistent in your fantasy world…you never leave. Too bad it cost you your balls, spine, mind, and soul. I hope you like it in there up your rectum. 😂

bobknight33 said:

IDF was not committing genocide under Trump.

Joe and IDF have the peddle mashed to the floor this go around.

How Al Green Ruined The Impeachment Scam

newtboy says...

You are that gullible.
Millions came through illegally under Trump. The numbers are increasing in part because he cut drug enforcement aid to many countries and narco gangs took over.
Biden, to his shame, didn’t change the Trump border policy in any significant way. I agree, continuing Trump policy is a failure and a fuck up, but with the house actively sabotaging any solutions, including the solutions they suggest, I can’t blame Biden for not doing much with his hands tied. He can’t write and pass law alone, despite Trump’s recent assertion he could (but Trump didn’t).

The border failure now 100% belongs to Trump after he killed the bipartisan bill to address it in many of the exact ways Republicans suggested it be addressed.

Btw- I like how you now love fake news CNN…but only when they agree with you, the rest of the time they lie all the time. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You are that gullible.

The border was more secure under last POTUS.

Biden totally F it at teh border. So much so even sanctuary cities are crumbling under all the illegals they have.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Recent studies have shown that taking hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine for covid as Trump suggested had absolutely zero positive effect and in fact caused 11% higher mortality. Over 17000 people died because they took it that would have survived covid without it.

This is what listening to idiots spouting nonsense gets you…on top of much higher (45%) rates of covid and death because you people still won’t get vaccinated.

Trump policies caused a 40% increase in infections and deaths in America, hundreds of thousands of victims and trillions in losses we could have avoided with real leadership like other countries enjoyed.

Meanwhile Trump has instructed his cultists to show up and vote for him, even if you are so sick it would kill you to do it, as long as you vote for him first that’s what you’ve gotta do, die for Trump. Yes, he did say that. Your life is worth far less than your vote to him.

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