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Mike Tyson Punches Man On Plane

Goose Visits Man Who Rescued Her Every Day | The Dodo

Do you consider the film Die Hard a Christmas movie? (User Poll by eric3579)

bareboards2 says...

It's a Wonderful Life.

In my yute, they played it every Christmas because it was free from broadcast fees. (Interesting story, the early days of TV.... How life has changed.)

I imprinted like a little gosling on this movie. It fills my DNA.

By the way, there is a scene that has been cut from the original that I still miss. Cut for time, cut to make room for commercials as more and more commercials were broadcast.

I still miss it....

Man Saves Abandoned Baby Deer

Payback says...

Baby deer kidnapped by well-meaning but ultimately mistaken photographer.

Mom probably got the other baby safe and waited until after the guy left the area to come back, but the baby was gone.

Nice that it worked out but that fawn was obviously imprinted on him. Could have been bad.

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

Sagemind says...

Lets be honest.
Most of didn't know anything about the flag when we were kids.
We all knew it as the flag that was on the roof of the Duke boy's car.
We thought it was cool, becuase it symbolized the General Lee "CAR" Don't forget the horn blast.( )

As we got older, we started to learn more about the flag, and what it represented.
But it's hard to let go of the happy childhood memories of watching the Dukes of Hazard every week and loving the car and the flag. And that is part of what stands in the way of us seeing what the flag symbolizes.
For most of us, we've imprinted a new meaning on the flag, so we don't always see it at a hate flag.

For those who view the swastika, we don't always see the symbol of peace it was for decades before the Nazi's appropriated it. We now only see it for the hate that redefined it.

Just some interesting thoughts....

Edit: I'm not defending the flag and it's use.
I don't celebrate tradition for tradition's sake - I think that's a poor excuse for flying the flag. It does represent bigotry in the Southern States, anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
I'm up in Canada, very detached from the bigotry down there, to me, it's the flag that was on the Duke's car.

dropping the first iphone 6 on tv

sixshot says...

Dude got what he deserved. Fumbling around like a moron and shamed himself on national TV and in front of hundreds of blind Apple fanatics.

Yes, you got a new phone. Woopie fucking do. It's a new fucking phone. Not a premiere to the next Star Wars movie. Is this what people have become now? Just some brainless zombies who don't know jack?

People need to start learning that there's more to a phone than just the dumbass Apple logo imprinted on it.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

How about, go fuck yourself lessee?? Troll here much?? How about you seek professional help with your particular dysfunction with regard to your mental illness, leave my account the fuck alone, and stay the fuck away from my comment threads, please (he asks, anticipating the reaction)??

I have an asshole, I mean, I have a question, asshole. How about, you (meaning you) go and fuck your self, meaning, yourself?? I WILL NOT be bullied by the mentally divergent in a public forum and I'm seldom polite to assholes regardless of imprints or brain chemistry. Now....You get the message yet??

chicchorea said:

...voice of experience...on how many counts?

Mother of Four Cures PTSD With MDMA

chingalera says...

....and to interject here for clarity and general edification and enlightenment, that the OVERUSE of the words 'just', 'actually', and my personally-peevish pet-polemic, 'CLEEEARLY' -(God, I fucking detest the abuse of this particular word esp. when used to begin a sentence/statement with a view to arguing some complete and utter bullshit with very telling emotionally-fueled, idiotic prattle), should sound as a warning to all that what you are about to read is a load of self-delusional horseshit.

Please smarty-pants, argue and defend MORE bullshit and reveal to all your lifetime extant of dysfunctional programming with these flaccid idioms designed to abuse logic, reason, and common-sense and experience the warm sensation of having your fuck-shit-stack of words inserted gently into and up your own ass.

Ahem. That said, any psychoactive drugs (some are better than others) combined with proper navigation through a qualified proctor, set, and setting can be utilized to re-write or substantially inhibit or reverse the ill-effects of traumatic imprinting and programming.

Canadian Man Finds Moose Calf, Takes It to Tim Hortons

Pet Cat Saves Son From Dog Attack

chingalera says...

Sagemind is right. The breed is not to be trusted for anything more than what it was originally bred for: An ornament at temples, and for it's meat and hide when it failed to perform as a suitable ornament. It's a crap breed for a domesticated companion. Overly protective of it's initial, imprinted-upon trainer and a wild-card to strangers.

Ad for Bitcoin that is actually an ad for Amex

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think there might be a few cases with debit type credit cards where your balance isn't checked immediately to validate the transaction, though I'd say these days that it must be pretty uncommon. I'm thinking of those old-fashioned imprint readers that you have to ratchet across the the card. Some taxis still use those here in Australia. Although my latest PayWave® Visa™ Debit card© doesn't even have raised numbers - so that wouldn't work.

RedSky said:

Maybe I'm uninformed here, but are they saying they're not able to open a debit account? Surely that's a zero risk proposition for any bank (if overdraws are restricted), it's just pure interest for them on anything you keep in there (minus any interest you receive).

Or is it different in the US with your reliance on checks? Even if that's the case, surely checking could just be restricted, leaving you with either cash withdraws or paying by card, with instant electronic verification.

As to transaction fees. Over here in Oz, most transaction and saving accounts are monthly fee free. This is pretty new (as recently as several years ago you'd have a $5-10 monthly fee). Wonder if it's different in the states.

If they're not able to secure a loan, that's a different issue entirely. I don't see how an alternative banking system would help there.

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

shveddy says...


20 billion was just an arbitrarily large number I chose to demonstrate that I think that the world would survive significant population growth beyond what we'll be dealing with in the near future.

The point of no return I was referring to is simply a point where we won't be able to get back to a place where we can sustain human population levels without significant environmental degradation and territorial disputes, among other challenges I'd prefer not to experience.

I do consider things like global warming, the fact that China is buying up land in Africa to feed its population, US foreign policy's competitive focus on securing cheap oil and the large scale destruction of rainforest to make way for single crop agriculture in Brasil to be symptoms of an imbalance in population vs. resources.

I'm not drawing the line at "everyone and stock up at the grocery store/pumps" type destruction before I take notice and preach caution. I think that defining that as a deadline would be irresponsible.

Again, I agree that we could theoretically mechanize the whole world in a way that grows the supply of resources and shares them equitably amongst an enormous human population, but that goes against the type of world I'd want to live in (excessive mechanization of natural resources) and the way human social systems typically work (equitable sharing).

There are various estimates on how much longer exponential human population growth will last, but it has certainly happened on a scale of centuries or decades - blips like baby boomers are just expected outliers within that trend.

But what's more important is that even if population levels peter off, it is consumption - which is the only statistic that really matters because it is the only negative effect of population increase - that will continue to increase exponentially as a greater proportion of the world's population begins to achieve first world living standards.

This is why free trade alone is not enough to solve problems. While it is likely to bring people out of poverty, raise education levels and increase human rights (all very good things), it will also continue to push our overall imprint on the planet in a more exponential direction than I'm comfortable with (one reason being the argument detailed in this video).

But of course I'm also uncomfortable with the prospect of any sort of forced population reduction mechanism, and I'm also uncomfortable with the notion of not raising people out of poverty.

So as I see it the only thing left to mitigate my fears is to place a primary emphasis on Education.

There's a million and one ways to do this: Everything from broad, effectual efforts like getting the Pope to get with the program and endorse contraceptives, to nearly insignificant efforts like arguing with people on the internet in hopes that you contribute some small part to a culture that places some significant emphasis on educating people about the importance of self control and restraint in every type of consumption - family size included.

Rescued Florida Panther Kitten

newtboy says...

I would wish that too, but I think it's likely too late for that now after so much direct human handling at such a young age. It may have already 'imprinted' on humans, and without the fear of and aversion to humans it would become a 'problem' animal if released. I hope I'm wrong about that, but I think I'm not. That's why they only 'rescue' animals they think won't survive without immediate help.

artician said:

G'oh! SO CUTE! I hope he's able to return to the wild someday, rather than a zoo.

Wonder Woman tribute: Elvis Presley - "The Wonder Of You"

The Truth About Gingers

chingalera says...

I attribute my own infatuation with gingers (and the curse that comes with it) to one of my early pubescent imprints associated with my proclivities towards all things musical and my 8th grade choir teacher, the ravenous Ms. Jane Polnick.

Her drop-dead gorgeous sister (both with piercing blue eyes and succulent, unblemished figures) was also a chanteuse and a rockin' blonde!

She was also an insatiable flirt.

Hellspawn, demon wench!

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