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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


So that's a great big "no, I still can't name a single one, but I'll keep claiming they were there and in charge". Typical, can't back up your lie (I was going to call it a specious claim, but that implies it's plausible but wrong....your claim isn't even plausible) but won't ever admit you're wrong, no matter how stupid and baseless the lie.

Yeah, no evidence must mean it's been magically erased from the entire internet, not that it never existed anywhere but extreme right wing propaganda sites that put forth liar's opinions as facts. Of course, I'm not going to bother with your propaganda site, it's probably hosting viruses like most far right propaganda sites, and it clearly isn't worth reading based on the title and source.
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Let me ask, what was that former fbi agent doing there. Answer, infiltrating the capitol and trying to overthrow the government for Trump. You really think anyone is going to buy his baseless excuse that all those hundreds of unmasked and identified Trumpists smashing into the capitol, and the thousands outside murdering police on camera were really busloads of masked antifa, I guess in mission impossible masks that facial ID software identifies as Trumpist individuals.

Or is your claim that the thousands of Trumpists were led by a small group of black masked anarchists they want to kill who told them the same thing Trump told them, fight hard, get rid of those representatives and Pence, and while they didn't listen to Trump when he said it an hour earlier, they did listen to their political enemies and committed treason on Antifa's direction?

Just don't look at the thousands of posts made by the Trumptards from inside the building during their hunt for elected officials to assassinate, because you might notice a distinct lack of Antifa and a thousand or more stating that they're there because Trump said to go fight, and they want to murder officials and install Trump as dictator for life, not because this black masked hippy said to.

Jesus, you're so fucking stupid and infantile, trying that insanely ridiculous excuse to try to deflect from the FACT that Donny riled them up into a murderous armed mob and sent them to the capitol to "get rid" of the representatives that wouldn't join their insurrection, and the FACT that they went directly there and followed his instructions, telling anyone within shouting distance they were there at Trump's direction because they are listening to the president and are stopping the steal. It makes you look like a spoiled baby who, after telling everyone she is going to have cookies no matter what anyone says and was caught red handed stealing and eating cookies, tries to blame their imaginary friend for shoving those cookies into their mouth.

No one is buying it, even if it were true, and it's absolutely not, it's not an excuse, and it only makes you a brain dead liar willing to say any lie to escape responsibility for your parties actions once again.



bobknight33 said:

Looks like you are searching via google who have washed all evidence.

but if you want some truth.

hypocrisy of the left

JiggaJonson says...

@newtboy @BSR I mean you can take ANY of those claims and pick them apart in short order.

You can burn churches? even in covid heavy places they are letting people go to church still, even though the rest of us think it's stupid and will cause more infections just so people can visit their imaginary friend.

Unless you don't feel that way, in which case stop spreading your hate propaganda.

I don't have to apologize for being white, but i can recognize history and when there is a disparity in the way the police enforce the law I can stand with them and say "THATS NOT FAIR" Standing up for people isn't me apologizing for myself, and it doesn't make me less of a person.

But I digress, he's been hearing this from people on this site for ~ ten years. Dont waste your time, let the dumb dumbs who think covid isn't real Darwin themselves.

So yeah, @bobknight33, go to a megachurch, go to a trump rally like she suggests. Prove you're done with our bullshit if you feel that way.

Trolling A Homophobic Preacher

ChaosEngine says...

The dictionary disagrees with you
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

But for the sake of argument, elaborate.

Why is being anti-gay different from homophobia? And why isn't this preacher homophobic?

He clearly has an aversion to homosexuality and is advocating discrimination against it. Unless you can provide a rational reason for this (hint: "because my imaginary friend said so" does not count as a rational argument), I'd say he falls squarely under the definition of homophobic.

bobknight33 said:

Being anti gay is not the same as homophobic.

The preacher is not homophobic.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

bcglorf says...


Hate to single you out, but your missing most of poolcleaner's points by focusing exclusively on one. And your even doubling down on 'proving' the sentence you object to.

You first object by saying:
Atheists give theists much more respect than theists give us.

But then one sentence later:
Theists beliefs deserve no respect, neither do beliefs in Santa, Krampus, fairies, Lord Zenu, Ookie (my brother's imaginary friend), or any other belief in fantasy. You don't respect an inability to recognize reality.

And then your next post leads with:
Don't most of you know that Christians are required to murder you if you don't worship properly, or try to leave Christianity?

It is EXACTLY your extremely vitriolic responses that poolcleaner was no doubt referencing in saying Atheists are often the worst for disrespecting the beliefs of others.

Read over the balance of comments above, particularly including Shinyblurry's unapologeticly evangelical one, and tell me which group's representative in this thread is showing the most contempt and disrespect for the beliefs of the 'other'?

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

newtboy says...

Atheists give theists much more respect than theists give us. About 75%+ say being atheist makes a person untrustworthy and ineligible for public office, but an IQ of <80 doesn't.
Theists beliefs deserve no respect, neither do beliefs in Santa, Krampus, fairies, Lord Zenu, Ookie (my brother's imaginary friend), or any other belief in fantasy. You don't respect an inability to recognize reality.

EDIT: Also, theists are FAR MORE disrespectful of any other theists beliefs than atheists are. Atheists have never once started a religious war because 'they worship wrong'.

Payback said:

Think you sorta cherry picked that paragraph. I agree with pool that atheists are completely shit at treating any theist's beliefs with respect.

Bird Lands on Bernie Sanders' Lectern

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

Lawdeedaw says...

And something I just you "NEVER" considered turning to an imaginary friend for help...not once? (And I am in the same boat as you are on that one my friend.) But oh that sounds funny...almost sounds like the fact that you cannot do with God under any circumstances, that would imply NEEDING a more logical faith than imaginary God. For you it is a must, no? Or do you not get the Socratic logic behind that "need" of yours?

But as you and Chaos said, you obviously choose this need of logic, so it is not a need at all? You can just walk away with help, as Chaos said, right?

newtboy said:

Don't know about @ChaosEngine, but I did suffer that kind of daily abuse for 15 + years from an older brother who beat me daily, locked me outside in the winter rains at night, burned me repeatedly, cut me repeatedly, took advantage of my claustrophobia by wrapping me in blankets and sitting on me until I would pass out, killing numerous pets of mine, etc, and I NEVER considered turning to an imaginary friend for help...not once....and my friends and family were completely useless helping me with him, so I'm awaiting your rant with bells on.

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

newtboy says...

Don't know about @ChaosEngine, but I did suffer that kind of daily abuse for 15 + years from an older brother who beat me daily, locked me outside in the winter rains at night, burned me repeatedly, cut me repeatedly, took advantage of my claustrophobia by wrapping me in blankets and sitting on me until I would pass out, killing numerous pets of mine, etc, and I NEVER considered turning to an imaginary friend for help...not once....and my friends and family were completely useless helping me with him, so I'm awaiting your rant with bells on.

Lawdeedaw said:

Just gonna ask, since you commented as a person of knowing on this topic and; therefore, should have firsthand experience on the topic, have you ever suffered abuse Chaos? I don't mean a few licks here and there, or step-daddy hits you with a beer bottle now and then for six months to a year, I mean long term abuse, both mental and physical. Where you fear to wake up in the morning, but dread going to sleep far worse? If yes, I will leave the topic alone as you are someone who has "been there and done that", but if not, prepare for a rant my friend.

And on a side note, I agreed with you that MOST people DON'T need church, so the fact that you focus on "some" people needing it says you were really defensive...

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Canadian Election

ChaosEngine says...

Regarding the niqab, the rule should be pretty simple:

are you allowed take the citizenship oath while your face is covered (i.e. with a mask or a motorcycle helmet)?

If so, then there's no reason you shouldn't be allowed wear a niqab.

If not, then I don't give a shit what your imaginary friend tells you to wear; if you want to be a citizen of a country you must abide by its laws.

I really mean that. I have no problem with her wearing a niqab, provided it's not some special exemption for religious reasons.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

ChaosEngine says...

Oh, go away and take your imaginary friend with you.

bobknight33 said:

Every knee will bow, Every tongue will confess.
Philippians 2:10

You wont have the balls to challenge GOD. You will be weeping pleading for mercy.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

VoodooV says...

Yeah I gotta agree. I can see why Reza is pissed. I agree that Bill is painting with broad strokes here. But still. It's religion. Doesn't matter which religion you're talking about. Deal with it. This is what happens when you believe in imaginary friends. people take shit too far, they take "holy" writings too literal.

Americans may want to try and pat themselves on the back but there are plenty of Christian extremists out there Hitler was Christian, Timothy McVeigh was Christian. The moderates immediately go to the "no true scottsman" fallacy.

Im reminded again of the analogy I made earlier. Comparing religions is like comparing the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One may have technically caused more death and destruction than the other, but they're BOTH pretty fucking horrible.

There is this phenomenon where you have all these people who claim to be of a certain religion yet have radically different views. so they are simultaneously able to claim they're all right and all wrong at the same time, whichever is most convenient to them at any given moment.

Of course there are peaceful and extreme of every religion, but yet they all claim to be of that religion just because they don't share your particular flavor of that religion doesn't mean you get to casually dismiss them at will.

again we have the issue of religion cherry picking what it likes and ignoring what it doesn't.

Emily's Abortion Video

VoodooV says...

Or no health insurance... Or if they believe in a different imaginary friend, or if they're poor...

It's such a strawman, no one is pro abortion. There is not a single woman who is ever happy to get an abortion. You give me a world with no rape, incest, no medical problems and every single person is financially and emotionally secure and I'll oppose abortion. We don't live in that fantasy world, therefore abortions are necessary

If men could give birth, abortion would be a constitutional right

ChaosEngine said:

Not to mention how "pro-life" people are pro-life..... right up until the question of the death penalty arises

Republican lawmaker says he serves God, not his constituents

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

newtboy says...

Most Christians (and other religious people) post on secular websites freely without any issue. It is only the zealous, hyper religious people that can't form a thought that isn't based on their fairy tale book that regularly garner animus.
The idea that Christians are persecuted by the non-religious is laughable. The opposite is true, in real life and the internet. When one side of an argument is arguing for exclusion or hatred of a group, it's invariably the religious side making that argument. Because you can find one post in 1000 that's blatantly anti-religious doesn't make you persecuted. What about the 250 in 1000 posts that are blatantly anti-secularism (like each and every post of yours I've ever read even part of)? I'm guessing that, like logic and rationality, you ignore them in favor of your story book answers and your imaginary friend's 'laws'.

shinyblurry said:

A christian posting on a secular website garners hostility, and that's pretty much universal. You'll find it in the comment section of any news story regarding anything even remotely about religion, you'll find it on youtube, twitter, facebook, web forums..basically everywhere. Where ever a Christian voices an opinion 5 atheists appear to mock him..I think that's a rule on the internet.

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