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1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Before "someone" spouts off about this being a singular, isolated weather event in America and Canada, it's happening world wide.
All time record high temperatures are also happening in Europe, Asia, Africa including ground temperatures in Siberia above the arctic circle at 118F, not so good for permafrost that should be near freezing. Mexico has seen all time high temperatures for June exceeding 125F, nighttime low temperatures are also shattering all time highs like 105F overnight in palm springs, and over 70F was the overnight low in S Africa (southern hemisphere) on the WINTER solstice. Let's not forget, June is typically the coolest summer month.
It's hard to imagine this not triggering feedback loops like permafrost releasing methane and less ice reflecting heat that are each, by themselves, more than we could possibly counteract with current technology with an unlimited budget and the collective will to try. Combined, and without the unlimited funds or collective will to act, it's looking like game over, man.
Somehow "we told you so" hardly seems sufficient.

“The Reset” | 5G Built For Gamers | Verizon

fuzzyundies says...

20+ year professional game dev here. This commercial conflates a mix of common game client bugs (eg: texture streaming errors, physics glitches, and animation attachment offsets) with straight up nonsense (upper half of coffee mug popping in with a phone over and over is caused by a slow network connection?). They never show any actual network performance problems that they, as a company, have been responsible for causing in real life.

It's as if a city council came out with electrified upgrades to their formerly-diesel city buses and to promote this fact, they cut an ad showing:

- monkeys driving the bus
- constant gunfights between the elderly
- piles of feces on the floor
- bus stops existing in a quantum superposition of clearly identified and invisible
- tribal warriors on the roof spitting blowdarts at passersby
- every seat is actually a block of super-chilled ice

Never once would they point out reduction in chronic asthma to the local schoolkids or lung cancer in their bus drivers. But hey, so long as the company looks good, who cares about accuracy in ads?

Riding the ice

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Why This Ice Cream Business Struggles To Find Investors

newtboy says...

By definition there's no such thing as vegan ice cream. They make sorbet. Not a good start, misrepresenting the product.

I think the problem might be they want a three million investment in a company that struggles to make maybe $750 worth of product per day (no word on profit margin, might be zero) and already has huge debt, sounds like they have no distribution partners, and seems completely unprepared to expand....not necessarily due to their race. The shark tank would need >1000% of the company to invest that much.

This is why we can't have nice things

noseeem says...

Have had LEDs quit within that time frame also. Most vexing is having to replace one LED w/another while the fluorescents in the neighboring sockets are still burning. Quite honestly, in another house, the fluorescents (save a couple) have been running since they were put in >5+ yrs ago.

Also, remember the hub-bub of folks demanding incandescent over those new swirly ice-cream blubs (ire and desire trumps pragmatism). Hearing this, and 'those' people, knew the new bulb types were definitely going to be better.

Having high ceilings, lousy knees and a fear of heights - changing blubs every few years is a luxury.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem

olyar15 says...

They need better proofreading/editing.

It is Chevy BOLT, not Volt. The Volt is a plug-in hybrid with an ICE range-extender, not a pure BEV.

University in Norway responds to Will Ferrell

StukaFox says...

It's a sad thing that many Americans' first introduction to Europe is Charles de Gaulle airport, which serves the same purpose in European transportation as Hell does in Christian theology. CDG is how France punishes Americans for telling World War 2 jokes.

When you're landing at CDG, the pilot says "We are now arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport. Please prepare to weep tears of blood and rage." That's when you realize the scenes below of people running in circles and screaming in panic is just the line for passport control. It gets worse from there and differs from Dante's Inferno only in that Dante' got out within a single human lifetime.

(Story: I got lost in that place once -- and by 'once', I mean 'every single fucking time' -- and couldn't figure out how to get to the taxi stand. Since no one will give you help at CDG like no one will give you ice water in Hell, I approached this French military guy toting what looked a lot like a MP-5.

"Bonjour, Monsieur," I began, "je ne parle pas français; parlez-vous Anglais?" and I'm trying to scrape together enough of the infantile French I know into some semblance of "how the fuck do I get out of this failure of architectural design and vacancy of God's mercy to get a taxi?", which came out as "Taxi, S'il vous plaît?", probably much to my advantage.

The dude with the MP-5 gives me the Gallic stink-eye, shakes his head slowly, and then points directly up.

"Taxi -->" said the giant sign directly above his head.

"Ah, merci!" I said brightly while he, my mortified wife and pretty much the entire nation of France rolled their eyes.

I so fucking love France!)

We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

luxintenebris jokingly says...

small lists of everyday miracles...

-why my sister seems tastier to mosquitoes than i *

no one really knows the why, what, or wtf-fors.

like the guy being asked, "there's a GOD isn't there?"
to which he responds, "how should i know? i don't know how the toaster works!"

somethings are and ours to question why.

*maybe they prefer bitterness to sweetness?

Reusable hand warmers that get hot by freezing

Reusable hand warmers that get hot by freezing

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Sweet Jesus you dishonest brain dead slug. You are either being as dishonest as possible or have severe brain damage....or both.

I’ve never once denied that Democrats WERE once the party of racism and anti civil rights until the 60’s when they decided it was in their interests to support civil rights and oppose racism. When they did that, they became far more popular and Republicans, to have a chance of winning another election, changed their platform to anti civil rights, pro racism in order to gain the southern white racist vote. That was called the southern strategy that you just deny happened despite all evidence proving it did. This is at least the 10th time I’ve pointed this out with references to prove it, and you still act ignorant. Do you have a severe memory problem, or are you just being a dishonest troll starting the same argument for the 11th time because you might get away with it this time?

Yes, the Democratic south WAS the OG of racism and anti civil rights right up till the 60’s when they, like Iced T, changed their thought process and straightened up. Shortly afterwards, Republicans were losing elections and the party was dying, so Goldwater and Nixon courted those abandoned southern white racist voters. Since then, Republicans have been the party of racism and anti civil rights (for non whites). I expect, like at least 10 times before, you’ll take the first 1/2 of the first sentence of this paragraph, remove the word “was”, and pretend I just said Southern racists ARE Democrats because you are nothing but a dishonest bullshit artist (but a horrendously bad one).

Iced T WAS an OG gangster rapper, now he’s a rich actor. Same for Ice Cube, J Z, etc.

I’ve never denied the truth, or history. If Democrats and Republicans had not switched positions I would be Republican and you would be a Democrat...but they did. When are you going to accept the truth? It’s been over 50 years and you still deny it. We aren’t living in the 50’ seem confused about that.

Again, if Republicans aren’t the party of racism, how do you explain the fact that they get 100% of the racist white supremacist vote and well under 10% of the black vote?
So infantile Bob. You just have to deny reality every time to ever make your point.


bobknight33 said:

You saying

" Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist)" ..
So you are saying Republicans became racist to get more racist Democrat votes.

So you are implicating Democrat south as the OG of Racism. Sweet. About time you admit truth.

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