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Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

CrushBug says...

If you provide aid to 2 separate hurricane incidents that affect white people, but drag your heels when it affects brown people, you might be a racist.

If your reaction to a disaster isn't to help people, and those people are brown, you might be a racist.

If you think that when brown people are dying due to a natural disaster and your argument is that they didn't attend meetings, instead of quickly trying to save lives, you might be a racist.

If your fucking around causes all patients in an ICU ward to die, then you are just a shitty human being.

(Apologies for the use of "brown people", but I didn't have any better way to phrase it right now.)

Devastating 7.1 Earthquake in Mexico City Live Footage Compi

StukaFox says...

Why is there an alarm to let people know there's an earthquake happening? Don't people realize when the ground under their feet starts moving, that's an earthquake?

"Dude, the ground under my feet's moving -- is that a tornado?"




"Donald Trump's and Roger Waters's egos just collided and made a super-ego that's blowing up ids everywhere?!"


ant (Member Profile)

Don't Wreck the Wrack!

Meteorologist Vs Irma In Key West, Florida

John Oliver - Debt Ceiling Deal

Saint Martin Island meets Irma.

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Pushy CNN Reporter Can't Take A Hint

JustSaying says...

It's because you have a 24/7 news cycle, that's the problem here. These reporters need to get new information all the time around the clock.
What's to tell you didn't know 30 minutes ago? It's a damn hurricane. Wind blows, rain falls, everyone gets wet and miserable.

Fairbs said:

glad to hear you're safe and thanks for helping out down there

I agree with what you say, but I don't think it's a CNN problem or a fake news problem

ant (Member Profile)

Why isn't science enough?

RFlagg says...

What are you talking about? The people who argued that tobacco was safe are the exact same people that now argue climate change isn't real, isn't caused by humans. They are in the small minority of scientists that say it isn't happening, and they can all be ignored as they aren't climate scientists. When it comes to discussions on climate, you only pay attention to what research comes from those who's job it is to study it. If you had 90 brain surgeons saying to remove a tumor from your brain, but a podiatrist said, don't worry, you wouldn't listen to the podiatrist. Science is the same. Now among those climate scientists you have a 97% consensus that the primary cause in the uptick (uptick being a keyword, as it is not from baseline, but up from the expected natural rise, and that uptick is HUGE) in the undeniable warming of the planet, is caused by humans burning fossil fuels. There is no denying that climate change is real, there's no denying it is primarily caused by humans, there's no denying it will have a huge impact on billions of people. It is the idiot who doesn't believe that it is real.

Now I'd agree that some of the comments may seem extreme, and said suggestions may not be the best. That is an argument best left for a show like Utopia, a rather great show that sadly didn't make it to a second season. However, there a billions of lives at risk if we don't act soon on halting climate change. Perhaps not billions of lives conservatives care about, as they are poor, third and second world lives, but lives none the less. Droughts will get worse, deserts will expand, hurricanes will increase, tornadoes will increase, hotter hots, and colder colds, there are a ton of changes coming that will make it harder on the poorest of people, people who can't adapt as quickly as the top few percent in the US.

Should people have concern about wars, and the conservative powers that be that love them? Yes, and those issues have been raised by many scientists, especially the big name ones who appear on TV. However, you can't ignore the wars that will start if we don't fight climate change either. Resources will become scarce, and this will cause conflicts that may eventually embroil the US, a concern that the US military has over climate change... this may be why conservatives ignore it, because nothing makes conservatives more happy than murdering people via war. You want to stop war, then stooping climate change has to be a huge priority.

Despite the wars, we are still at the most peaceful time in all history. Yes, we need to do more. Moving off fossil fuels alone would stop a lot of the wars, as that's why the US has an interest in the region. If we could stop giving a fuck about oil, and the US oil market, then we'd have less reason to pick a side on which form of Islam is best for US interests... which of course is why the US was targeted in the first place (that, and our unwavering support of Israel's illegal actions).

Also, it's not like anyone has said climate change should be our only concern. As I already said, all the wars has been brought up many times, as has the conservatives love of giving weapons to those most responsible for the 9/11 attacks, while blaming others for stuff they never did. And, as I've said, those concerns have been repeated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and others who appear on TV, and are well known with the public. Other issues that many scientists in the public eye have been brought up beyond wars: the potential for global pandemics; the idiots not getting vaccinations for their children, for unfounded fears that were proven false; the need for clean drinking water in poor regions; the lack of concern for real science education, and many many other subjects are brought to the public's attention via their social channels, books, talks, or other means. When they are on TV, that is the subject the media pretends there's a debate about though, so if the media at large is all that one pays attention to, then yes, that would seem to be the only subject of concern. The TLDR of this is that they have brought up many concerns beyond just climate change, blame the media for not spreading their other concerns.

coolhund said:

Comments show again what a totalitarian topic this is.
If you call this science, you can call scientists scientists who lobbied for tobacco firms, claiming it didnt cause detrimental health effects, claimed the leaded fuel issue wasnt linked to leaded fuel, eugenics proponents or people who used lobotomy and electro shock therapy.

Oh wait, they were.
Keep believing hypocrites. Humans and intelligent, if they cant even learn from history? Dont make me laugh.

Attack the imminent problems, like the hypocrisy in the conflicts in Syria or Libya. Then I am starting to take you seriously. But instead you whine about 0.1 C degrees and let millions of people die to people you elected and which will ultimately backlash to you too.
Just look at this fact: USA supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda through countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Israel, while also fighting it.

And dont tell me me "its not their job". Its everyones job to stop something like that, just like you claim on climate change. Even more so actually!

Why We Choose Suicide

artician says...

The basis for the talk is good, but... geez. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse: "I felt like an asthmatic. Who had lost his glasses. In a hurricane."

... what??

We Didn't Listen

JustSaying says...

That's right, you people didn't listen and the whole world, as always, has to deal with your shit. Maybe you should have listened, like, um, maybe 16 years ago when it became obvious to me and everyone else that your election system is fubar. And I don't even live in your stupid country.
Thanks a lot and enjoy your part of climate change disasters. It's not like that crap is gonna happen less anytime soon. Next time your southern coast get's fucked up by hurricanes you can go scream "We didn't listen!" in reference to that.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Police Murder Oklahoma Man Terence Crutcher *Graphic Death*

transmorpher says...

Cops shouldn't be considered a threat because they have been appointed by the government to uphold the law. The success of that is definitely up for debate, but to suggest that citizens should be fighting cops is absurd. That will only lead to more deaths.
(The solution is for the system to weed out the bad cops, the incompetent ones, the corrupt ones, the power tripping, racist, trigger happy etc).

Most cops do the right thing, most of the time. The millions of police encounters each day where nothing has gone wrong don't make the news.

I think it's worth considering what the any country would be like without law enforcement. We know what it would be like - hurricane Katrina - complete chaos on the streets, far worse than these shootings. Assuming your goal is to have fewer people shot and murdered, then having a police force is the best way we know of. However for that to work we need a competent police force that is there to serve and protect.

There definitely needs to be a system were police are made accountable to make sure stuff like this video does happen, or even non-lethal situations where citizens are being harassed. There are number of ways to do this. But my suggestions is that if you want to argue with someone, don't do it while they're holding a gun at you. Wait until you get to the station and call your lawyer. It's not perfect, but at your chances of getting shot will drop dramatically.

newtboy said:

If any armed citizen can be considered a threat that may be killed for no other reason, what makes cops any different? They are not only all armed, but also aggressive, confrontational, and have proven to be deadly. Any citizen should have the same rights to self defense against them, with a LOWER threshold of threat required, after all, citizens don't have training, backup, bulletproof vests, or prosecutors on their side.

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