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Russian soldier caught with his pants down

eric3579 says...

Just an fyi, this is how the sift defines "snuff"

"snuff" films (which we define as the explicit depiction of loss of human life displayed for entertainment).

Note: The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited, incidental portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary that encompasses a much broader narrative. Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera.

As a side note, i didn't/don't consider this video snuff.

BSR said:

"A snuff movie is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual death or murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment or financial exploitation."


newtboy says...

If that were true for everyone, there would be no children in foster care.

It doesn’t take children to expand your limits, they just give you no choice. I found I can go weeks on < 5 hours sleep a night all by myself, I became more patient just by getting older, I’m more compassionate because I’m not a thoughtless teenager anymore, no child required. I also retained my sanity (what little I started with).
Sure there are some good times for the parents, but not so much for the public at large. Overall making more people with the massive glut of humanity that exists has a negative value. I wrote a thesis on this, called “the fallacy of the intrinsic value of human life”. Got an A. Horrified my writing class. Double win!!

SDGundamX said:

In most modern countries, having kids is the relatively easy part. Being a responsible parent, on the other hand....

But then again, overcoming the challenges (sleep deprivation included) are part of what make being a parent so rewarding. At least in my case, having kids made me a stronger and better person--I learned to be more patient and more compassionate, and I learned how to push beyond my supposed limits (I used to think I couldn't survive without 8 hours a night of sleep--HAH!).

No doubt it can be a struggle at times. My grandfather used to have a T-shirt that read, "Insanity is heredity: you inherit it from your kids."

But it also has those intense moments like your daughter singing the ABC song all by herself for the first time, or always belly laughing at the fart sound you make with your palms, or telling you she loves right before she goes to sleep that make all of the hassle completely worthwhile.

Jury Finds Kim Potter Guilty Of Manslaughter

cloudballoon says...

Only in America: where cops in general have far less regards for human life and its "patriots" consider as normal & just, while throwing more public money at them without questions other than "Do you need more? Just ask!"

I doubt the sentencing judge will book Potter to anything worse than Club Fed though.

bobknight33 said:

A True injustice.
Hopefully the judge will rule as time served.

Arkansas State Troopers 109 MPH PIT Maneuver

lucky760 says...

Sorry @w1ndex, this does violate our snuff guidelines, found here:

Please do not post pornography or "snuff" films (which we define as the explicit depiction of loss of human life displayed for entertainment).

Note: The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited, incidental portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary that encompasses a much broader narrative. Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera.


Finally a Doctor on the News Talking Fucking Sense

newtboy says...

It's been well known since January if not before that asymptomatic people can transmit Coronavirus. This has been widely reported and warned about publicly in congressional hearings by CDC officials for months.

Whether or not the governor of Georgia really just erased his inexplicable ignorance yesterday, not ordering citizens to stay home is arguably criminal negligence (Criminal negligence refers to a mental state of disregarding known or obvious risks to human life and safety.) and he should go to prison along with any governor that denies the obvious dangers of not issuing a shelter in place order. Remember, the 100000-250000 expected American deaths are the prediction only if the entire country takes social distancing/shelter in place seriously, if just one state refuses and becomes a viral hot zone that number could reach 6000000 or higher.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

newtboy says...

1) I question your sources, because some of the earliest writings ever found were business ledgers dealing with selling grains as I understand it. Capitalism has been a thing since before writing was a thing.

2) um...I think those kids in China would dispute that....THEY made the Iphones, which created a smart phone market by being useful and fun (for most people).

3) do you believe capitalism and the industrial revolution started at the same time, or that capitalism has something to do with surfs, civil rights, or secularism? Capitalism applied to people is indentured servitude, what we lazily call slavery. Unfettered capitalism created a situation where civil rights needed to be delineated and codified, it didn't create them any more than wildfires created firemen imo.

Some people do educate themselves before acting or making purchases, but it's not the norm.

Capitalism says your poor neighbors should die, because capitalism says there is no value to human life...I did a term paper on that. Value is derived from a supply/demand equation, and there's such a glut of humanity that human life has a negative value.

The government paid for around 75% of the technology development. " paid for some of the technology...." is incredibly misleading, if technically correct (the best kind of correct). Without a healthy dose of socialism, progress slows to a crawl and only the privileged few can afford it.

1 word....flip-phones. ;-) (I don't even have one of those)

vil said:

1) Definitely - but without a market improvements fall flat and dont stick. Ancient people had a lot of good ideas but overall progress was really slow and retrograded often until.. well until capitalism became a thing. Abolishing serfdom, general civil rights, separation of church from state and the fall of absolutism made the Iphone possible.

2) No, that is my point. People "discover" things all the time, some of these things are deemed useful by the general public and capitalism provides the tools to finance production and distribution (the profit part is optional - it is entirely legal to sell your invention for any price or indeed give it away for free).

So to get to the original point capitalism did not discover or design the Iphone but it certainly MADE the Iphone.

3) Not impossible but incredibly slow. Generations lived out their entire lives without perceptible changes in their environments prior to the onslaught of capitalism and the industrial revolution. The advent of science from the renaissance onwards was OK, but only once factories and transport infrastructure became a thing did living conditions start to change for everyone.

A big problem with free markets is that they are never really "free". A theoretical free market implies too many things that dont ever happen in real life, like everyone having all relevant information and being able to make a good decision. People just dont do that IRL.

Also not everything can be solved by free markets because you cant just let your neighbors die poor because the market says they deserve it. However the Iphone is really not something the state should subsidize. I understand that it paid for some of the technology that went into designing it. But true socialism would have to make sure everyone could afford one, and would design a cheap bad phone to fit the need.

Fireman Rescues Dog Trapped in Freezing Lake Water

BSR says...

So you don't value life, just human life? I'm glad dogs don't think like that.

robdot said:

As a professional firefighter for 30 years, I can say there is never any reason to risk human life, for an animal.

Fireman Rescues Dog Trapped in Freezing Lake Water

newtboy says...

Ok, my understanding of his comment was that these firefighters were in the wrong because they put themselves at (minimal) risk for an animal, which should never, under any circumstances, be done.
"NEVER ANY reason to RISK human life for an animal"....that's a huge leap from making an informed educated decision on how much risk is acceptable, and miles away from selflessly putting themselves in harm's way to save lives, which I think is how most people see and treat them. (Strictly read, he wouldn't cross the street to save a choking baby panda....I get he didn't mean to be so silly, but never any risk is NO risk. I'm sure glad the anti poachers in Africa don't share his sentiment.)

Had he said it's never acceptable to knowingly sacrifice human life to attempt to save animals, I would still disagree, but I could at least comprehend his point and argue each risk/benefit equation would be different. Accepting no risk whatsoever on behalf of animals' lives is inhumane, but is quite human.

Firefighters willingly risk their lives to save inanimate property daily, hearing one say they think living animals deserve less risk on their part than a lumber yard is infuriating and incredibly disappointing to me.

makach said:

tbh, I think he has a point. Thing is, as far as I think, risk was very low in this incident. Firefighters are professionals, they work with risk. they made a decision and worked with that.

same thing probably applies to humans, if they consider it unsafe to save a life they will most likely not risk a life.

Fireman Rescues Dog Trapped in Freezing Lake Water

12 dogs and a deer fall off a cliff during a hunt

12 dogs and a deer fall off a cliff during a hunt

12 dogs and a deer fall off a cliff during a hunt

eric3579 says...


3. Please do not post pornography or "snuff" films (which we define as the explicit depiction of loss of human life displayed for entertainment).

(edit) Not that it matters regarding this being snuff, but the only thing i could find regarding the dogs health was this..

"But a spokesman for the Royal Spanish Hunting Federation said the dogs had been treated at the scene before being taken to nearby vets."

Sagemind said:

*discuss snuff

lurgee (Member Profile)

The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant | CGP Grey

ChaosEngine says...

*quality stuff from Grey as usual.

I’m starting to think that significantly extending human life span might be the only way we actually grow up as a species and stop thinking so short term. Problems like climate change, overpopulation and automation will be things that we actually have to deal with, instead of just letting the next generation worry about it.


16 seconds: The Killing of Anita Kurmann

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