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Sunspring: The first sci-fi movie written by an AI

entr0py says...

Here's the full text if you want to see the stage directions also written by the AI. It explains some of the more bizarre visuals. Here's an example.

He is standing in the stars and sitting on the floor. He takes a seat on the counter and pulls the camera over to his back. He stares at it. He is on the phone. He cuts the shotgun from the edge of the room and puts it in his mouth. He sees a black hole in the floor leading to the man on the roof.

Caught My Chicken Sleeping

MilkmanDan says...

One sample "weird chicken behavior" is psychotically aggressive bantam (miniature) roosters.

Too small and ill equipped (not much spur, etc.) to do any damage to a human, but they *act* like they think they are velociraptors or something. Bring food in, fill their water, get vaguely close to them ... they attack your feet. My dad taught me to put my shoe between their legs and lift/kick them into a wall -- pretty hard. Stuns / dazes them for a minute or so -- long enough to fill their feed or whatever. But stay longer than that and they'll be right back to attacking your feet.

On the female side, hens sometimes choose very bizarre locations to lay their eggs. We had a metal cylindrical feeder thing with a tray at the bottom -- fill cracked corn or whatever into the cylinder (open on top), and it will gravity flow down as they eat some out of the bottom tray. We had one hen that liked to jump in the top of that cylinder (maybe 10 inch diameter) and then lay eggs on top of the food in there. Extremely tight fit, no room to move -- like putting your arm in a Pringles can. Sometimes she got stuck if the surface of the food was too far down.

I've even seen a hen that sat on the surface of a bough in a cedar tree. Enough branch and cedar foliage to hold up the hen's body, but then we found an egg right under her on the ground -- not dense enough material to actually keep the egg from falling through. The egg was broken, but the hen just stubbornly sat in that tree for a day or two, not realizing what had happened.

ant said:


Monster Trucks TRAILER 1 (2017)

YouTube Video channels or persons that "Grind Your Gears" (Internet Talk Post)

kir_mokum says...

in response to the TYT comments: i really appreciate what TYT are trying to do but they need to get their shit on lock. they're too experienced to be operating like a high school news channel/early morning radio comedy show.

same with the real news but their stories are way, way better. and why can't they title their videos in any kind of coherent way?

and i feel similarly about bill maher. about 10-20% of the time he has something worth saying. he does, however, put together some awesomely bizarre groups of people, which i appreciate so long as they're allowed to speak in complete sentences.

anything from the amazing atheist or thunderf00t is just pure cringe these days. they lost the plot years ago and now just their voices sound like crying toddlers to me.

any MRA/ideologically anti-feminist stuff is also pure cringe. i'm all about critiquing ideas and i have my own critiques for parts of feminism but pretty much everything i've seen devolves to "look at this stupid fat girl" pretty quickly.

i also second what newtboy said.

anything political that bobknight posts is just a clusterfuck of wrong/partially wrong/intentionally misleading and adds nothing of substance to any discussion.

what i miss rachael maddow articles. she always seems to research and cover the facts of her stories really well.

Probably the cutest thing in Doom (2016)

Payback says...

Bizarre, I watched that and had the complete opposite reaction.
Guess I'm more cerebral in my mass murder simulators.

ChaosEngine said:

I hear you brother. I saw the trailers and was massively underwhelmed. But then I read this. and this

And watched this.

Suddenly, I find a Doom shaped hole in my credit card bill. Damn you steam!!

How Likely Is A Hillary Clinton Indictment?

MilkmanDan says...

At about 9:54, the dude on the right asks:
"But why are you assuming that we would find out about it [something / anything shady] then [just before the general election]?"

Because that is when it would cause the most damage, duh. It is well possible that some parties on the right already have something, considering that Guccifer probably DID hack into her server. If any such people DO have anything (or if they get anything new), they are well motivated to hold their cards until revealing them would have the most impact -- ie., AFTER she's locked up the nomination, but just BEFORE the general election.

Cenk and other democrats are 100% right to be absolutely terrified by this. I don't know that I think it is *likely*, but the democrat establishment just glossing over it seems bizarre and shortsighted.

Also, I seriously doubt that Biden would ever attempt to pick up Clinton's hypothetical fumble and run away after the DNC. I figure the GOP bigwigs that are suggesting it just want to make it look like the democrat side is in just as much disarray as the republican side.

But if either party actually does any "contested convention" shenanigans, all they will accomplish is to bring up serious and legitimate questions about their legitimacy within their core base of supporters. This election is proving that large segments of BOTH parties are NOT going to be blindly loyal to their party line and the status quo. In that environment, pushing their luck by inserting some handpicked golden child as their candidate would be suicidally stupid for either party.

Blue Man Group - The Forge

conservatives will basically believe any meme they see

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, but "believing shit you see on the internet" is not a phenomenon unique to conservatives.

Just limited to Trump and based on my own social media group:
No, Trump's cousin's obituary did not ask people not to vote for him.
No, Trump didn't say republicans are the "dumbest group of voters."
And no, Cruz and Rubio didn't tweet that they would support Hillary over Trump.

And that's just related to Trump and just in the last week.

Don't even get me started on naturopaths/anti-vaxxer morons (although I will categorically state that doctors are not being murdered because they found "cancer enzymes" in vaccines)

The world would be a better place if everyone stopped to take 5 seconds to google whatever nonsense they're about to share. In fact, I think there should a feature on facebook/twitter that does this automatically.

This house has people in it

Agile Mastiff

Agile Mastiff

siftbot says...

Invocations (related= cannot be called by Hipnotic because Hipnotic is not privileged - sorry.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

the world is a bit less brighter today (Death Talk Post)

laura says...

I have no words. The last thing he wrote to me was "You beated me. Damn Skool busses...oops! wrong chat. Hope you're well! Talk later!"...he has been there for me for the last 8 years, every other month I was sure would be the day I'd met up with him. So bizarre to know someone and be close to them, having them literally in the palm of your hand in a device for 8 years and never having physically met. I feel

Who Is Stephen Colbert?

MilkmanDan says...

The questions are quite repetitive by nature, intentionally. But they usually throw more little twists into them so that they aren't all quite SO similar as that second link. Plus, the phrasing of the questions in general seemed much better in the first link.

I've taken quite a few variations of the test and they always come back INTP. So, I think that is probably "correct" for me; assuming one can put any stock into these personality test things at all.

The professionally administered one you took sounds reminiscent of my experiences when getting IQ tested for school. That was kinda bizarre at points -- like when they took out a "puzzle" with 4 equal sized cubes with a picture of an apple printed on one side of the cubes (other 5 faces all blank) so that if you put them together in a square it completed the picture. They made a big production of warning me that that portion of the test was timed, and then told me to put together the puzzle. It took about 1 second to verify that all of the other sides of the cubes were blank (checking to make sure it wasn't some sort of trick question) and another second to put together. Very weird.

AeroMechanical said:

I think that's the way it's meant to be, and maybe I'd trust that one more. They made me take one of these professionally administered ones in school (engineering obviously... because everyone else doesn't need a test to tell them what their personality is like) and that's what it was like. Sort of like getting grilled by the fuzz, they ask you the same question in a bunch of different ways to get a more representative answer.

I don't remember my coding, but in the bar graphs I was pretty much exactly down the middle in every category, so I figure I aced it. Totally zen, that's me.

Ask a Mortician - Is Embalming Dangerous?

gorillaman says...

Well as David Mitchell says, I believe on death the body should revert to the state. To have its organs harvested, be turned into animal feed, whatever's most practical.

When I see a funeral procession go by I can't help feeling that I've witnessed some creepingly bizarre, atavistic rite. And the resources these superstitious, corpse-fondling indulgences consume! It's enormously and criminally wasteful.

Waspp said:

Cremation should be the law. BTW, I want to do it with her.

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