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BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ugh….Newark airport. So sorry.

I went there once…my dad was on federal trial in Newark in the early 80’s. Dirtiest, most industrially polluted city I’ve ever seen, and I lived next to Texas Cityand the Houston ship channel, an enormous refinery and ship channel between Houston and Galveston….biggest and most polluting in America by far at the time.

We went to NYC on the weekend…by comparison it was squeaky clean. I’ve never wanted to go back to either city.

BSR said:

Anything with "naked" in the title

Priestly at Newark airport shipping a body out

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

newtboy says...

Always “just wait”.

(PS- Trump is a rapist!)

bobknight33 said:

Triggered? Not in the least/

Nutboy. You are triggered Tool. Go sit in you little house and continue to believe that you are a big man.

Truth you truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can. Hell you even go out of you way to prove your bigness. No on cares. You just a spect of dust.

I ignore you most day and toy you on other days.
I bet you still think Bidenomics is doing just fine. 3.5% of unemployment is great but thats all you see. Sad little man you are.

I see that we are getting close to a tipping point. It might take another 2 quarters, will see.

Saturday Morning TV Memories 1964 - 1976 !!!

newtboy says...

Definite upvote for B-I-I-I-I-I-R-D-M-A-N!
*quality memories…although it seems most of these didn’t air in Houston. Not even the Monkeys!
Some of those seemed like really bad rip offs….the lost saucer, not lost in space…valley of the dinosaurs, not land of the lost!?!


newtboy jokingly says...

No. I’m not sure of that at all.
I grew up in a swampy forest on the outskirts of Houston, and like possums (opossums to be technically correct) I was just a big muddy swamp rat climbing trees and playing by the bayou for most of my childhood.
Also I do have a pouch.

cloudballoon said:

Are you SURE your mom wasn't just thinking of your physical similarity to a possum?

Vox: Why kids don’t get as cold as adults

newtboy says...

Makes sense, but growing up in Houston I liked it hot no matter what I was doing, even in school. Now that I’ve been in far N. California for 25+ years I’m ruined and 95 is oppressive even on the river. NorCal made me soft…our summers are usually 75-80 highs.

Khufu said:

Because playing in a river or on a beach in intense heat is great... painting a fence or working on your car in same heat is shit:)

Lawyer dies after gun triggered by hospital MRI scanner

newtboy says...

My mother worked at Houston Methodist Hospital when they first got an MRI in the 80’s.
Multiple employees were injured by entering the field with metal objects and more than once the machine itself was severely damaged. It’s no joke.
What was this moron thinking?

Texas's new 31 billion dollar seawall to be constructed

newtboy says...

So…a state that denies climate change wants twenty billion of federal tax money (60 billion+ before its finished) to protect the tax exempt industry most responsible for climate change from the destruction is brings that they deny is real….all on taxpayer money, not a bit industry funded.

I grew up in Houston/Galveston. This is stupidity. There’s no way in hell they’ll ever stop hurricane flooding. The barriers would need to be 30 ft tall, not 5. They would also need to redirect numerous rivers that outflow through the coast, and find a way to remove unfathomable amounts of flood waters coming from land. I was there for Alicia, a relatively small hurricane in the 80’s, and all of Houston was 5 ft under water, with the bayous 40ft above their channels. That water flows into the Galveston area….behind these barriers.

This is a massive boondoggle that will never be built for dozens of reasons, but will still make numerous politicians and their families disgustingly rich, and may eventually partially protect some high value real estate, but never the entire coast. That’s today’s Texas. It bears noting, Texas is nearly $50 billion in debt with a crumbling electric grid, failing water system, no social services, and likely still $10 billion away from finishing their useless failed border fence….but plan to spend at least another $10 billion of state funds on this. How, exactly?

Andor 1975 TV Intro (Spoilers)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans defund the police in Texas over sour grapes. Threw out a $16+ million increase for police and tens of millions more for infrastructure and county other projects to boycott voting on a budget for Harris County (Houston). Enjoy

Bidens Border mess

newtboy says...

Wasn’t the wall, that Trump said was finished, supposed to slow immigration? Seems like it failed 100%.

I suppose blue city mayors should send bus loads of recently released gang members to San Antonio and Houston….to share the pain…since Texas is sending what it claims are all drug smugglers.

It’s not the numbers, it’s the intentional disruption of services by dumping them without notice in large groups to intentionally overwhelm social services. It’s a stunt with meaningless results that’s costing Texas money much better spent on border security. For the money, they could have stopped ten times as many from entering (but not been a snide dick to NEW YORK CITY! (somebody get a rope).

Texas is incapable of doing anything meaningful about immigration or smuggling because they’re a failed bankrupt state with ethically bankrupt leadership that do nothing useful, only exorbitant stunts costing billions for zero results, so they want to share their failure. Turnabout is fair play, send 6000 MS13 members to Houston and ask “why are you complaining?”, or how about 10000 Afghan refugees in trade? Hilarious that a state that prides itself on standing on its own two feet, never wanting any federal involvement, pawns 100% of blame on the fed for not fixing their failure to secure their border.

I like how the theory is “one day when they have all the levers of power the left will make the illegal immigrants into voting citizens to grab the levers of power”, not realizing the mistake in the “logic”.

@bobknight33, with the exception of the crime of illegal entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at levels much lower than citizens. This is historical and statistical fact. Why isn’t Fox screaming bloody murder about the white gangs selling fentenal, or their own members sex trafficking, hiring illegals, and organ harvesting!?

When I think of Oliva Newton-John, i think of...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Wouldn’t you like to know, since it’s correct 99.96% of the time. Lol. It would certainly do you well to read the same news I do, but I don’t think you’re capable of rationally determining fact from fiction so wouldn’t solve your problem.

It’s way more funny to me that you don’t know where my info comes from, especially since I tell you (apparently they don’t teach you how to look at listed reference material at the college you say you went to…because I list them often). Where you listen to one OAN idiots take and just believe it, I usually read 3-5 articles with different viewpoints and come to my own conclusions based on how well each relates to known facts. When I post the CNN version of a story for you, it’s because they keep it dumbed down enough for even you to understand, not because they’re the only source. (Also because I know it will trigger you into acting the fool)

Why? Because he’s a lying treasonous traitor that tried to overthrow the American government by force and become a dictator in America. WTF?! Did you really ask “why” there’s an investigation!?
Also because so many cultists like yourself want to pretend 1) it was horrific and all ANTIFA and BLM, 2) it was just a normal day at the capitol with normal tourists and 3) it never actually happened ….so he can try again in 24, and with enough hiding the evidence, voter suppression, roll purging, triple voting, voter ID, removal of mail in voting and drop boxes in democratic areas (like Houston with 665 sq miles, 2.3 million residents, and now ONE drop box), and a complicit partisan court willing to invalidate millions of Democrats’ votes, maybe he could steal a “win”. It’s important to 1) know and 2) remind voters what he did to foment a coup against their country, and how he tried to defraud the nation and the election with his election fraud fraud that he knew from day one was a pure lie.

Why this two sided hearing with MAGA underrepresented? Because republicans didn’t want a non political third party investigation and blocked it, and didn’t want to be part of the bipartisan investigation so boycotted it. The real question is why don’t republicans want to know and don’t want anyone else to know the truth about 1/6? I think that’s obvious, because they are complicit in the failed coup.

Suppression of truth?! You mean by the Trumpists who refuse to testify, refuse to turn over public documents, and threaten witnesses to “be loyal” and keep quiet? I think that’s obvious too, they suppress the truth because the truth is they turned on their country and government to try to install their cult leader as dictator for life.

Anything and everything, by which you mean actually investigating an attack against America that cost lives….how quickly you forget Benghazi that was actually a number of one sided “investigations” (fuckery) trying to prove the predetermined conclusion that Clinton somehow was responsible for a foreign attack on an embassy…tens of millions wasted just trying to keep her from running in 16 (and I wish the totally 100% dishonest smear campaign was successful, because we would never have had Trump if he ran against Sanders). All that and still nothing on Clinton. Didn’t you promise the charges were coming any day….way back in 17 or 18?

This madman was a perfectly normal maggot. Gun crazed, immigrant hating, racist it appears, a violent nut job wrapped in a MAGA flag and Pepe shirt. That’s the MAGA base, not an outlier. I know you’ll hide from that fact and pretend he’s just a crazy nut job, but he’s perfectly normal for a Trumpist, you are all mad men, you all want to murder liberals, he just had the balls (and insanity) to go through with what most of you fantasize about daily.

bobknight33 said:

Where on earth do you get you fake new?

Local rag at the checkout?

More dump on Trump...

The real question is why.

Why and this fuckery? 1 sided hearing , suppression on truth?

Anything and everything just to keep him from running in 2024.

""""""Highland Park terrorist is a HUGE MAGA idiot and Q-tard along with his parents…another domestic terrorist murdering in the name of MAGA. Targeting a Jewish neighborhood.""""""

Yeat to hear anything about this mad man/

Ohio GOP Primary Debate

newtboy says...

We’ve been over this. Repeatedly.
He was trolling them, as he often did. This was his style. It just goes over your head.
If he’s one of the dumb ones, Democrats are hyper intelligent super brains. I certainly don’t think that.

Johnson grew up in Washington, D.C. His father worked for the Bureau of Prisons and was the director of classifications and paroles. Up to that time, he was the highest ranking African-American in the bureau.
Johnson received his B.A. degree from Clark College (now Clark Atlanta University) in 1976, is a member of Omega Psi Phi Kappa Alpha Alpha Chapter, Decatur, Georgia, and received his J.D. degree from Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston in 1979; he practiced law in Decatur, Georgia, for more than 25 years.

From 1989 to 2001, Johnson served as an associate judge of the DeKalb County magistrate's court. He was elected to the DeKalb County Commission in 2000 and served from 2001 to 2006.

Edit: "The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island," Johnson said in a statement at the time.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last year that Johnson has battled Hepatitis C for more than a decade, an ailment that causes him to get "lost in thought in the middle of a discussion."

He’s hardly dumb. I know it’s hard to know from your viewpoint, but you’ve been well informed before….you could TRY to remember a few facts you are taught.

That said, there do seem to be real reasons why he should retire, not the least of which is hep C that’s recently left him sick and weak. You don’t need to be dishonest to make your point, bob. Why are you?

Always dishonest Bob. Every time you post. It’s really sad. Sour grapes have rotted your brain.

Edit: BTW, this isn’t just two out of control, violent Retrumpicans, they are representative of all Trumpists, and this display was done to appeal to people just like you, Bobby, and be your actual representatives.

bobknight33 said:

2 Rups going over board on ego is nothing to 1 dumb Dem.

Bald Eagle decided to make Paxton its landing spot

Space Shuttle Flys Piggyback on Boeing 747 - Low Pass at LAX

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