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She's Got A D!%k

Crank Chop - He's back

Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

Jinx says...

If only sex just felt good and didn't have all this power/status bullshit rolled up with it - specifically for men anyway. But maybe then the human race would have wanked it's way to oblivion. Who can say. Basically I dunno if hookers or various other arrangements would suit most people. I suspect it's less about the actual physical activity, and more about the desire to be wanted, or possible just a desire to have an intimate relationship with somebody else. But then in Japan you can buy a hug, so perhaps no human interaction cannot be commodified... Not sure if it is a suitable treatment for misogyny - "Here is one dose of sexual objectification!"

Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

ChaosEngine says...

"Aren't there incel women? "

Actually, I believe the term was coined by a woman, who meant it to be a positive group for socially awkward, marginalised or mentally ill people.

"How about a program....hookers for incels....or something similar?"
That's one of the reasons why decriminalisation of prostitution is a good thing.

"Making them feel more inadequate and less a part of society will definitely lead to more attacks, so that seems like a really dumb move."
To be fair, Jim does address this. As he said himself, almost all humans are incel at some point.

I think there's also a reasonable case to be made for people to be less hung up on looks.

But if your response to being incel is to act like an entitled arsehole on reddit, or worse, to do something like this, it's kinda hard to have sympathy for you. (obviously, not you, newt... I'm sure you're a fine looking nad who has 5s of sex a year )

newtboy said:


Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

newtboy says...

But....people do have a right to have sex, they just don't have a right to a partner.

Aren't there incel women? Why can't they just get together in a dark room?

I understand the desire to ridicule and ostracize these men, but that's only going to exacerbate the problem. They won't just disappear if you ignore them. These men are lashing out because they feel bullied and ignored by women, how is bullying and/or ignoring them farther supposed to make them act right?
How about a program....hookers for incels....or something similar? Aren't these the men real dolls were designed for? At the very least, it seems like a class in being more attractive to women is in order.

Making them feel more inadequate and less a part of society will definitely lead to more attacks, so that seems like a really dumb move.

FISA Memo | Everything You Need To Know

newtboy says...

The entire thing is bias, not factual, or at best misleading because of intentional omission of fact. I can't say what fact is false if there's no fact. Opinion about perceived/alleged bias isn't factual.
A lie by omission is a lie. The whole thing is that kind of lie.

The "unverified and salacious" (not wrong or debunked, mind you) part was personal accusations, you know, the golden showers with Russian hookers part, which was NOT used to get a warrant. He was clear that was not his opinion about the entire thing.

Yes, as I've told you at least twice now, I read it twice before commenting on it looking for anything in it and found nothing but biased whining. "Steele said bad things about Trump, so he's an untrustworthy liar" is hardly even an honest accusation, much less evidence he lied about anything, and farther from proof that this one piece in the puzzle of evidence against Trump's administration was key. One statement by one person taken out of context and misrepresented is not even an indication, much less proof that this was THE key bit of evidence, without which there was no case, but that's what this is all about. it was likely the most damning bit that tipped the scales from 'could just look bad' to 'this is something that needs investigation today'.
Recall, the continuing investigation already actually found criminal activity PROVEN, ADMITTED, AND CONVICTED.

As I've told you repeatedly, they (democrats , the fbi, and the DoD) tried to block it because 1) they wouldn't let the FBI screen it for secrets/classified information/pure lies and 2) republicans blocked (and continue to block) releasing the full story because it paints a completely different picture from the memo. Don't pretend to be so dumb you don't understand that.

Just keep saying bombshell, that will make it real...Jebus Christ.

I'm sure it is just the tip....of the ass fucking the Republicans are giving our democracy and system of checks and balances. What it's not is the tip of some insane conspiracy iceberg between liberals and top law enforcement.

Get your head out of your ass. No one is ever going after Obama or Clinton, as they committed no crimes, they've both been investigated with pure malice and bias for years and Republicans found nothing, this is just more nothing. It's almost funny you would even consider that, but it's actually sad you are that deluded you could keep thinking such nonsense after so many disappointments.

Really? A pure bias opinion piece from ' the hill' is your evidence? It was factless, logic free garbage that actually referenced Benghazi as one of Obama's prosecutable crimes, I'm dumber for having read it. You should feel shameful.

Clearly you don't recall that Obama's administration had zero convictions for misuse of power, zero indictments, how many has Trump's had already? 5? 6? 10? At least 4 high ranking members have been convicted or plead guilty already before year one or the first investigation is complete. Only Nixon's record was worse, and that only after he left office after Watergate.
Trump has by far the worst criminal conviction record for sitting administrations on FAR!

bobknight33 said:

You could not be more wrong ..
There was the bias in the memo? What fact was a false? Did you even read it?

If there was nothing to the memo why did ALL try to stop it?
Its a bombshell and just the tip of things to come.

Hillary/ Obama and many, many, and many others are going down..

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Attorney arrested for defending her clients

00Scud00 says...

The cops could be doing ninety miles an hour down city streets while running over random pedestrians, shooting at little old ladies and doing coke off a hookers ass and the department would still feel that their officers did nothing wrong.

the lie that is the liberal politician-chris hedges

newtboy jokingly says...

But....that's not bath water, it's a mixture of pure meconium and Russian hooker pee, spiked with just a pinch of ricin and polonium-210.

enoch said:

so while i agree that a venue such as RT should be approached with a modicum of skepticism,i also feel very strongly that we should not throw the baby out with the bath water.

What We Know about Pot in 2017

newtboy says...

But I won't smoke joints. With 1/4 of Americans having herpes, sharing a slobbery smoke straw just seems unnecessarily risky.

The last one I smoked was handed to me by my friend who, as I put it in my mouth, told me about the filthy $10 hooker he was with the night before. I decided then that I have no idea where other people's lips have been, and I never shared another joint with anyone besides my now if I get the herps, she'll have some serious explaining to do!

PlayhousePals said:

But you can't inhale those ... soooooo

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

You still don't get it.
It was an actual INTELLIGENCE report including some unfounded (not proven to be lies) accusations about blackmail against the president elect (*electorally), including the one about video footage of him having hookers pee on his bed alleged to be held by Russia as blackmail material. They reported that it was in the report listed as unfounded, not that it was true. That is NOT a fake story, it is real, it happened, they reported it. They factually checked, it is true. That the right has an inability to hear a news story without exaggerating it in their own mind instantly to create something to be outraged about, well, that's 100% on you.

If it was about Clinton, you would be angry that every news organization didn't lead with the story, and calling them useless propaganda machines for not making it the only story. I recall a few times exactly that happened during the election, even though the stories were covered on national news at the time, it just wasn't enough for you, even though the accusations/stories were total bullshit.

No, it's like me as president (or another publicly elected figure) hiring top notch professionals to make a report including accusations that may be upcoming, them finding some idiot that said Newtboy gave him a blowjob and he was going to blackmail be with video of it that was never produced (you might try to spell the name of the person you accuse properly, it looks better), and that accusation making it into the report listed as unfounded, and the report becoming public (the right has no leg to stand on complaining about how the information becomes public, btw...Clinton and DNC emails). That would be a true story...not that anyone including me would care. I certainly wouldn't give it credence by getting upset over something I saw as patently ridiculous that only idiots that already irrationally hate me would believe.....Trump, on the other hand, got irate, which is the reaction of the guilty when caught, not the actions of adults when accused of something silly that never happened.

bobknight33 said:

yes the fake story is real but it is fake. It should never been presented to the public. The media has an obligation to factually check first.

Its like saying Newboy gave me a blow job. I did say it and it the statement is real. however factually it never happened.

Fake story is still a fake story.

8 more years of anti Republican stories and the media will be happy to get a Democrat back in power.
Till then this sad crap will continue on every news and every other anti Republican ( late night show) outlet.

Nice try newt.

7 Super Toxic U.S. Sites

Seth Rogen Teaches How to Roll a Joint

StukaFox says...

Hey, um, the weed . . . um you're spilling the weed . . . seriously, that's a lot of weed you're dropping there . . . uh, weed's expensive and shit, like a lot of money . . . unless you go to OCEAN GREENS!

That's right -- OCEAN GREENS: Seattle's #1 recreational pot retail store! Ocean Greens is home of the $200 OZ and the $30 eighters of primo bud! And it's right on Highway 99, so you can score some smoke and a handjob from an underaged Asian hooker as well. OCEAN GREENS: I scream, you scream, Seattle screams for OCEAN GREENS!

(nb: I was not paid in any way, shape or form by Ocean Greens for this post. Except for the couple of joints of Golden Pineapple they kicked down. And that Oz of God's Gift. But apart from that, I got nothing.)

george carlin-how language is used to mask truth

asynchronice says...

I think you're taking a very narrow view on the point he eventually arrives to at the end. Shellshocked/PTSD/Battle Fatigue is the perfect example of the exact same thing being watered down into it's least offensive 'sounding' form. It's not two different things (say stupidity vs dyslexic). By using the raw form for something unpleasant, we don't get to mask the ugliness from anyone and we perhaps have a greater chance of dealing with it in some way.

He was certainly ahead of his time; I had a friend's FB post come up requesting 'tone-policing' because he felt the term 'hookers and blow' was disrespectful to sex workers. It makes my brain hurt.

Babymech said:

Still, I know a lot of the Sift audience wants to think that Carlin's point rings true. But does anyone think that it would be more useful, more constructive, and more honest, to call every learning disability 'stupidity'? How would that help us in any way? What could we accomplish with the help of this 'honesty'?

*It's also not 'just' the listener's experience

LSD Microdosing in Silicon Valley

poolcleaner says...

Here me out: LSD aaaand a coffee-alprazolam-bourbon. Maybe throw in a bong toke. Why does your office smell like incense all the time? Because I practice tantric yoga with the company hooker every morning.

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