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Project Blue Beam Whale Hologram in School Gymnasium

newtboy says...

I think like the first comment there said, they're more like projections and overlays, not holograms.
My guess is that most of what we see is either added on top of the live video of the people, not actually projected amongst them, and the other one (in the dark) is like a planetarium movie, 360 surround, maybe even 3D, not hologram.

Now THIS was holographic, and awesome (I saw it in person), and it's a terrible shame that now, 30 years later, we still don't seem to have this technology outside of concerts.....(sorry for the quality of the video)

Gratefulmom said:

Ok, tell me what you think of this. I believe you are right, however, it's a pretty cool video..the one I listed here for you to check out has had some controversy over whether it is real or not.

Vancouver - Expo 86 - Part III- GM Holographic Exhibit

Project Blue Beam Whale Hologram in School Gymnasium

newtboy says...

Sadly I'm going to have to call 'fake'.

First, "project blue beam" is a conspiracy theory idea that claims things like the planes that flew into the twin towers were really holograms, or that there's an alien invasion program creating odd holographic images to confuse humans, or aliens are using holograms to present us with a false messiah/Jesus/Gawd/4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Uh...yeah.
Second, I notice that only a single person in the background audience has a reaction that might be attributed to seeing a whale jump at you, the rest just clap casually.
Third, there are many clear artifacts at the whale's edge where they photoshopped it in.

I wish holograms were at this level today, and they should be, but they aren't. Projecting white into a bright 3D space doesn't work without smoke or mist to project on, and even then it's only really visible when the surroundings are darker.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I went with mom, dad, and my grandmother. We flew to Washington and drove from there.
It was a neat trip, but I expected more from the expo. With a few exceptions, it seemed like it was done on the cheap, compared to what I had seen in old footage. I expected to ride in a hover car, watch hologram movies, ride moving sidewalks, ride monorails, see some early teleportation, etc. Of those, I got a holographic movie, so I was somewhat disappointed. What do you expect from a 16 year old though?

Posted the other 2 videos in the comments of that one. Feel free to sift them if you wish, I won't be posting them for real.

ant said:

Actually, that video is good quality for a home recording! Hey, post the other parts. Good flashbacks. My family, friends, and I were there too!!

Jeopardy: Canadian Cities

ant says...

I don't remember any holograms since I was a callow ant back then. I do remember that outdoor mascot robot, rollercoasters, Popeye arcade game, etc. Is there a video of this hologram somewhere?

newtboy said:

Hey! I went there. Did you check out the GM pavilion with the hologram? How cool was that, and why don't we have holographic movies now?

Jeopardy: Canadian Cities

newtboy says...

Hey! I went there. Did you check out the GM pavilion with the hologram? How cool was that, and why don't we have holographic movies now?

ant said:

I didn't know the answers to any of them as an American who visited Canada (Expo 86) once.

How to DMT

shagen454 says...

I'm sure there are people out there that have come up with software/technology from the influence of DMT, they just haven't come forth. I'd say that it has recognizably influenced ideas & thought - especially in the area of frequencies, energy, reality is a hologram sort of shit like that because the DMT experience is the frequency, mandala portal experience, lol! It's certainly influenced great art, look at Alex Grey. I've learned a lot of things that seem to not apply to this reality and the last time I took it, the only thing I learned was "GOOGLE", lol.

LSD on the otherhand has definitely influenced technology and science. My favorite LSD thought experiment become reality was Francis Crick's discovery of the DNA strand while on it.

"I'm still waiting for the insightful invention someone comes up with after one of these amazing 'conversations' with non-human beings. If this drug really did what those into it claim, you would expect most users to be incredible 'outside the box' inventors advancing science in ways normal people would never consider...but I have not heard of even a single instance of that kind of useful insight coming from DMT."

newtboy said:

The best way to reduce risk from taking, or getting caught with DMT is to not do it.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Migrants and Refugees

Payback says...

Days of our Lives is totally like that.

Saw an episode where someone was broadcasting holograms through kitchen appliances to try and escape from some Mad Scientist's liar...

After Hours - 10 Terrifying Implications of the Matrix Unive


shagen454 says...

More than likely this song has nothing to do with LSD... but something much more profound and short lasting, more true to nature to the lyrics. Adult Swim are no stranger to the idea of the "spirit molecule" - they have a new VR project that basically looks like DMT visuals, in 3D, but one has to consider in real life they are like 4D-10D holograms and DMT is no joke.

StukaFox said:

I miss LSD.

Guerilla Art Honoring Edward Snowden

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Would Headlights Work at Light Speed?

ChaosEngine says...

Definitions are flexible. The universe is currently defined as the totality of existence, in much the same way as the "world" was defined centuries ago.

In theory there could be many parallel universes (where we change the definition to mean " a space time volume with a given set of fundamental physical constants")

There's also the theory that our entire universe is a 2d hologram.

Personally, I don't know why you'd want to limit yourself to anything as prosaic as one existence. The idea that there are infinite universes is fascinating....

robdot said:

the universe, by definition,,contains all there is.

creepy hologram at a london railway station

creepy hologram at a london railway station

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