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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did i misunderstand? Are you actually trying to say the rapist Trump only spitballed ideas? Are you so delusional you bought the stupid lie that he’s being charged for exercising free speech!?! 😂

Good luck with that…because he’s not charged with spitballing ideas, or lying about the election…he’s charged in this indictment with conspiring to impede official proceedings, taking actions to impede official proceedings, and attempting to defraud the government by submitting fake electors, and attempting to deny millions of voters their rights of participation in the process by stealing their votes. He’s charged with trying to “delay” the final certification to give his dishonest ploys to steal the election by fraud more time, a major felony…and his fucking lawyer went on TV and admitted he did it! 😂
You morons!

Keep chugging the flavoraid. Jim….I mean Don will be there to personally usher you into MAGA heaven when it’s over because he loves you and is well known for helping the little guy.

P.S.- a second judge has now said Trump is a rapist, and dismissed his counterclaim against Carrol for calling him a rapist. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

Dark Brandon Trolls Trump

newtboy says...

😂 You poor little baby. That old stuttering guy beat the shit out of your Orange daddy. Absolutely wiped the floor with him. 😂

Just a short taste, do you really want to compare videos of them not being able to speak? Because the Trump video is going to be 78 hours long. Biden’s 3 minute “worst moments” are better than most of Trump’s best. I have hours of Trump incapable of speaking.

You want videos of them stumbling, because the Trump video will be much longer and include multiple toilet paper trails and having to beg for help going down a 3 degree incline….the exact same incline Biden jogged up and down. Momentum.

You dumbshit, even Trump’s people have now all testified that there was absolutely no cheating AGAINST Trump, but plenty of cheating BY Trump. 86 of them. I guess Trump being under indictment must have confused you…he’s indicted for trying multiple ploys to cheat in 2020, not because Biden cheated, because Biden didn’t cheat.

Multiple (7?) states sent fake electors for Trump at his request. Multiple Republican legislatures tried to invalidate millions of valid votes at Trump’s request. Over 60 frivolous lawsuits were filed by Trump’s people claiming election fraud, not a single one had evidence of any Democratic fraud (some brought up what turned out to be Republican frauds, like the guy who voted for Trump as his wife then claimed Democrats stole her vote). At least 4 states cheated by redistricting to deny minority votes any power, illegally, and some continue to defy the courts and continue their racist gerrymandering….but just wait until they need the court, suddenly defying a court order will be treason.

Ingram just gave away the game…saying there’s no evidence to take Biden to court…in fact there’s none against Joe at all, no prosecutor on earth could convict him of anything, and there’s no possibility of the senate convicting him of anything, there’s even barely a chance the hyper partisan house could impeach him, but that doesn’t matter the house should try to impeach now anyway because it might hurt his re-election.
She says he needs to go because there’s some (disproven) accusations (not proof or evidence) that he took bribes, but has no problem with Jared actually on record taking $2 BILLION for trading top secret information to the Saudis, or Ivanka being bribed by China with over $30 million in gifts during trade talks.

She admits there’s absolutely nothing, not a shred of evidence against Dark Brandon, but says - we need to unfairly do that thing we wrongly claim was unfairly done to Trump. 😂

Hide and watch, your slug brained ilk has no scruples, no consistency, and no honor, and twists and turns in the wind like a bit of fluff your brains have become. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Anybody but Trump delusions

Does the Constitution Ban Trump from Running Again?

newtboy says...

While it may be true states like California could probably initially bar him from the ballot, his campaign would sue and say his involvement in an insurrection must be established in court for it to stand, in my non lawyerly opinion.
It’s a certainty that would be his position…and he would delay any court case to establish it as long as possible with his complicit “judges” helping, and using the case as a fundraising event.
This is why the latest indictment going forward to trial in May at the latest is imperative, his eligibility needs to be established asap, not after or during the election. I wish the trial would start in October this year, 75 days after indictment, but it’s like that time I went to the lake to bone my girlfriend but the mosquitoes were going crazy and she said “there is no way”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You are correct. 😂
The rapist Trump has used over $55 million of campaign donations for his own legal woes, he pays his family $60k per minute from campaign donations to scream on stage, he claims he pays hundreds of thousands of dollars from political donations for Melania’s hair, he took donations from Russians and Ukrainian separatists, his daughter took tens of millions from the Chinese to curry favor during trade talks, his son took two BILLION from Saudis for selling state secrets and looking the other way as they murdered American journalists, he stole from his charity for disabled veterans and is barred from participating in any charity now, he ran a fraudulent school, he paid millions for redlining at his properties, Jr met Russians to trade favors for dirt on Clinton. AND DON’T FORGET HE’S OFFICIALLY A RAPIST! The rapist Trump’s family are a megalomaniac crime family with a delusional cult funding them.

They are unlike Biden or BLM that both produce results for the small donations they receive from American citizens. I know of no accusation of Joe using campaign funds for personal or family expenditures….Trump does it as a matter of course.

Not just excuses, grift, baseless accusations, and moaning for billions in foreign bribes, but results like major economic recovery/boom and actual meaningful police reform for an alleged few million or less in American dollars (or in Joe’s case, for a small salary).

The Trumps sold America to China and the Saudis.

This is verifiable fact.

You only have baseless just stupid accusations against Biden, like the brainless accusation that Hunter took billions from China….where is it then? Where’s the paper trail? The evidence? Even the “whistleblowers” had absolutely nothing to say that helped impugn either Biden. Not a single thing found in years besides tax evasion, Trump’s favorite crime besides maybe rape…no banking trail, no bribery, no espionage, no election fraud, no sedition, no rights violations, nor a single rape between them either! 😂

Such delusion…. you know all this, but still pretend the rapist Trump isn’t a criminal and Dark Brandon is. 😂 😂 😂 How’s that working out?

bobknight33 said:

BLM leaders are more like the Biden family, not Trumps.

Biden sold out America

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

bcglorf says...

I feel like this video is deeply guilty of being exactly what it is warning against. The criticisms are all inarguably valid, but as much as the GOP is particularly egregious right now, they aren't the only ones using cheap distractions.

More importantly, the video itself is very much MSNBC's favorite brand of the exact same distract your base approach. The video itself is focused on how wrong the GOP is for focusing on these none issues. It's still lasering focus on the non-issues.

Reminding your base why you need to hate and fear the 'other' is the bread and butter distraction approach both FOX and MSNBC are using to poison the nation. BOTH of them are happily embracing the narratives on fake crises and attempting to ensure attention is dominated by them. When one side picks up a new outrage for their base to focus on, the other side happily joins in to be outraged by the outrage.

Let's pretend your house is on fire. Your friend with a red shirt thinks you should throw gas on it, and your blue shirt friend points out that diesel is better because it's less flammable. This video is a guy explaining at length why tossing gas on is a bad idea, and don't listen to red shirt guy. It's a waste of time to entertain either of them though, what you really need to do is find people willing to help fight the fire. 99% of politicians(red or blue) are not your allies here.

BSR (Member Profile)

noims says...

It's only polite to thank someone who's helped you out.

Plus, Past Noims is generally a bit of a dick to me, to be honest. Always putting stuff off or screwing things up so I have to fix them (although I usually just give them to Future Noims... who cares about that guy).

BSR said:

LOL, be careful you don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

This is your answer to 50 listed (and 1000 to come) pedophilic Republicans is a single unquoted tweet by a Republican operative best known for spreading false propaganda that you know no one will read because you are known to link to fake sites? ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂 😂
Let me help you with that…don’t ignore #61

51Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl

52 Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Authorities say Floyd also was interested in a 3-year-old girl and 16-month-old boy.

53 Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy, in other words, rape.

54 Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.

55 Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano was arrested for sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.

56 Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pled guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14-year-old girls.

57 Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker was found guilty of offering alcohol and cigarettes to a 14-year-old boy. Authorities accused him of having offered beer and cigarettes to a boy while driving a car with a trunk stocked with blankets, duct tape, rope, and a lubricant. Seidensticker worked on NH Republican state executive councilor Burton campaigns for more than a decade. Burton knew he was convicted of assault when he hired him.

58 Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.

59 Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.

60 Republican Committeeman John R. Curtin was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor

61 Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Lutheran church president, and BTK killer Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.

62 GOP ad consultant Carey Lee Cramer who created an anti-Gore ad modeled on LBJ's "Daisy" ad convicted of sexual assault of 2 8-year-old girls, including his daughter who appeared in the ad.

63 Republican Lobbyist Craig Spence - running call-boy prostitution ring, killed himself. While I am not posting people arrested for soliciting a prostitute, someone who runs a prostitution ring is a whole different kettle of fish.

64 Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography

65 GOP state Rep Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud, MN ended his re-election campaign Friday amid detailed accusations from his adult daughter of what she described as his inappropriate behavior toward her since childhood

66 Steve Aiken(82), campaign manager for a Republican candidate for Congress in Arizona, former Quakertown, PA, police officer, and self-proclaimed reverend, was convicted of having sex with two underage girls

67 Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer

68 Republican state representative Bob Allen charged with soliciting oral sex from a male undercover cop. Normally, I would ignore a gay man being arrested for being gay, but he claimed Fear of Black men made him do it

69 Republican prosecutor John David Roy Atchison arrested on charges of flying across the country to try and have sex with a five-year-old girl. Committed suicide.

70 Republican chairman & radio show host E Ozwald Balfour arrested on four counts of forcible sex abuse/groping

71 Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona Republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas. They sodomized 18 boys and were not charged with sexual assault

72 Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16-year-old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus

73 Republican commission candidate Wilton Frederick Bland sentenced to 80 years in prison for various sex crimes including 45 counts of first-degree rape of an 11-year-old

74 Republican councilman John Bryan resigned from office and committed suicide several hours later, just a few minutes before police arrived at his home to question him about his alleged rape of his two adoptive daughters, ages 12 and 15

75 Garrett Ventry-Judiciary Committee communications aide coordinating GOP messaging on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation forced to resign due to sexual harassment claims. He denies them

Jain - Dynabeat

moonsammy says...

That one had a LOT less Sony product placement too. Good lord...

I do like the song and video though, outside that element. And I can barely fault her for taking the $ if it helps her keep making cool music...

newtboy said:

Groovy, but I preferred the energy of *related=

I love how her videos splice together.

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy says...

So desperate you little boy. Just HAVE to show photos of naked men to children. You’ve been trying for 3 years now to publish this revenge porn where children will see it knowing it’s illegal to post and nonsense to boot. Groomers.

Absolutely nothing new here in the baseless accusations supported only by hostile spies and disgraced ex agent’s nonsense and proven fake laptop data in your attempt to smear a private citizen. So sad. You just couldn’t help it, you people HAD to show naked penises to children…AGAIN. It’s a pattern. Groomers.

If paying prostitutes is some disqualifier, Trump is disqualified…he pays for sex every time he’s had it, usually from his firm’s business accounts, and the women he’s been with all charge massive amounts to sleep with him (except those he raped), usually hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. Hunter usually got it for free because he’s a stud, not a tiny mushroom tipped 2 pump chump like Trump. 😂

If consorting with prostitutes is some disqualifier, all republicans are disqualified by ex hooker and child sex abuser Boebert who also likes forcing naked men’s penises on young children in public….namely her abusive husband’s penis she helped him expose to 15 year old girls in public….he was convicted. Groomers.

This so smacks of desperation little boy. It’s proof the right has absolutely nothing to offer besides hatred and vitriol…and they don’t even know how to harness or focus that hatred on the right issues, you just hate. They have no plans, no functional legislation, absolutely nothing positive has come from the right since Nov7 2016.

This is the best you’ve got against Joe? Or to defend the rapist Trump? Quit now. If that’s what you’ve got, you lost already.

Trump has done everything you accuse Hunter of (except smoke crack) to exponentially higher degrees. Not only did Trump constantly use company money to pay for sex, illegally hiding it as legal fees, he’s also a violent rapist with at least 24 victims not including all the literally hundreds of minors he forced to get naked in front of him (miss teen USA). 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

PS- even reposting this revenge porn may be a crime. Don’t be surprised if someone comes knocking at your door to take you away for 3 years, more than 6 people saw your post. Groomer. 🤦‍♂️ 😂

bobknight33 said:

Constant philandering slut MTG posting nsfw nude revenge porn publicly for children to see.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yesterday your boy Thomas was caught taking more bribes, these were direct cash payments from lawyers with cases before the Supreme Court that made donations through Thomas’s clerk for “Clarence Thomas Xmas”.
Somebody needs to “remove” those “conservative judges” that have sold the highest court in the land to the highest bidder while thumbing their nose at America and seize 200% of their assets (put them and their heirs tens of millions deep in debt).

Today Republican house members are under investigation for harboring a spy and fugitive, namely Gal Luft, who turns out to be a spy for China among other crimes like bribing high level Trump officials to sway Trump public policy in ways that benefited China and harmed America, and other serious crimes like arms dealing and the secret sale and smuggling of embargoed oil from Iran to China, and who they publicly stated they knew was a spy who had jumped bail in February before fleeing the country. It sure sounds like the MAGA republicans likely aided and abetted and helped hide a direct enemy of America, tried to grant him whistleblower status to protect him from prosecution…all of which may be treason! 😂
Another total failure of MAGA’s schemes to slander Biden.
Another “whistleblower” that turns out to be completely unreliable like EVERY SINGLE MAGA WHISTLEBLOWER, more serious MAGA criminality in efforts to hurt their political rivals, more siding with the enemies of America over the USA. You traitors deserve nothing but a cigarette and blindfold.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let me guess….now that Justice Sonia Sotomayor is caught using her staff to help sell books, Supreme Court ethics matter, Justice John Roberts should reverse his 2011 decision to not have any ethics rules at all for justices, and she should be disbarred, right?
But not the MAGA judges who all took tens of millions in free gifts from people with cases before the court, who have completely delegitimized the court and damaged its reputation beyond repair.


Double the expected jobs, 1/3 of the expected inflation. Those revised job numbers you said would go down went up. Revised July (2nd quarter) GDP is 2.3%, well above predictions of .5%-.9%. Also, wages are now outpacing inflation by 1.6% and rising! Ready to go blue? 😂

PS- Ray Epps is now sueing Fox for slander for accusing him of being the leader of an fbi plot to cause Jan 6 and frame MAGA, even though they knew he was MAGA with no ties to any federal organization, not fbi, cia, oss, or irs. He hired the lawyer that Dominion used, and has the testimony of Abby Grosberg, Tucker’s ex senior executive producer…so expect another 8 figure settlement for more MAGA lies.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again Trump appointed prosecutor David Weiss sent a public letter/reprimand to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham again stating that he had full control over the Hunter Biden criminal investigation had never been denied authority to bring charges in ANY jurisdiction and the latest GOP fake whistleblower (that hasn’t ever testified under oath) is another outright liar with clear bias, this one angry he wasn’t promoted by Weiss… another fraud like all the rest have been conclusively proven to be (the ones that actually existed that is, most Republican “whistleblowers” never existed anywhere but the lying minds of Republicans, they aren’t real people they’re made up just like the phantom “tapes”).

This is the third time he has had to publicly correct Republican senators that continue to outright lie about the facts in efforts to protect Trump from the consequences of his uncountable anti American crimes (crimes much worse than wearing or defacing flags, dozens and dozens of treasonous and seditious crimes). Poor babies, even the unqualified judges they stuffed the judiciary with aren’t helping them escape exposure and justice. They all know, Trump is only ONE of many targets Jack Smith has his eyes on, and he’s not fucking around.

D’oh! The forensic evaluation of the “Hunter laptop” has now proven most if not all data had been altered or installed after it was in Giuliani’s possession. Much of it poorly, like the fake WhatsApp text MAGA has latched onto as proof of crime that is actually in the wrong color, the wrong format, and even though it’s purported to be a text from 2017 (on a day when Hunter and Joe were now proven to not be together) it has a photo of Hunter as his avatar in the screenshot that’s from 2022.
Hide and watch…Hunter is going to sue every Republican Senator for $10 million each and he’s going to get it. Dumbshits….never knowingly falsely slander and libel the son of the president, it won’t work out. 😂

Oh SNAP!! ANOTHER!!! Gal Luft, THE "very credible witness on Biden family corruption" - James Comer, has been arrested for eight counts after jumping bail in Feb., including failing to register as a foreign agent, evading oil sanctions, two counts of making false statements to investigators and three counts of illicit arms trafficking.
Accused by U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York of having "subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official." And stated he had “agreed to covertly recruit and pay" the official, an adviser to then President-elect Donald Trump, to "publicly support certain policies with respect to China." Luft is also accused of attempting to broker "illicit arms transactions with, among others, certain Chinese individuals and entities." He allegedly worked to broker a deal for Chinese companies to sell weapons, including anti-tank launchers, grenade launchers and mortar rounds, to Libya. He’s also accused of brokering sales of Iranian oil.
Notice…sold influence on presidential policy on China, similar to the baseless accusations against Hunter…EVEY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION, even the Hunter accusations. 😂 😂 😂 JUST FUCKING WOW SON.

These MAGA tears are so yummy and sweet, you guys. YUMMY! MMMMMM….

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Pennsylvanian Republicans just lost another case trying to toss out their own mail in voting law after it didn’t help them in 2020 or 22. 😂

Seems MAGA is losing cases left and right in their desperate attempt to block any voters that aren’t retired white people or corporations. (Yes, Republicans are trying to give any corporation a vote in elections as if they were citizens).

Fortunately, they’re just too dumb to understand the law and constitution and are losing bigly, like with multiple MAGA states who implemented hyper biased redistricting intended to favor republicans now being forced to create new democratic districts. Trumpism destroyed your party and it’s prospects.

Bonus- DC Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson who just ordered Donald Trump to sit for a deposition in the wrongful termination and retaliation cases brought by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. They got around the “apex doctrine” because Trump repeatedly bragged publicly that he was 100% responsible for having them fired, and his lame excuse that he didn’t have time ignored because he has time for dozens of frivolous lawsuits against others, so he has time to be deposed. Not a huge deal, but likely another few million of your political donations will go to hand Trumps enemies huge judgements and settlements (and pay his horrific lawyers). Lots of that going around.
Also the DC bar report on Giuliani recommends his disbarment for his part in the big lie.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

moonsammy says...

Yes, because the news is constantly showing the president having his unqualified child inside the White House to... hang out? Help him? Get his advice on things? Yup, it's on the news all the damned time. So long as we're discussing news coverage from early 2017 - early 2021, that is.

bobknight33 said:

Spin as they might, All know it belongs the degenerate son, Hunter.

Woman's front yard cactus suddenly shoots up 25 feet

newtboy says...

I have (self diagnosed) aphasic anomia. I have tried every trick in the book, mnemonic devices, repetition, association, etc. repeatedly writing it down helps me a little, but I have had trouble remembering my wife and my brother’s names…it’s not about not remembering the name, it’s a problem with recalling them on command and getting a blank, which triggers a little panic, which makes recalling the name more difficult, triggering more panic….it’s embarrassing.

The same thing happens to me with words, it’s why I often speak differently and get accused of being intentionally erudite. I know the concept I’m trying to convey, but the words are just lost. I have more trouble recalling short easy words than longer, more advanced/difficult words, so I often come across as “high falutin”, but really I’m just trying to communicate as clearly as possible considering my issues.

luxintenebris said:

can emphasize w/the 404 on names. using a mnemonic device is a neat trick, 'tho have to remember to make one and then use it.

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