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What Happens When A Box Of Garbage Falls Into A Volcano Lake

Biker Gets Arrested for Obstructed License Plate

grahamslam says...

I wish police were held personally responsible for their actions. Overstepping their authority, making up shit, causing this guy a lot of time and money for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

THEY need to be arrested, put a helmet on their heads and pulled off without undoing the straps, stripped searched, held in a cell, hire an attorney on their own money (not the taxpayers), made to prove their innocence of made up charges BEYOND a reasonable doubt.

Good thing this guy has video of it all. I hope he sues their asses and recovers money for his expenses, time and bullshit and the police involved are fired.

I just get fired up cuz similiar situations have happened to me. Like I was once arrested for public intoxication while being a passenger in a vehicle that got pulled over for no reason (they seen our vehicle pull out of a bar parking lot). They hauled the driver and myself to the station, impounded his truck but since he was under the limit, they allowed him to walk out the door to the other door and bail me out. Since this happened in AR and I live in OH, they knew I wouldn't come back to court to fight the BS charges.

A Serious Heavy Load

A Serious Heavy Load

Ken Block Insane Driving Skills

AeroMechanical says...

He actually kind of sucks. He was way out of his depth in the World Rally Championship (finished 22nd of 30 last year). He had marginal success in the American Rally Championship largely because his equipment budget was much higher than anyone else's.

Pretty much all he does of note is making these videos.

>> ^vaire2ube:

If NASCAR is about endurance driving, just give a trophy to long haul truckers.
This guy right here is special... and he makes right turns.

Ken Block Insane Driving Skills

Riots in Moscow May 6, 2012

aaronfr says...

What makes you think they are worse than the US? Have you seen how they treat Occupiers in the US?

Pepper spray? Check.
Barricades? Check.
Clubs? Check.
Snatch and Grab Arrests? Check.
Hauling people away by their arms and legs? Check.
Punching protesters? Check.

Needlessly pinning people to the ground with your knee on their neck? Not in this video, but often used against Occupy.
Groping women as a form of intimidation and abuse? see previous.
Full riot gear? see previous.
Plastic cuffs so tight they cut off circulation? see previous
Denying prisoners food and water for up to 24 hours? see previous
Stun grenades, tear gas, tasers, bean bag rounds? see previous

Perhaps you only think this is worse than what is happening in the US because you are not paying attention.

>> ^artician:

I guess they want to show the world how much worse than the US they are. Sad.

Parking lot owner takes customer's Corvette out for joyride

Auger8 says...

Wow I hadn't actually watched the video when I made my last comment so I didn't realize the extent of use here. But considering they didn't just use it once and park it at their house and return it the next day your argument falls apart. They repeatedly used it to run errands and were obviously joyriding at high speeds in some segments this guy will be lucky if all he gets is a UUMV charge. And even if his contract does cover this sort of use with customer cars one thing I know from watching civil court TV is that you can't write a contract that essentially allows you to break the law and then go back later and claim it's the other parties fault for not reading the contract. If you break the law you break the law end of story and with the footage they have this guy has zero chance of getting off the hook here.

[edit] Though your right without the video it might be harder to prove and it might have ended up in civil court rather than criminal court though I would think even a civil court Judge would realize this was way beyond fair use. And most car parking companies wouldn't include "special" language in their contracts to cover their asses. It would seem to me that the contract itself would be incriminating at that point.

>> ^Porksandwich:

>> ^Auger8:
In Texas they would charge you with "Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle" or a UUMV which is different than Grand Theft Auto. So say I live with a room mate and he has access to my keys cause I leave them on a peg in my kitchen or something and maybe I've even let him use it before but not this time, this time he takes my car to the store when I'm asleep and crashes it or doesn't return for a few days. That's what the charge would be since he didn't really "steal" it he just used it without asking me. I believe it's a either a high class Misdemeanor or the Lowest Class Felony. Sorry for the run-on sentence there not sure how to word that differently lol.
>> ^Porksandwich:
Is there anything they can even charge the guy with though? I mean you are leaving your car with them and giving it over to their I am betting their paperwork covers their ass for this kind of stuff if it should arise.
I guess the only thing you could possibly do is try to get them on the personal use stuff. Like the hauling of wood, peeling out on dirt roads, etc.

Still betting their agreement has language to cover a very broad number of reasons for them to move your vehicle. Without the video evidence, he could say he took it home because security chased off someone messing with it the night before.
I mean if you sign something saying "it's OK to...." and then they do something that could be construed to fall under that. You've got a much larger argument to be made, IE you entered into a bad agreement and they took advantage of you versus them just behaving beyond the normal for that kind of business.
I'm not saying this guy isn't an absolute dirt bag and deserves someone to beat him soundly for using their vehicle in an asshole way, but......I'm just not seeing it happen in a court of law knowing that no one is going to watch your car without an agreement you sign if you're leaving your keys with them during it. Long term parking is different because you park it yourself and are in charge of handling whatever comes up problem wise with it...never seen a written agreement in that scenario. There the people working the lot getting your car (no keys or keys) would be obviously unauthorized use and not outright theft since it was there when you got back.

Parking lot owner takes customer's Corvette out for joyride

Porksandwich says...

>> ^Auger8:

In Texas they would charge you with "Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle" or a UUMV which is different than Grand Theft Auto. So say I live with a room mate and he has access to my keys cause I leave them on a peg in my kitchen or something and maybe I've even let him use it before but not this time, this time he takes my car to the store when I'm asleep and crashes it or doesn't return for a few days. That's what the charge would be since he didn't really "steal" it he just used it without asking me. I believe it's a either a high class Misdemeanor or the Lowest Class Felony. Sorry for the run-on sentence there not sure how to word that differently lol.
>> ^Porksandwich:
Is there anything they can even charge the guy with though? I mean you are leaving your car with them and giving it over to their I am betting their paperwork covers their ass for this kind of stuff if it should arise.
I guess the only thing you could possibly do is try to get them on the personal use stuff. Like the hauling of wood, peeling out on dirt roads, etc.

Still betting their agreement has language to cover a very broad number of reasons for them to move your vehicle. Without the video evidence, he could say he took it home because security chased off someone messing with it the night before.

I mean if you sign something saying "it's OK to...." and then they do something that could be construed to fall under that. You've got a much larger argument to be made, IE you entered into a bad agreement and they took advantage of you versus them just behaving beyond the normal for that kind of business.

I'm not saying this guy isn't an absolute dirt bag and deserves someone to beat him soundly for using their vehicle in an asshole way, but......I'm just not seeing it happen in a court of law knowing that no one is going to watch your car without an agreement you sign if you're leaving your keys with them during it. Long term parking is different because you park it yourself and are in charge of handling whatever comes up problem wise with it...never seen a written agreement in that scenario. There the people working the lot getting your car (no keys or keys) would be obviously unauthorized use and not outright theft since it was there when you got back.

Parking lot owner takes customer's Corvette out for joyride

Auger8 says...

In Texas they would charge you with "Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle" or a UUMV which is different than Grand Theft Auto. So say I live with a room mate and he has access to my keys cause I leave them on a peg in my kitchen or something and maybe I've even let him use it before but not this time, this time he takes my car to the store when I'm asleep and crashes it or doesn't return for a few days. That's what the charge would be since he didn't really "steal" it he just used it without asking me. I believe it's a either a high class Misdemeanor or the Lowest Class Felony. Sorry for the run-on sentence there not sure how to word that differently lol.

>> ^Porksandwich:

Is there anything they can even charge the guy with though? I mean you are leaving your car with them and giving it over to their I am betting their paperwork covers their ass for this kind of stuff if it should arise.
I guess the only thing you could possibly do is try to get them on the personal use stuff. Like the hauling of wood, peeling out on dirt roads, etc.

Parking lot owner takes customer's Corvette out for joyride

Porksandwich says...

Is there anything they can even charge the guy with though? I mean you are leaving your car with them and giving it over to their I am betting their paperwork covers their ass for this kind of stuff if it should arise.

I guess the only thing you could possibly do is try to get them on the personal use stuff. Like the hauling of wood, peeling out on dirt roads, etc.

The Weakerthans "Tournament of Hearts"

taranimator says...

In Toronto, Canada - perhaps it was a little over a year..
Actually, I almost missed it! The show started with a warm-up band. We assumed it was the warm-up band from the ticket and the next band (the real warm-up) was the Weakerthans. The second warm-up band was terrible. They said nothing, the set was short and the sound was almost incomprehensible. Everyone seemed to split directly after the last number. So, standing in an empty hall with the lights on watching people hauling gear away, we thought, 'oh, well.. win some, you lose some' and we left the venue. Flagging a cab we had second thoughts... That REALLy didn't sound like the Weakerthans from their albums .. what if...

So we went back and lo and behold -- they were in the process of resetting the stage for the real Weakerthans! After a very long break they came on and played an awesome show with great sound -- we nearly missed it! One of the best shows I've seen.

Fight Club Philosophies

alien_concept says...

>> ^heathen:

You're not how many power points you have. You're not your sifted videos. You're not your playlists. You're not your star points. You're not your username. You're not your personal queue. You're not your anniversary. You're not your unsifted videos.
... but you're still going to upvote this video. You're going to upvote this comment too. Or these guys are going to take your balls. They're going to send one to the New York Times, one to the LA Times press-release style. Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us.

Oooo I was so tempted not to upvote that comment you troll you, but it was impossible not to. Good stuff

Fight Club Philosophies

heathen says...

You're not how many power points you have. You're not your sifted videos. You're not your playlists. You're not your star points. You're not your username. You're not your personal queue. You're not your anniversary. You're not your unsifted videos.

... but you're still going to upvote this video. You're going to upvote this comment too. Or these guys are going to take your balls. They're going to send one to the New York Times, one to the LA Times press-release style. Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us.

FedEx Apologises For "Monitor Dumping" Delivery Driver

longde says...

I know alot of high paid people who hate their jobs. I don't play violins for them, but I do empathize.

On the FE/PO relationship: from wikipedia: FedEx SmartPost specializes in the consolidation and delivery of high volumes of low-weight, less time-sensitive business-to-consumer packages, using the US Postal Service[2] for final delivery to residences.

Agree agree agree on your last point.
>> ^shagen454:

Not that it even matters to me, but first class mail will be replaced by FedEx and UPS priority deliveries as first class mail will become a two day service.
The guy probably does not hate his job's payout because even a SCM makes over 130K including bonuses so I'm sure this guy is rolling in it. Never ever heard about USPS handling FedEx duties.... I still stand by my statement FedEx fucking sucks a corrupt company; but I guess that doesn't make them much different than most corporations in the America? And people seem to be fine with that.
>> ^longde:
@shagen454 Of course within your post you directly addressed the teleprompter guy: "the way this guy speaks, completely disingenuous, stale, planned is exactly the way that company is all the way to the top." ; that's why I responded acerbically. I really don't know what you expect that guy to do. I'm sure he hates his job too. No need to dump on him in an empty way if your target is really FedEx.
People didn't "fall for" it; I would guess the 3 upvoters (wow, how many power points will that get me?) were simply rubbed the same way I was with your post.
I am a little familiar with the operations of FedEx, UPS and the Post Office. I wouldn't want to be a grunt in any of those places either; having my times constantly checked. Does that mean I would chuck a monitor over a fence? At least they didn't can that guy.
Since Fed Ex is actually contracted by the Postal Service for some mid- and long-haul routes, shutting down the Postal Service would actually hurt some parts of FedEx. Also, I don't think that UPS or FedEx will offer a replacement for 1st class mail.

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