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Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl

Trancecoach jokingly says...

Oh thank goodness the Feds are getting involved. They always restore justice and ensure peace and harmony with all they do.


Lawdeedaw said:

Feds are getting do me a favor...take your right hand and lift it in the air. Then smack the shit out of your face. Many incidents have been prosecuted these years. Granted, many have not. But each is a case by case. Ferguson was 100% justified (Even if there were racist practices.) Gardner, not so much. Perhaps manslaughter would have been a good start. But again, 50-50 is way different than it used to be. Used to be 100-0.

maestro156 (Member Profile)

minuephysics - Why it's Impossible to Tune a Piano

Phooz says...

Hey! I'm a piano tuner by trade! Awesome to see this on the sift!

Check out this website if you want to delve deeper into this stuff:

Essentially, back in the day, each key (talking Cmajor/Cminor, Dmajor/Dminor, etc.) had intervals that were tuned a little differently and so each key had it's own character and the more sharps and flats the key had the crazier it sounded (and the less it was used!). Under the section "Key Color" it shows you what kind of character the key had be it sad or happy. pretty interesting stuff!

Not until the advent of piano analysis was equal temperament possible. So in equal temperament every key is acceptable to play in albeit all slightly out of tune.

This further goes into why barbershop harmony (or all acapella music, really) is so interesting because it and its overtones are not bound by any temperament.

minuephysics - Why it's Impossible to Tune a Piano

vil says...

You can slap technology on it, but you have to understand the problem first. You can absolutely tune one string absolutely.

You cant tune a piano absolutely because how keys and harmony work, not for lack of ear or technology. You have to decide how to fudge the tuning to suit the purpose.

Psychopath vs. Sociopath: What’s The Difference?

poolcleaner says...

No, no, my moral compass is right in tune with that of the society, it's just that if you stare at me wrong I'll murder you. That's all. Not much of a difference at HEY ARE YOU STARING AT ME? Oh sorry, I have astigmatism so I can't see too good. Either that or EVERYONE IS LOOKING AT ME!!! AHHHHH!!!

I mean, hey I am all for peace and harmony, you just have to STOP. Stop it!! WHY WON'T YOU STOP IT!!!!!!!!! /STAB

Frozen Lullaby by Garfunkel and Oates

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

enoch says...

here is what i don't get about you or lantern: state that you are a conservative with a "tea party" flavor to your politics,
you consistently defend the power of the state to authorize our ever-increasing militarized police force to engage in violence and brutality which often leads to the death of a citizen,often with impunity (such as this case).

this is neither conservative nor tea party,it is fascist.

2.many of your arguments point to obeying a lawful order,be polite and respectful and much of the brutality and violence would end.on this point i totally agree,
you totally ignore how "equal under law" has been perverted to only serve the elite and those who can "pay for justice" and how the system of "justice" has been corrupted to target minorities and the economically insolvent (poor) and feed them into the largest prison system on the planet.

they are commodifying the poor,blacks,latinos in the name of profit,all for the same elitist fucknozzles who perpetrated fraud,theft and outright lies,walking away with trillions of our money and not a single indictment.(check that,ONE indictment of a low level banker..whoopdy-shit).

yet i see you consistently BLAME the poor,black and latino.

this is not conservative nor tea is racist.

3.many of your posts deal with a corrupt it is bloated and decry the 'welfare/nanny state" and the horrible misappropriation of funds.

this is a typical,and necessary argument.that is the way of political dialogue and while i am not debating here the finer points nor the validity of your position,i am,however,saying the discussion is a necessary one to engage in.


you,almost without fail,disregard and will actually DEFEND:police brutality and military action on foreign soil.yet BOTH of these institutions are exclusively government controlled,operated and executed.(which is why many of lanterns posts make me laugh).

this is not conservative nor tea party ......... it is the epitome of cognitive dissonance.

my point is:
your arguments and positions are not philosophically harmonious.
they are in direct opposition.your posted philosophies are a direct contradiction to what you espouse.

here is an example of late:
@newtboy tends to post cops behaving badly videos.
you will chime in,almost always,siding with the cop (in one fashion or another).
newtboy will make an argument about exercising your rights.the rights as a citizen in a situation with a representative of the state..

in that instance..newtboy is more a tea party conservative than you are bob.

think about that for a moment bob....
newt is MORE of a patriot and constitutionalist than YOU are.
maybe you are just being a contrarian?
maybe just a bit of trolling? the end,your arguments make no sense due to their contradictory nature.
you can't be for a smaller,more accountable government and then look the other way when that very same government is over-stepping it's lawful directives.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

newtboy says...

Many people seem confused about our government's origins.
Wiki- Treaty Of Tripoli-unanimously ratified by congress and President John Adams 1797
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;

as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

"By their actions, the Founding Fathers made clear that their primary concern was religious freedom, not the advancement of a state religion. Individuals, not the government, would define religious faith and practice in the United States. Thus the Founders ensured that in no official sense would America be a Christian Republic. Ten years after the Constitutional Convention ended its work, the country assured the world that the United States was a secular state, and that its negotiations would adhere to the rule of law, not the dictates of the Christian faith. The assurances were contained in the Treaty of Tripoli of 1797 and were intended to allay the fears of the Muslim state by insisting that religion would not govern how the treaty was interpreted and enforced. John Adams and the Senate made clear that the pact was between two sovereign states, not between two religious powers.[15]

The constitution and bill of rights were based on English Common Law, which existed long before the Romans brought the idea of Christianity to if people insist our laws are based on religion, remind them the religion in power where/when they came from was Pagan religion, and they should be worshiping Odin.

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

poolcleaner says...

Totally agree with you. I'm glad you agree with me. This is true harmony. I love you. <3

oblio70 said:

yeah! the keys are props of the passenger! he's practising for the Tour de France for his country.

Your Brain On Shrooms

Guidenlight says...

Mushrooms are a DEEPLY SPIRITUAL substance and when consumed in the PROPER ENVIRONMENT can do wonders for the evolution of the brain physically, as well as the mind, body, and soul metaphysically. They aid in functions of thought, how we perceive the world around us, and provide a deeper level of understanding then we are accustomed to. These realizations can be overwhelming, but when these realizations are accompanied with friends who keep you safe, a trusted guide, and a comfortable environment, the effects are harmonious and enlightening.

P.S. bad trips are just lessons for you to learn. a lot of it has to do with how we perceive control. a realistic measurement of psilocybin mushrooms for beginners would be more like 1.5-3.5Gs.
I personally consume 3.5g but I'm experienced, and again the potency must be understood... Safe journeys ~ Guidenlight

Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?

poolcleaner says...

I don't understand this desire to try and "one up" scientific thought, as if the concept of a demiurge were religion's alone. It's not for man to decide what is truth and what is not, it is for us to discover only that which we may mechanically use, whether through ystem theories, mathematic constructs, or physically engineered structures.

Science may be harmonious but only if it is honest and seeks only that which is not fueled by attachment to being. Any reward, whether in heaven or on earth is a materialistic concept which separates us from the body of human experience. Rather than naturally progress within our own capabilities, we obsess over grand concepts of our narcissistic, non transitory being and the entity of of a God. Meanwhile, our minds suffer at the leaps and bounds that imagination inflicts upon our honest beings. Behavior modification for the sake of a concept you would seek to elevate over the hard earned work of the scientific process.

Again, I don't understand why you pounce on these sudden epiphany driven straws lying amidst a rigorously disciplined field as the sciences. You have straws with no tangible truth, only the ability to prove that, yes, you are a pattern detecting being. I can find a 1000 faces of a 1000 gods in a spackled piece of drywall, don't mean any one of them is real or if any were, that it's the god that I've put a name to.

Now for a lesson in system analysis: determining whether the pattern you've detected within a metaphysical concept is congruent with reality as we know it, or have you detected a false positive. Also known as the proof between a Christian God and every other concept of the concept of God, through all its faces back to its ultimate being: Infinity. The Infinity could be ANYTHING.

shinyblurry said:

That's speculation, but it would mean intelligent design is a scientific theory. You're seemingly okay with the Universe being designed by a programmer, but not God, although the programmer would be a god to us in every practical way.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

ChaosEngine says...

What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.

bobknight33 said:

@lantern53 summed it up well enough.

"Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head."

What kind of " brand of racism " are you referring to?

If you need I could suggest some Anger management course for you.
you will also get your Anger Certificate to hand on the wall.

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

Jerykk says...

Again, this isn't about rights or principles. It's about reality. We live a world where many people don't care about your rights or the law. If you give them the opportunity, these people will exploit you. If you don't want to be exploited, you need to avoid creating such opportunities whenever it is practical to do so. Ideally, we wouldn't have to do this. Ideally, everyone would share the same principles and values and we would all coexist in harmony. But that's not the world we live in.

Also, your analogies are pretty silly. Sending nude pics of yourself to someone is in no way comparable to using online banking. Banks have exponentially more security than whatever messaging or e-mail service you're using to send pictures, not to mention that the person receiving the pics can do whatever they want with them.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, but that's a stupid argument. Just because we live in a digital world doesn't mean people have any less right to privacy.

Or do you think people whose emails are hacked should have used snail mail?
What about all those idiots who use online banking?

Stop blaming the victim.

best anarchist speech i have ever heard

ChaosEngine says...

I used to think like this, but then I finished high school.

Seriously, anarchy is a lovely ideal. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and no-one is tramping anyone elses rights. When a job needs doing, we find someone willing to do it and compensate them (preferably with a barter system or something).

One minor problem though..





We don't live in some kind of post-scarcity utopia. I wish we did, but that is simply not the reality of human society or history. Anarchists and libertarians seem to think that anyone who disagrees with them loves government and simply can't wait to pour their hard earned money in a military industrial complex.

I don't know anyone like that. I don't like my government, and I sure as hell don't like yours. I don't mind paying for hospitals and roads and welfare (and yeah, I don't even really give a fuck about "welfare queens" or "dole bludgers" or other mythical right wing beasties), but I fucking hate the idea that my money goes to fund the pointless "war on drugs" or on mass surveillance.

But I recognise that for all its ills, the system (for the most part) works. People today have a higher standard of living, live longer, and have more rights than at any other time in history. Some of that is down to science; some of it is because of private innovation and some of it is simply that we have changed the way our societies run through elections, etc.

What I do know is that when government becomes beholden to private interests (lobbyists in the USA) shit goes bad. But the solution to that is not to allow powerful people even more leeway to fuck over the weak.

Bohemian Rhapsody - Drunk Edition

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