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$1870.00 Parking Fine

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^deathcow:

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

My guess is you still might get a ticket, but you could get it thrown out in court with some testimony from your parents and such.

$1870.00 Parking Fine

Porksandwich says...

>> ^deathcow:

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

It's very unlikely someone would be there waiting for you when flights come and go all night and you can't really guess when someone will show up to get the vehicle.

I don't think there would be an issue personally. The difference is they drove themselves instead of you driving them there and parking to help them unload and cart in their bags for their flight. You're supposed to be able to park in handicap if any person in the vehicle has a valid placard. If there were an issue all you'd have to do is that your parents had a flight that day justifying the use of the handicap spot.

And I wish they would ticket more people for parking violations. Too many people park outside the lines, or across lines......block fire lanes for excessive amounts of time. I see people parking in the space they leave on the end of parking rows so people can stop and still see around vehicles to safely turn...making it really dangerous to manuever in parking lots since it forces you to either creep out to see or make a blind turn.

$1870.00 Parking Fine

deathcow says...

How about when my parents (who have legal placards) drive to the airport and park handicapped and then fly out of state? I go there and pick their car up. I hop into the car in the blue zone. I drive off with their placard hanging. How would that go down?

$1870.00 Parking Fine

Morganth says...

Lying to park in a handicap space is douchebag thing to do, but I still think $1,800 is crazy excessive. If anything should have excessive fines, it should be what's also dangerous to the public - like speeding, running red lights, and parking in fire lanes. My one speeding ticket (for driving 78 in a 55) cost me $140 three years ago. I'm not complaining for what I had to pay, but it really should be the reverse.

Real Time With Bill Maher: New Rules: Socialism 7/29/11

Petition to Apply Affirmative Action to the Basketball Team

dgandhi says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

This is my biggest problem with AA... it ultimately does nothing to solve the problems it's supposed to address. @Morganth alluded to it in his post. Rather than handicapping white people, we should be addressing the problems that lead to race inequality. AA is like breaking the legs of Olympic athletes so the folks in the Paralympics can keep up.

Except, that's not what it does. AA does not stop the best and the brightest, it simply corrects for preexisting bias that effects the criteria on which the decision is made. What you are describing looks a lot more like unchecked white privilege than it does AA as it exists in the real world.

Allowing people to pursue a career at what they are good at does address the problem. The problem is both material, in the sense of disproportional class disadvantage, as well as societal, in the form of the assumption that "those people aren't good at X". AA lets people work themselves out of poverty, and creates social role models of skilled and successful non-white/male people.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

It runs a few levels deep, too. Putting less qualified people in jobs means the jobs will be done to a lower standard. That ultimately hurts our general standard of living as well as our ability to compete globally.

AA does the exact opposite of this. Consider what unchecked privileged looks like in comparison to meritocracy. The clearest example is blind auditions. Non-blinded auditions disproportional favor men, who everyone "knew" were more likely to be better qualified. Once you remove the knowledge of the sex of the player, the assessment of merit massively changes.

You can't blind college admissions, for example, because they are based on a life history in a classist and racist society. Collage is probably the simplest, though not the best, place to make this adjustment, but making it is better than not.

>> ^xxovercastxx:

If you were diagnosed with a particularly dangerous form of cancer tomorrow, would you seek out the best specialist you could find or would you seek out the best minority specialist you could find?

When white men get positions, this is in no small measure a result of there white/maleness. Knowing this, given the choice of two equally regarded doctors, I would choose the one whose regard is based on their merit, not on their privileged race/sex.

Petition to Apply Affirmative Action to the Basketball Team

xxovercastxx says...


Does anybody here seriously contend that there is not culturally pervasive affirmative action for white people?
Does anybody here seriously contend that handicapping white people is a solution? That's a rhetorical question; I already know a bunch of you do.

This is my biggest problem with AA... it ultimately does nothing to solve the problems it's supposed to address. @Morganth alluded to it in his post. Rather than handicapping white people, we should be addressing the problems that lead to race inequality. AA is like breaking the legs of Olympic athletes so the folks in the Paralympics can keep up.

It runs a few levels deep, too. Putting less qualified people in jobs means the jobs will be done to a lower standard. That ultimately hurts our general standard of living as well as our ability to compete globally.

The fact that these college students have not thought about this in depth is an indication that people don't think about things in depth
One of the things I really like about this question (the one in the video) is that it does get people thinking about AA. They may think about it and ultimately decide they were already on the right side, but at least they thought about it. It's a great question, I think.

If you were diagnosed with a particularly dangerous form of cancer tomorrow, would you seek out the best specialist you could find or would you seek out the best minority specialist you could find?

Salvia Freak Out!!! - Salvia is bad mmkay

shagen454 says...

I've done salivia, for whatever reason, about three or four times. Even taking that last third hit while a train rummages through your mind. I have never had the need to get up. I would just slink back and feel like I was being propelled upwards with enough force that I would feel pinned to my chair by the force. If I would have gotten up I'm sure it would not have been a pretty sight, I never lost control of the will of my muscles to do something totally reckless... which is why I say this guy. I'm not buying it. But, maybe, just maybe he is that mentally handicapped.

My Vagina Aint Handicapped Freestyle

Wanna Hug?

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What browser do you use when viewing VideoSift? (User Poll by eric3579)

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

Crosswords says...

Thank you for summing up my feeling on the argument that has erupted here. For him to have a trial he would have had to surrendered first. So far all indications suggest he did nothing of the sort, so until we hear something different, its a moot point to bitch and moan about a fair trial. Saddam surrendered, he was tried by the Iraq government at the time, you can argue about whether the trial was fair or not. I wold have preferred Osama was taken alive, but I'm not so deluded as to think that was a possibility under the circumstance, or that they should have just let him go if they refused to surrender. The reality is the man was an internationally wanted criminal, this wasn't serving a warrant to some hit and run preparator, this was going in to get, alive or dead, a guy who was at the very least a figure head for an organization that straps bombs to women, children and the mentally handicapped so they can go an blow themselves up in a crowded area.

>> ^direpickle:

What is wrong with you people? They were told to take him alive if they could. They fired instead of surrendering. This is what happens. This isn't the death of Freedom--this is a dumbass having a firefight with SEALs.
As for people complaining about other people glorying in his death:
Here is a video of a kid kicking a wall. It collapses on his leg. It's hard to see exactly what happens, but it's entirely feasible that it completely crushed it. In some cases the same people that are here crying about bin Laden's death were posting comments on that video whooping it up--yeah, that's what you get for committing petty vandalism! Permanent disfigurement and disability!
I wasn't out celebrating, but I can see how some people would be. The largest demonstrations sounded like they were in NYC and DC. Are any of you NYC residents? Were you in 2001? It'd be easy for me to sit here in the Midwest and go, "Meh, whatever, all he did was kill a few thousand people," but these people lived there. These were the people they knew. And this was the guy that killed them. And then hid for ten years. Threatening to kill more.
This site is practically based on schadenfreude. You relish others' embarrassment, pain, etc. etc. There are tons of videos where people are probably permanently injured or killed from falls, crashes, etc, and you all love it.

Skynet is activated tv studio cameras have begun the attack!

Stingray says...

Yeah, this is/was a live sports show in New England. They can't really just leave their seats on a live show. The show always was a bit of comedy with sports, so this camera attack fit right into their show.>> ^NicoleBee:

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
"It's gonna hit us."
So getting their fat asses up and out of their chairs never occurred to them? Are they both handicapped? Why did they just sit there and let the damn thing run into them? They could've rolled the freakin chairs out of the way too. In this instance I feel we deserve to be wiped out by machines.

Thanks for that little ray of sunshine, Westy jr!
Answer: It was funnier this way. Moustachio is such a ham. I laughed heartily.

Skynet is activated tv studio cameras have begun the attack!

ctrlaltbleach says...

Also if they stood up they would have been out of the shot.
>> ^NicoleBee:

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
"It's gonna hit us."
So getting their fat asses up and out of their chairs never occurred to them? Are they both handicapped? Why did they just sit there and let the damn thing run into them? They could've rolled the freakin chairs out of the way too. In this instance I feel we deserve to be wiped out by machines.

Thanks for that little ray of sunshine, Westy jr!
Answer: It was funnier this way. Moustachio is such a ham. I laughed heartily.

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