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SUV driver's revenge on a tow truck

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

I saw a murder today (Dark Talk Post)

Driver gets into argument with cop -- gets arrested

13360 (Member Profile)

thepinky (Member Profile)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
At least you're a bigot who knows he's a bigot. I can't stand bigots who think they're tolerant.

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
I just came across this and thought I would point out to you that you're a bigot. Have a nice day.

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:
hahaha anal-retentive bike nerds lose to fat, educated, verbose black man. details at...NOW! hahahahahaha he doesn't swear, get angry, and they accost him first...ladies, let's admit my universal "mormon morons" is correct yet again.

Awesome save by... Wait a minute! Who???

Elections stuff and possible meet up (Election Talk Post)

thepinky (Member Profile)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
I just came across this and thought I would point out to you that you're a bigot. Have a nice day.

In reply to this comment by CaptainPlanet420:
hahaha anal-retentive bike nerds lose to fat, educated, verbose black man. details at...NOW! hahahahahaha he doesn't swear, get angry, and they accost him first...ladies, let's admit my universal "mormon morons" is correct yet again.

Poltergay - The trailer

The King - Come As You Are

2,867 miles? That's nothin. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

blankfist says...

>> ^thinker247:
It looks like you're going through the most boring parts of America on your way to AZ.

Would you say he's going from A to Z to get to AZ?! Huh?! Huh?! Hahahahahaha...haha... hee... ahem. [crickets]

Dude, I drove from NC to CA back in '99. It's a piece of cake. Be sure you don't have retread tires on your vehicle, because once you hit the scorching flat highways of New Mexico and Arizona, that hot pavement will loosen the retreads. It happened to me doing about 50 mphs hauling a jeep behind a jeep, and the jeep being towed lost its retread. The fact is I never knew it had a retreaded tire! Cheap dealer could've cost me big. Anyhow, just a word of caution.

Church Group Prays to God to Lower Gas Prices!

Awww, It's Puppy Love

German town removes all traffic signs to reduce accidents

12188 says...

AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAH Let's implement that here in boston! Oh wait, we do, half the time the stoplights get busted and all blink red. If anyone has ever been to Boston during rush hour times that by ten in the intersections with busted lights. Hahahahahaha, man, what a crap idea. I'd love to know their definition of "busy road." Yeah this might work in my bum hometown in NH.
Oh, and "a lot more considerate [of cyclists]" is my favorite part. HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, on a more serious note, this will never be implemented in the US because we are simply different drivers, extremely different. Drivers in Germany practice driving as a solo task, they don't eat dinner, shave, and talk on cell phones while driving. In the US, driving has become somewhat of a background task. Also, German's have strict rules that they follow such as no one, and I mean no one ever passes on the right. It's just the way they are. So yeah this prolly works with them... but not here... HOOOO BOY NOT HERE.

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