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Awesome ad for British Telecom featuring Gremlins

Ford Pinto Explodes when rear ended (4 Secs)

The miracle of birth: Surinam Toad style

blankfist (Member Profile)

I'm a Black Nerd

How can the human race survive the next hundred years?

choggie says...

It is the nature of all things that increase can't happen without decrease-

uhhh, as humans accumulate knowledge, it's all beneficial, the bad the good-the human nature gremlins we feed energy to, well, we inherit all returns on the collective investment, the balancing act of the universe.

One would hope that the head would catch up to the ass.....

Father home from Iraq surprises daughters by hiding in box

choggie says...

Jeez Louise, my drift was heart-felt, this is a great homecoming, folks-funny how the folks that cringe the most when I muse, usually project what they think the groups of words mean, and add that to the bashbox-

goofball_jones, we've discussed some things before, "utter BS", translated, is an inability to process-

KOMMIE, yer harmless gremlin persona, has me chapped. Toast??? If you had a choice between dirt foi gras and a dirt sandwhich, which would you prefer, and why does the farmer have such a small piece of land??

Why use this post to call out gballjones and KOMMIE? Pick one better to do it on, the vibes the same where ever you may go-since they so lovingly shat upon this one, perhaps one could leave no better a thread, for reference sake.

Furby meets his maker in a microwave

AnimalsForCrackers says...

So awesome, burn you little electronic gremlin. My little sisters had these and they would not ever stfu for anything, save ripping the batteries out of their ass cavities. I feel better now after watching. Ah, the therapeutic effects of the Sift.

The Cinnamon Challenge

Ann Coulter vs. Elizabeth Edwards

choggie says...

Dude!! Those nippies were totally getting hard, good eye mate, way to know yer surroundings!!

Ann's a freekin' gremlin, and the woman on the r other end of the loine, ed-ward??, she's gotta be getting tired asking the same shit over again.....does'nt she know Ann won't stop??....fuck man, money is what, the fuck it is......

Evolution?--Three Republicans in Debate Don't Believe in It

b-money says...

I came to the conclusion long ago that religion was just an emotional crutch used by people too afraid of uncertainty. They don't really want to know the answer to what happens when you die, if there is a special purpose to life, where the world came from, etc., because they are afraid of what the answer might be. Instead, they make up a group of stories to comfort themselves and come together in groups because they think if other people share their beliefs that makes them more true.

The truth is, there is ZERO proof of anything supernatural out there. Not one bit, none. It's no coincidence that none of the religions, the boogey monster, bigfoot, the loch ness monster, gremlins, nor anything else supernatural have ever been proven to exist in the entire course or human history. That's because *they're made up*.

As to why atheists are so negative in their opinions of religious people, think of it this way: what if there was a group in your town that honestly believed in Odin and Thor. Would you think their judgement might be a little suspect? Why is your god exempt from that?

A pyromaniac's Rube Goldberg chain reaction

Universal Studios Fire

silvercord (Member Profile)

firefly says...

Thanks! I actually written it some time ago, just waiting to plug in the 100th post link. (I may have been off by one, but close enough!)

In reply to your comment:
Great stuff, Firefly!


In reply to your comment:
Hey! I wrote one too:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I sifted, weak and weary,
Over many vids and volumes of Google/YouTube lore -
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“Tis some visitor”, I muttered, tapping at my chamber door:
Only this and nothing more.
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flight and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven
of the saintly days of yore.
Adept in gouls and freaks
is she, and even other birds you see,
Achieved her hundredth post to up the score.
“Well done,” I said, while still perusing, of other vids I may be choosing,
What more from you shall we be looking for?
You brought lovely girls
we guys seek, and Wiggum’s dream a la Twin Peaks, Further good stuff to the ‘Sift, we do implore.
Action flicks from balls o’ flexin, and a ceiling dance (is most impressin’!) , a good start to continue on your chore…
Another hundred--plus half of that, to get the shine’d diamond stat
Whatever shall ye do, to raise your score?
Quoth the Raven: “Sift some more”

Congrats Raven!

firefly (Member Profile)

silvercord says...

Great stuff, Firefly!


In reply to your comment:
Hey! I wrote one too:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I sifted, weak and weary,
Over many vids and volumes of Google/YouTube lore -
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“Tis some visitor”, I muttered, tapping at my chamber door:
Only this and nothing more.
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flight and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven
of the saintly days of yore.
Adept in gouls and freaks
is she, and even other birds you see,
Achieved her hundredth post to up the score.
“Well done,” I said, while still perusing, of other vids I may be choosing,
What more from you shall we be looking for?
You brought lovely girls
we guys seek, and Wiggum’s dream a la Twin Peaks, Further good stuff to the ‘Sift, we do implore.
Action flicks from balls o’ flexin, and a ceiling dance (is most impressin’!) , a good start to continue on your chore…
Another hundred--plus half of that, to get the shine’d diamond stat
Whatever shall ye do, to raise your score?
Quoth the Raven: “Sift some more”

Congrats Raven!

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