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Liza Minnelli's risque performance of Mein Herr in Cabaret

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'choreography, burlesque, sequins, glitter, german, flamboyant' to 'choreography, burlesque, sequins, glitter, german, bob fosse, flamboyant' - edited by oxdottir

The Absolute Worst Karaoke Performance of All Time

swampgirl says...

If you can make it far enough to see drunk Grandpa come in w/ the glitter wig then it livens up a bit in the 'yuk yuk' department. I just don't get the zombie-like swaying of the rest on the left. Weirdness

The Fluoride Deception

rembar says...

^------ and this is why this video isn't allowed in the Science channel. All that glitters is not filled with fluoride.

Also, if it's a personal liberty issue, Dag, that's fine, I can dig that in a way (although in other issues, the issue of forcing medicine on people is a very controversial topic because of the need to consider the public good in the equation). As one of the studies I quoted shows, it's not even like fluoride in our (and by that, I mean all of us lucky enough to live in a first world country) water supplies are going to do that much, because we're already receiving enough fluoride through our personal dental care. That's not the issue at hand in this video, anyways.

Kevin Smith protests Dogma (his own movie)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christianity, hilarious, glitter' to 'christianity, hilarious, glitter, kevin smith, dogma' - edited by theaceofclubz

*FOOTAGE* of Kevin Smith Protesting Dogma

Jon Stewart interviews Michael Moore

bluecliff says...

That would be... (coughs) ... factually correct..., karaidl

Have you BEEN on the streets lately, have you SEEN those, those ... THEM

I... I...
have seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die

Jeepster - T. Rex - 1972

Deep Fried Candy Bar

volum says...

Eh, I'll take American French-Fries over British chips anyday. I've had them many times, and no thanks, I'll live without them.

Most of them smell like nasty fish, from either being in the same grease as fish, or too close to it, or grease never being changed. Most chip-shops in the UK are worse than Burger King, so you can shove those up your Gary Glitter =]

Carnivorous Plant Snags Insect - The Sundew

silvercord says...

These beguiling little jewels use tentacles with an adhesive "dew" to ensnare small insects such as gnats, fruit flies, and sometimes mosquitoes! Sundews glitter with often ruby-red hues and make it worth getting on your knees for a closer look. Some are winter hardy, others are tropical. Hundreds of species exist in many countries. Most are easy to grow and the tropical ones are fun terrarium subjects. The outdoor types can form enchanting, glistening carpets in the bog garden.

Blade Runner - Opening

Halon50 says...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears... in rain. Time... to die.

I need to make room in my schedule to finally play the PC video game I have in storage someplace!

Penn & Teller burn an American flag in the White House

rembar says...

Mgshadow, I think giving an answer ruins the intent of the trick, but..., they didn't. Going by what I can figure out of their tricks and what I have read on the web, I think that the routine (which I think they do in their real-life Vegas act, too) goes a little like this:

The large misdirection is that Penn and Teller use two separate illusions for what they imply is the same trick repeated twice.

In the first trick, Teller looks like he puts the scarf into the cone, but actually he tucks the scarf into a fake thumb he is wearing (notice the weird hand movement when he holds the scarf), which I think he ditches as he goes for his wand. (I'm not sure about the glitter, I think he dumps it from his wand as he swirls it in the cone.)

In the second trick, Penn leaves a corner of the flag peeking out of the end of the tube, allowing Teller to grab the flag and ditch it into Penn's back pocket or pants when he passes the cloth/flash paper into the front opening of the tube. The flash paper is what burns, not the flag. (In fact, if I recall correctly, the flags in the White House are now flame-resistant.)

Now go forth, my magical patriots, go forth and spread the good word! Muahahahaha...

guide to making hashish - from your home grown marijuana

choggie says...

....yyyhahahhhmmmmmm"""SLSUUUURRPPPP!!!like a chewy in that little candy wrapper....adorable little segue and fade with the lilting gutar and the showcase of the finnished product....gotta grow, gotta grow......

...this thing was run at stoner speed though, I felt like i was learning to put glitter on with glue, for a christmas ormanent.....I like the sound of that Ormanent, perfectly cromulent word.

Where the Original Da Da Da HEY! Cheer came from! (As heard at Sports Games) (Cheesy!)

digitalbombdog says...

Doctorin' The Tardis is a spoof on the 1972 song "Rock and Roll, Part 2" by Gary Glitter, which is the song that stadiums actually use. Apparently, sports arenas in the UK no longer play the song after Glitter's arrest and conviction for owning child pornography.

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