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Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

Bin Laden Assassination Just Another Government Lie

budzos says...

This guy is a total clown but I love listening to him for an hour or so now and then. Just to tap into the crazy vibe and because sometimes he really loses his shit Glenn Beck style and it's friggin' hilarious.

Bob Sagat did not rape and kill a girl in 1990

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

C-note says...

It's funny how one scam talks about another scam. The NIA is not even on Wikipedia. Great infomercial. Can I scrub this crap from my brain now? Oh wait, I can't and they know that. All I can say is it took way too long for me to realize the glazed over look all cult leaders have when they are trying to part you from your own wits and cash. It would have been worth to time wasted watching this if Glenn Beck popped out a cake at some point.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

rottenseed says...

There we have long did you watch? Did you watch up to the parts where I was depressed and upset? Did you watch up to the parts when I get enraged at the system? Did you watch up to the part where I was like "wtf?! This isn't a fucking documentary?!" You should really watch whatever you're least 80% of it just like I should really watch 100% of something before I start commenting. Egg on both our face...>> ^blankfist:

>> ^enoch:
the progressive arc of my reactions to this documentary:
interesting... child left behind is an abomination!
college debt as the new financial bubble..right on!
falsely inflating job demand in order to bolster enrollment,
in order to receive more funding?
oh man..this documentary is going to be GREAT!
buy silver?
ben bernake?whats he doing in this film?
lawyers are the root of all this?
they just work for the bankers,financiers and captains of industry.
buy more silver..
wait...whats goin on?
am i being PUNK'D?
oh god dammit..blankie fucking got me ...again.
thats it!
im taking my toys and going home!
/storms off

Ha. Well, I haven't watched the whole thing, to be honest. Though, their site does review sellers of gold and silver, and remember that gold company Glenn Beck was pushing really hard a year or two back? They're called Goldline. NIA basically gave them a bad review of two stars:
And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

blankfist says...

>> ^enoch:

the progressive arc of my reactions to this documentary:
interesting... child left behind is an abomination!
college debt as the new financial bubble..right on!
falsely inflating job demand in order to bolster enrollment,
in order to receive more funding?
oh man..this documentary is going to be GREAT!
buy silver?
ben bernake?whats he doing in this film?
lawyers are the root of all this?
they just work for the bankers,financiers and captains of industry.
buy more silver..
wait...whats goin on?
am i being PUNK'D?
oh god dammit..blankie fucking got me ...again.
thats it!
im taking my toys and going home!
/storms off

Ha. Well, I haven't watched the whole thing, to be honest. Though, their site does review sellers of gold and silver, and remember that gold company Glenn Beck was pushing really hard a year or two back? They're called Goldline. NIA basically gave them a bad review of two stars:

And their stock suggestions have worked out well for me. But that's mainly because I think it's a good idea to bet against the US dollar, especially now, and their stock suggestions are basically mostly that.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

TDS: Tone Def Poetry Jam

"Embedding disabled by request" (Blog Entry by jwray)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You migh be onto something there - but I haven't seen any direct evidence to support this. >> ^RFlagg:

I am wondering if they do it because of copyright issues. AronRa for example normally shares all his videos via embed, but his latest, Clarifying the various Human Species is disabled. He does include this message in his description: "BTW FYI - If you include 00:06 seconds of Glenn Beck, Fox will block your video instantly." Which makes me think that perhaps Fox shut it down and by disabling the embed he got away with it.

"Embedding disabled by request" (Blog Entry by jwray)

RFlagg says...

I am wondering if they do it because of copyright issues. AronRa for example normally shares all his videos via embed, but his latest, Clarifying the various Human Species is disabled. He does include this message in his description: "BTW FYI - If you include 00:06 seconds of Glenn Beck, Fox will block your video instantly." Which makes me think that perhaps Fox shut it down and by disabling the embed he got away with it.

Jon Stewart bids Glenn Beck Adieu

Glenn Beck Says Goodbye

Glenn Beck Says Goodbye

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