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Nice show of sportswomanship

The Unreasonable Efficiency of Black Holes

Sagemind says...

I'm sure the math is sound, it usually is with things like this.
I always giggle to myself though when I think of the plausibility.

First, find a black hole.
Second, travel to the black hole
Third, Find a way to package the energy caused by momentum of something free-floating in space.
Then, transfer that packaged energy back to where it's needed.

Seems the practicality is far less than the efficiency at which the energy is created.

How the Alt-Right Trolls

Asmo says...

Okay, so you put half the population in a box so you don't have to deal with the concept that there were many other reasons people might have voted for Trump...

You get the irony right? Or is it left? He did say that this strategy wasn't exclusive the province of the right... /giggle

newtboy said:

The thing about this is most adults don't use their lizard brain to think...but the right uses only it's lizard brain these days. What do we do when fully half the population consistently ignores reality? Ignoring the ignorant got us Trump.

Nerdwriter1: Norm Macdonald Is A Comic Genius

jmd says...

if your claim to his brilliance is because he drew out "Moth walks into a bar, bartender ask what brings you here?, and moth says because the light was on" into a 10 minute bit, you have something else going on in your brain of yours and it probably has to do with multiple voices.

I like norms deadpan deliveries and will even giggle at his "What, too soon?" jokes, but most of his drawn out jokes leave me with nothing more then a chuckle and wishing I had my 12 minutes back.

Nazi Violence Finally Called Out by Media

Asmo says...

Two points.

Completely unreasonable to discharge a firearm in to a crowd like that, although I'm fairly sure that guy is drilled enough that he could accurately shoot someone at that range if he really wanted to. The guy has been charged, correct? Entirely appropriate.

Second, you notice the missiles incoming, the dickhead trying to turn a spray can in to a flamethrower? Do you honestly think these were isolated events? Do you not think that people prepared for this? Or does every person carry aerosols and lighters just for shits and giggles?

The pretext of antifa is that assaulting people is fine because it's proactive self defense, right? If it's okay to physically attack people for thinking and saying offensive things, then why the fuck is anyone complaining about someone drawing a weapon to defend others against an actual attack??? /grin

That's the problem when you justify unreasonable actions on one side, whether you like it or not you justify unreasonable actions for everyone.

And just to ice the cake, if you're dumb enough to show up with sticks/stones/cans of spray against the the white right who are well known to be armed to the motherfucking teeth, you might want to avoid poking the bear.

ps. Upvoted your vid because it should be seen (the more documentation about the whole shebang the better) and because I'm not a petty cunt... X D

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

bcglorf says...

"The 'no penis' thing....yeah, that's kinda nuts"

"I also see that the right has moved so far right that what one might consider 'centrist' today would be extremist right 25 years ago"

Which reminds me that in the entire conversation I've been pretty much writing off the Reps and the right. I'd really like to see them do all the same things just flipping left for right and all.

I would argue that the right hasn't gone so much further from the 'center' than the left has. Of course, the 'center' is always subjective, but my barometer is basically the only mantra from the libertarians I can agree on, your rights end were mine begin. Maximizing that mantra as much as the practicalities of real world allow is what I would consider an ideally centrist goal line.

newtboy said:

Oh....that's....really? And here I thought Canadians were reasonable people.

The 'no penis' thing....yeah, that's kinda nuts, but couldn't they get around it by becoming a private club with membership dues rather than spa fees? At least here, private clubs make their own rules the members agree to when they far.

Public businesses that use public services to operate and serve the public, they have different obligations to society, imo.

I absolutely agree, the dems need to get their head out of their ass, denounce the extremists in their midst, understand that Clinton was a HUGE mistake, and move back to the center some, but I also see that the right has moved so far right that what one might consider 'centrist' today would be extremist right 25 years ago, so they need to be careful to not move past center and go right, or they'll lose for being republican light.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

iaui (Member Profile)

makach (Member Profile)

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iaui (Member Profile)

China Skyladder Competition

Asmo says...

2 thoughts.

The human knee, he won't have one worth shit in about 15 years.

And, is this an official race or just some guy doing it for shits and giggles? The number of random fucking mouth breathers who see him coming and just kinda stay put... What's the point of having a course if no one can run it due to the random sheep on the route??

Should I Have a Baby?

shagen454 says...

When he talks about how amazing the choice is to "create" a kid; it's a total cosmic giggle for me. I just picture the sound of a ketchup bottle being squeezed; Holy shit! We got another one! So AMAZING.... and yet, yeah it's pretty incredible! Lol

"I so pale"

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

Asmo says...


To add some extra context, the 1 in 20 reply was after an Australian minister in the current government said we were wrong to support Lebanese immigration back in the 70's because of 27 some odds 'accused of terrorist support' types in modern Australia. Someone fired back the 1 in 20 statistic to poke holes in what has been a generally good thing for Australia, ie. integration of other cultures.

The rhetoric from the minister dried up pretty fast, because the figures were so awfully unbalanced that no sane person could try to continue to make the point without making a complete fool of themselves. Trump obviously doesn't have that problem (well, doesn't seem to care if he does make a bigger horses ass of himself).

newtboy said:

Absolute hyperbole and false equivalency.
Those pedophiles aren't radicalized, so they don't count. Only Muslim pedophiles are evil, those 1/20 Catholic priests are all clinically insane and so not to blame.

What is it about Catholicism that it makes normal people act like they have mental issues?

the hypocrisy of women refusing to date short men

enoch says...

um..did we watch the same video?

the shallowness was exactly the point,and he was pointing the finger just as much to himself as to the hypocrisy of the women being interviewed,and to their credit...they admitted their own shallowness,and hypocrisy.

this was pretty light-hearted buddy.
you kinda brought a dark,and somberness to something that was meant to self-deprecating and give ya a giggle.

not arguing your points..those are valid.
but geez,you sure this video is what set you off?
did i miss something?

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