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Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

First of all, you realize that you posted nearly the same reply twice in a row? Are you copy&pasting replies now?
Second, sincerely, fuck you Bob. You don't get to put words in my mouth. You're a white american and you have to own your shitty, racist past.
It's not about reperations or blame, it's about your unwillingness to own your countries' racist, slave-owning, segregationist past.
The ancestors of white americans invaded, stole, raped, murdered, kidnapped and enslaved brown people to get where they are today. Your ancestors did.
If you refuse to own this, you make yourself an accomplice. You help the perpetrators to get away with it.
I own my countries past. I'll tell you all I know. It may be too little, it may be not good enough but at least I'll try. Go visit Buchenwald. I did it twice and I must say, the first time I was too stupid to understand what it meant. I'm ashamed of that.
I stood in the doorstep of a tiny little room where people would enter, believing they were there to have their height measured. They didn't know there was tiny opening in the wall where they stood. They didn't know that on the other side of the wall there's a man with a pistol waiting to shoot them in the neck. They burned the bodies in a large oven.
I want you to know this. I want everybody to know this.
I'm not at fault. I wasn't around. I'll be an accomplice if I wouldn't tell you about it. I know about a crime and I will tell you all I know about it. That's why I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand, stand in a puddle of blood (haha, you're a clown called Puddles) and deny anything's wrong.
Maybe you didn't own slaves. Maybe you never lynched a black man. Maybe you're not a cop who shot a black person for no reason. Maybe it's not your fault.
But you help them to get away with this by telling me there's no crime.

That's the difference between us two, you don't mind the blood on your hands while typing your manifestos on the internet. I do. I'll tell you all about it.

bobknight33 said:

Oh I understood Just wanted to know if YOU did.

Thank you for clearing this up. The sins of our fathers are that of the father and not carried generationally.

With said Today Americans do not owe jack to ancestors of slaves.

American can just get along and move past BLM and all the white privilege bull shit that you and your leftest ilk are promoting.

Thank you very much... Don't for get to inform you leftest friends.

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

C-note says...

To punish and oppress is the american apartheid way. There are no black children in the eyes of police. An excuse to fear for their lives is created when the use of excessive force causes the victim to try to protect themselves from the beating which justifies the use of deadly when the victim tries to stop the beating by grabbing the cops weapon. Avoid any interaction with the police and run for your life to get away if you feel they have targeted you.

Working While Black in america.

bcglorf says...

Normally I 100% give the police every benefit of the doubt in these situations. I believe you are ignoring the important parts of this video though.

The kid didn't 'cop an attitude', refuse to comply, or 'flee' the scene. He was defensive from the start, and I don't think it's unjustified to be a bit put out to be interrupted from your work to be grilled about what your doing there and to prove who you are. The turning point you are missing is when the kid asks for supposed police officer to identify himself. The guy acting like an officer not only fails to do so, he immediately wants to handcuff the kid now all of a sudden. At this stage, the kid is supposed to back away. He has a guy in a uniform refusing to identify themselves, he shouldn't be expected to hang around.

It's not an offense or problem to 'refuse to comply' with someone that isn't a police officer.

It's not fleeing a scene when there is no police officer present, let alone an officer telling you that your being detained or under arrest.

The officer's refusal to identify himself should IMO mean that he isn't considered to be a police officer at all yet in how the public is expected to interact with him. That's a public safety requirement and the fact that the department PR video is lying and calling walking away from this interaction 'fleeing' is disgusting to me.

Oh, and for the record, if the officer DID identify himself, and then said the kid was being detained or under arrest then it all changes to me. Then the kid is 100% expected to comply, and the officer is allowed to use the force required to arrest and detain the kid. At the point if the arrest is an abuse of power or not is up the courts to decide. The important distinction is none of that actually happened, the PR meeting video acts as though the officer had identified himself and attempted to detain the kid. Fortunately the kid has video evidence showing that none of that actually happened. It is legitimately scary how easily and frequently an officer could do exactly this same stunt, and without it being on camera, he would get away with the whole thing.

bobknight33 said:

The kid seems to be trying to earn a honest living and soliciting neighbors by handing out cards. Some states require a solicitor to have a permit or such.

Generally I don't think the kid had to show ID but since he was technically soliciting maybe he does. I don't know.

The kid should have complied. He decided to cop an attitude.

@newtboy He gave false name and DOB that did not match his stated age, which caused suspicion. The kid finally fled. He had a warrant out on him for assault back in 2015

Pct 1 held a press conference

When you potentially get to sue Coca-Cola for infringement

Digitalfiend says...

Odd, as a Canadian (from Ontario even), I've never heard of this guy or his video and "out for a rip" has generally been a well established phrase used by motorheads for who knows how long - but certainly well before 2015. Still, best of luck, definitely shouldn't let massive corporations get away with trademark infringement; they certainly don't look the other way when the little guys accidentally slip up.

Collateral Movie's Club Fever Shootout

Oliver Stone on how the US misunderstands Putin

vil says...

I dont get it, how does the US misunderstand Putin?

Probably have to watch these interviews. Putin always says well what he wants to say. He can outlast a smart US president and he can take advantage of a dumb one.

Putin is occupying large parts of a sovereign country in Europe, basically getting away with murder, but for Oliver he is a nice friendly guy, willing to be interviewed, with an interesting outlook on world peace. Wolf among sheep preaching vegetarianism.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

SPD (Germany): 23%
PSOE (Spain) : 22.6%
SPÖ (Austria): 26%
PS (France): 10%
PvdA (Netherlnds): 5.7%

Those are just some of the latest election/polling results of social-democratic parties in continental Europe. Corbyn's Labour came in at 40.1%. Yet somehow, Corbyn (and Sanders) is painted as the destroyer of his party's electability.

Watch all the trolls come out of the woodworks again, after claiming for months and months that Corbyn would be the ruin of Labour. And keep track of all the hacks who will still maintain that neoliberal party apparatchiks are the only option to win elections. The mental gymnastics will be hilarious, and the smear campaigns against Corbyn will be even more ferocious. They cannot let anyone challenge the neoliberal consensus and get away with it.


Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

cloudballoon says...

Was gone for the weekend and it turned into word fights (almost)...

It is so hard to carry on a discussion... the heat too easily turned up. Sorry if I contributed in the heat.

Thing is, I don't think any of us need to argue for God's omnipotent or his non-existence. God can select to do or not do anything he wants. He can choose to reveal Himself to a believer or a non-believer, or NOT to. What's the point. It has been argued for millennia and I doubt we are "The Chosen One(s)" to end this. And I think, most of us in our Western society, whether you're Christian or not, we know quite a bit about the Bible CONTENT. But the 99.99% of us non-Bible-scholars probably don't know the exact CONTEXT of the tough stuff. The churches avoid them too for obvious reasons.

For me the important things is, there are really horrible things done in history (and present) in the name of religion. Allow me to be a bit self-serving and consider these terrible, inhumane events as evil beings hijacking their religions so they can get away Scot-free. We can't allow that in this day & age. Hold the evil doers & hypocrites accountable, not the religion.

When I read the Bible, I see all the crap that makes no sense too, but I see the discrepancy as humanity making progress. There are so many years between us & the Bible's original writings (or oral pass-me-downs), words & meaning invariably changed (and not always for the better). Could it be the clear-as-day word "gossip" (its Hebrew equivalent) was not part of its language yet? Therefore Paul said those sexist things (in our modern eye)? Or just people speak funny in those days? I can't be sure.

So, I *try* to figure out the meaning of those difficult Bible verses by keeping the context of Jesus' teachings in mind. I mean, come on, all he want is us all having compassion towards each other, be respectful of God and oh, there's the promise of heaven. Like, THAT'S IT, that's the gist of it. Anything else is pretty secondary & incidental to me. The part that concerns between human-human interact? Yes, it's hard to put in practice. But it's not hard to understand what's needed to be done. E.g. If someone offends my religion, should I go on the defensive and then all Super-Saiyan retaliation mode? Or should put my focus into finding out why he offended me and try to understand the reasoning behind it, and if possible, do something positive about it? I believe Jesus asks of us the latter.

Thing is, as a Christian (granted, some Christian might not consider me one that much, maybe?), I'm OK to leave a lot of things in the Bible in the "gray zone"... because it is *I* that haven't the smarts to comprehend what's written fully. But I do think I understand its purpose enough to know what I need to do to be better. The world is full of hurt, we can't just standby and focus on sometimes pointless fights (ironically I'm typing this post, lol, mea culpa, but hope it's worth it), better put more energy on making things better -- like Jesus, arguably the most progressive thinker/doer of its time, wanted to make the world a better place. Jesus didn't spend his time setting up a religion, he was there for a peace & compassion revolution.

Seriously sad that when the topic touches on religion, there're way too much stereotypes & presumptions on every sides. I see the reality as far more nuanced. I can understand, and in fact conditionally support, a lot of the abolition of "Religion" with its ritualistic practices in today's society. I really don't trust anyone loudly proclaiming themselves "devout" but support sexist/racist/unjust policies. The smell of hypocrisy, ulterior motives & power corruption are too great. Don't sheepishly give them the political & God forbid... military power to do great harm to humanity. History has proven that time & again.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

vil says...

So some of you Americans honestly believe this is the correct way to police a neighborhood community? Or are you all trolls?

This is close to incarceration for jaywalking or shooting someone for wearing a hoodie and being black.

Look at how many officers and what effort and time it takes to solve the case of a scratched car at a crossroads scene and how they manage to make a meal of it.

At 3 minutes into the video they are exactly one competent cop, two calm sentences and one phone call to parents away from not having to deal with the ensuing fracas. Even if they did everything by the book they will be remembered as assholes.

The message the girl gets is she should have tried harder to get away sooner because cops are pigs (even when they try to do things right and have a camera).

Policing a community is much easier (or only possible?) if people want to cooperate and trust the policemen to not be arrogant douchebags waiting for 15yr old girls to "make their day".

Possession of marihuana - she should be glad to be alive. Go watch Fort Apache, the Bronx one more time.

Bike/Motorcycle Crash, Chase, Fight, and Escape

newtboy says...

Bunch of douchbags.
This is why people intentionally run cyclists over, assholes like this.
I hope the next bike he wrecks is ridden by an over zealous cop that breaks his legs and gets away with it. (Not really) Get his ass off the road.
All those bikers should be in jail, they acted as a group/gang, charge them as a group/gang.

Range Rover imitates Rockford and fails

Payback says...

Interesting, never heard of "J-Turn" always known it as a "Bootlegger", as in how bootleggers get away from cops.

Also, in what way is this "skillful"?

What you need to know about the Obamacare repeal

Jinx says...


No, the Conservatives in the UK wouldn't dare SAY they wish to abolish the NHS, but they'll cripple it as much as they can get away with it (and then they'll blame immigrants for overburdening it). I don't think we should be complacent. Salami Slices.

The Brilliant Earth Diamond Scam

MilkmanDan says...

Lawsuit for false advertising?

Overall, this seems rather analogous to bottled water. Penn and Teller did a brilliant "Bullshit" episode about bottled water back in the day. It got sifted, but is now dead. The entire episode (first half is about feng shui, second half about water) is available on vimeo, though:

Long story short, most bottled water presents itself as coming from a mountain spring, or glacier, or whatever. But in reality, the vast majority is simply municipal water from whatever city the packaging plant is in, usually not going through any additional filtration or purification at all.

At least with water, it is possible to test for contaminants. Diamonds can be graded / assayed to certify some basic characteristics, but of course there is no straightforward way to track their history and know where they came from, etc. At least, not short of having a paper trail tracing it back to the place and time that it was mined, which could easily be faked.

Bottled water gets away with promoting an "image" of being sourced from mountain springs or whatever by never actually claiming that it is in a legal sense. Usually there is fine print available noting the location that the water came from / was packaged. This diamond company seems to go beyond that and to make claims about their diamonds that are impossible to actually prove. Hopefully they get nailed/shut down.

Man Addressing Entitled Woman Who Cuts The Line

bareboards2 says...

I did have an instinctive aversion to the title -- it felt like it would be a woman hating clip and I watched with trepidation.

Turns out it was nothing to do with gender. But the woman-hating site saw it as such.

We gotta get away from this binary crap. We are all people being good or bad or opportunistic or childish.

Why This “Zero Calorie Sweetener” Isn’t Zero Calories

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