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Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

JiggaJonson says...


You guys are letting him get away with too many ill defined terms.

@bobknight33 needs to define
RHINO (dependant on Republican definition) -
"Lose" in the political sense (as in "Trump does not back down or lose much")
"Back down" same comment

From my point of view, the definitions would be as follows, but I doubt he would agree, so the definition s actually need to come from him if there's ever to be any REAL communication here.

Republican- Fiscal conservative, functional but minimal government, patriotic and supports the democratic process over communism, law and order, often (but not necessarily) religious

RHINO (dependent on Republican definition) - Ron Paul and Ron Paul Jr. - Libertarians in the thinking of Ayn Rand who actually consider themselves the "true republicans" but are outside the mainstream

Corrupt- Promoting self interest over that of the people you are meant to govern - in Trump's case, I'd say it means "anyone who doesn't agree with me"

"Lose" in the political sense (as in "Trump does not back down or lose much") - Not passing legislation with any staying power, being defeated in the Legislative Branch after something is passed (See the Affordable Care Act for the opposite example)

not "Back[ing] down" same comment - I'm going to break the law or established political norms


Payback (Member Profile)

It's good to be the King!

eric3579 says...

I don't understand the title considering what happens to the king in the video. His kingliness doesn't seem to allow him to get away with his behavior.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

I have strong feelings on how people should treat each other. The blast of comments(some your own included) declaring that it's absurd for people to dislike the profiling of most men as violent and sexually abusive, or making excuses for same, are what I am calling out for the sexism that it is.

As for joining the chorus, that's kind of exactly the opposite of what I've been trying to communicate. Picking teams and setting yourself on team man/woman or white/black or straight/gay or dem/rep is one of the awful trends in society today. I want to get away from that thank you very much. I don't have the attributation for the quote but I'd pass you this as advice:
"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"

For strikeout you can use the html 'strike' tag, never knew before this thread or not if it worked on the sift either.

BSR said:

I don't think this ad IS a big yawn for you. It looks to me like you have some pretty passionate feelings about it. That's a good thing. But I also think your passion would be better spent and be more effective in accomplishing your goal if it was harnessed and controlled.

A lot of the work has already been done for you. All you have to do is join the chorus. I think you'll come to find that you have some very powerful people on your side.

BTW, how do you do that strikethrough thing in your text?

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Compared to the minitrue (Fox) they are completely devoid of doublethink, duckspeak, or blackwhite and don't rely on bellyfeel to get away with rectifying misprint and oldthink.
Fox, OAN, and Jones are the plusgood outlets producing goodthink, allowing the rest to be labeled as guilty of crimethink and fodder for a joycamp.

Briguy1960 said:

Great post..
But you have got to be kidding saying the BBC
is non bias.

We explain "Nordic Socialism" to Trump

Mordhaus says...

Yeah, I've never understood churches being exempt from taxation. I know the argument is that the government could use taxation as a method to infringe upon which churches it doesn't approve of, but if all churches were forced to pay exactly the same rate it would be impossible to discriminate against a specific one.

Of course, churches and religions get away with a lot of crimes that anyone else would get destroyed for. Looking at you, Catholic Church!

newtboy said:

I agree....mostly.
My plan, for when I'm emperor, is one tax rate based on the budget that pays for everything in full (no deficit, and pay off the debt) and puts 2% in the bank yearly for future unforseen disasters, with a base deduction of whatever poverty level in your state is +100%, so people barely out of poverty pay nothing.
Whatever that number is should be applied across the board, no loopholes, no special tax rates for certain types of income, no extra exemptions, nothing.
Also, 100% tax on money hidden offshore to avoid taxation and use RICO on the church(s) to pay off most of the debt first.

Yes, there were many reasons why the job market was good in the 50's for white guys, most of which are unthinkable or impossible today. For instance, a single income household with one average salary could not only save, they could often have a continuously rising standard of living. There's no way today, even on two incomes most families are in debt and downwardly mobile.

PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

greatgooglymoogly says...

If they weren't so hell-bent on punching the guy, they might well have been able to keep control of him and eventually cuff him. 2 vs 1 and he still gets away? Those cops need some more training.

Historically Bizarre US Open 2018 Highlights

newtboy says...

No other instance got caught, but every coach did it? That's your argument?

No one said she didn't deserve a warning for the racket smash, not even her.

Do men get away with that level of abuse?
Remember McEnroe? He got famous for it.

Yep, mention games where players can't discuss calls with the referee at all, that makes a point well.

I don't know this was sexist, it seemed more personal to me. You're right, men shouldn't get away with this, but they do.

vil said:

Come on @newtboy

She was being coached, she did smash her racket, she did run her mouth.

Not every instance of coaching gets caught. Unlucky or bad execution.

Most smashings of rackets are punished.

Do men really get away with that level of verbal abuse?
I believe she in fact got a lot of leeway because she is Serena, black and at home.

Preferably she should have gotten a sterner warning first to shut up or be hit with a game penalty.

She would be out of a basketball game, football game, golf tournament. In baseball and hockey she would be mocked for being a crybaby.

Men should not get away with this childish behaviour either.

Historically Bizarre US Open 2018 Highlights

vil says...

Come on @newtboy

She was being coached, she did smash her racket, she did run her mouth.

Not every instance of coaching gets caught. Unlucky or bad execution.

Most smashings of rackets are punished.

Do men really get away with that level of verbal abuse?
I believe she in fact got a lot of leeway because she is Serena, black and at home.

Preferably she should have gotten a sterner warning first to shut up or be hit with a game penalty.

She would be out of a basketball game, football game, golf tournament. In baseball and hockey she would be mocked for being a crybaby.

Men should not get away with this childish behaviour either.

Q Anon, Printable Guns, & Other Pure Nonsense Words

entr0py says...

I think there are 3 real issues with 3D printed guns that are genuinely new dangers worth being concerned about.

1. They completely avoid background checks.

2. They're untraceable to a gun seller.

3. They could lead to relatively inexpensive and unregistered fully automatic weapons.

It does seem that plastic guns are not worth worrying about because they're so terrible. But, metal shaping CNC Mills aren't that expensive and can do a decent job of printing guns at home.

I can't really buy the argument that no one will be interested in printing out machine guns because of the existing criminal penalties. If someone is planning a murder or bank robbery or terrorist attack, they're already expecting a life sentence if they're caught. And, even if they plan to get away with it, a gun that can do the job really well, has no history to trace, and can be destroyed or disposed of right after could just make the crime easier to get away with.

Florida man said he mistook ex-girlfriend for intruder

Drachen_Jager says...

This is the best way to get away with murder in the US.

"Hey, remember that ring you lost when we were living together? Well I just found it behind the couch. Come on over tonight and pick it up, you don't need to knock, just walk right in. I'll be waiting...."

Science Moms

navlasop says...

I agree that the GMO hysteria is way overblown, and the science on it causing any ill effects are nill. Tough non-GMO supporters tend to say that there's no long enough studies.

True enough, if you want a lifetime study you'll have to wait a great deal longer, since GMO foods only went commercial in 1994, tough i'm sure the studies were going on for ages before that.

In any case, what concerns me is the patent of crops, and while today as far as i know, the strain is patented for 20 years (atleast in the US) After that they become public domain as far as its makeup\modification is concerned. Fair enough.

The only issue i fear (which is not logical ), is that if\when GMO's become the "norm", and non modified crops are basically not grown anywhere, the rulebook goes out the window, some politicians gets alot richer, and the corporations now own all the plants\seeds. Forever.

I know it's extremely unlikely, but i dare anyone not to nod and think "yep, corporations would do that in a second if they could get away with it".

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

heretic says...

The furthest a true scientist can get away from the belief in God is as an agnostic. All other proud claims of knowledge that He doesn't exist are just as religiously dogmatic as those this video claims to describe.

Which ironically is the only ridiculous claim.

Trevor Noah EVISCERATES the Civility Argument

ChaosEngine says...

I understand his point, but I still wonder if this is a good idea.

Yes, without a doubt, the right were the ones who abandoned civility and normal politics when they embraced Trump. That's not even up for debate.

But we want to get AWAY from that, not sink further into it.

As tempting as it is to sink to Trump's level (and I've certainly been guilty of this myself), I fear we're trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

A Closer Look: Trump Meets Kim Jong-un

mentality says...

It's because Trump knows the republicans are a bunch of spineless sycophants who will let him get away with anything. If Hillary did this you can bet that the republicans would have a total meltdown about how Hillary was selling out America.

Spacedog79 said:

Fair play to Trump, there is no way Hillary would have had the balls to do this.

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