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"can't take back no hurt"

scheherazade says...

I looked up some stats just to see.

30 per million blacks fatally shot by police.
12 per million whites fatally shot by police.

So cops are roughly twice as likely to kill a black person, per racial group.

US being 76% white and 13% black, that works out to an aggregate ratio of roughly 9 whites killed per 4 blacks, per capita. In the end the death toll is high all around, white people aren't getting away scott free.

We should also consider poverty. Poverty and crime tend to track one another. It's safe to assume that areas with more crime will be more likely to experience police encounters, and hence more police shootings on average.,%22sort%22:%22asc%

White poverty rate (9%) is roughly half of black poverty (22%), which implies that crime is also half as frequent among whites, which is roughly similar to the per capita difference in police shooting rate.

30/12 is 2.5
22/9 is 2.44
2.5 > 2.44, so it implies bias against blacks, but not as big as I expected.

As far as total people killed, cops kill plenty people of all races. The numbers don't look as lopsided as I expected, which surprises me.

I appreciate the solidarity among black people. They at least try to hold authorities to account.

White people couldn't care less when cops kill whites. They just shrug it off as 'well the guy must have done something to piss off the cop, so it was probably their own fault anyways'. You can sit on liveleak watching cops kill white people all day, but other white people never get worked up about it. It's a shame they don't have the same sense of unity as black people do.

I wish the protests were about police abuse in general. Or even goverment abuse. There are so many issues that need fixing (e.g. civil forfeiture, repeatedly trying people for the same event by tweaking charges until a conviction sticks, government budget being infinitely larger than a defendant's budget, government freezing a defendant's funds so they can't afford lawyers, etc).


Tornado Tears Trough Town - Madill Oklahoma 4-22-20

StukaFox says...

Goddamnit, Uncle Chuck, he was RIGHT THERE and you let him get away!

'tho with his tornado-chasing hobby, I'm sure you'll get him next time!

Albuquerque homeowners tapes up man for breaking in his home

newtboy says...

I'm not sure all military personnel are trained in indoor armed arresting....nor do I think those with that training always do it right.
While I see mistakes, they aren't worse than an average arrest by multiple police. For mostly untrained neighbors, I thought they did OK. No one got hurt or shot, and he didn't get away. I call that success, mistakes notwithstanding. Not perfect, but a solid "B" imo.

SFOGuy said:

But...she makes a point of saying that they are ex-military...
Oh well, just saying.

Deputy Body-Slamming Child To Ground Twice At Middle School

JiggaJonson says...

Don't blame the union. Unions have ways of sidestepping that process and contracts have provisions for people to be fired for blatant and flagrant violations of the law.

He wouldn't be on administrative leave if he drove his cruiser through a crowd full of kids while he was drunk. Similarly, there's no investigation to be done here.

He attacked a child - and if there was a reason to justify the first assault, I'm assuming it's the usual "police presumed to be acting in good faith" would be thrown up because that's fair ^eye-roll^; even that doesn't hold up to the second slam. The second slam is an individualized version of a squad-car running through a crowd. It's blatant, flagrant, and criminal.

We need to stop treating COPs (citizens on patrol) like a class of citizens that can get away with this shit or receive any special treatment. If that man was a custodian, he'd be fired on the spot and arrested. Then if he was black it wouldn't matter if his hands were laid flat on the ground and he was spread eagle screaming "I AM NOT RESISTING ARREST AND AM UNARMED" someone would shout

Payback said:

He's on paid administrative leave because that's what the union contract stipulates. The reason being he shouldn't be penalised because he's waiting for the outcome of the investigation.

He's been removed from the situation.

The process is to protect the unjustly accused, not benefit the guilty.

Little Girl Puts On Lipstick All By Herself

newtboy says...

I am not typical, never have been. I think you know this. ;-)

My brother lied....he invented an invisible friend who "made" him do anything he was caught doing. "Ockie made me do it." I never once tried that.
I did try to lie about some things as a kid, sure, but I sucked at it and always told lies that were easily proven false, and my parents never let me slide. Between the punishments and never getting away with them, I consciously gave up on lying before I started preschool...I just sucked at it, it never came naturally, and it seemed to consistently increase the punishment I was trying to avoid.
Also, it made me dislike myself.

BSR said:

Children typically begin lying in the preschool years, between two and four years of age. These intentional attempts at deception may worry parents, who fear their child will become a pint-sized social deviant.

The Rise And Fall Of Subway

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

newtboy says...

A cop not being a dick one time doesn't make him a good cop. A cop going on a speaking tour getting applauded over a minor example of humanitarianism pretty much erases the humanitarian part and it becomes a pure self serving PR ploy.

How many criminal cops has he turned in and testified against? That's the test, daily vigilance against his buddies abusing their power, not singular instances of charity he then milks for public relations points.

Pablo Escobar gave tens of millions to the poor. Was he also a good cop? According to your metric, he would be the greatest person ever.

Edit: I'll make it simple for you....any cop that allows fellow officers to get away with breaking the law or abusing their authority is a bad cop, even if they otherwise are above reproach and never abuse their own authority in any other way.

bobknight33 said:

You only post negative Cop videos. Maybe you have a chip on you shoulder towards Cops.

Cheer up little buddy there are good cops.
Here is 1 for you bud.

A List Actors Perform Dramatic Reading Of The Mueller Report

bobknight33 says...

No one cares newt. No one cares but the crying left .

But he cheated, But he lied, But but but.

Get over it.
How many " we got him now" stories have we had? every week We got Trump in a corner now, This is it, the bitch is going down!

Look the reason Trump keeps "getting away" from all these stories is because they are all lies. Main Stream leftest push slight lies to grandiose lies day in day out and truth prevails .

MEGA 2020

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

Ok....I hate to be this guy, but I must.

If @bobknight33 is honest about himself when we spoke privately, he's nowhere near the racist he appears to be. The sad thing is, his unthinking support of all things far/alt right, especially Trump, and hatred for anything left of that far right political position/trap makes him support racism and racists.
@Drachen_Jager, that's for your benefit as much as Bob's. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - master Sun Tzu- The Art Of War

@BSR, the video made clear why that, like the OK hand gesture, are racist. In a vacuum, you're correct, that statement is as true as all your other examples, but we don't live in a vacuum, and that slogan is purely racist and is intended to be just that. Bob would like us to all ignore that and think as you suggest...because that allows his racist brethren to spout their racism and claim morality and righteousness, but privately among the like minded, they're gleeful about cucking the libtards and getting away with public racism, shielded by the intentional misrepresentation of their meanings.

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

So, you think, with no training, no equipment, no pay, and no oversight, I should become an armed vigilante, a punisher, and that somehow addresses police corruption? What?
Edit: I already do that when reasonable....when I see something I DO something. Where I live we have highway patrol and that's it. They don't show up when people are reported detonating huge explosives or shooting their guns rapid fire in the neighborhood, so I and others must investigate ourselves.

Police don't do those kinds of studies, why should I? They don't address corruption a bit.


Not a bit motivated to do meaningless busy work at your whim.
You do a study, it has nothing to do with solving police corruption and abuse, why would I?

Since it's your field, how about you do a study on how often police are given a pass on felonies that would put anyone else in prison. Then do another showing how often they get away with crimes that would cost anyone else their net worth. Then do one examining what happens to cops that turn in criminal cops. Then do a study about what happens to cops that threaten other cops off the force. Have your studies verified, repeated, and published, then if you aren't in prison on trumped up charges I'll give you that atta boy you didn't offer me before explaining what a waste of time that was.

Not a bit sure what your point could be. Cops do some needed work, so give all their crimes and abuses a pass?
What are you saying? Nothing rational or helpful that I discern.

Sounds like ' You need farmers to feed us all, so let them use deadly poisons and sell deadly, contaminated, even fake food without repercussions, or consider the implications of having no farmers.' a gnat.

Sniper007 said:

Well newtboy, how about this? Start promoting the concept of taking action on your own behalf and on behalf of your fellow man in situations that most would normally delegate to the police force.

Start first with listing every situation that would cause someone to call the cops. Be comprehensive. It might take several days or weeks. You may even want to interview subject matter experts to help with this ideation phase.

Then, come up with 3-5 alternative courses of action for each situation that don't involve a police force.

How motivated are you? I organize these types of research projects for a living. Heck, even without you I might undertake this project. I have many others higher on my list though.

Once you are done, it's a matter of publishing and promoting your research. I do all that as well.

Vox: Why drugs cost more in America.

Sagemind says...

Okay, the whole last statement is Bullshit.
"Americans are subsidizing the cost of drugs for the rest of the world." "The reason drugs are so expensive in the US, is becuase they are cheaper everywhere else."

Talk about shifting the blame.
The reason the drugs are so expensive is because the Drug companies are "for Profit" private companies, and they know people will die without their product so they also know there is an urgency for people to have the drugs. So they jack up the price for bigger profits. Stock owners want better return on their investments, so the board and CEO do everything they can/get away with to get as much as they think they can without breaking the bank. AKA, the consumer - of course, there is an acceptable death rate that they factor in, which they feel is safe to shield them from backlash, staying as close to that line as possible.

As always follow the money - see what these companies make in a year.

<iframe src='//' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe>

"As a result, even with major R&D spending, pharmaceutical companies remain highly profitable. They have the tenth highest average after-tax profit levels of more than 100 different industries. And according to figures from Axios, while drug companies bring in 23% of health care’s U.S. revenue, they make 63% of the total profits."

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Who told you that?!
You mean the law that allows some border barriers when they are useful and don't violate other local, federal, or international laws? That did not authorize what's now proposed, and didn't pay for it either.

Btw, you do know he hasn't built a single foot of new wall, right? So far he's barely repaired old fences, but he tells you he's built hundreds of miles of new wall. You deserve to not be lied to. You don't have to sit still for that disrespectful abuse. Call him out when he lies to you. If the wall is really important, why allow him to get away with faking it?

bobknight33 said:

The law to build a wall was passed years ago. Way before Trump came along. Our government never had the balls to fund it. Lip service is all our government is. Trump, love him, hate him is actually doing something about it.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

bobknight33 said:

neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.

Excavator driver decides to take a shortcut

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

BSR says...

I consider you my friend. I can't stop you from letting you get away with abuse which makes you derelict to yourself, family and others. That must be your choice. You've already implied you're hopeless.

"I believed in good cops for quite a while, and couldn't find them, that why I stopped believing."

That only tells me one thing. You don't believe how powerful you really are.

A loaded gun in the hands of a child can be devastating because the child doesn't know the power of the gun.

You have talent. I think you are a great writer.

Don't use disappearing ink.

newtboy said:

Cool, nice, or fun are not the same as good, that's why the words are spelled and pronounced differently.

And I was clear, 1000 good deeds don't erase letting your friend get away with abuse, and when it's your job to stop abuse that makes you derelict in your duty.

Try again.

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