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eric3579 (Member Profile)

5000 Wagner Troops Headed Towards Moscow

Tracking footage of Falcon 9 first stage returning to Earth

BSR says...

You can tell no human was recording that footage. Rocket stayed dead center in the frame and no shaking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Loving the former escort Bobo the clown footage of your favorite MAGA representative-of-the-night, 1-800-RUMYDAD customer, and repeated child abuser sprinting up the steps of congress late for the vote on the debt ceiling coming out right after she claimed she intentionally didn’t vote out of protest.
You mega-morons can’t even lie well….after so many years of practice. 😂

Santos is the perfect poster boy for your ilk…an illegal immigrant fugitive gay drag Queen liar and thief that’s lied about everything he’s ever said in public but still has your and the party’s full support because he says “MAGA!”. :MAN-FACEPALMING:

PS- Did you go all in on Trump bucks!?! Another Trump grift taking MAGgots for their money then evaporating. 😂

I Woke Up In A New Bugatti

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

I know the media YOU watched was fake, 1 sided propaganda for the extreme right and outright insanity like Qanon. I know anything less you call liberal fake news no matter how many times it’s proven correct.
Edit: so we’re clear, you gave up on cable news, where you got all your info 2015-2023 because they’re fake, biased, government propaganda and have LOWERED your standards to random internet YouTube “news” channels that only repeat what they heard on cable news with some exaggeration and misinterpretation? Um….ok.

No sir, I’ve never watched what you call “news” except as an example of the nonsense the right is spouting. I watch real news, usually from multiple sources, then verify. That’s why you never catch me spouting the kind of debunked nonsense you spout, and why I don’t have to slink away in shame 5 times a week and ignore your baseless accusations, but instead can debunk each and every one with factual information.

I would rather watch actual news then look into what they touched on than propaganda channels that get me to believe the stupidest anti American nonsense and lies, like the lies they convinced you to repeat about Covid, Jan 6, Pelosi, CRT, lizard people, space lasers, 9/11 was an inside job, pizza pedophiles are inter dimensional travelers, Ukraine started this war, Russia is winning, the US destroyed the German pipeline, etc.
You have never searched the internet for completeness of any issue, you look for someone spouting the same nonsense you are and think rando internet trolls that watched the same internet news and regurgitate it are corroborating it, not just repeating it.

They took the parts full of Russian illegals and Russian “separatists” that never accepted Ukraine as a separate nation, the parts that didn’t fight back or had already been taken by Russian backed separatist terrorists….Mexico took back more of Texas than Russia has Ukraine….how did that turn out? This war was supposed to take Russia 2 weeks to take over a mostly unarmed nation with no real military. Instead civilians with little weaponry and much less training have descimated them at over a 3-1 rate despite being outmatched 2-1 in population. There hasn’t been any significant addition to Russian territory in years, but NATO has doubled its border with Russia and is rapidly expanding.
Russia is SO inept it couldn’t take an unarmed nation 1/4 full of Russians.

Lol. Sucker. Their “taking bakhmut” footage was fake.

So, even your propaganda says Russia hasn’t taken it? Odd, they claimed to have taken it all 2 weeks ago….which you repeated.

What, you want individual UNVERIFIED videos of Ukrainians taking out Russians? There’s one posted every 5 minutes. Many can be found here -

How about one of Russia bombing Russia?

Or Ukraine getting more troops
Or Russia taking insane losses in Bakhmut

Not that anything but a fat old white guy sitting in front of a camera saying Russia is winning will convince you.

Edit: Wait….you think I have “followers”!?! It would be news to me. How many do I have? Could I start my own cult yet? I hear it’s a great way to get rich.

bobknight33 said:

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No sir. I don’t even live in a city…but fools like you are absolutely the reason red states are shithole states, with much worse statistics than cities, (which are nearly all Democratically led so the ploy to say “Democrat led cities are “x”” is transparent), and Republican led cities are usually worse per capita by most measures….just smaller.. Per capita, red states are worse for crime both with and without guns than cities. What is it about Republican leadership that causes such high crime?
For instance, Ohio state, with Republican governor, sec of state, AG, house and senate and Gym Jordan looking out for it has MUCH HIGHER violent crime rates than NYC or NYState with Democratic led governments and diverse populations….but Gym went to NYC to investigate crime, fuck Ohio.
“ Ohio's statewide homicide rate is 49% higher than New York City's overall rate of 5.8 homicide deaths per 100,000 residents, Ohio's homicide rate is also 87% higher than New York's statewide rate of 4.6 homicides per 100,000 residents.”

Er mer gerd….lack of morality? Name the Democrat led city that is trying to make sex with 12 year olds legal. Republicans are.

Only in your delusional little brainwashed mind is it worse today than in the early 90’s. Crime statistics ( ), economic statistics, the only thing getting worse is life expectancy thanks to Trumps total failure to address Covid and a million dead before their time, but it’s going back up under Biden. I know…but daddy Trump said crime is at an all time high…and you just keep on believing his lies instead of checking obvious statistics even you could understand. Crime rates are 1/2 - 1/4 what it was in 1990.

Democrats are for every citizen’s equality under the law, not “for the black man”. I understand that concept is so foreign to you that you can’t grasp it at all. I believe minorities would disagree with you about being better under Democrats and voting statistics bear that out conclusively. Funny enough, the blatant racist right continues to tell minorities “you’re just too stupid to understand you should vote with us so you shouldn’t get to vote at all”….then can’t fathom why minorities think you don’t respect or care about them or their rights. 🤦‍♂️

Biden has done amazing so far, positive gdp, single digit unemployment, covid under control, deficit significantly down, and wow…2 full years without an impeachment or 3 dozen cabinet members in prison. How did he do that?!? Without even his own “Pravda” to tell his cultists what to believe…holy shit!
He’s not even my choice of Democrats, but he’s done fine….even you admit everything’s going well, you just insist tomorrow it will turn to shit…always a day away but never here.
Why couldn’t those behind Trump prop him up and run the country? He gave them trillions while claiming poverty when it came to helping starving children or destitute families or infrastructure, but they couldn’t help HIM run the country!?! WTF!?!
His entire presidency was demented racist grandpa and his drunk buddies seeing what they could get away with…and it’s coming home to roost. Enjoy.

Ivermectin is dewormer/anti parasitic. Covid is not a worm or other parasite. The human version (used for head lice) sold out immediately after some fuckwit claimed it worked on a virus, it doesn’t, not even a little. Your ilk said ivermectin for humans is the same as horse dewormer, it’s fine to just use that….and you morons did even though it has zero effect on covid and serious side effects and some died. Same for hydroxychloroquine, zero benefit major side effects including death. You said “it’s good medicine, use that not evil Democrat vaccination”. Derp.

You fuckwit. That’s the opposite of reality. Countries that locked down like Taiwan and New Zealand had exponentially fewer cases and reopened much sooner so less economic damage too. You just HAVE to be wrong on every point, why is that?

Lol….you moron. I guess you forgot you eventually admitted to SELLING all your Tesla…or claimed you had sold it all to avoid ridicule for losing your shirt. During the time you would have sold out if you did, you were still telling others to buy all in, every penny, and don’t worry that it drops another 50%, just hold it forever like ENRON and it will all be roses. It clearly was an AWFUL time to buy Tesla, even you knew it would fall much farther, and it continues to get worse. You can’t keep your lies straight….is it always a great buy, or did you sell all yours? Can’t have both.

Lol. Yes you did, repeated it for months, tried to point to one individual who had once reported on BLM as a leader orchestrating it until his true politics became public, then you slunk off to your cave to await the next nonsense lie.
Now you glommed onto this nonsense that some singular proud boy is really, secretly, off all books and with no immunity or protection, an FBI agent (with no evidence) and he, alone, caused thousands of totally peaceful non insurrectionist Trumpists to storm the capitol against their will and better judgement, and those weapons just materialized in their hands using secret CIA transporters, the gallows they brought was a hologram, and the “where’s Nancy. Hang Mike Pence” chanting was edited in after the fact by lefties. 🤦‍♂️
So far to date there have according to you been 50 such accusations by insurrectionist defendants (I’ve only heard the one, but you know your MO- say ANYTHING and see what isn’t immediately debunked then go with that), but zero evidence of a single government infiltrator egging anyone into violence or criminal acts. This “we now know” preface doesn’t mean they know anything, it means they hope one of 12 is ignorant enough to believe the fantasy and deadlock.
If there was a scintilla of evidence that 50 FBI agents were in the capitol instigating the riotous coup that would be such news they would interrupt regular programming on every channel for it, but it’s not even reported outside fantasy land because it’s absolutely ridiculous and there’s zero evidence, just pure fantastical supposition as a Hail Mary defense by those already convicted and their cohorts about to be…but you don’t worry about that, someone blamed “not MAGA” so you’re just going with that as fact, but absolutely won’t be looking into the truthfulness of these defendants (some of which pleaded guilty to insurrection). You think this kind of information is an exclusive by this no name internet troll? Why isn’t it everywhere? I’ll tell you, because it’s ridiculous nonsense made up by failing defendants to excuse their violent failed coup.
At best you have some overwhelmed police that instead of taking on a violent crowd at 40-1 odds stood back and let the insurrectionists that had already violently forced their way into the building severely injuring many officers walk by. That’s not instigating. The lie about the FBI being involved is just that, another lie you’ll deny saying in two weeks like your original “it’s BLM and ANTIFA pretending to be Trumpists”.…or more likely just go silent on and refuse to address it like the subhuman Traitor Ashley Babbitt that got what you all deserve. If there were agents instigating, do you really believe that footage wouldn’t have been the first footage Carlson presented? 🤦‍♂️

Ashley Babbitt wasn’t a person. I’ve seen her. If demons are real, she’s example #1. That troglodyte and the rest of us are better off with her dead. I only lament that 2000 of her subhuman cohorts didn’t get some cold hard reciprocity themselves.

5 police died from injuries sustained that day, not died ON that day. 160 were hospitalized, many long term. Hundreds quit afterwards.

bobknight33 said:

you are the reason for such shitty Democrat run cities

America is worse off today than few decades ago-

Blacks have not gotten better …

Biden is …running the country.

Horse dewormer …is also for human consumption.

Covid was made worse than it truly was by media and locking down cities and such was the wrong thing to do.

TESLA is always to good time to buy.

[J]an 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit, you liar. You constantly declare the country is doomed because Biden is incompetent and have since before the 2020 election….yet since he was sworn in every metric of national success has improved….but you don’t let a little thing like facts color your opinion.

Or do you mean the shortages nonsense, because you absolutely posted propaganda about fake shortages in summer 21, I remember fact checking you and finding out they were recycling images of empty shelves from 2020 and from other countries on righty media, just like you posted ridiculous nonsense in 2020 claiming BLM had burned multiple entire cities to the ground, using photos from previous years, some wildfire footage, etc to “prove” your point (proving you don’t have one in reality, only in your fantasy world of make believe).

What party? I vote Democrat by default, not choice. Before Trump I never once voted on party lines. He made it a choice of America or Trump. You choose Trump over country, honesty, reality, or sanity every single time. Sycophant!?! Lol. Every stupid accusation a stupid admission. I don’t think there’s one person here besides you and your sock puppet accounts that doesn’t consider you a complete sycophant of and zealous cultist to your Orange messiah who you believe is perfection personified and has never done anything wrong in his lifetime.
I constantly debunk your sycophantic extremist lies, you call that being a lefty sycophant. I don’t think you know what the word means, just like most English words.

What a fool believes, he sees, and you believe some unbelievable nonsense like “indictment will make Trump more powerful and popular than ever. Nov 2020 is a great time to go “all in” on Tesla. Covid is just a mild cold and will disappear by April 2020. Horse dewormer is good medicine for humans, targeted vaccines are bad. Jan 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup by Trump. 2018, and 2020 will be huge red tsunamis.” Etc. There’s no end to your foolishness, and never once an admission you were wrong despite being wrong over 98% of the time, you just change the subject and refuse to look back at your lies (Ashley Babbitt, Pelosi, etc).

If fools like me were a dime a dozen, this world would be a MUCH better more sane place. Sadly, it’s fools like you that are easy to find and dupe with pleasing (mostly hateful) ridiculous lies. Fools like me rank and score in the 99th percentile, friendo. You don’t even know what that means.

bobknight33 said:

never said such in 2021.

I understand your sycophant mindset towards you party.

Fools like you are a dime a dozen.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s MAGA terrorism- Greg Abbot who has telegraphed his intent to pardon a MAGA man who posted repeatedly about his desire to shoot BLM protesters, posted that he was on his way to do it, then went to Austin and murdered one and was convicted of the murder in Texas.

But Greg Abbot likes his politics and hates BLM so murder is just fine with him.
Death, destruction, and debauchery…yep, that’s you bob.

More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy than anything ever, more child sex charges, claims of lemon party orgies BY YOUR OWN MEMBERS (Cawthorn), sex trafficking (Gaetz), worshiping the man who admitted he bought miss teen USA to leer at naked young teenaged girls getting changed (also Epstein’s best friend even after his child rape conviction), years of underage congressional page raping (Mark Foley, covered up by other Republicans until it became public knowledge), pedophilic rapist coach protecting (Gym Jordan), and a daily stream of unethical, immoral, often criminal activity you simply ignore despite having multiple examples of it rubbed in your face daily.

What do you have to support your similar accusation against Democrats? Public health taken seriously, the economy recovered, unemployment almost too low, and maybe one or two instances of Democratic individuals accused (not even convicted) of sex crimes, and nonsense insanity about Illuminati pizza pedophiles and Hunter Biden being a multi billionaire, made up nonsense blaming every MAGA act of terrorism on the victims (Pelosi), etc….one big nothing burger.

Bonus- According to multiple employees Tesla has been accessing private footage from customer cars including in their homes, naked, having sex. For years employees circulated these private videos in the company as jokes and memes while publicly Elon was insisting there were stringent safeguards in place that would make that kind of thing impossible.
In California, that’s 12 separate crimes every single time the car is on private property (it’s ok to record in public without notification). Criminal investigations are underway.
I can’t imagine what China will do. They absolutely won’t allow an American company to put millions of cameras in China that the company can access and record just like we won’t let them sell Chinese cell phones in America for the same reason. This is going to hurt Tesla more than you can imagine…people don’t like being spied on, neither do countries.

Double Bonus- The trust fund Crow family, that funded the Ginny Thomas Tea Party political lobbying organization and paid her $125 k per year, paid to build the Thomas library wing, took the Thomases on multi $500000 vacations every year along with people with cases before the court, turns out to be one of the most prolific collectors of Nazi memorabilia in America and his brother is apparently running and funding forced sex parties where sex trafficked women are forced to perform public sex acts for his entertainment. Thomas claims he didn’t have to report the tens of millions in gifts because Crow was his friend….they met years after he was appointed as a Supreme Court justice and became friends by Crow buying his “friendship” for millions in unreported bribes. Your people.

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

Oh snap!!
Tesla employees are claiming that, at least from 2019-2022 they and others routinely accessed and shared private videos from customer car cameras including captured nudes and sex, road rage incidents, speeding through neighborhoods, and footage inside homes and garages including inside Elon Musk’s garage…shared widely between employees for fun.
Of course, Elon/Tesla for years had insisted this COULD never happen and WOULD never happen. Another broken promise from Elon. This one a MASSIVE problem, requiring you to cover your car in a sound proof garage for any privacy.
This sounds like a major privacy issue for Tesla in America especially since the cameras record audio on private property which is usually a crime, and I can’t imagine what China is going to do. They might recall every Tesla in China as a national security risk.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

You certainly repeat what’s made up and spouted on Fox verbatim, far more than once, and you’re always in lock step with them except the blue moon when they tell the truth about Trump. If you don’t watch Fox, how does that happen?
I never watched cable news…that’s your fantasy you made up so you can discard what I say without ever researching it. I sometimes post cable news YouTube videos because they make a certain point well, or have footage I’m looking to post, they aren’t my sources. I research, I read, I watch multiple respected news sources to decide what to look into…but never cable news like all “conservative news*” (*for entertainment purposes only).

Not wasting time or pimping for Democrats, I’m entertaining myself bashing on and triggering know nothing fascists. I would likely be a Republican if only THEY would, but the responsible, honest, honorable, non hypocritical, law respecting, ethical, fiscally sound, champion of clean air and water, worshiper of democracy, believer in and supporter of science “Republican” I was raised to believe in didn’t exist when I was old enough to vote, and they’ve gone down hill on roller skates since Reagan.

Not blinded at all, but I do hate liars, and those that excuse lies from their allies/prophet.

Wait, you WANT me WOKE!?! 🤦‍♂️

The economy is doing far better than expected after the apocalypse Trump left, negative GDP, 15% unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, massively increased debt and deficit….still not healthy but off the life support it needed after Republican rule. It would be much better today if Republicans hadn’t removed established common sense bank regulations in 2018 causing today’s bank failures.

I’m a newtboy, not a sheeple. Learn your animals. 🤨

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

― Isaac Asimov

bobknight33 said:

I dont watch fox, or any other cable news. Why its all spin and you are spinning in it becoming programmed by all their lies.

Newt You wast all you time pimping for the Democrats.

I feel for you since you are so blinded by hatred,

A useful idiot tool you are.

Someday you might wake up.

Guess you think the economy is doing well also. Sheeple.

This video tells a different story of Jan 6

newtboy says...

“Sightseers”….that violently broke in and attacked the guards mercilessly, murdering and viciously injuring dozens more police officers while chanting “where’s Nancy” “Hang Mike Pence”. Just like the Pelosi attacker, right bobby?
How about Ashley Babbitt? She was sightseeing while forcefully breaking her way into chambers with a gang of violent, well armed, murdering terrorists?
Those “sightseers” did over $3 million in damages to property, and cost far in excess of $500 million and rising to guard against a repeat and prosecute the terrorists.

This is the what, fourth different failed attempt by Carlson to shield the terrorists…what happened to “It wasn’t Trump supporters, it was ALL ANTIFA agents staging a false flag attack, we have proof!”?

Such nonsense bob. ‘Not every single second of video is full of violent destruction, and we edited together a few minutes of no violence and overwhelmed police not arresting perps out of 41000 hours of footage so no crime, all made up. ‘ Jesus, @bobknight33. Even you aren’t this stupid, and that says a lot. They got you to spread their anti American propaganda again.

Does this mean that since there are hundreds of thousands of hours of video of BLM and ANTIFA not causing destruction, not attacking police, that the 2020 riots were all fake news made up by Republicans? (Hint, there’s infinitely more evidence for that than the idiotic idea that the failed coup was just tourism, including the direct order to label any protester an ANTIFA “member” unless proven otherwise). I know you can’t answer these questions, snowflakes never can.

The failures of the overwhelmed capitol police to stop crimes does not erase those crimes, just like the failures of police to disperse other crowds doesn’t erase the damage done….or are they all just tourists? Tourists that like fire and fighting police.

Shitload of convictions for the serious crimes of these “sightseers”. Over 1000 arrested so far.

Blacks Beach San Diego Bluffs Collapse (1:29pm Jan 20 2023)

moonsammy says...

I'm curious about the dark pile that started inflating quickly around 3:15. It didn't seem to be caused directly by the falling rocks, it was thrust up or forward from some other source.

Wild footage in general though! Would've loved to have been able to hear it properly, but the wind hitting the mic seemed to kill most of the sound.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that the body cam and secret service footage of the brutal terrorist MAGA attack against Pelosi has been viewed in court, and his confession, and they are all exactly what was reported by real media (not the fake news you enjoy), a break in and brutal attack against an innocent 82 year old man by a stranger, are you prepared to retract your blatantly homophobic insulting charge that it was a homosexual lover’s spat between the Senator’s husband and the typically violent nutjob MAGgot?

Of course not, you don’t care a bit about being correct, moral, or civil ever, just about being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times. Why is that?

Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex

cloudballoon says...

The visuals would be trashed by a video gamer players if this is served as an in-game footage in 2022 on PC/consoles. I feel only Gozilla's rendering and movements felt natural. Everything else is pretty bad and unexciting. The city... I think even Microsft Flight Simulator got better models and more "lived-in" than this. Need more realistic filters and more sirens/screaming BGN at the minimum.

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