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Steve Buscemi's Face Transferred To Jennifer Lawrence's Body

Jinx says...

I used to think that such effects would need to be flawless, or near flawless, because even very minor oddities get noticed. Even if you can't quite pinpoint what is off, you know something isnt right. Now I'm not sure, because it seems to me that recently it doesn't seem to matter if a lie is actually watertight, so much as getting enough people that want to believe it regardless. I wonder if this stuff undermines the truth perhaps not because it will be able to convince everybody (because it won't), but because it makes the indisputable disputable. Just like how "fake news" got totalled flipped 180 to undermine any trust in journalism.

Kids Tell Us if They Hear Grover Cursing - Sesame Street

TheFreak says...

I skipped past Kimmel saying what I was supposed to hear so I could judge it objectively. I listened over and over and couldn't figure out what it could possibly be accept for, "that sounds like an excellent idea."

Then I went back and found it it was supposed to be the F word and now I can hear it either way. I just have to set my expectation and it flips to whichever version I expect it to be.

I have to say, this is the first one of these "controversies" that I've actually been convinced by. All the others just appear to be a select few people pretending to take the obviously contrary side for attention.

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

Mordhaus says...

A big part of the Zero's reputation came from racking up kills in China against a lot of second-rate planes with poorly-trained pilots. After all, there was a reason that the Republic of China hired the American Volunteer Group to help out during the Second Sino-Japanese War – Chinese pilots had a hard time cutting it.

The Wildcat was deficient in many ways versus the Zero, but it still had superior firepower via ammo loadout. The Zero carried very few 20mm rounds, most of it's ammo was 7.7mm. There are records of Japanese pilots unloading all their 7.7mm ammo on a Wildcat and it was still flyable. On the flip side, the Wildcat had an ample supply of .50 cal.

Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa was able to score seven kills against Japanese planes in one day with a Wildcat.

Yes, the discovery of the Akutan Zero helped the United States beat this plane. But notes that the Hellcat's first flight was on June 26, 1942 – three weeks after the raid on Dutch Harbor that lead to the fateful crash-landing of the Mitsubishi A6M flown by Tadayoshi Koga.

Marine Captain Kenneth Walsh described how he knew to roll to the right at high speed to lose a Zero on his tail. Walsh would end World War II with 17 kills. The Zero also had trouble in dives, thanks to a bad carburetor.

We were behind in technology for many reasons, but once the Hellcat started replacing the Wildcat, the Japanese Air Superiority was over. Even if they had maintained a lead in technology, as Russia showed in WW2, quantity has a quality all of it's own. We were always going to be able to field more pilots and planes than Japan would be able to.

As far as Soviet rockets, once we were stunned by the launch of Sputnik, we kicked into high gear. You can say what you will of reliability, consistency, and dependability, but exactly how many manned Soviet missions landed on the moon and returned? Other than Buran, which was almost a copy of our Space Shuttle, how many shuttles did the USSR field?

The Soviets did build some things that were very sophisticated and were, for a while, better than what we could field. The Mig-31 is a great example. We briefly lagged behind but have a much superior air capability now. The only advantages the Mig and Sukhoi have is speed, they can fire all their missiles and flee. If they are engaged however, they will lose if pilots are equally skilled.

As @newtboy has said, I am sure that Russia and China are working on military advancements, but the technology simply doesn't exist to make a Hypersonic missile possible at this point.

China is fielding a man portable rifle that can inflict pain, not kill, and there is no hard evidence that it works.

There is no proof that the Chinese have figured out the technology for an operational rail gun on land, let alone the sea. We also have created successful railguns, the problem is POWERING them repeatedly, especially onboard a ship. If they figured out a power source that will pull it off, then it is possible, but there is no concrete proof other than a photo of a weapon attached to a ship. Our experts are guessing they might have it functional by 2025, might...

China has shown that long range QEEC is possible. It has been around but they created the first one capable of doing it from space. The problem is, they had to jury rig it. Photons, or light, can only go through about 100 kilometers of optic fiber before getting too dim to reliably carry data. As a result, the signal needs to be relayed by a node, which decrypts and re-encrypts the data before passing it on. This process makes the nodes susceptible to hacking. There are 32 of these nodes for the Beijing-Shanghai quantum link alone.

The main issue with warfare today is that it really doesn't matter unless the battle is between one of the big 3. Which means that ANY action could provoke Nuclear conflict. Is Russia going to hypersonic missile one of our carriers without Nukes become an option on the table as a retaliation? Is China going to railgun a ship and risk nuclear war?

Hell no, no more than we would expect to blow up some major Russian or Chinese piece of military hardware without severe escalation! Which means we can create all the technological terrors we like, because we WON'T use them unless they somehow provide us a defense against nuclear annihilation.

So just like China and Russia steal stuff from us to build military hardware to counter ours, if they create something that is significantly better, we will began trying to duplicate it. The only thing which would screw this system to hell is if one of us actually did begin developing a successful counter measure to nukes. If that happens, both of the other nations are quite likely to threaten IMMEDIATE thermonuclear war to prevent that country from developing enough of the counter measures to break the tie.

scheherazade said:

When you have neither speed nor maneuverability, it's your own durability that is in question, not the opponents durability.

It took the capture of the Akutan zero, its repair, and U.S. flight testing, to work out countermeasures to the zero.

The countermeasures were basically :
- One surprise diving attack and run away with momentum, or just don't fight them.
- Else bait your pursuer into a head-on pass with an ally (Thatch weave) (which, is still a bad position, only it's bad for everyone.)

Zero had 20mm cannons. The F4F had .50's. The F4F did not out gun the zero. 20mms only need a couple rounds to down a plane.

Durability became a factor later in the war, after the U.S. brought in better planes, like the F4U, F6F, Mustang, etc... while the zero stagnated in near-original form, and Japan could not make planes like the N1K in meaningful quanitties, or even provide quality fuel for planes like the Ki84 to use full power.

History is history. We screwed up at the start of WW2. Hubris/pride/confidence made us dismiss technologies that came around to bite us in the ass hard, and cost a lot of lives.

Best rockets since the 1960's? Because it had the biggest rocket?
What about reliability, consistency, dependability.
If I had to put my own life on the line and go to space, and I had a choice, I would pick a Russian rocket.


A Scary Time

scheherazade says...

What sort of evidence?

- Accusation/testimonial evidence?

- Or Physical evidence that is an invariant indicator of rape, that you can hold, see, measure, etc?

Anyone can accuse. That's effortless. Takes barely more energy than breathing.

(It's also effortless for a group of sour girls to gang up on a dude that upset them. Because "f that guy'. (That attitude isn't even rare.))

Physical evidence? People are convicted day in and day out of all sorts of things without physical evidence.

(Court is after all a popularity contest.)

My scary moment was when a cop detained me and told me he was going to charge me with : reckless driving, driving without a seat belt, and with threatening his life.

Why? Because I pulled up to a road block and asked him if I could drive past his road block to go home (which was a short way past the road block)... and he was having some emotional stability/triggering issues at the time, and he instantly turned red and went full on tirade mode.

Fortunately for me, after detaining me a few hours, some switch flipped in his head again and he just went to his car, got in, and drove off. Surreal.

So I asked myself :
If I had been charged, what would be the difference in court, vis-a-vis evidence, between it being a lie, and it being the truth?
Answer : No difference.

All he threatened me with was provable only by his word, and no evidence was required. I likely would have gone to jail, and had my life turned upside down... all on some person's grimace.

My view on evidence changed that day.
I will _NEVER_ convict anyone of anything, without physical tangible evidence that I can hold in my hand and see with my eyes, or at least run forensic tests on.
Testimony doesn't mean _shit_. It's absolutely, patently _worthless_.

(I also now run a dash cam everywhere I drive to protect myself from false accusations)

Basically, unless you have physical proof, I don't care.
Whatever you have to say, prove it.
No proof, no cares.

That goes for all accusations of anything ever. Across the board. Absolute.

It's the standard I want people to have for me, and it's the standard I have for others.


(Aside, unrelated : I know a dude that was raped by a girl (he was nearly paralyzed drunk at his own house party). Wasn't even a secret. People at the party knew it happened. Nobody cared. When he complained, all anyone said was "Oh whatever. Shut up get over it". It wasn't even a question of 'did it happen?', it was a matter of "so what?".)

ChaosEngine said:

Finally, where is the abandoning of proof and evidence? Show me someone who has been convicted of sexual assault without any evidence. There's a big difference between accepting an allegation is worth looking into and convicting that person.

If a woman (or a man) comes forward with a claim of sexual assault, they are entitled to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean their alleged assailant is guilty though.

Nailed it

visionep says...

Well, I guess we can flip it around then and see if it's still funny.

Imagine the same situation with a skinny young adult woman sitting there with her legs spread open. Nervously laughing and obviously doesn't want to be violated by the screwlike device. But she stays there because this is her job and allows the activity to complete until it is too painful and she jumps up and runs away while everyone is laughing.

Hmm.. not funny, even if they are being paid for it. Financial coercion to do these types of degrading acts isn't right but it's probably legal. So I guess you can legally laugh.

ChaosEngine said:

While there is certainly a pretty awful trend of laughing at male rape, particularly in prison scenarios ("don't drop the soap" etc), this isn't really it.

The "victim" here is presumably there by his own choice.

Woman Freaks Out Over Encounter With Whales, Calls 911

Sagemind says...

Opportunity of a lifetime, and they bring the Buzzkill.
I'm sorry that she was scared, but Adult up a bit I guess. I just feel bad because those whales were just visiting.

On the flip side, I don't feel the need to go whale watching - I mean why tempt death.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

Mordhaus says...

I feel that he probably won't make it. Sadly once you are accused of sexual anything with a female, you are pretty much fucked. There is no more innocent until proven guilty. Were I him, even though it has been scientifically proven that lie detector tests are inherently flawed, I would have volunteered to take one just to push past this.

On the flip side, the possible next nominee is Judge Amy Coney Barrett and there is precedent for them to completely skip the committee vote, so there is a good possibility that we can still get a conservative judge on the court. She has not been as harsh towards abortion rights either, so there is a silver lining.

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

Mordhaus says...

1. I completely agree, assuming that he did do it.

2. If you spent all of your life in a field of endeavor and someone came to you saying, we would like to add you to (as you said) one of the most important roles in the USA and the absolute defining pinnacle of your life's career, would you feel perfectly fine if you did not get that position because of something you did as a drunken minor and never repeated again?

Now, assuming you would not feel fine with #2, how would you feel if you had that shot ruined because of a false claim? I am willing to bet Merrick Garland is still pretty salty over having it denied to him, which it shouldn't have been.

My biggest issue with this is that if this had been announced when it was first known, we could have had an investigation. If he had been proven to have done it, off with his head. But everything I am seeing continually points to delaying tactics designed around the midterms. The Democrats and Republicans both know that if a couple of seats flip flop, then neither one will get the candidate they want. So the Reps want to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what and the Dems want to delay no matter what. I don't think a single one of them on either side gives two shits about Dr. Ford, she is just a means to an end even if she is telling the truth.

ChaosEngine said:

If you're hiring someone for life for one of the most important roles in the USA, I feel like any accusation is worth investigating at the very least. It's very difficult to get a conviction for sexual assault at the best of times and after so long, it does basically come down to his word against hers. And while I believe her, I also think that my belief is not enough to convict someone.

But for the sake of argument, let's assume he DID assault this woman and look at the other part of this.... the people saying that it was a "youthful indiscretion" and it shouldn't "ruin his life".

I do agree that you can make a mistake (even a serious one) in your youth and that shouldn't ruin your life, but with two caveats:
1) you need to acknowledge your mistake, and make reparations. In this case, it would mean Kavanagh serving time for assault and apologising to the victim.
2) Not being allowed to sit on the Supreme Court is not "ruining your life".

simonm (Member Profile)

Historically Bizarre US Open 2018 Highlights

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Ray Charles - Shake A Tailfeather - Blues Brothers

Rick Wiles Says 'Every Christian Should Disavow Alex Jones'

newtboy says...

Absolutely not.
Jones Jones is a lunatic who spouts pure insanity, and your chosen president believes the nonsense is news. Your ridiculous equivocation is absolutely insane.

You aren't the only conservative voice here, but you are a minority.

Your admitted fraud, pedophile (miss teen America), pedophile supporting (Roy Brown), incestuous (daughter lusting), adulterous (with his friend's wives), consummate liar, political flip flopping (see any interviews before 2000), Russian stooge, ally debasing, repeatedly failed businessman has debased American values, and your ilk have gone along hand in hand, erasing those values from your mind as he violated them.

Open borders exist only in Trump's deluded lies he sells you to get you riled up and unthinking. No one in power advocates open borders, that's just a bold faced lie. Your willingness to repeat it only demonstrates your gullibility and naivete.

bobknight33 said:

CNN is unhinged just like MSNBC. Each wacked. Like Jones Jones is just more theatrical.

You bet. I use You people. Since there is no conservative voice here. It’s me against you people. The lost degenerate soles who desires are to debace America values and dilute its citizenship with open borders.

Trump wants all to be proud.

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