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"IT'S CALLED SHUT THE F*CK UP": Officer Has Had Enough

newtboy says...

Aggressive, abusive, power tripping, insulting, unprofessional, thin skinned thug with a gun and authority. Huge dick with a tiny prick.
What an out of control fuck wad, throw him off the bridge.

Bob’s kind of cop….unless he stops a Trumpist then defund him and harass his family.

I believe anyone that could, under any circumstances, act this way over a slight should absolutely never have been in authority. He shouldn’t be a mall cop with no power, much less a real cop with a gun. He should not wait until retirement and neither should his superiors, he needs to be fired today before he costs taxpayers tens of millions for losing his shit again.

This shows the kind of Assholes YOU are you thug and you wonder why people hate fucking pigs. This is exactly why people don’t respect police and call them lawless criminal thugs.
The police accounts supporting and applauding this in YT comments is almost as disturbing as the act itself. It seems, like I assume Bob does, they approve of policing based on contempt of cop and would clearly cover for it if needed.

It should be noted that this is such poor policing that any charges he levies will likely be tossed. He admitted he pulled him over for flipping off the cop, which has been determined by courts is a violation of the citizen’s civil rights. Anything else becomes fruit of the poisoned tree.
I only hope he gets fired for costing his department a few hundred thousand dollars for this armed tantrum. My wish is it would come out of police pension funds, not general funds.

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

noims says...

Yes, you're absolutely right. I went back and followed the cut. I assumed he'd doubled-back to get the bottom (or top) cards to the top of the deck due to the convoluted way he talks through the cut... for example, just flipping the deck over one more time would do that.

This may have happened with editing (I think Blaine's been caught or at least accused of that before), but chances are I'm wrong and he's some kind of demon.

spawnflagger said:

But the 5 cards were from the middle of the deck, not the bottom.

Biden Approval WTF

JiggaJonson says...

I did. And I'm happy with the way things are going generally. At least, regarding Joe Biden.

Big picture: there's a lot of terrible things happening in the world. My own half-assed-survey based on personal experience: most people don't follow passing laws and what the executive branch really does with any kind of seriousness. They may self-proclaim they "like reading the news" But most people who say things like that are content with a surface understanding of what's happening.

I mean, you know inflation is up AROUND THE ENTIRE PLANET right?


Besides Israel, other countries with very large increases in inflation between 2020 and 2022 include Italy, which saw a nearly twentyfold increase in the first quarter of 2022 compared with two years earlier (from 0.29% to 5.67%); Switzerland, which went from ‑0.13% in the first quarter of 2020 to 2.06% in the same period of this year; and Greece, a country that knows something about economic turbulence. Following the Greek economy’s near-meltdown in the mid-2010s, the country experienced several years of low inflation – including more than one bout of deflation, the last starting during the first spring and summer of the pandemic. Since then, however, prices have rocketed upward: The annual inflation rate in Greece reached 7.44% in this year’s first quarter – nearly 21 times what it was two years earlier (0.36%).

Annual U.S. inflation in the first quarter of this year averaged just below 8.0% – the 13th-highest rate among the 44 countries examined. The first-quarter inflation rate in the U.S. was almost four times its level in 2020’s first quarter.

Regardless of the absolute level of inflation in each country, most show variations on the same basic pattern: relatively low levels before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in the first quarter of 2020; flat or falling rates for the rest of that year and into 2021, as many governments sharply curtailed most economic activity; and rising rates starting in mid- to late 2021, as the world struggled to get back to something approaching normal.


The pattern of rising and falling inflation happened because that flu that "will just go away like a miracle" ended up affecting the whole world's economy in a somewhat predictable pattern when it comes to inflation. Maybe the people who only casually glance at the news when they are flipping channels don't know better, but come on - you know that inflation rates in the United States are not specifically Joe Biden's fault right?

You still think they are? OKAY - HOW? Exactly. Point to legislation passed or not passed and the timeline of inflation in the United States.

Something like "Here you can see inflation beginning to spike, and it's the result of XXXXXXXXX that Joe Biden did, here's exactly how what he did affects inflation in this way."

Who wants to bet $20 that I'll get some response like that? What should the odds be set at if I am 100% certain all I'll get is just some snarky bullshit from an old bullfrog.

bobknight33 said:

This administration and its party are destroying the American pocketbook.

What a fuckstick voted for this frail old man?

When Taking Down "Anonymous" Goes Wrong

Khufu says...

so hard to concentrate on what is being said with all these random video clips... it's like having a conversation with someone who is also flipping channels on their tv. just why?

How to always win a coin toss

Jon’s Response To Ted Cruz’s PACT Act Lies

luxintenebris says...

here's the rub...

this is Stewart's issue - has been for over many years - and not caught him lying or misrepresenting this (or anything else w/consistantcy)*. in the past, he's had to champion the cause to get it passed: GOP being the snaggy hags. so, go w/him knowing the bill, what's in it, and hold his observatons valid.

on the flip side, it's plausible Cruz had a defense but he is the reason they read 'Don't Cry Wolf' to kids. [become an incessant lying punk and when you need people to believe you - it's another lie to them.]

discretionary vs mandatory smells of an obfuscation (the fist bumping after the bill was nixed didn't help the believability either). also the gall of a Republican saying they fear 'out of control spending' is rich w/irony.**

don't believe Cruz. believe Stewart. just prudent that way.

NOTE: if the Red would highlight the problems w/the bill, either by speech or postings (not f'n' opinion)***, it would go a long way to make their side to look honestly honest. and no, they aren't known for their veracity. or compassion. i.e. prove it pedro.

*only once he misspoke, then corrected it. w/humility. hell, we all make mistakes: voted for Reagan once.
**Bob's 'fear porn' exemplified.
***presented as 'fact' - please.

Hot for 'Stacey's Dad'

All for one and one for all

Trevor Noah at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner

noims says...

That last point about how journalists use their power is probably the most insightful statement I've heard all year.

I recently re-watched a video here where my comment about Trevor was: "Yep. So flipping smart. *promote" and I couldn't agree with myself more.

video from elgin, tx

newtboy says...

Just miles from my brother.
Poster has questions about driving towards a tornado that’s spinning a truck like a top, while I have questions about a truck having been flipped and spun like a top just driving off like nothing happened.
I think the answer to both questions is “Texas”. Their ability to ignore and deny the effects of climate change is simply incredible.

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

bcglorf says...

@newtboy and @fuzzyundies

I know you at least had an emoji on proselytizing but...

Discussion of Christmas is no more proselytizing than discussion of Hanukkah or Ramadan. And in discussion of any of the 3, referencing the actual religious origins isn't really an 'escalation'.

And I get it's 'fun' to point out, but I can't believe anyone seriously feeling the exact date being inaccurate as a 'credibility' issue.

And surely wouldn't the failure to note that Fauci from March 2020 probably agrees with Fauci months later be the real big concern. FOX news for pity sake still tries to run the narrative of Fauci flip-flopping on masks using this exact footage...

The Big Misconception About Electricity

bcglorf says...

This is also a trick question, and in a way that I kinda dislike because it additionally confuses matters by the setup.

Specifically, any change to the electrical field in the wire triggered by something like flipping the switch IS always limited to propagating at the speed of light, and as such WILL take 1s to travel the ~300,000km through the wire.

There's a bait and switch here though, were if the wires are close enough, and the power on the wire is high enough, there is a strong enough magnetic field in the wire to reach across the 1m distance to the end of the wire by the light bulb. That magnetic field will induce a very small electric field on the wire as well. Calling that 'lighting' the bulb though is 100% a trick question though as no existing light bulbs are sensitive enough to light up from that little current unless the 'live' side of the wire is both in very close proximity and running very high voltage.

The part I dislike, is too many people believe that electricity running in a cable is 'faster' than light, and the trick here kinda re-inforces that rather than helping to clear that up for people.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember Brandon Straka? The creator of the fake #walkaway movement, who claimed to have been a democrat but became disillusioned, switched parties, and became a far far right wing liar, faking his movement using stock photos and made up people who #walkedaway with him.

He was a speaker at the “stop the steal” rally, a coordinator for the violent mob, and a leader at the “stop the steal”riot.

He’s flipping on the “let’s commit treason for Trump” crowd. Threatened with 6 months in jail, he’s turning over any and all communications he has with fellow rioters and anyone in Trump’s administration or organization. As a leader of a (fake) right wing movement, and a speaker, he would have been in communication with the Trump team if not Trump himself. There’s a reason Trump wants no one to testify, because when there’s proof he coordinated and facilitated the failed coup attempt, as we all know he did, he could end up before a firing squad.

I bet he wishes he paid his lawyers now, he needs a bunch of really top notch lawyers, and can’t find any decent lawyers that are dumb enough to work for him, they like to be paid.


US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

If people who see it daily call it a heart beat, then clearly reading a book is better, because you can't get a heart beat without a heart, and a valveless, chamberless tube that doesn't pump isn't a heart. If you look at a straw day in and day out and you start to see it as a heart, actually seeing it is worse. If you go to school and say you see the heart at 6 weeks, you fail.

Jebus. Double negative and heart best? Are you drunk?

I do think +-90% of them know, 10% believe they hear a heart beat because they can now detect a faint nerve signal, but no heart. That 10% are fooling themselves to avoid contradicting their beliefs with medical fact.

What bubble? Did I say they didn't? That doesn't make them doctors. Lab techs do the same...mri techs, even x-Ray techs in some places. Would you let a tech determine your treatment plan, or even diagnose you without a real doctor involved? They aren't even nurses, they know how to run the machine and spot certain results for further investigation/treatment. The doctors review and often edit the reports. If a report of a 6 week pregnancy talked about the heart, that tech would be let go for incompetence. There is no heart.

Dumb fuck, you asked me how many I've talked to. I answered, with an explanation of why I’ve met many. Now you act like I brought it up to say I know some, so I am one?! Are you on meth?

Mom worked at Texas Children's hospital and Methodist hospital in Houston, so yes, those specialists and many many many more, and being curious I asked them lots of questions.

Because my mom worked at a childrens hospital means I knew sonographers and ultrasound techs, there's a difference, which was your question. Jesus, you're like Ritalin kid from smoking yourself you're fighting this amazing fight with spinning kicks and flips so amazing it gets you hard, but to everyone else you're flailing wildly and are just annoying, not a dangerous opponent to be feared or respected.

bobknight33 said:

Reading a book and actually seeing the development day in and day out are NOT the same.

You don't think Ultrasound sonographers don't know what a heart best is?

Hate to burst you bubble. These techs scan , write up the report and tell the Dr. The techs also determine the age of development and also the estimate of due date. They also tell tell the Dr if you have a still born. The Dr then tells the patient.

The Dr reviews the report and look at the images if needed.

You mom worked at the hospital and you met a lot of doctors. That does not make you a DR nor you mom. Also were these
OB/GYN doctors
Rad Doctors
Oncology Doctors
Cardiac Doctors

Just because you mom work at a hospital doesn't mean much.

Try again tool boy.

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

luxintenebris jokingly says...

gonna have to explain 1/2 truths? after all video, audio and witness testimony of crimes committed...are you saying the other half of truth is what you believe?

is truth, for you, like one of those black and white cookies? if you don't like one end, ya' flip it to the other?

no. if it's not true then it's false. there is truth. truth can be proven. truth isn't a choice.

- the president tried to lead a coup. he failed. the uprising HAPPENED. no camera tricks. no 'deep-fake' poo smeared on the walls of congress.

- COVID is killing. Delta is turning FL & TX into a breeding ground of new strains (Delta + is already out before Windows 11).

Those are real.

When you hear..."GOOD LORD! Lambda variant is heading from Peru! forget the Mexicans! the next llama you meet might be your last!!"...only one truth in there. the rest is hyperbole or pure conjecture.

'cause there are no half-truths. only truth covered in lies. kinda like eating fish. you pick out the bones. avoided swallowing it whole.

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