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Lawrence: ‘Fox News Has Blood On Its Hands’

luxintenebris says...

this isn't the first time Fox has used their platform to help promote violence.

Hannity used the Bundy standoff... a ruse to push the idea of 'jack-booted thugs' and provide his viewership reasons to hate the Obama admins.

but this was a result...

Strangely, they used hatred against the BLM then and now the BLM movement as a reason to scare white people.

Murdoch, an immigrant, anti-gun, has put the US back into Hearst hell. All those laws put into effect to stop this kind of inculcating methodology have been swept aside. w/o the Fairness Doctrine, there is no one to correct, or simply mock, a shill like *ucker. His influence would be shut off instantly if re-enacted.

Murdoch's companies have spent plenty of time in courtrooms. From the hacking corp in GB, sexually harassment suits - both men and women, and now slander against companies that make vote count machines. Criminality is their shadow.

(on a separate issue; Musk exposing his dick isn't the same as Musk exposing himself as a dick - right? Or the same really?)

Amish response to covid

C-note says...

Growing up I lived with an amish family for 2 summers. As a city kid it was one of the first times I experience culture shock. They have their own way. Time and time again they have demonstrated they are willing to die in order to keep doing things their way.

Some Humans are AOK

BSR says...

I have a car window breaker/seat belt cutter in my car. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy injured his hand trying to punch that window out. He thought about trying it again but I guess he learned the first time. It's suggested you break a car window in the corner and not the center.

I also have an air horn and pepper spray in the driver door pouch in the event of a wild animal threat during a body removal in remote locations or any other threats.

Birds Aren't Real, so no threat there.

Adam Neely: Anthem

BSR says...

Music has been around for a long time. It seduces us.

Sometimes we don't hear what it is really telling us as we really don't have all the information. You'll go through life picking up pieces and putting the puzzle together. Then grief strikes and your world crumbles.

That's when you really hear it for the first time. Music had been waiting for you for a long time.

Welcome to the machine.

luxintenebris said:

unopposed to adopting an unofficial anthem.

how 'bout "America Pie". everyone seems to know the words. or at least every single person that likes that song.

maybe set a new trend. start the song as the teams come out on the field and keep singing until someone scores.

and this would be a good match, since very little people could sing it*, but great for, at least, the start of the 2nd half, especially if you're down and behind...a real uplifter...

*unless we could get all the schoolchildren to learn how to belt it out...would humble all other anthems (and world citizens) at the olympics

Avatar: The Way of Water | Official Teaser Trailer

mram says...

I feel like I'm the only one who was unimpressed by this.

No story, no hook, no engagement, no emotional resonance, just a NVIDIA/AMD demo reel of graphics.

I did like the first movie. I love all of JC's movies. I still have incredibly high hopes. But just being honest, this played so slow and cold for me. In fact when I watched it the very first time I wasn't sure if this was recap from the first movie or something new.

They are obviously taking the slow burn approach to marketing here... like "hey, memberberries Avatar?"

I am anxiously awaiting something that gives me that "whoa" moment.

Sea Lion Comes on Land, Swims in Pool and Steals Man's Chair

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mr engineer, when there are two parties, sentence structure demands you use plurals….both sides have THEIR share of undesirables. An engineer should see grammar as a clearly defined structure that follows simple rules and just get it. Spelling is different, but grammar should be a no brainer….why is it so hard for you? Have you never seen it that way, or was engineering incredibly difficult for you too?

The difference being one side is all undesirables, and the level of undesirability. One side openly calls for an end to American democracy, death for their political rivals, death for anyone who disagrees with today’s talking point. One side has no party platform, no stated goals, and exists solely to stop any legislation the other side puts forth, even when it was something they want or that would benefit them. They are the same side.

We found another point of agreement.

Term limits are a must, and will never happen because our system does put the regulatory onus on those who need regulating….absolute insanity. It also lets them set their own salaries, ethics, and benefits.

Divestment is another must. Perhaps a bigger must. Total divestment across the board. Not just blind trusts that aren’t really blind, and absolutely not what we have now…the “honor” system run by the honorless. Allowing legislatures to write horrific laws because they can personally financially benefit is a recipe for disaster. That should (but never will) change.

Campaign finance is a third must. Corporations should have the same donation limits individuals have, which should be more like $100 each so every person can afford to have a voice, and we should return to an equal time on broadcast tv for free situation and deny the media as a political platform to give candidates a boost….no more Fox News interviews indistinguishable from campaign commercials, no more media smear campaigns, with severe penalties for violations, like $10 mil the first time, $25 mil the second, loss of fcc license the third. Another non starter….but needed badly.

PACs should be outlawed, or regulated into obscurity.

Some reasons often brought up in opposition to term limits can be traced back to Maddison who wrote "[A] few of the members of Congress will possess superior talents; will by frequent re-elections, become members of long standing; will be thoroughly masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages. The greater the proportion of new members of Congress, and the less the information of the bulk of the members, the more apt they be to fall into the snares that may be laid before them,"

I think we have proven at this point the cons of self serving representatives legislating for personal gains outweigh the benefits of professional legislators, especially seeing as we have the internet and huge staffs to ostensibly level the playing field of knowledge.

One fix would be the creation of an ethics branch, completely non partisan, not self regulatory, with rules against former candidates (winners and losers) and lobbyists too from serving and strict rules about how they operate, and bans from running for office or being a lobbyist afterwards so it doesn’t become a campaign platform or tool for industry. Maybe even ban close family members from the same. Won’t happen, only the best people intentionally limit their powers, and they are few and far between in Congress….all but absent on your side.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

Squid changing color - not just for octopuses!

newtboy says...

What do they mean “ Recently, scientists in Japan were surprised to find a species of oval squid raised in captivity could change its coat, depending on whether its tank was clean or covered in algae.”…are they students, because I saw this described and demonstrated in 88 in my marine biology class in Hawaii….then we dissected it….then we cooked and ate it as a class. Interesting teacher.

Absolutely not the first time they’ve been “caught” doing this…maybe the first time with high definition cameras, in one specific laboratory condition, with that specific species, raised in captivity, but this is every day behavior for many cephalopods, including squid, and absolutely not a new discovery.

Let’s see them decipher the intense flashings, strobing, color waves, slow fades, etc that they use to communicate and hunt. That might be a first….but I doubt it. Others have studied their insane chromatophores and their amazingly mailable mantles and how they use them for decades if not longer.

This is a neat bit of biology, but to pretend they just discovered this is outrageously dishonest. Get real, people knew squid camouflaged themselves amazingly well long before that guy named Jesus was fathered by a forced pedophilic inception. Almost like saying scientists just discovered newts like it moist, or that water is wet.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

The first time I played this a couple weeks ago it confused the shit out of me and I didn't know what I was doing. So I got locked out of my first game pretty quick.

Second game I tried a couple days later I figured out the phrase and I was happy to have figured out the mechanics of the game, from what I recall there wasn't any instructions.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Greene and Gosar were scheduled speakers and celebrities at a racist white nationalist rally last weekend.
Republicans gave lip service to the idea that racist white nationalism doesn’t belong in the party, but have not censured or reprimanded either for what isn’t their first time courting racist white nationalists, because there clearly and blatantly is a place for racist white nationalists, neo-nazis, and white terrorists in your party….way more room than there is for those concerned with direct attacks against democracy and America and other treason.
Also Wendy Rogers (AZ) at different events. Her Republican Governor supported that by funding her campaign.
You can stop pretending you aren’t racist and fascist, your party has all but given up denying it.

'You know who I am?': Martin Hyde threatens cop's career

newtboy says...

And threw a tantrum, yes.

Not the first time. He’s on camera being a racist douchebag against a15 year old Mexican golfer angrily telling him he should be cutting the grass not playing golf, same to teenage Puerto Rican golfers, and Mexican construction workers who dared to listen to Mexican music at work.
Here’s one clip….(the reason he dropped his last campaign)

Again, this is not an isolated incident, it’s who he is daily, and who he would be as a congressman.

BSR said:

So to summarize, what you're saying is, he got his wittle fewings hurt?

'You know who I am?': Martin Hyde threatens cop's career

newtboy says...

This is a question of Martin Hyde clearly thinking himself above the law.
This is a question of how many times has he done this and not been caught on camera?
This was clearly not the first time he tried to use his connections to threaten and bully his way out of responsibility for his own actions, just the first time it was made public. It’s not so much about this one instance, it’s about this being the man’s personality, and people with that personality should never have any authority….not one whit. If you don’t think he would abuse his power as a congressman, there’s something wrong with you.

That “apology” was extremely weak and much more of an excuse than an apology. It was him trying to say “I helped them, they owed me” and “they should have known who I was and let me go” and “it wasn’t that bad” and “see, my son is a cop, so I love and respect cops despite all evidence to the contrary”. Anyone accepting that apology never saw a problem to begin with.

BSR said:

Candidate Martin Hyde apologizes for 'belligerent and rude' behavior toward officer who pulled him over.

I wonder if he was cited for expired registration.

Trump’s Loyalties

luxintenebris says...

bill clinton use to joke about gingrich's "contract w/american".

he'd say, [parphrasing] when i heard the details, i'd thought i misheard. should have been "contract ON american"!

looks like bill heard right the first time.

newtboy said:

It makes me wonder why Republicans don’t support Mexico declaring Texas, (historically part of Mexico and full of oppressed Mexicans,) independent, send in “peacekeeping” troops, and call it reunification….then they could start eyeing New Mexico and beyond. Seems it would be genius in their minds, totally proper and praiseworthy.

Maybe they think it’s Ukraine’s fault for not building a wall?


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Keep your “I can see absolutely no racism besides reverse racism” dishonest idiocy to yourself.

Almost every killing was Boogaloo boys committing racially motivated false flag operations, but the morons are so stupid they carried their manifesto with them when committing terrorist acts, outing the false flag operation the first time one got caught. Morons.

Well over half the burning and looting was found to be non BLM related,(and many if not most that were attributed to BLM were abandoned buildings). The true terrorists of 2020 were Trump’s Proud and boogaloo boys caught repeatedly causing mayhem to blame on BLM, shooting into crowds, starting fires, planting bombs, breaking into stores, shooting cops, etc. You know this well, you bold faced liar. You pretend you don’t know it because then you think you can get away with being a racist tool and blaming black people for everything, IMO, but we all know you know it.

Many were caught, prosecuted, and convicted (those they didn’t shoot to death in the process of being bomb planting cop shooting fake BLM terrorists that is) and the damage done was 1/10 what the idiot truckers cost.
The people with those truckers are many of the same people….with the same mindset.

Blacks protesting being shot=Thugs.
Whites protesting getting a shot=Freedom fighters.

Not everything is racist, but right wing terrorists waiving confederate and Nazi flags are. White supremacists who commit false flag terrorism to try to blame on black people and their anti-racist-murder-at-police-hands protests are racists.
The people standing with and behind them are racists….tell me the company you keep and I will tell you what you are.-S.P.
People who intentionally hide those facts and knowingly lie to blame the known racist false flag operations on BLM are racists….looking directly at you.

You support the side of racist white supremacists, racist nazis, and racist policy EVERY SINGLE TIME….but suddenly get the vapors and declare your innocence whenever it’s pointed out.

Edit: And let’s not lose sight of the issues, BLM protested blacks being murdered by police regularly with no recourse at all, absolutely none. Truckers are protesting not getting the privilege of getting to choose to travel internationally without the minor inconvenience of being vaccinated against a raging pandemic. I know, you think the latter far more important than the former, thereby excusing that the truckers have cost more, done more damage to local businesses and home owners, and, by being super spreaders, have killed more people.

bobknight33 said:

BLM were burning looting killing These truckers and fucking nuns compared to BLM.

Keep your foolish everything is racist shit to yourself.

Phrasle - Daily Phrase Puzzle (Sift Talk Post)

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