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P.I. and Ex-Cop schools cops regarding the law

surfingyt says...

and interestingly being a police officer isn't that dangerous of a job despite the fearmongering the scared little boys try and peddle

Drachen_Jager said:

If Cops REALLY were concerned about the dangers of the job they'd act like it instead of turning every single interaction with the public into a conflict that could end in a life or death situation.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

jimnms says...

What does her actions have to do with school shootings? She wasn't attempting to show how easy she could bring a gun into the school. Unless this mother never lets her daughter leave the house, she goes to more dangerous places than school.

If she's concerned about the security at the school, she should have brought her concerns to the school board or bring it up at a PTA meeting and asked that they conduct a security audit, instead of taking it upon herself to do it.

We're living in the safest time in history, but thanks to the 24/7 media fearmongering, people are overly paranoid. Schools are more like prison these days than schools, and schools are trying to extend their control over students beyond the classroom, and it's conditioning them to believe that it's normal to be controlled/watched everywhere and have no freedom.

Statistically, her daughter is more likely to be raped, murdered or abused by a family member or friend, not some stranger sneaking into school to go to math class and eat a free lunch.

And no, I wasn't implying the mother is an attention whore. I merely pointed out that school is the least dangerous place her daughter goes. But, she did record her actions... for attention.

BSR said:

First, she wouldn't need to break into the mall for obvious reasons unless the mall was locked up in which case her daughter or anyone else wouldn't be in there to begin with. The mall is a public venue so a disguise wouldn't be necessary. Usually visiting friends homes and/or sleepovers would not require a disguise either.

It's just speculation on your part where mom lets her child hang out and what safety precautions the child might take before and while visiting those places.

However, schools are becoming more secure in light of school shootings but more needs to be done and this was the point she was making. She was able to bypass the lax security at the school and was willing to pay the price for putting it to the test.

She wasn't there to kill anyone, just the poor security measures. If anything the school board or whoever should be fined.

This was not about her having "the right" to do what she did. She knew she didn't have "the right" but she did have the guts and a plan to expose the hole in the dam. Do you think a school shooter gives a shit about their rights to be in a school?

With my job I've picked up a few children on crime scenes that have been shot or stabbed to death and it's the hardest thing to witness and live with.

I hope you are able to refocus your priorities.

simonm (Member Profile)

The Truth About Trump's 'Muslim Ban'

newtboy says...

Ban Arab Muslims, except from places that have attacked us, and tell all other Muslim countries that more is coming, they may be next.
Terror linked is a different category from terrorist sponsoring, and those nations are not banned. That's absolutely retarded.

I guess he's ignorant of the fact that the right was frothing at the mouth because Obama refused to just arm anyone fighting against Assad and insisted on VETTING them before he armed them. Had Trump and the Republicans been in control, Daesh may have been given battlefield nukes.

The "exemption" to the un-American refugee ban doesn't start for 120 days, and is then ONLY if Trump's people think it's in the national interest to let them in on a case by case basis (based on what, determined by whom?)....which is not likely for those worth less than $5000000. I guess he didn't read the text before calling others delusional or he would have read that.

Oops, the 2014 attack was also preformed by an American, as others have been....I guess we have to ban Americans too.

Yes, because America VETTS those we invite in...contrary to what most right wing idiots believe. They use Europe as an example of what will happen if we don't stop the scary Muslims, conveniently ignoring the vetting process that's completely non existent in Europe.

He's saying that people treated as the enemy often become the enemy, you feculent douche. Learn to read...and think.

Trump is just the bigot. Period. It's absolutely correct that if Muslims were as dangerous as portrayed and treated by Trump and the right, he would have been assassinated. That's a good indicator that Trump is wrong, not that all Muslims are easily radicalized or a call for assassination like the right spent 8 years doing directly and personally towards Obama.

Not a single Syrian that supports Daesh has made it through the vetting process to America.

They don't ban Israelis because of religion, they are banned because they are all in the military and that military is an expansionist fascist oppressor of and provocateur to Palestinians and most other Arab nations. I'm fairly certain Jews from America can go there.

What a fucking brain dead, dishonest idiot.
Mostly good tags though, this is certainly chock full of fail and lies, fearmongering, and has mostly been debunked....but it's absolutely not news in any way. I'll let someone else fix that though.

muslim rape game has come to europe-taharrush gamea

enoch says...


i did link a few articles that address much of what you have written.
i agree that fearmongering solves nothing and just exacerbates an already tense situation,but bickering about who is actually to blame while women are in danger i find just as ineffectual.

so far there have been 381 confirmed cases of sexual assault,and that is far too many.women should not be forced to live in fear walking in their own cities un-escorted.

man..i feel i can't win lately.
if i post a video that addresses complicated and nuanced human interactions and culture,but tends to be long (because human issues are not easily quantified)..then people complain the video is too long.

if i post a short video that just brings a situation or current event to light,then people complain it is propaganda.(even though i provided links from multiple sources).

i swear i am charlie brown.cant win for losing.

robert reich debunks republican deficit hawks-austerity 101

enoch says...

well said mate,and i agree that @radx is the man who can best explain this situation,though @RedSky is quite adept as well.

don't let those fearmongers get to you man.
the deficit hawks use household analogies to make their point and this is not only a fear tactic but a disingenuous one at that,or just plain dishonest.

how you and i run our households is NOTHING like how a government runs finances.yet that is the comparative example they use over and over and it is no surprise that many people may be a tad freaked out when they look at those massive numbers.

if we compare republican vs democrat over the past few decades,democrats have proven to be the better pick in regards to fiscal responsibility.

we live in bizzarro universe where rhetoric has the exact opposite outcome when applied to reality.

what i would really like to know,and not ONE candidate will even mention it:military spending.

the budget keeps going up.
by some estimates the military counts for 25% of all tax revenue but when you factor in ALL military/defense/intelligence it is closer to 50%.


soldiers benefits keep decreasing.
their health care harder and harder to obtain.(never mind the mental health care of our soldiers,which is criminal).
soldier suicide is at an all time high in over a century.
homelessness of our veterans is an embarrassment.

yet the military budget keeps getting higher and not one politician will even dare breath a word.even sanders record is not exactly stellar in this regard.

maybe if our political class stopped engaging in the practice of empire,we could re-invest in our own country.

radx (Member Profile)

radx says...

όχι, bitches!

Or as a cartoon, if you prefer.

Edit: With all the nasty fearmongering by the Greek private media and the corrupt elite, it takes balls of steel to basically tell them to fuck off. The Greek economy is fucked³, politicians from the entire Eurozone were arguing for, even demanding the Syriza government to step down, so they can resume business as usual with either the old nepotic elite or freshly installed technocrats. Piss off, the demos replied.

The result itself doesn't matter that much. The process itself, like the Scottish referendum, might have set into motion a development that cannot be stopped nor undone.

Edit #2: the vitriol and pure hatred from the conservatives and many social-democrats is despicable. What champions of democracy they are. Tsipras and Varoufakis should channel their inner FDR and welcome their hatred.

Barry the Biscuit Boy

poolcleaner says...

This is neither batshit insane, nor "Dark". It is tame BUT highly amusing. The boy is a biscuit, for crying out loud -- an immortal biscuit repairable by his parents via baking him a new head. Hansel and Gretel were COOKED ALIVE IN AN OVEN.

This is where I differ with my fellow liberal: The slippery slope of fearmongering via weak stomached nannysaucing.

Come on! Mother Goose is freakier than this pleasant ditty!!

Journalist's Report of Bomb Smuggling Defused by MediaWatch

welcome to your indoctrination-have a seat

rebuilder says...

I agree with a lot of the views fnord expressed here, and thought - great subject for a video, I should show this to some people to start conversation.

Then I watched the video... So much conspiratorial broad-brushing and fearmongering! A shame. I'm tempted to try to put together a more even-headed narrative around the problems with fnord authoritarian education.

The Incoherence of Atheism (Ravi Zacharias)

shinyblurry says...

Why is deduction based on experimental knowledge impossible without a God?

You have never told anyone why this is not possible.

Could you be wrong about everything you know?

My answer for Stalin is nine posts up - you missed it.

Could you repaste it? I don't see it.

Fuck Jesus - his innovations are that you don't need to take personal responsibility for this life, this life is a transient thing to suffer through, and there is hell is a consequence. It's all pathetic fearmongering.

On the contrary, when you follow Jesus you have to take personal responsibility for every last bit of your life, including owning up to the wrong you've done in your life and making amends for it. Secular morality only operates when people can see you; God see's everything and you can't hide anything from Him. Your conscience is my witness to what I am saying, that you've broken His laws. People put on a front and say they're good people based on what people know about them, but God knows our hearts. Jesus said hell is a real place and that everyone who has not received Gods forgiveness will be going there. Jesus wasn't fear mongering when He said that; He said that to warn you about what is going to happen to you when you die. That's why He died on the cross. He died so that you could be forgiven and wouldn't have to go there.

shveddy said:

Why is deduction based on experimental knowledge impossible without a God?

You have never told anyone why this is not possible.

My answer for Stalin is nine posts up - you missed it.

Fuck Jesus - his innovations are that you don't need to take personal responsibility for this life, this life is a transient thing to suffer through, and there is hell is a consequence. It's all pathetic fearmongering.

The Incoherence of Atheism (Ravi Zacharias)

shveddy says...

Why is deduction based on experimental knowledge impossible without a God?

You have never told anyone why this is not possible.

My answer for Stalin is nine posts up - you missed it.

Fuck Jesus - his innovations are that you don't need to take personal responsibility for this life, this life is a transient thing to suffer through, and there is hell is a consequence. It's all pathetic fearmongering.

What if the government was your worst enemy

NetRunner says...

This is a really weird juxtaposition -- Andrew Napolitano engaging in one of his usual right-wing fearmongering rants about the evils of "government", played over protesters getting the shit beaten out of them for protesting...spending cuts to government programs.

This is the kind of video blankfist would post, and then leave me a personal comment saying something about how this video demonstrates that all of my political beliefs are wrong, when all it really demonstrates is the level of cognitive dissonance inherent in the entire conservative worldview.

If you let the concept of cutting government budgets get conflated with the idea of protecting your rights as an individual, then your perceptions have become so skewed you're no longer able to make rational sense out of the world you live in.

But then, I guess modern conservatives don't really believe in individual rights anymore. Not really.

Major Banks Help Clients Hide Trillions in Tax Havens

TED Talks: Track Your Trackers

shagen454 says...

I under your sentiment but I think he is raising a worthwhile issue. I'm honestly not a fan of behavioral tracking for many reasons and what I've seen out there for browsing anonymously is pretty crappy. I really don't want Facebook or Google knowing what I am up to. But yes, turning it around and tracking your trackers is somewhat interesting, maybe terrifying to some but rather pointless.

I'm really not interested in searches being 'catered' to me or 'recommendations'. No computer could possibly understand what I am into - it's an annoyance that I want to get rid of.

>> ^ForgedReality:

OMGOGMGOMGMOGMGGOGMOMG FREAKOUT!!! Let's fearmonger without cause. sigh
Honestly, I don't see how this is as high up the sift as it is. There is absolutely nothing of substance here. This guy probably works for the company that makes that addon and is just trying to get more traffic through paranoia.

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