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Why North Carolina Can't Solve Its Hog Poop Problem

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

newtboy says...

Oh yeah, and corn and other grains. I just meant a large portion of land that feeds livestock is not suitable for farming, even more is not suitable for multi crop non-grain farming, so I think his estimates are way off.

That water is becoming far less cheap, at least here in California. We sucked so much out of our aquifers that the central valley is sinking! There's a limit to how much more we can irrigate.

00Scud00 said:

We're not just talking grazing land here, alfalfa makes up a considerable amount of livestock feed. And you know where they're growing it? In the middle of the fucking desert, but as it stands right now, land in the desert is cheap and so is water, so that's what we do.

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

newtboy says...

Ha! Thanks for the link.
So, it's total b.s. as I read it.

First, then he misstated, he thinks we could feed 3.5 billion more people if we converted all land currently providing food for animals into successful industrial human farmland, which is not what he said at all. He said "if we just eat what we feed to animals", which is impossible insanity.

Second, they extrapolated by determining the approximate number of hectares being used to provide animal feed (likely including natural grasslands that aren't and cannot be planted or farmed), then extrapolating again using a formula that tells them the maximum number of people you can feed with successful aggressive multicrop farming of the same number of hectares, as if you can get the same maximum yield from any hectare....and ignoring that it takes huge amounts of fresh water to farm industrially, water that native grasslands don't need or have available.

eric3579 said:

He doesn't actually explain how that number comes about and what it means exactly. Where he pulled that statistic from, for anyone interested. from.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

At this point, you calling someone in America a traitor is a compliment. If you applauded them, that's become insulting evidence against them. You act like a caricature, a compilation of all the worst of the know nothing rabid Trumpeteers, it's impossible to take you seriously.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how ignorant, vapid, feculent, and infantile they want that opinion to be, but you, sir, are taking excessive advantage of that entitlement.

Trump's draft dodging and tax evasion and multiple intentional bankruptcies at taxpayers expense were traitorous, McCain's decades of honorable service and self sacrifice were heroic and excessively patriotic.

If you honestly think you're fair and balanced, you must honestly be severely mentally unbalanced. You couldn't be more biased with an entire troll farm behind you....and I think you have one, comrade.

This comment would only be made by an enemy of America and disgusting human being, both.

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I've been saying that for over a year, only half joking.

His contradictory stances make me think he's a whole troll farm, used by multiple agents who don't coordinate very well.
Just yesterday he was trying the ploy 'Obama got fined for these crimes more than anyone, he's the real criminal here', today he's moved on to 'these aren't crimes' (with no explanation how so many are convicted of or plead guilty to non crimes).

It's as if two different people came up with two horribly conceived, contradictory "arguments" (they barely rise to that level, being poorly thought out and not based in fact or law) and posted them using the same account.

Then there's his writing mannerisms that often closely resemble a cheap Russian/English translation program, all too often misusing common phrases and terms in ways native English speakers would never speak.
Do you recall him ever saying something derogatory about Putin? I don't.

Granted, it's not proof, but evidence is mounting and there's little to contradict the theory.

JiggaJonson said:

I think it's time we start seriously considering the question:
Is bobknight33 a Russian troll?

Joe Rogan - "Alex Jones Is Right About A Lot Of Stuff"

newtboy says...

I agree with you in general, but there's no need to single out sifters for personal derision like that. Better to keep comments like that generalized.

I have family members who listen to his ilk who graduated college, read daily, and eat like kings from their gardens/farms, but for some reason switch off the critical thinking portions of their brains when a right wing mouthpiece starts flapping. It's inexplicable.

Yeah, gotta love the fish people....even better than his #1 hit, gay frogs.

Drachen_Jager said:

The CIA doesn't have to do much to make him look crazy. He has, at various points said, there are "Humanoids that are 80 percent gorilla, 80 percent pig," Michelle Obama is actually a man and she murdered Joan Rivers, and my personal favourite, in England, "They had tanks, people with gills, and there were little babies, and they were in there just gulping, clawing at the sides. You see a turtle at the zoo that wants out and you feel for it? They got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff. I mean... we are screwed people, you understand that?"

I mean... fish people? Nevermind the math on the gorilla/pig hybrids, but fish people? He's like the Weekly World News. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who believes that stuff. Poor people like @Sagemind and @bobknight33 a lack of proper education, perhaps parents who didn't keep enough books in the house... poor nutrition? I honestly don't know what deprivations a human mind has to go through to become that incapable of discriminating the obvious lies people like AJ tell.

Massive Explosion in Italy

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

To be clear, 99% of Americans don't have any problems with socialism as long as they belong to the group getting the handouts.

Case and point, $12 billion in farm welfare to ease the "temporary" (yet to be seen) pain Trump's trade war is causing farmers (so much for free market economics). You won't find any Republican farmers turning that money down just because they hate socialism, but those same people denounce welfare for the un and under employed, the hungry, and the homeless as harmful and unAmerican.

As to affirmative action, keep in mind the specific case mentioned was about reversing sexual discrimination too, not just race and class. How, exactly, they think public institutions can achieve the diversity of genders and races many are required by law to achieve without looking at gender or race is beyond me.

It bears noting, the people claiming to hate socialism (but who love our socialist programs like the military) invariably don't think giving the disenfranchised and those denied opportunity preferential treatment is OK....until that includes them.

vil said:

Interesting point.
Probably because you have much more diversity and social mobility in Canada, less segregation.
Affirmative action is a strange concept but American society seems to be finding it hard to find other ways to reverse deepening class and race segregation.
Strange that they have such a problem with socialism (essentially giving poor people money, education and health services), while giving minorities preferential treatment is OK.

Wicked heat wave in New York

Wicked heat wave in New York

Can I have my rims back?

bcglorf says...

Mostly the trouble depends on where you work and how publicly you make your statement. I'd mostly get called a racist, but working for a partially publicly funded place if I was vocal enough losing your job or being told to apologise and be quiet are real possibilities.

The not allowed to talk about it applies much more heavily to anyone in the media. A recent example would be an aboriginal man that was recently shot by a white farmer. The narrative on the national CBC media made a big deal about rampant racism in the region against aboriginals. In their coverage of local opinion it was even more one sided, as they described two sides, the grieving family of the deceased and their supporters, and then the racists who sided with the farmer because they hated aboriginal people. They very slowly, reluctantly and buried deep under a lot of disclaimers released more information on the case.

The young man that was killed was in a truck with 4 of his friends, and their story was that they got a flat tire and pulled into the yard to seek help with repairs. The CBC ran that much right away. They were much more reluctant to include that the RCMP had been called BEFORE the truck got onto that farm because they had been trying to steal a truck from a neighbouring farm already beforehand. It wasn't until during the trial that even more came out, and CBC again reluctantly included details from the friends that where with the victim. All the occupants of the vehicle had been drinking very heavily all afternoon. They admitted to 'checking cars' at the earlier neighbouring farm. They admitted to using the butt end of a rifle to try and break the windows of the truck at the neighbouring farm, but the stock broke off the gun. It was found at the neighbouring farm by police. Upon arriving at the final farm, they admitted trying to start up an ATV and going through and unlocked vehicle there as well, but disagreed on who was doing which. The trial even included text messages from the night before wondering if one of the friends would be able to "go on missions" tomorrow because they were hiding from police after a liquor store robbery. The farmer also mentioned being scared about what could happen the day of the shooting because he thought back to a story he'd been told about 2 farmers being killed on their yards a few years before he'd moved into the area. Only 1 media outlet in the country, and in 1 article checked out that the identity of one of those killers back then turned out to be the victims uncle. I had to go back looking for the original article from when those murders took place to be sure that the current news article wasn't just sensationalising things.

Now of course none of that means you want to see somebody getting killed over property theft. None of that means racism in any way shape or form is justified. However, when there was a rampant run of rural crime across the area and farmers were getting more and more fed up and nervous about their safety something bad was eventually going to happen. It's a tragedy, but our media was absolutely terrified of covering the full story because listing the facts I just laid out is considered racist. Your blaming the victim. My listing of the above facts is not supposed to be done without including many times more explanations and reasons that this was the white man's fault.

Ultimately, the absolute failure to talk openly about things in Canada is getting people killed. We absolutely need to be clear that stealing doesn't deserve a death penalty. We ALSO need to tell a group of young adults that were going farm to farm, with a loaded rifle, raging drunk, stealing and breaking into vehicles that doing that was a BAD idea and one of the reasons is that doing so might get you shot by someone that doesn't know if your going to hurt them or not. I really believe if the kids had been white that would have been the narrative, but because of race it wasn't. It just makes things worse and inspires more risky and dangerous decisions from people in the future and more people will continue to get hurt.

Fairbs said:

when you talk about getting in trouble, do you mean being called a racist and if not what kind of trouble?

I find it interesting that in the states, people often use an over represented prison population (relative to % of normal population) to indicate that 'those' people are bad. I think with yours and Drachen Jagers comments, you are actually coming from a place that is trying to find a solution to the discrepancy and looking at the underlying conditions that got people into where they are. I wish more people were like that. I also appreciate the insight into the Aboriginal population in Canada. It sounds pretty similar to what's going on in the States.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Buttle (Member Profile)

Massive Sinkhole on New Zealand Dairy Farm

Horrific Tornado, Fort Walton Beach, Florida | Apr 22, 2018

Mordhaus says...

This Moore, OK EF5 flyover gives a good idea of what is left by the path once you get about 4 minutes into the video.

I know the Jarrell F5, which I was around 12 miles from at the time, left similar damage but it was harder to tell because it just hoovered up everything. It literally ripped the asphalt from the roadways and left them like old dirt roads. Because a lot of it was rural, entire trailer parks and farms just became empty fields.

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