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siftbot (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Happy Birthday ya bunch o' ... something electronically devised to aid in our Sift-ing experience. How could we get along [can't we all just along] without you? Tweak On Party Bot!

How To Crack An Electronic Safe With A Magnet And A Sock

spawnflagger says...

To be fair, that is a Hugh Jass rare-earth (neodymium) magnet, that costs $40 more than the safe (quick search example- $173 vs. safe $134), and not likely that a casual thief would have it on hand. Good for a locksmith to invest in though.

I would like to see them test progressively smaller magnets, to see what the smallest is that would still do the trick.

How To Crack An Electronic Safe With A Magnet And A Sock

newtboy (Member Profile)

Stop motion of objects sanded half a millimetre at a time

tofucken-the vegan response to turducken

enoch says...

jesus christ dude..
could you be any more presumptuous?

first off,i didnt call you out specifically.
i rather enjoyed you and newts exchange,but my commentary was not addressing nor interjecting in that conversation.

second,the only argument (if you even want to call it that) that i proposed was to cut the moral absolutes out,because they are bullshit.

now maybe you do not engage in the morality argument that many ..MANY ...vegans DO attempt to utilize to better make their point,and hats off to you if you see the hypocrisy of such a tactic.

now please understand i am not ignoring that there is a morality factor in being a vegan and i totally respect that.what i am stating is to not become burdened with absolutes and attempting to use morality to further a position..or you will be called out on it and rightly so.

your comment is actually a straw man,not mine.
you posit a position i didnt take in order to refute that imaginary position.

which you took a step further by accusing me of not addressing certain aspects of an argument that i only tacitly referred to and in no specific or detailed way.

in fact almost your entire comment towards me is a fabricated argument that i never had with you.

so who are you arguing/debating with?
because i can say with some authority that it is not me.

maybe you took my tone or words as a direct assault on you or what you have written,but as anybody here will attest,i have no problem calling someone out directly.conversely,i have no problem being called out (if my fly is open,please let me know).

so if that is the case,allow me to offer an olive branch:
my girlfriend of many years is a devout vegan.
so i am full aware of the reasons why she became a vegan (at the tender age of seven,no shit) and for her the decision was mostly a moral one i.e:cruelty,abuse etc etc.

when we first started dating she attempted to use every tactic in the book to get me to see the barbarity in my callous and cruel meat eating ways.she would send me videos of the most horrific abuse of animals,slaughterhouse horror stories..i am sure you may be familiar with many of her tactics in attempting to reveal the moral imperative to stop this torture and abuse.

which i responded (much like alluded to in my original comment) by showing her videos of the horrific abuses perpetrated upon human beings just so she could have cheap clothing and those electronic gadgets she loves so much.

which of course made her feel absolute,crushing guilt.almost to the point where it paralyzed her.because she is an adorable sweetheart who genuinely cares for not only people but animals.

which leads me to the main point i was making:
you cannot make a vegan argument based solely on moral absolutes,because it will fall apart within seconds and you come across as a pretentious twat.

so YOU can make the decision to be a vegan based on moral grounds and that is totally acceptable,but you cannot take the moral high ground when debating veganism to further a point,because we ALL bear responsibility in the suffering of they animal or human.

do you see what i am saying?

if you choose to indulge moral absolutes,then you will be exposed as a hypocrite,because when we use absolutes,that metric has to be applied equally to all factors of living.

which leaves us with the "distinctions" and the reason i say those are boring is because it becomes a narcissistic exercise of self-righteous twattery.

i recycle.
i refuse to shop at walmart.
i do not eat fast food.
i only buy organic.
i try to shop local.

all these things i do,not because they actually make a difference,but rather they make me feel better about gives me the "feel goods".even though i am full aware that in the larger picture,what i am doing means next to nothing.

but it means something to me.
and i think that is really the only real argument a vegan has to rely on to express their viewpoint.

i have seen the videos.
i am aware how awful,cruel and barbaric farming animals can be,but i like bacon.

i am an asshole.

EEVBlog - Worlds Worst Computer Tablet Teardown

artician says...

Maybe I don't understand the context of this guys show, but why does he keep describing this thing negatively? As prototypes go, not everyone has access to the Chinese manufacturing industry, and I think it takes a pretty awesome understanding of electronic engineering to pack all that shite into that tiny frame. I thought it was impressive.

That Time When Lightning Struck Your Car.

newtboy says...

My guess....that car is totaled. Every electronic device in it is fried beyond repair now, and the wiring is probably also shot. Cars are not designed to survive this. I noticed the car shut down instantly.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some things had welded to each other as well. It looked like the front wheel at least was locked up, but that could be the driver breaking hard. I hope for their sake that the doors didn't weld shut!

How to DMT

newtboy says...

The best way to reduce risk from taking, or getting caught with DMT is to not do it.

I'm glad to hear him at least mention negative effects, but he just glossed over them. In a video like this, I think the negative possibilities, physical and mental, need FAR more time and attention.

I do agree with him in that, if you are not certain this type of experience is for you, just don't do it. The mental/psychological damage can be severe and permanent. I also think it's a good idea to start with a tiny dose and build up if you MUST do it...but still not "safe".
That said, as a black market drug, you never know how pure what you have is, or what it's mixed with, and also the method you use changes the amount needed for effect. Simply saying '5mg is a good start dose' ignores all these facts.

Smoking steel wool, even course steel wool, can destroy your lungs. First, it's not pure, clean steel. Second, even the course steel wool partially vaporizes (fine steel wool will just burn, completely vaporizing). Steel vapor and lungs don't mix. Use glass.

His suggestions to use the drug in public (in the woods or at the beach) are TERRIBLE. I understand his thought process in suggesting peaceful environments, but if you're doing schedule 1 drugs, do them at home. This drug is IMPOSSIBLE to pretend you aren't on, or to act 'sober' while tripping, and if people see you on it and don't know what's happening (or maybe even if they do know), they'll almost certainly call the police. Getting caught with DMT is likely to ruin your life.

The quantum physics double slit experiment describes how light behaves under certain conditions, not how normal matter behaves...and also, atoms aren't made up of electrons, they're almost entirely protons and neutrons by weight. He should have stopped at 14 min. in my opinion. The rest made him look slightly insane and like he speaks with authority about things he doesn't understand very well.

I'm still waiting for the insightful invention someone comes up with after one of these amazing 'conversations' with non-human beings. If this drug really did what those into it claim, you would expect most users to be incredible 'outside the box' inventors advancing science in ways normal people would never consider...but I have not heard of even a single instance of that kind of useful insight coming from DMT.

The Forest Is The Game

eric3579 says...

Not exactly sure what they are trying to say here ,but if it's something about, all you have to do is take your video game/television/electronics dependent children in to the forest (expose them to nature) I say bullocks! All that is imo is a lazy parents fantasy.

Ive seen the parents that have allowed their children to be raised on video games, etc, And ive seen the children extremely limited to this exposure by parents who take the time to take their children outside (sports, nature,etc.) No golden bullets here. It's all about how you parent. Has little to do with your children IMO.

I have no kids, but from families i am closely tied to i've seen the difference. It has zero to do with the kids and everything to do with how they were raised. Just my opinion from my observations.

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

NicoleBee says...

When you have a pile of loose electronics, whether it's something you've salvaged from another device or components on a bread board, and you want the assembly to be something close to mobile, where are you going to put them? In a case of some sort, something you have laying around.

It could have just as easily have been mounted in a shoebox. This little beat-up case was just what was chosen. The reasoning behind it being chosen is only what you put into it based on.. Well, whatever is going through your mind in regard to the matter. I only see convenience at first glance, not some nefarious intent.

Also, note the size of the AC/9volt plugs in comparison to the case. I'm not sure it qualifies as a 'briefcase', really.

Payback said:

Why'd he choose a briefcase to stuff electronics into?

If you were a airline security agent, (I mean YOU actually had the job) and that slid through the xray machine, what would you do?

The only reason he thought it was cool to make a briefcase clock is because of the whole "*giggle*, see!!! Terrorist alarm clock! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, cuz you know, like, my name sounds terroristy?? get it? get it ???" situation with his name.

This compares to the kid who got in shit for chewing his pop tart into a gun shape and going "pew pew" at classmates, in that Billy the Pop Tart Kid was a complete clusterfuck from the adults perspective, and this was a clusterfuck started by a juvenile joke gone bad (and then went clusterfuck).

Bomb Clock Kid is a victim of racist overreaction, not complete stupidity.

I want Microsoft to send the Pop Tart Kid an XBox.

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

Payback says...

Why'd he choose a briefcase to stuff electronics into?

If you were a airline security agent, (I mean YOU actually had the job) and that slid through the xray machine, what would you do?

The only reason he thought it was cool to make a briefcase clock is because of the whole "*giggle*, see!!! Terrorist alarm clock! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, cuz you know, like, my name sounds terroristy?? get it? get it ???" situation with his name.

This compares to the kid who got in shit for chewing his pop tart into a gun shape and going "pew pew" at classmates, in that Billy the Pop Tart Kid was a complete clusterfuck from the adults perspective, and this was a clusterfuck started by a juvenile joke gone bad (and then went clusterfuck).

Bomb Clock Kid is a victim of racist overreaction, not complete stupidity.

I want Microsoft to send the Pop Tart Kid an XBox.

Beatbox Bach - Sax

Bjork takes apart a TV

ulysses1904 says...

Same here, kept waiting for the flyback transformer to "flow some electrons".

By the way 1992 called and wants its MTV VJ clothes back.

Mordhaus said:

Was so waiting for her to to catch a lethal jolt from dicking around with the CRT around 1:30 in. I guess it was already discharged before they let her screw with it.

ADHD U: Planned Obsolescense

RedSky says...

Of course not, but alongside iOS updates which tend to slow the phone down I think it's a very intentional 'nudge' to upgrade the phone. With iPhone/iOS being something insane like >70% of Apple's profits (I think it's higher now) they really have to keep this kind of practice up to keep sales growth chugging along.

People will usually second hand the old device if they can. The more shameless practice is with printers that will arbitrarily stop working after a programmed number of prints.

I mean I think it goes without saying that Apple has the capacity to come up with a coating that doesn't scratch. It's not just Apple of course, if you split electronics by durable and regularly replaceable you find things like appliances are more durable that gadgets.

oritteropo said:

None of those things necessarily stop the device from working, and in my experience they're pretty durable. Until recently I was using a 6 year old iPhone, and the old one is still going strong after being passed on to a family member.

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