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News You Already Knew - High Heels are Bad For You! (Femme Talk Post)

News You Already Knew - High Heels are Bad For You! (Femme Talk Post)

choggie says...

Snipe-The most comfortable boot I have ever worn, is a cowboy boot. When you get into the $300-$600 range of a good Lucchese or Tony Lama, you have to try one on to really know the sensation....

Those craptacular military boots, I don't care which ones you try, are cheaply made, esp. issue-type boots-all i have worn hurt my feet-

You have to spend a little coin-Not even a dress boot, I have a pair of steel-toed cheapy Justin boots, bout $130, heavy, but comfy for all day wear....

But NOTHING, has ever come close to a high end Cowboy think $500 bucks is a lot for a pair of boots, but you are talking something that will last you 25 years, and still look can re-sole them if ya have to....

Stingray, ostrich, these materials are durable and fashionable, and work for all occasions.....

Yoga Freak at Airport

deathcow says...

> If I believed that yoga actually did anything for me, other than
> make me look like a fool?

Doing it once or twice a week for a sustained period will certainly improve your flexibility and stamina. You will also become stronger and more durable overall. I love yoga. I personally would keep it at home though...

Can you build a house with straw?

gorgonheap says...

The biggest drawback to using hay is having to replace it every 8-10 years and no insurance company will insure it. Soundproofing is pretty decent. Most people who pioneered this had problems with bugs and rodents but higher compression rates in bales now days have negated this to some effect. Read more here.

Edit: P.S. Mink, I doubt they would be paying off anyone. Steel and concrete building are just time proven methods of building that have proved their flexibility and durability through centuries.

Can you build a house with straw?

Amateur Video shot on September 11th [raw footage]

gorgonheap says...

Actually it doesn't Enzoblue, Buildings are built to stand against high winds, minor quakes and forces of nature. Forces of nature do not include a 130 ton, 45' high, 125' wide plane filled with highly flammable fuel. The world trade centers are not massive solid structures. They are a framework of carefully balanced and threaded beams, girders and columns.

Saying a skyscraper is an indestructible testament to strength and durability is bogus. You take out one column and it affects the entire structure of the building. it puts weight on columns that are not supposed to share the load of the missing one. And judging from the impact, it took out more then one column.

So really it makes sense when you have a clue about physics, or weight loads, or structure.

Banned Guy Get's a Second Chance

How Ballet Shoes Are Made

Reason for 2008 Ford Truck Recall

Alak says...

Of all the trucks I've driven for work in the oil industry, my 06 F-350 Powerstroke was by far the toughest and most durable. Other than the EXTREMELY nerve wracking idle (I.E. when you start it an hour before you get up to warm it up and the engine rattles the window at camp.) It also had times when the turbo wouldn't change geometry and you found you had no power towning minimal load up a hill.

Its fitting they would have a recall such as this, although its obvious its not diesel.

I wonder what else is wrong heh.

Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan raid Taliban stronghold

NordlichReiter says...

Watch closer, i saw an M4, the M16 M203 grenade launcher, and my mistake on the M249 it looked like a G3a3 with the way the camera cut the handle seemed to be part of the scope. Ok no scar either my mistake on both, their version of the M16 sounds a lot more dangerous than the U.S. version. I would rather see the Canadian variant in U.S. use because the M16 is not the most faithful of weapons. Now the SAW thats a good weapon, first called the mini, commonly confused with the Gatling gun, put into use in Vietnam but not noted do to the M60s prowess.

Personally they need to switch over to Kalashnikov's, now thats a very durable cheap weapon.

Sorry i made a mistake, but those boys did a helluva job.

The thrill of victory, the agony of a slippery finish line

9/11 Pentagon Crash. Dear tin-foil hat crowd, please shut up

LogisticTtian says...

so if u belive it was a planethat hit the pentagon,then what about this,all the alledged "eye-witnesses" that say they saw a plane hit the pentagon,said that they saw it so clearly at like 30-40feet above their heads and cars,now,have u ever seen what happens to a car if a jet flies over it at such a low altitude-funnily,what suppossed to happen didnt happen at all to any of these cars at the pentagon.therealblankman-you said you havent seen any fact from the conspiracy side,check this-its been scientifically proven that jet fuel cannot burn the struts that where used on the construction of the twin towers to a molten state thus causing the towers to collapse,scientifically prove,any yet this was the official explanation released that this is why the towers collapsed,was because of the immense heat of the jet fuel yet that is scientifically impossible,also,y where all other camera angles of the pentagon crash confiscated by the fbi minutes after,if they have nothing to hide and it really was a plane then y not jus release these tapes and prove it once and for all that it was a plane and not a cruise missile,instead they released their five frame footage that has no plane visible,also note that of the eight black boxes that should have been recovered,only one was,which again was put down to jet fuel incinarating them yet that too is scientifally impossible because of the design of the black boxes,9 of the alledged hijackers of 9/11 are all actually still alive and well,and this one really cracks me up,the jet fuel of the plane that hit the pentagon appearantly completely incinarated a boeing 747 but yet 194 bodies where found and id'd by their dna,don't ya tink that a boeing 747 is slightly more durable to jet fuel than the human body,but sumhow all the bodies where intact and not incinerated like the plain,watch the loose change 2nd edition for more FACTS of what really happend

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