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Tide Pod Security Robot

Putting salt water in holes

Payback says...

Ya, I was going to say it's probably the washed down sand they're trying to "spit out". Ya know, since the damn things breath water.

They look like Gooey Ducks.

Bruti79 said:

You get the same thing if you stamp down on the hole as well. The clams try their best to clear out any debris. =)

Oprah For America! Really?

newtboy says...

48.2% to 46.1%...landslide....for the one with 46.1%?
Keep dreaming. That's winning by technicality at best.
In 10 months, Trump becomes a lame duck president and we can all contain and ignore him. In 2 years and 10 months, we'll tear up his tax scam.
I, like you, hope that's not under president Winfrey.

bobknight33 said:

Popular vote does not mean jack.. keep dreaming

Hillary was to win by a land slide but just the opposite happened

306 VS 232 Electoral college votes . Land slide.

World's Dirtiest Song

NaMeCaF says...

Reminds me of this old nursery rhyme we used to sing as kids...

Mary had a little lamb, she also had a duck
She took 'em round the corner and taught them how to...
Fried eggs for breakfast, fried eggs for tea
The more you eat, the more you drink, the more you want to...
Peter had a boat, the boat began to rock
Up jumped Jaws and bit off his...
Cocktails and ginger ale, forty cents a glass
If you don't like 'it, you can shove it up your...
Ask no questions, tell no lies
I saw two men doing up their...
Flies are bad, mosquitoes are worse
And this is the end of my dirty, rotten verse

Justice League: The B Team

Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson

bremnet says...

Try to stay on track. The USA isn't deemed racist or xenophobic because it has immigration laws, it's because those laws are based on pre-conceived notions and disproportionate paranoia regarding specific countries and (some would believe) countries with high populations of followers of Islam. Immigration laws exist to ensure those wanting to immigrate understand the requirements, and a process exists that in most cases treats folks fairly regardless of where they come from. As Donald Duck has singled out specific countries, thus establishing a priori that all the folks in those countries are bad asses, then yes, this is indeed xenophobia at best but not really racism as the countries on the list are (like the US) a mixed bag and Islam is not a race.

So, if you want to compare immigration policy that exists in the land of the free and the home of the brave, your comparison should be with countries like Syria, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen that all forbid (well, they used to ...) entry to folks from Israel (always getting the short shtick), Kuwait, Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi, Pakistan, Oman and Malaysia and there are a few others I can't remember. It's not policy. It's paranoia and xenophobia from The Most Powerful Man on Earth and the fuckwits that butter his toast.

Carry on.

worm said:

Because only the USA is racist (or xenophobic) for having immigration laws. None of the exactly ALL OTHER COUNTRIES that have immigration laws and punishments for breaking those laws are racist, just the Americans...

This is just another fake news hit-piece that attempts to stain a person's character by associating him/her with racists. Just because the two people/groups may share a desire for the same end goal, the reasons for wanting those goals are not necessarily the same.

I'm almost shocked at how we have come to the point that "love of our Country" has turned into an evil thing, while breaking the laws is good, respectable, and even honorable.

How one tweet can ruin your life - Jon Ronson

C-note says...

I understand that trying to duck, dodge and otherwise change the topic is maybe the best defense you can come up with, but I'm not biting either. You may want to consider if you're the one that should give an inch on occasion and not just support the 'monsters' you've defended for their single racist tweet.

bcglorf said:


You callously said the victim 'only' lost their job, and then posted a link that can only be read as implying the victim truly is filled with a hateful ideology that they should be repenting of.

I understand that trying to duck, dodge and otherwise change the topic is maybe the best defense you can come up with, but I'm not biting. You may want to consider if you're the one that should give an inch on occasion and not just the 'monsters' you've identified off a single tweet.

How one tweet can ruin your life - Jon Ronson

bcglorf says...


You callously said the victim 'only' lost their job, and then posted a link that can only be read as implying the victim truly is filled with a hateful ideology that they should be repenting of.

I understand that trying to duck, dodge and otherwise change the topic is maybe the best defense you can come up with, but I'm not biting. You may want to consider if you're the one that should give an inch on occasion and not just the 'monsters' you've identified off a single tweet.

C-note said:

Never having to fear financial disruption due to an opinion does afford one a sense of liberty. No company is going to fire your shares and stop sending dividends.

jon's clever attempt to sway public opinion on a fools tweet lines his pockets with book royalties and speaking fees. He's profiting from a special kind of sinister back door racism. It enriches him financially and psychologically with the praises from the suckers who are being told to all go buy his book.

The very thought of being embarrassed or shamed by profiting from racism in a country built by slaves is truly hilarious. No matter if you stand or take a knee all are paying rent or interest.

Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb!

radx (Member Profile)

If you go to beaches, this is worth a couple minutes

SDGundamX says...

One thing I don't like about this safety announcement is that it makes it seem like rips as these underwater murder machines just lurking out there trying to kill you.

There is nothing inherently dangerous about a rip current per se. Surfers use them all the time to get out quickly into the lineup quickly without having to duck dive the heavier sets.

The real danger of rips is to inexperienced or poor ocean swimmers. The rip can carry you out to water that is too deep to stand in very quickly, so if you're not comfortable floating or treading water for long periods that's going to be a big problem.

Most people drown because they panic when they realize they can't touch the bottom and try to swim back against the current to get to a place where they can stand again. In their panicked state they forget about floating or treading water and exhaust themselves. As long as you swim perpendicular to the current you should be fine. The number one mistake people make is that they forget to stay calm and take breaks by doing the side-stroke or treading water until they're ready to do the crawl stroke again.

All that said, lateral rips (rips that run parallel to the shore rather than out to sea) are some scary shit, as they can move basically as fast as a river. During lifeguard training in my younger days I got caught in one while doing a training rescue and was swept in literally seconds into a wooden jetty. Thankfully I was able to ride the crest of a wave up to the top of the jetty, pull myself up, and then sprint down back to the shore before the next set of waves washed me back into the ocean and carried me even further down the shoreline. After getting back, I took a lot of shit from my instructors and peers for nearly having to be actually rescued during a training rescue.

Falcon vs Car - Earth Unplugged

Jinx says...

Pfft. Bird of prey might be sexier, but I reckon real props for speed should go to ducks or pigeons. You ever see a duck gliding? No, nor me.

Quantum Mechanics (Now with Added Ducks) - exurb1a

newtboy says...

But I've just developed the duck flipper 2240 that can flip up to 1120 ducks at one time with a rotational speed of 1440 degrees per second, and read the orientations of the same number of receiver ducks. This should allow at least AT&T level audio.

ChaosEngine said:

And more importantly, you have no control over the state of the duck.

So you can look at 1120 ducks (enough information to encode an SMS in ascii), but you can't change them.

Quantum Mechanics (Now with Added Ducks) - exurb1a

ChaosEngine says...

And more importantly, you have no control over the state of the duck.

So you can look at 1120 ducks (enough information to encode an SMS in ascii), but you can't change them.

AeroMechanical said:

Because you look at your duck, you see that it's feet are sticking out of the water and you say to yourself, "aha, that means the other duck's head is out of the water."

And you're right, but, that's all you know (which is neat, but not useful). Moreover, it's not until either you or your buddy with his duck in Andromeda actually looks at their duck that the ducks actually take on their state. So you unfortunately cannot attach any significance (and thus information) to the state of a couple of ducks.

Quantum Mechanics (Now with Added Ducks) - exurb1a

AeroMechanical says...

Because you look at your duck, you see that it's feet are sticking out of the water and you say to yourself, "aha, that means the other duck's head is out of the water."

And you're right, but, that's all you know (which is neat, but not useful). Moreover, it's not until either you or your buddy with his duck in Andromeda actually looks at their duck that the ducks actually take on their state. So you unfortunately cannot attach any significance (and thus information) to the state of a couple of ducks.

newtboy said: WHY can't duck buddies be used to make intergalactic phone calls?

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