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Robocalls: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

BSR says...

I consider you my friend. I can't stop you from letting you get away with abuse which makes you derelict to yourself, family and others. That must be your choice. You've already implied you're hopeless.

"I believed in good cops for quite a while, and couldn't find them, that why I stopped believing."

That only tells me one thing. You don't believe how powerful you really are.

A loaded gun in the hands of a child can be devastating because the child doesn't know the power of the gun.

You have talent. I think you are a great writer.

Don't use disappearing ink.

newtboy said:

Cool, nice, or fun are not the same as good, that's why the words are spelled and pronounced differently.

And I was clear, 1000 good deeds don't erase letting your friend get away with abuse, and when it's your job to stop abuse that makes you derelict in your duty.

Try again.

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

No Bob, you don't need to keep crying "but I love him"....we know you'll gladly ignore any foibles he has while viciously attacking others for the same, or similar but lesser crimes he claimed they were guilty of.
We know you allow him to bold faced lie to you about anything.
We know you're ready and willing to repeat any stupidity or nonsense he feeds you.
We know you're 100% prepared to accept his word over your own eyes, ears, or memory.
We know you're prepared to claim financial and civil gains even though reality disagrees.

You really don't need to keep telling us you love your lying fraud of an abuser....we know.

Do I need to remind you about Carter again? A politician who was never two faced or untruthful. Please, please don't display your stupidity by attempting to attack his undeniably excessive levels of intelligence or morality. Dumb people don't design nuclear submarines, immoral people don't command them with honor....they get phantom bone spurs that miraculously disappear the minute the draft ends so they can screw the wives of their honorable associates while they go to war.

Good, if Trump is really done playing politician, that's great for all of us. I hadn't heard he had quit.
It's just asinine to claim the person holding the most powerful political position in the world isn't a politician. You might as well claim he's not a fraud, not a thief, not a philanderer, not a business failure, not a hypocrite, not immoral, not a misogynist, and not dishonest while you're denying reality.

As noted above, your video evidence and your claims have nothing in common.

bobknight33 said:

Do I really need to do this again.. Again Politicians are 2 faced until rubber meets the road.
Good thing Trump is not a Politician, Just a man wanting to MAGA.

The Alt-Right Playbook: The Death of a Euphemism

Mordhaus says...

I disagree that there is net benefit from illegal immigrants.

Yes, they do pay taxes. They do not collect retirement benefits.

They also tend to not pay for medical insurance and their jobs do not provide it (for the most part). Generally when they have medical issue, they either go to a free clinic that is there for poor people or they go to a non private hospital emergency room. They cannot be turned away. This cost gets passed on to people paying for their insurance and hospital costs because Hospitals hike up insurance costs to make up the difference. It also causes massive delays at the ER, making it harder for them to deal with people really needing emergency care.

They do utilize public schooling without paying similar amounts of costs. For example, here in Austin, most of the areas that are predominantly Hispanic do not have to pay the same level of property and school taxes as I do. I don't even have kids, but if I lived in East Austin, my taxes would be significantly lower. It has led to East Austin starting to have a Gentrification problem as people/businesses move their to exploit the lower taxes.

Many illegal immigrants carry the minimum or no insurance. My wife's car was totaled some years ago, almost killing her, by an illegal immigrant who had no insurance. We had to use our insurance for her treatment and for the replacement of her vehicle. The man who hit her disappeared.

They utilize fake id and ssid to get welfare benefits. They do get caught now and then, but they flee the area and get new info.

They also do get married to citizens and then, if they get divorced, they flee to avoid child support/alimony. I know of at least 3 friends/acquaintances that had this happen in the last 10 years.

I don't think they are more likely to commit crime than anyone else, but they are more likely to flee the country if caught.

The money they do earn is, in many cases, spent at local ethnic shops that usually are also owned by illegal immigrants. It has become so prevalent that many local stores have tried to modify how they are setup to attract illegal immigrants.

It has been shown that they save and send money out of the US, many times doing their best to avoid any custom duties that would be attached to larger sums.

Because they are violating the law and crossing the border, we spend a massive fuckton of money trying to stop them. This is probably the largest outlay of cost and the one everyone feels, even people living outside of a state affected by illegal immigration.

To be fair, maybe I am getting a skewed picture as I live in a city that has basically said "Fuck the laws, ya'll c'mon in and live here!"

Honestly, if we aren't going to stop them or deport them, then just fucking give them legal status so they are treated like everyone else. At least then they can be hounded by bill collectors too.

11 Year Time-Lapse - One World Trade Center

Payback says...

Time lapse was, a frame a day or so. The cranes are designed to be taken down quickly. Less than a day in most cases. At that framerate, they just disappear.

makach said:

what happened to the cranes?

Chicago Police Leaving Bait Truck full of Nikes Near Park

radx says...

You never know. Today, these kids in a neighborhood with a 40%+ poverty rate steal some Nikes, tomorrow they sell you mortgage-backed securities or run a gulag for the Chicago PD. It's a slippery slope, boyos.

ICE: We Make Kids Disappear - Activist Vandalized Billboard

Magic Tricks to Impress your Dad on Father's Day

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

ChaosEngine says...

Well, first, I’m not really a big Hillary fan. Politically, I’m far closer to Bernie (and I live in a country where he’s not considered a total radical).

But it wasn’t just the loss, it was the reaction to the loss. First of all, losing presidential candidates almost always disappear (at least for a while). Second, everyone (and not without reason, TBF) immediately decided that SHE was the reason Trump won, not the people who didn’t vote. It’s one thing to lose, it’s another to have your base turn on you.

Look at Romney, McCain or even Kerry. They never faced the kind of backlash Hillary did.

notarobot said:

Do you see how these two sentences of yours are at odds?

If she was the kind of person to turn her back on the millions of people who supported her and voted for her because someone else got more electoral college votes, what does that imply about her character?

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

notarobot says...

One difference between Bernie and Hillary is exposed by appearances like this. Bernie lost the election but never stopped fighting for more just society. He's still fighting. Hillary lost and disappeared. She just wanted the position of power.

Missing Migrant Children | Full Frontal on TBS

The Greater Insult

Won't You Be My Neighbor - Official Trailer

C-note says...

@dag Looking at the members who up voted this "kids" sift .
Fred Rogers believed the pain that exists in our lives every day is even more difficult to process. For this reason, he kept it real on his show, despite how much of his target audience couldn't even spell "real." In fact, he believed that it was even more important to equip them early on with the tools they needed to navigate life's most treacherous moments.

If you watched his show, you might recall that he covered a wide-range of topics, and many of them involved things that even adults struggle to confront. In one episode of Neighborhood, the prince has gone missing, and people correctly assume that it's because he can't deal with his parents' constant fighting at home. In a story arc that lasts several days, people search for him and, when he is found, a classmate tells him that he had been scared the prince was dead.

You know why that's important, that the prince disappeared because of real reasons and not "evil dragon" ones? Because kids at home probably wondered the same thing when Mr. Rogers and his friends couldn't find the prince. Instead of skirting around the issue, he faced it head on, as he did with many issues on his program, showing children that they can learn to cope with difficult emotions like fear, shame, and anger. He understood that kids might be innocent, but they still needed to understand how to live in the real world. He taught them to be open, brave, and resilient while owning their feelings, which was something they could carry with them for the rest of their lives. It wasn't all sweaters and fish-feeding, you know.
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Machine seperates colors

Hey Incels, women don’t owe you anything

newtboy says...

But....people do have a right to have sex, they just don't have a right to a partner.

Aren't there incel women? Why can't they just get together in a dark room?

I understand the desire to ridicule and ostracize these men, but that's only going to exacerbate the problem. They won't just disappear if you ignore them. These men are lashing out because they feel bullied and ignored by women, how is bullying and/or ignoring them farther supposed to make them act right?
How about a program....hookers for incels....or something similar? Aren't these the men real dolls were designed for? At the very least, it seems like a class in being more attractive to women is in order.

Making them feel more inadequate and less a part of society will definitely lead to more attacks, so that seems like a really dumb move.

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