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Fox News anchors try Vegemite for the first time live on-air

bremnet says...

Sure looked like Nutella... years ago, started a post-doc at UQ in Brisbane, temporarily rooming at Gatton College. 1st morning, jet lagged at breakfast in dining hall, lathered it on white toast and laid into it. Managed to keep it down, but the gag reflex was winning. Students howled, all in good fun though. When I checked out 2 weeks later, they gave me a gift of a giant jar of it and a homemade booklet "How to Eat Vegemite"... good memories, but could never stomach it again.

charliem said:

FUCK thats a lot of vegemite!!!

Aussie here - never in my life have I ever used that much, thats like....waaaayyyyy too much.

It aint nutella people!

Mitchell and Webb - Queen Victoria and the Linden Tree

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

Well Gwiz implored that I join him in the toasty dining hall of the roast!

When I first joined the sift I thought that the Charter members were lazy flop dicks, elitist wankers. Not much has changed.

But Rasch is a nice enough fellow, he hunts, hes a law student. I respect that.
I can't say much bad about him, and I cant make a direct insult.

What irks me the most about the fucker is he down voted my cat fart video!

Falling Down the Stairs in the Cafeteria - Smooth

coryrau says...

I found this amusing for no reason other than that it took place at my old alma mater: University of Richmond. It's actually in a place called "The Pier" where you can get fast food type fare. It spans a man-made lake in the middle of campus (which is what you'd see if you could see out the windows clearly). It's really a beautiful campus. The actual "dining hall" is on the other side of the lake. This wouldn't have been the first person to fall down those stairs so I wouldn't be surprised if it hadn't been staged but it is awfully coincidental that somebody was taping at the time of the fall and seemed to be following him with the camera from well before he got to the stairs.

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