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US Soldier Vs Iraqi in Hand Wrestling Competion

probie says...

Reminds me of an old joke I heard around the time we went into Iraq after 9/11:

A U.S. military patrol is driving along a road north of Baghdad and spots a dead Iraqi on the side of the road, lying in a ditch. A few yards up, they spot a U.S. serviceman lying in the same ditch, clinging to life. The squad jumps out and starts to render assistance.

"What happened?" they ask the injured soldier.

"Well, I was patrolling up the road, when that Iraqi jumped out of nowhere and started screaming at me "George Bush is a moron and a fucking asshole!". So I yelled back at him "Oh yeah? Well Sadaam Hussein is a dickhead and a retard!"".

"Yeah? Did you shoot him?" one of the squad asks.

"No. We were in the middle of the road shaking hands when a truck came along and hit us..."

Crafty Graffiti Artist Vs. the Police

Grimm says...

Thanks to dickheads like this places like L.A. are covered in graffiti. The only places without graffiti are covered in barb-wire...nothing makes a place look more like a shithole then graffiti and barb-wire.

Crafty Graffiti Artist Vs. the Police

spoco2 says...

Big old downvote. This guy is a dickhead, selfish vandal making public property look shit for everyone else.

Thanks dickhead.

And he's not crafty at all, he outran a couple of maintenance workers, big whoop-de-do.

Crossing the stream with a bad friend

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

swedishfriend says...

What the police officer did was against the law. What the other guy did isn't.

Saying that I was the type of person you were talking about isn't an attack on me? You ignoring half of what I said is commenting on my statement?

The beginning of your third paragraph could just as easily apply to police officers. The last part misses the fact that he is helping people by doing this. Even you are helped by this. Whether you like it or not the country is better off if cops don't have carte blanche to bully whomever they want. Even police officers decent or not are safer because of people who assert their rights. Crazy as it seems this guy and his actions will make people less threatened by the police which will make it safer for the police along with everyone else.

>> ^spoco2:

@swedishfriend sigh I was commenting on your statement, not you. Also, you branding this policeman a 'criminal' is exactly the sort of shit that helps fricken no-one.
This cop was SUPER professional. Handled this REALLY well. Was reacting to people being concerned that there was a man walking along their street with a fucking gun on his hip.
What about this? Rather than being an enormous dickhead and walking around with a loaded fricken gun for whatever self righteous reason is in this guy's head, what about he does some fucking good for the community? What about he helps other people rather than making everyone around there feel endangered? What about he helps those in need?
He has done NOTHING to deserve any sort of respect AT ALL.
Good day to you sir.
Door slams, footsteps fade to distance

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

spoco2 says...

@swedishfriend *sigh* I was commenting on your statement, not you. Also, you branding this policeman a 'criminal' is exactly the sort of shit that helps fricken no-one.

This cop was SUPER professional. Handled this REALLY well. Was reacting to people being concerned that there was a man walking along their street with a fucking gun on his hip.

What about this? Rather than being an enormous dickhead and walking around with a loaded fricken gun for whatever self righteous reason is in this guy's head, what about he does some fucking good for the community? What about he helps other people rather than making everyone around there feel endangered? What about he helps those in need?

He has done NOTHING to deserve any sort of respect AT ALL.

Good day to you sir.

*Door slams, footsteps fade to distance*

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

swedishfriend says...

Good job at attacking me and not my actual statement BTW.
>> ^spoco2:

>> ^swedishfriend:
You would really get riled up about Gandhi and Martin Luther King then as they provoked the law as well. If the police can break the law openly and on film and still get to carry a loaded gun then maybe gun rights are kind of important. Or do you prefer to wait try to fight enslavement once only the police and the military have guns?
>> ^spoco2:
No, see, I really don't like dickheads like this.
Smug little shit who has read up on one law and then has probably gone out carrying a gun PURELY to run into a cop and be able to spout off this shit.
What fucking reason does he have for walking around with a fucking gun? Really, this is shit, and people who go 'YEAH MAN, STICK IT TO THE MAN' are so full of shit too.
"Is that the only reason you stopped me? Because I'm carrying a gun?" YES! Why the fuck is that not a correct course of action? Why does this dick think that it's a GOOD thing for people to just be able to walk around with loaded guns?
He thinks he's being some righteous individual, standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere... IN WHAT WAY? Hurray sir, you've been able to walk around with a loaded firearm. You've improved our lives in what way?
If you want to improve our lives by railing against authority figures, why not do it by standing up for rights that actually IMPROVE our lives?
Just dangerous stupidity on this dick's part.

You are the exact type of person I refer to in paragraph 3 of my post.
Trying to say that this guy is in ANY WAY like MLK or Gandhi just demonstrates how utterly you have failed to grasp this.
Him having a gun on his person makes everyone less safe (including him), not moreso. He's a dick who loves guns and feels like a big man by walking around with one on his hip. He's discovered he's within his rights to walk around like that, and likes to wave that right in people's faces, no matter how scared he makes people or anything else.
The LAW may be on his side, but that doesn't make him 'right'...
I for one sure as shit don't want people walking around on the street with sidearms.

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

swedishfriend says...

The police is more likely to be a threat so if you don't want citizens to carry guns then we have to get rid of armed officers too. I don't want anyone to have a gun but if you read what I said you might have noticed that I specified that gun rights are important in the situation we are in where known criminals in the police like the officer doing the detaining in this video are allowed to carry guns.

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^swedishfriend:
You would really get riled up about Gandhi and Martin Luther King then as they provoked the law as well. If the police can break the law openly and on film and still get to carry a loaded gun then maybe gun rights are kind of important. Or do you prefer to wait try to fight enslavement once only the police and the military have guns?
>> ^spoco2:
No, see, I really don't like dickheads like this.
Smug little shit who has read up on one law and then has probably gone out carrying a gun PURELY to run into a cop and be able to spout off this shit.
What fucking reason does he have for walking around with a fucking gun? Really, this is shit, and people who go 'YEAH MAN, STICK IT TO THE MAN' are so full of shit too.
"Is that the only reason you stopped me? Because I'm carrying a gun?" YES! Why the fuck is that not a correct course of action? Why does this dick think that it's a GOOD thing for people to just be able to walk around with loaded guns?
He thinks he's being some righteous individual, standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere... IN WHAT WAY? Hurray sir, you've been able to walk around with a loaded firearm. You've improved our lives in what way?
If you want to improve our lives by railing against authority figures, why not do it by standing up for rights that actually IMPROVE our lives?
Just dangerous stupidity on this dick's part.

You are the exact type of person I refer to in paragraph 3 of my post.
Trying to say that this guy is in ANY WAY like MLK or Gandhi just demonstrates how utterly you have failed to grasp this.
Him having a gun on his person makes everyone less safe (including him), not moreso. He's a dick who loves guns and feels like a big man by walking around with one on his hip. He's discovered he's within his rights to walk around like that, and likes to wave that right in people's faces, no matter how scared he makes people or anything else.
The LAW may be on his side, but that doesn't make him 'right'...
I for one sure as shit don't want people walking around on the street with sidearms.

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

spoco2 says...

>> ^swedishfriend:

You would really get riled up about Gandhi and Martin Luther King then as they provoked the law as well. If the police can break the law openly and on film and still get to carry a loaded gun then maybe gun rights are kind of important. Or do you prefer to wait try to fight enslavement once only the police and the military have guns?
>> ^spoco2:
No, see, I really don't like dickheads like this.
Smug little shit who has read up on one law and then has probably gone out carrying a gun PURELY to run into a cop and be able to spout off this shit.
What fucking reason does he have for walking around with a fucking gun? Really, this is shit, and people who go 'YEAH MAN, STICK IT TO THE MAN' are so full of shit too.
"Is that the only reason you stopped me? Because I'm carrying a gun?" YES! Why the fuck is that not a correct course of action? Why does this dick think that it's a GOOD thing for people to just be able to walk around with loaded guns?
He thinks he's being some righteous individual, standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere... IN WHAT WAY? Hurray sir, you've been able to walk around with a loaded firearm. You've improved our lives in what way?
If you want to improve our lives by railing against authority figures, why not do it by standing up for rights that actually IMPROVE our lives?
Just dangerous stupidity on this dick's part.

You are the exact type of person I refer to in paragraph 3 of my post.

Trying to say that this guy is in ANY WAY like MLK or Gandhi just demonstrates how utterly you have failed to grasp this.

Him having a gun on his person makes everyone less safe (including him), not moreso. He's a dick who loves guns and feels like a big man by walking around with one on his hip. He's discovered he's within his rights to walk around like that, and likes to wave that right in people's faces, no matter how scared he makes people or anything else.

The LAW may be on his side, but that doesn't make him 'right'...

I for one sure as shit don't want people walking around on the street with sidearms.

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

swedishfriend says...

You would really get riled up about Gandhi and Martin Luther King then as they provoked the law as well. If the police can break the law openly and on film and still get to carry a loaded gun then maybe gun rights are kind of important. Or do you prefer to wait try to fight enslavement once only the police and the military have guns?
>> ^spoco2:

No, see, I really don't like dickheads like this.
Smug little shit who has read up on one law and then has probably gone out carrying a gun PURELY to run into a cop and be able to spout off this shit.
What fucking reason does he have for walking around with a fucking gun? Really, this is shit, and people who go 'YEAH MAN, STICK IT TO THE MAN' are so full of shit too.
"Is that the only reason you stopped me? Because I'm carrying a gun?" YES! Why the fuck is that not a correct course of action? Why does this dick think that it's a GOOD thing for people to just be able to walk around with loaded guns?
He thinks he's being some righteous individual, standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere... IN WHAT WAY? Hurray sir, you've been able to walk around with a loaded firearm. You've improved our lives in what way?
If you want to improve our lives by railing against authority figures, why not do it by standing up for rights that actually IMPROVE our lives?
Just dangerous stupidity on this dick's part.

Detained for Open Carry, Portland, Maine 26MAY2012

spoco2 says...

No, see, I really don't like dickheads like this.

Smug little shit who has read up on one law and then has probably gone out carrying a gun PURELY to run into a cop and be able to spout off this shit.

What fucking reason does he have for walking around with a fucking gun? Really, this is shit, and people who go 'YEAH MAN, STICK IT TO THE MAN' are so full of shit too.

"Is that the only reason you stopped me? Because I'm carrying a gun?" YES! Why the fuck is that not a correct course of action? Why does this dick think that it's a GOOD thing for people to just be able to walk around with loaded guns?

He thinks he's being some righteous individual, standing up for the rights of citizens everywhere... IN WHAT WAY? Hurray sir, you've been able to walk around with a loaded firearm. You've improved our lives in what way?

If you want to improve our lives by railing against authority figures, why not do it by standing up for rights that actually IMPROVE our lives?

Just dangerous stupidity on this dick's part.

The Breakdown of a Fake AV Scammer

spoco2 says...

My mother in law was called by one of these dickheads. Luckily she thought it sounded a little odd and called me while she was on the phone to them... and I told her to hang up.

Just scary the mindset of these lowlifes

Media Watch - Camera crew goads Father and Son to fury

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

Ryjkyj says...

That hurts.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love the Gallardo. It's one of the most beautiful cars I've ever seen. And it's a crappy Lambo that's been redesigned by German engineers, so like they put it on Top Gear: "It's like a Lamborghini, but the air-conditioning works."

However, I love the fact that it's properly pronounced: "gay-ardo." I just picture all these macho dicks, driving around in their yellow sports car, showing off, yet trying desperately to ignore the fact that when they were at the dealership, everyone kept saying how great they would look, "In your new 'Gay-ardo!' That 'Gay-ardo' looks great on you! It's like the 'Gay-ardo' was made for you!"

In fact, I'd bet that at dealerships here in America, they're probably forbidden from using the proper pronunciation. Can't you just picture it? "I know guys, but if we pronounce it that way, we're never going to attract the macho-dickhead customers that keep us in business..."

Some guys will argue to the death about the proper pronunciation of "Jaguar", but there seems to be an unspoken agreement among most Lambo fans that a Gallardo is a "Gall-ardo".

I would've given anything if they drove by the accident in the video and said: "Man, that's a shame, it's such a beautiful 'Gay-ardo'." Of course, for all I know, the guy is comfortable in his sexuality, but I doubt it.

What Can You Do If Someone's Vehicle Has Blocked Your Exit?

spoco2 says...

Anger issues much?

I appreciate that it's horrendously annoying being boxed in, but did he also hit the car next to him while doing his parade of stupidity?

He's taken one situation: Being boxed in by an idiot.
And made it WAY worse: Damaged his car, damaged the other person's car. Possibly damaged another, completely innocent person's car.

As @solecist said, it looks like there's a path he could drive on behind the car parks, so that would seem to be a solution with no downside.

Complete dickhead it would seem

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