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Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...

> "Non-governmental forcible governing is a terrifying concept to most."

I don't really know what this means....

I am in no position to judge you as a "taker" or not, I know virtually nothing about you or your situation.

I don't think voting works. It does nothing for me. But again, good luck with that. I'm not stopping you. Vote all you want. Have fun with it. You seem satisfied with the results you've gotten from it. Good for you.

Personally, I find this to be a kind of crazy thinking ... That if you can somehow just "convince" me or others (by being argumentative and dismissive of my views), you will get enough people to vote "rationally" for some hypothetical "great" politician that will govern as you think you should be governed -- "thoughtfully," of course. "The Great Fiction." You think the state sucks, but only because it's not being run by the people who agree with you. You'll never get the clones of yourself into office. And even if you did, it wouldn't turn out as you hope.

But... hey.. It's your delusion. Good luck.

(EDIT: I'm curious as to where have you been finding the "like-minded" people who will vote "rationally" and thoughtfully" and the politicians willing to represent those people (and able to win elections)?)

newtboy said:


chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Sir...lower than low and you can't tell the real from unreal-I am a musician and a friend to humanity and all you want from me is to see me burn-You are sadly mistaken in your assumptions and have dealt me a personal disservice,

I mean you no personal ill-will and have seen this before from other abusers of this site.

Cut and paste and declare the righteous of humanity unworthy based on nothing but your own delusional fantasies of right and wrong.

I have no history here of anything but calling shit when I see it and you sir, are THE epitome of the dregs of the worst of humankind.

You place yourself in a false position of a 'holier than thou' saint and read into my jovial and playful banter nothing but hatred and an unforgiving soul, some vile pervert....I assure you, I am so very far from some pedophile, no user of women, on the contrary-You have no idea the depths to which your own delusion has brought you and the entire site in declaring me in your self-righteousness some petty piece of human garbage as to accuse me of such a thing.

There are more than a few people here who can attest to my kindness and sincerity towards the women of this place, on YT when so many complete douchebags offer-up their vile words to young people trying to interpret music and are derided by those who hate themselves so much that they can only criticize, berate, and belittle the efforts of sincere people trying to share their love for music and humanity with the world only to have idiots and assholes insult their efforts.

My "request" to you was a joke directed at your persona here of enforcer, of resident cop hell-bent on finding any way possible to undermine anyone who comes here as a new user under the guise of following protocol-I have treated you as a friend and equal always and now....with evil intent and a sincere and violent hatred for me as a person you would have me thrown to wolves.

I had absolutely no indication that someone would or could, stoop as low on this site but as it is with people who don't even know who or what they themselves are, I am once again surprised and bewildered at the depths to which humanity can sink, when all is exhausted but ego and self-loathing.

If you would care to post this to the sift-talk arena and have tenured and long-time users here who know me, who trust me to be who and what I say I am I would be honored to show you and the entire site, even if it mean a permanent ban from this site of myself, just how completely wrong you are in your knee-jerk assumptions and delusional accusations.

I can have at least 3 adult, female users of this site who I and the community trust to be straight-up moral and ethical and righteous attest to my honesty and to a friendship that endures on and off this site.

I have no reservations about anything I have said or done here to foster love and community and it is YOUR delusional self-righteous anger and self-hate that has brought you to your retarded and vile accusation and assumption.

I agree with you one one thing, that this particular issue need not be a private matter but one that the entire site's users need see.

SO here we are once again, letting the community of users here let a few delusionals decide the fate of a sincere human being.

SO be it, I should have known better than to walk bearing my heart and soul into a small den of feral creatures and expect them to be able to see beauty and a sincere love for all of humanity.

Your accusations again, are unfounded and completely left of field, and you are dead-wrong in assuming that I am some perverted, hind-brained animal that would take advantage of a complete stranger.

That poor girl who sang that Beatle's tune and was banned had a lovely voice and whoever posted her video here I am sure, had no intention of doing anything but promoting her confidence and and sincere love for the music she was trying to share with the world.

I was going to go to her you tube page and apologize on behalf of myself and the site for her offering having been dashed-to-bits on the rocks of petty rules and a declaration of her unworthiness through some crap system of votes and regulations.

I feel very, very sorry and pity the type of person who can't discern the truth from a lie or see someone for what they are in their essence.

All the power-points I garner from maintaining the site's embeds, have you noticed??
I give them away to the underdogs, to the talented sifters who find beauty and joy in what they offer to the community. My usual criteria is to promote ignored offerings or to promote when I read a description in an embed of how much they personally enjoyed a video or that it touched them in an emotional way lending to joy or happiness. I resurrect dead videos in order to immediately give points and another chance to people with a view to raiding their spirits and status on this site.

I tend to promote music quite a bot and to DOWN-VOTE embeds people place here in order to insult another's ideologies or philosophies OR, when i see an inordinate amount of embed form a user that showcase human-tragedy for the sake of entertainment .

I care about life and truth my friend, not fantasy, death, pain, or lies with a view to self-promotion.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of my character, and I seek to prove you so before this entire community or be run off this site for the very last time.

I am keeping a copy of this response to my joking message directed again, at your joy in watching users get banned of self-linking which I posted to you with a view to pointing-out a character flaw, so that you won't twist my words and use them to satisfy your personal mission to see me gone form here.

chicchorea said:

(Copied from my profile page)

chicchorea says...

Really...a 13 year old to be kidding....

Low, sleazy, and slimy...schmarmy, even for ....

...and monumentally clueless besides....

This is unworthy of "private" status.

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

That's almost exactly what I just said 17-18kg in earth terms. Do you think laid on your back you could easily throw a 17kg object 1.5-2m upwards?

He's not doing a push up he's trying to jump upright. Launching nearly 20kg of weight far enough to get to your feet would take some doing that way I'd say. Just lifting 20kg with the arms alone is an effort never mind throwing it which is effectively what's happening here.

This is part of the reason I defaulted to thinking in terms of rocketry as it's not as simple as just someone trying to lift something, they are trying to propel themselves 1-2m upwards with only a thrust from the arms. Much better to wiggle around/push up to get to your knees so one could bring one's legs muscles to bear (made very difficult by hard to bend suit).

Frankly I think it would be a total pain in the arse getting back upright. If it weren't for the suit you could easily push up to your knees and then straighten your legs but the inflation is going to make that very hard work (but doable after a struggle to one knee as other video footage proves).

The alternative however which sparked this whole argument i.e. lay on your front and push off with your arms. That I think would be considerably harder than you are making out. Throwing a 17kg weight with only your arms over 1m in height is not what I'd call effortless.

My old CRT monitor probably weighs about 20kg, it'd take everything I had to throw that over 1m up into the air. Without the power of your thigh muscles and the rigidity of your spine 20kg is quite a lot really.

How high can you "jump" with only your arms? (like those super push-ups where you clap your hands in between to show off) maybe a foot or two if your really really strong? So with the extra weight of a suit and reduced gravity multiplying the result by 6 under lunar gravity, 6feet is probably just about attainable for someone in peak physical shape. But it's defiantly not what I'd call easy!

Re: conspiracies The only one I really take at all seriously any more is the idea that 2001 (esp the book) was perhaps (very) loosely based on actual events. I have time for it simply because of Arthur C. Clarke himself who was going to give an interview (which he rarely does) on Project Camelot of all things but died about 2 weeks before it happened. If you know anything about project camelot you'll know whatever he had to say was going to be mental but then again he was very old and eccentric and plenty other people involved in the space program have "jumped the shark" so to speak. (Edgar Mitchell talks about aliens on a regualr basis, Buzz Aldrin has spoken about monoliths on Phobos, pilots being followed by "Foofighters" in WW2 etc. etc.)

But it's basically wishful thinking on my part, the story and implications are remarkably plausible for what they are but that is all they are. Combined with the whole Jack Parsons/Alastair Crowley connection to the JPL my creative juices start flowing. However the obvious counter argument i.e. that the world is largely run by genuine lunatics is never far from my mind either (look at the whole "men who stare at goats" thing).

I'll listen to anyone and some I'm even prepared to believe on their own terms but I have to defer to actual evidence where it exists (or does not exist). Consequently while I'll listen to someone like John Leer talking about stuff that would seem outlandish even in a science fiction story, people why claim the moon landing was a hoax tend to get the cold shoulder as it's pretty demonstrably not true/hard to believe.

I realise that's kind of backwards but willing suspension of disbelief is a lot easier when there's really no tangible evidence either way. (why I suspect huge incomprehensible delusions like those espoused by many religions get so much traction. It's easier to believe the big lie than the small one)

Jolly entertaining though regardless

MichaelL said:

No need to go through the whole Newtons things... easier to keep it all in kg since that's how we think anyway. So on the moon, astronaut + suit = 100/6 = 17 kg. Only about 40 lbs... So an astronaut should have no problem doing a pushup there.

As I said, probably more to due with the awkward, pressurized suits.

However, the jumping part... well, that's a puzzle to me why they aren't able to jump higher since I don't see any mechanical disadvantage. It's one of the arguments for the 'fake moon landing' thing.

However, if the moon surface were 'spongy' then it would be like trying to jump out of a barrel of mud.

Re: conspiracy thing... Alternative 3 claims that Apollo astronauts went to the moon, but discovered the bases that had already been there and were threatened/sworn to silence. Curiously, Neil Armstrong became a public recluse after his career as an astronaut, rarely giving interviews or talking about his experience.

However, if you believe the 'we never went to the moon at all' version, the claim is that NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to film the fake moon landing thing based on his realistic looking 2001.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

Hmmm... for some reason I get the idea that a couple of monkeys think I may be a creationist. Perhaps in the sense that we all as humans create the conundrums we mentate over for our own suffering, I tend not to place much credence in mankind's appearance as accepted by the backwater representatives of the western Christian mythos, more of a starseed type m'sself-That we are made in the image of 'God' is a no-brainer-What IS God small or big G to anyone is up for argument and refinement-Most of you atheists and natural-law SOTF Darwinians would be surprised to find that if you took the giant log out of your asses and placed it in a blast furnace, that the rarefied gold to be found at the heart of your own delusions would be enough to sustain the species indefinitely into the future.

Doug Stanhope - The Oklahoma Atheist

Mordhaus says...

I'm not confusing anything. Atheism is, by definition, the opposite of Theism. If you profess that you have some belief that there may be 'something', but you want scientific proof, then you have placed yourself in the definition of Agnostic. You can identify yourself as Atheist, which is what many do since Dawkins released 'The God Delusion', because he chose to try and force/shame/delude Agnostics into just calling themselves Atheists.

As far as a strawman, would you say that Dawkins is an Atheist? If you say yes, then perhaps you would like to know that on page 70 of the aforementioned book [Dawkins] views permanent agnosticism as "fence-sitting, intellectual cowardice". I imply nothing, while you personally may not feel this way, a well recognized New Atheist felt strongly enough to put it into print in his own book.

In any case, I understand your opinion. My opinion simply differs, I feel that you are a Theist if you believe deeply that there is 'something' of a god out there, an Agnostic if you are unsure and would like proof, or an Atheist if you feel that there is no such thing. You can certainly lump me with Atheism based on my commented beliefs, but I will lump you with Agnosticism based on yours.

VoodooV said:

I'm sorry, I used to think that way too, but it's just not so.

You're confusing atheism with anti-theism. You're stuck in a "if you're not with me, you must be against me" binary mentality. The lack of (or being without by your definition) something is not equivalent to being opposed to something. Bald is not a hair color

As for your argument about "New Atheists," you're just creating a strawman. Never claimed anything about agnostics, especially nothing as derogatory as you seem to be implying.

It can be argued that everyone is agnostic since no one knows with certainty of the existence of a creator. People claim to have faith, but by definition, that's believing without proof so that doesn't hold up as "knowing" People also claim to "know" but their evidence never holds up beyond human conceit.

That's why I mentioned Grimm in my last post, we were talking about this subject on another sift, the mis-communication of what Atheism is. There's that tired theist claim that Atheists hate god. well you can't hate something if you don't have evidence that it exists.

An atheist is not in opposition to a creator, it's just that there is no proof and every claim out there so far can pretty much be summed up as human conceit. An atheist would probably be excited to find proof as it would expand on our understanding and thus, improve science even more.

Anti-abortion Ohio legislator-"I never even thot about it"

bareboards2 says...

I did a bad job of painting a picture of this woman. It was clear that she was delusional, and filled with honest hate and outrage and spittle-spewing anger that anyone, ANYONE, could kill an innocent little babe. And then her desperation at wanting an abortion for her own reasons, and her desperation at being found out. Then the delusion -- as if it had never happened -- back outside, veins standing out from her neck, furious furious FURIOUS that anyone could kill an innocent little babe.

The woman clearly wasn't well based on her behavior in the three stages that the clinic worker observed.

Delusional. And as someone on the Sift said somewhere -- belief, not facts. She was great at not facing inconvenient facts -- she couldn't even empathize with herself.

gwiz665 said:

It really is mind-boggling how little spine some people have. She's probably out there at the behest of a pastor and she wants to be looked up to in her little anti-abortion community. She clearly doesn't believe any of it, as she uses it herself (or a hypocrite), but she goes through the song and dance anyway, just to fit in. The power of peer pressure.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

For Sheppard-Did say that there are exceptions to the rule of the 'bad cops' encountered, found many in California to be gentlemen and professionals, courteous, civil, and humane, and still find a few in Texas as well but….Texas is another beast and I let my guard down in the situation described-THESE facts however, do not annihilate the argument that all police are felons because if you stay in the game long enough in the employ of any jurisdiction in the country, you will as a police officer commit an act that is patently felonious, will witness a felony and say or do nothing to righteously call-it-out to either a superior or internal affairs, OR, as is the case with extant procedure I might add to my argument (which you took so personally through affiliation and family, and with as much rage and emotion as myself, -my own failing) be sanctioned to commit acts deemed felonious were they committed by the general public, BY THE BROKEN SYSTEM.

You took it personally to defend your delusion and your family's ties to law enforcement, or simply can't follow the simple argument in which I clarified the facts simply, which is relatively bulletproof.

Your cited examples, and I apologize, I am NOT responsible for your emotional state or that of anyone else by my own, of your own family's humanitarian efforts in the local community, could possibly represent their own guilt or embarrassment of having taken part in such generalized enforcement of the will of the state, "just doing their JOBS" in their later years.

They see shit every day, and it takes a special person not to become the shit they see and I'll give you that-Corrupt systems corrupt other systems. I equate these humanitarian efforts on the part of cops to MAKE UP FOR the bad rap of the felonious activities they witnessed and remained silent on.

Law enforcement is become now simply big-business designed to control humans like cattle, and keep them in-line so that they will feed the machine and perpetuate itself....To create a criminal class and to insure in perpetuity the systems that feed upon the incubators of criminals-in-formation, in the ever-growing prison industry and the shit-heal companies that cater to the systems that make-up the vile web of law enforcement run-amok in the USA.

Sorry if I wrinkled yer sack and brought you to that place of rage and control that ALL police and the children of police hold so dear, it's called faulty imprinting and it's systemic in not only the sick fraternal order of police but in ALL of the dysfunctional society of America.

I do know what police are and they are simply doing what they were programmed to do. My fuck-up was letting my guard down to catch my toe in the meat-grinder of that sick system.Believe me,it will not happen again, as I intend to stroke the dicks of every sheit cop I see in the future, and make their egos feel all warm and fucking fuzzy, with a view to self-preservation.


Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

Shepppard says...


Your delusion as to what the fuck police are baffles me. Here, we have a video clearly showing not only the cops are NOT using excessive force, be it physical or tazer, doing everything in their power to actually resolve this situation in a manor that is civil up to and including explaining why they did what they did ALL THE WHILE not releasing the information of what the girl did to keep it private (likely, there was a warrent issued for her arrest for something she did OFF camera), and yet you're still claiming to the "gun totin' bullies" schtick.

I could cite thousands of examples of police officers doing their jobs correctly, and I take PERSONAL offense to the notion that A) "All cops are cocksuckers" and B) "All cops are felons". Why? Mostly because, unlike you, I actually know quite a few personally. Including my Father, and step mother.

Lets go ahead and actually skip a shitload of the easy shit, like the fact my step mother is (and for the past almost 9 years has been) the President of an optimist group, whose primary goal is to raise funding for underprivileged children and give them access to things like sports, and in some cases educational scholorships.

Lets graze over the fact that my dad and a good deal of my own local police officers actually put on not one, but two musicals (Caught in the Act / Caught in the act II) to raise money for Charity (the womens Y, and unfortunately I can't remember the other one).

Hell, we'll even skip the time I was in DETROIT, and while on the highway blew a tire and needed to pull over to the side of the road to change it, only to have a police officer see this going the opposite direction, get off the highway, and then back ON the highway, so he could park behind us and keep his lights on so that we remained safe while doing so.

Lets focus on the fact that you're citing one example of you. Where a friend apparently was in too deep a sleep, or drugged up to answer a phone call from the people she's now paying to call the police when the alarm system goes off and they can't reach her.

They then show up, and either you, or somehow she, answers the door and lets them in, only to seemingly be a rude prick about it, and one of you winds up getting yourself arrested. Your entire post on the subject is incredibly vague (yes, I'm sure the fact that you said the cops sunglasses make you nervous was the exact reason you had whatever happen to you happen.) And yet, you still have the gall to maintain that the entire problem is with the people who did their jobs right in the first place. (You know, showing up to a distress call about a home that may be broken in to)

Also, if you're referring to those of us who actually maintain that the police aren't all the devil in bullet proof vests with badges as "cunts who are afraid to show their asses", you're once again wrong. I've stopped voicing my opinion on the matter, it typically goes nowhere. I'll cite law, you'll cite something crazily in some form of gibberish, and at the end of the day, neither person has made progress.

You want to voice your opinion, fine. I'll stay in the shadows and save both of us a lot of time arguing back and forth. DO NOT drag my family's honour through the mud by insinuating that part of it is somehow the bane of the earth because my Dad and Stepmom signed onto a group of people "To serve and protect" the damned community.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

Forgiving you messenger I am not crazy, you are most likely delusional or you live in a country without police, and it is yourself who is 'incorrect.'

Every police officer will either commit or witness a felonious act during their careers, probably several of them.

They will either commit one themselves, or witness a fellow thug commit one and subsequently, not report it. By not reporting it, they commit a crime deemed a felony by ANY STATE. Even if they hear of another cop having committed a felony and do not report it, they have become then, a felon.



State-sanctioned felons at that. Continue in your delusion and see all your rights as a human fade slowly away.

Any sane, reasonable person can follow the simple logic above, think about it and become suddenly enlightened or, continue to call it crazy and indulge in illusion....You won't be lonely.

Oh and, you mistook my week analogy for the literal act of sucking a penis. Maybe this will help. All cops are cocksuckers. If you're not careful, you just might, "Learn Something New Every Day"

messenger said:

Well, that's incorrect. All police are not felons and I'm guessing few of them suck cock -- not that there's anything wrong with that. Doing their job deserves no applause, just a paycheque. It's the talk afterwards that got my applause.

And I think you're a kooky crazy person that makes no sense.

the prison industrial complex-the new robber barons

Asmo says...

Absolutely, but China has never harboured any delusions that it is anything other than a totalitarian state, the US is the mob preaching about 'freedoms'. ; )

So while there may be no moral high ground, there are depths of hypocrisy and I think the US has fallen further.

Lawdeedaw said:

Just as China complains about us I am sure. Neither has the high ground imho.

On the real issue--this can happen because of scared old white people (And now the rising affluent scared old black people) who demand justice because they are scared fucks.

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars trailer

bcglorf says...

It has everything to do with it. Years previously the Taliban held an 'Islamic' trial of Bin Laden and America submitted evidence. The Taliban court accepted the evidence and dismissed the charges against Bin Laden anyways. Now the important note you all are ignoring is the court didn't dismiss the charges claiming Bin Laden never did what was claimed. No, instead the court deemed that his actions were in keeping with proper Islamic law. The Taliban had accepted documentation proving Bin Laden's guilt ages ago and said they thought his actions acceptable.

To still, to this day, insist that everything would've been so different if only the US had submitted evidence all over again that the outcome this time would've been any different is insanity and I can't believe anyone honestly is willing to expect others to share such a delusion.

enoch said:

@Yogi is correct.
the US refused to provide evidence that bin laden was responsible for 9/11.

your counter with the 90's interpol has nothing to do with his statement.

they are two separate instances which have nothing to do with each other.

the reason why the US refused to provide any evidence that bin laden was responsible for 9/11 was because he wasnt.

the best that the state department could produce was a possible monetary contribution.

Daily Show: GOP admits to racism and voter suppression

bobknight33 says...

Still the delusion is in you head.
You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. If you you wear a Republican shirt you are a racist bigot and if you are a Tea Party type then you are that and also wish to bring back hanging.

Well my friend you need to stop watching MSNBC

There is nothing about voter fraud in this video, except in your head.

Still you have yet to learn what the 3/5 clause is about, which I have quoted long ago.

VoodooV said:

I suspect, bob, that you probably couldn't even convert 3/5 to decimal, so I hope you'll forgive me if I choose not take your advice on the 3/5ths compromise. I'm sure you didn't even know it was a compromise and not just some liberal hoax.

Yeah, if you're going to accuse someone of being dumb, you might want to check yourself first that you've got the whole basic spelling thing down.

"Your <sic> just pissed".... you sure you're not just projecting? We've seen before how your spelling and grammar get even worse than usual when you're upset.

Back to actual issues since you seem intent on bathing in distractions and logical fallacies. Yet again, I notice that you fail to even talk about the whole voter fraud issue. Once again, you seem to focus on the whole lazy aspect, just like your buddy in the video here. It seems a bigot's weakness is just to let them talk and they admit to their desires of disenfranchising citizens.

Keep it up with that GOP strategy of including people by accusing them of laziness. I see you're taking notes from Romney on that. Got any other comments on the 47% that he forgot about? I'm sure that strategy is working out for you so well in the elections.

Thanks for proving the Daily Show's point. Really saves time

isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants

criticalthud says...

this particular sub-group of talking monkey sincerely believes that they are god's chosen people. This psychological tendency towards a self-diety-based megalomania is typified by alarming rates of delusion and resulting abhorrent behavior.

Bill Moyers Essay: On the Sabotage of Democracy

Januari says...

There are times that i think that level of self-delusion has to be kind of comforting but i forget your not even aware of it are you bob?

Organized Gang Stalking And Electronic Harassment

Stormsinger says...

Atypical antipsychotics like Seroquel and Zyprexa actually have a pretty good record on controlling hallucinations and delusions like this, with success rates around 60% (meaning that if they try them all, 60% of victims will find a med that controls these symptoms). The side effects can be awful, and the fact that finding which works for you is a matter of trial and error make the drugs almost as bad as the problem they treat. Almost.

The only thing worse than the drugs is no treatment at all...nobody should have to live with that kind of terror.

To me, the clustering of these cases is the interesting point. It suggests that there may be some environmental trigger to be found in the region.

artician said:

Well like the video says: there's no real medication/magic-bullet for that kind of psychosis. Freaky how such a large number of people in one area are experiencing it, but at the same time my sympathy for them drops significantly when they start pulling alleged statistics out of their asses.

Above all I would think it wouldn't be hard to have some sort of monitor that detects increased microwave radiation as an objective way to easily disprove the whole thing.

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