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how to verify military service (Mystery Talk Post)

MycroftHomlz says...

So far I have nothing. I can't find anything about him on the ship he says he was on. And I cant find him on any of the military websites. So either I have his last name wrong, the databases are incomplete, or he is lying.

how to verify military service (Mystery Talk Post)

Boise_Lib says...

I have no knowledge about military databases.

But, it warms my heart the videosift is a good place--full of helpful people.
Kudos to MycroftHolmz for checking up and to all who are helping him.

My only contribution--Do you know any veterans from the branch he is claiming? They could be at your place when he shows up. They will know right away and if they ask pointed questions--it's their right.

how to verify military service (Mystery Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

This one is good, searched for my brother, a list of TONS of army dudes with his name and he was the first on the list. and i didn't need to know his bday, only his first name last name and branch. if he isn't on the list here, it would seem that he's never even talked to a recruiter. not the best proof though maybe if your sis-in-law is smitten.

edit: it seems to depend how old his service is. for instance, brother was in the database but my father (who's service is considerably older) isn't. >> ^MycroftHomlz:
This one is pretty good... It seems I cant find him on either site.

82 year old grandma tries pop rocks for the first time

rottenseed says...

Well I want it>> ^critical_d:

It's called senility.
>> ^rottenseed:
I'm not generally a fan of older people because I'm an impatient dickhead, but one of the things I openly admire is their ability to be flabbergasted by the simplest of things. Unlike younger generations that aren't even satisfied by glowing boxes connected to a database of all that is known to mankind.>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
Its the little things.

82 year old grandma tries pop rocks for the first time

critical_d says...

It's called senility.

>> ^rottenseed:

I'm not generally a fan of older people because I'm an impatient dickhead, but one of the things I openly admire is their ability to be flabbergasted by the simplest of things. Unlike younger generations that aren't even satisfied by glowing boxes connected to a database of all that is known to mankind.>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
Its the little things.

Patriotic Millionaires Debate Grover Norquist

VoodooV says...

I work in IT for state gov't and I think the argument that private sector being more efficient than private sector is a bit deceptive.

I think the reason that phenomenon exists is that private sector is allowed to offer better pay to attract the better talent. Gov't often has a very rigid pay structure for the workers. A few years ago we wanted to hire a database admin and we were forced to take our 3rd choice for the job because the 1st and 2nd demanded higher pay and we simply aren't allowed to meet that demand. Not that we couldn't meet that demand. So gov't is being forced to have one hand tied behind their back to start with so IMO you can't judge public vs private with the same metric. The contest is rigged. Then on top of it, this rigid pay structure only appears to apply to the lower and middle levels of gov't. Very often are the pay grades for the upper level directors and commisioners that get appointed are listed as "discretionary" In other words, the bureaucrats made a back room deal.

It gets even worse typically when a Republican gets in office. The same guy that would give himself and his workers bonuses in the private sector is telling public employees that they're going to lay them off or give them furloughs or de-fund various agencies. It's a double standard. So we have this situation where we elect into government, someone who hates gov't and sabotages it and then whines about how gov't is inefficient. They're the ones that MADE it inefficient. They talk about free markets, but then they rig the game in their favor.

It's even more interesting when we occasionally hire someone who used to work in the private sector. They always complain that we don't have some luxury perk or why we don't have legions of interns to do the grunt work for them. Speaking for myself personally, there was this one time I was helping a coworker set up a presentation with their laptop and a simple projector and this guy who used to work for the private sector started complaining about how we didn't have the sophisticated AV system and the sound proofed auditorium that his private sector job had. He was just that spoiled that he simply didn't understand why we didn't have those things that we didn't even need for a basic presentation.

So if you actually want to talk about efficiency? a Lower or middle level gov't employee typically receives far less pay than their private sector counterpart, but yet is usually expected to produce the same level of work. So in that regard, gov't is far more efficient. It gets muddled when you factor the higher level positions and factor in other agencies. News flash: not all gov't agencies are the same, speaking from experience, some have higher standards than others. You simply can't lump them all and judge them the same way.

82 year old grandma tries pop rocks for the first time

rottenseed says...

I'm not generally a fan of older people because I'm an impatient dickhead, but one of the things I openly admire is their ability to be flabbergasted by the simplest of things. Unlike younger generations that aren't even satisfied by glowing boxes connected to a database of all that is known to mankind.>> ^ctrlaltbleach:

Its the little things.

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

Psychologists help 9/11 truth deniers

marbles says...

>> ^hpqp:

It's no secret that OBL was trained by the CIA during Russia's invasion of Afghanistan, as a part of the proxy wars between USSR and USA during the cold war.
As for the evidence, you might like to start with the links I've already provided you with. Twice. Oh well, "Third time's the charm" for you superstitious types:

(Btw, if you're going to defend your questionable beliefs, try linking articles that are a tad more convincing than the conjecturing ramblings filled with leading questions of a Srebrenica-massacre-denialist and defender of a renowned war criminal.)>> ^marbles:
>> ^hpqp:
Yes, why do truthers keep avoiding the evidence and logic?

I'm not avoiding anything. Please share all credible evidence backing the official theory. No such evidence exists.
And logic? Maybe you should do some research on who Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman really was.
Osama bin Laden: Made in USA

And it's no secret that al-Qaeda was a database of "freedom fighters" of a CIA proxy army. It's also no secret they were given 6+ billion dollars in the 80s by the CIA and Saudi Intelligence to fight the Soviets over Afghanistan under the invented threat of Communism. Now here's where that "logic" comes in.

When did OBL stop working for the CIA?
OBL was immediately blamed for 9/11 (within a few hours after the attacks) and now we are fighting wars under the invented threat of Muslim jihadists.

Why were some of the alleged hijackers living with CIA and FBI informants?

Why were some of the alleged hijackers training at US military bases?

Why did Anwar al-Awlaki dine at the Pentagon just months after 9/11?

What was ISI Chief Mahmud Ahmad (who wired $100,00 to Mohammed Atta) doing at the Pentagon the week leading up to and morning of 9/11?

Oh, I'm looking for "logical" answers here.

And for "evidence" supporting the official story, don't be a chicken shit. List your best supporting evidence. Of course, I know this is impossible for you. For it would require you to actually construct a coherent argument.
Maybe instead of letting do your thinking for you, you should try getting all the facts and confirm them for yourself.

And my "questionable beliefs" are grounded solidly on credible evidence and sound logic, so question away. The link was to an article, not a guy. I'm glad you can google, but if you want to refute the article, try to avoid using logical fallacies (after all).

(Btw, "conjecturing" isn't an adjective. You can google that too! It's funny, you keep accusing me of "conjecturing", but you're too much of a chicken shit to demonstrate it!)

Bank of America Adds Monthly Debit Card Fee

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

It costs money to do a credit/debit card transaction. In most cases, this charge is eaten by the merchant. The cost of doing the service have not decreased. In fact, they are going up. The bank has to have systems in place to receive the transaction, record it, log it, verify it, and process it. That takes computers, databases, and networks - all of which have to work quickly and with very few mistakes. That doesn't come cheap. Not to meantion all the audits they constantly undergo as a matter of federal law.

Some brag about credit unions. No offense - but that's like comparing apples to t-bone steak. Credit unions and banks are treated very differently. CUs don't get hit with a fraction of the regulations, taxes, fees, and audits that even small banks do. That's why a CU can afford to run at lower profit margins. It isn't that the credit union is 'nicer'. Banks are treated like a pro baseball team. Credit unions are treated like a 3-year old T-ball team.

Why the change all of a sudden? Well, you can thank (as usual) your Federal government. Obama is putting a cap on how much banks can charge merchants for transactions. I think Obama's "theory" (as usual based on the assumption banks are evil) is that merchants will no longer have to 'pass on' this hidden cost to consumers. As usual, he assumes the banks will just shrug and start coughing up billions of dollars to do transactions for free. He's an idiot.

Banks will charge consumers directly for transaction fees now - or (as BoA is doing) they will charge a yearly fee for the priveledge of a debit card. Congratulations - you've discovered The Law of Unintended Consequences! You can't legislate morality. People will or won't do the right thing on their own. Likewise, you can't legislate 'fairness'. If you think a business is unfair, then don't go there. That is how you punish a business. Relying on legislation just creates an environment of 'whack-a-mole' uncertainty.

Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity: Fox's Spin on Occupy Wall Street

lucky760 (Member Profile)

ctrlaltbleach says...

Got this error earlier thought you should know.

We apologize for the interruption in service, but an internal error has occurred while interacting with a database. (The table 'RecentSearches' is full)

Happens when clicking on a tag.

Bitcoin - Course Crashed On Mt. Gox : 17,5 Dollars to 1 Cent

dgandhi says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

So did the entire market take a hit because one exchange as compromised?
On another note, is now the time to buy bitcoins?

Yes, but not much.

Mt.Gox is was the primary exchange with >95% of all BTC/USD trades taking place there. So it going down means:

1) All the active balances in USD & BTC are locked in Mt.Gox database until they reactivate.
2) If Mt.Gox decides that they can't cover their accounts they may go bankrupt, which means all the money in point #1 goes into legal limbo.
3) All trading has to move to a different exchange, probably tradehill.
4) Liquidity just disappeared for about 24hrs, which happens at least once a week in most markets, but BTC is accustomed to 24/7

Tradehill is already hopping, right now it's back at 15USD/BTC

Celebrities read Audience's formal apologies-Graham Norton

bareboards2 says...

@NaMeCaF and @charliem ...

I looked it up in Internet Movie Database. Apparently she lived in England from age 2 to age 11 and came back with a British accent, and she was teased in school for it. Now she lives in England.

So she has an accent but she doesn't have an accent.

"A Gay Girl In Damascus" Fraud

westy says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

This entire story is so seriously retarded. The state department was looking for her? Really? Don't all passport holders end up in a database somewhere? They don't have a database of Americans living over-seas that they could check?

The state department has face book

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