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Tossing a Stapler into an MRI Machine

critical_d says...

But this pales in comparison to the power of the dark side!

>> ^spoco2:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 15th, 2009" class="profilelink">Yogi yeah, the idea of safety here is for the staff. People who work at the hospital need to know the power of these things.

Woman takes foul ball out of hands of child.

Damn Nature, You Sca-- Wait. Just a Deer?

evilspongebob says...

Ah yes! That stalwart bastion of Natural History information and knowledge. I'm glad they are finally taking their rightful place as Sifters goto guys in this dept over BBC and Nat Geo.

Timtoner, you Sir, have made my day!
>> ^timtoner:

My understanding is that they'll do it for the calcium in order to grow antlers.
als-that-are-turning-to-dark-side.html It's what happens when you severely curtail their historical range.

Damn Nature, You Sca-- Wait. Just a Deer?

Iron Sky 3rd Trailer: Nazi's from the dark side of the moon

ghark says...

Conservative estimate of the number of civilians killed by American sponsored dictators, American "wars" in other countries, and American attacks on countries aimed at removing a democratically elected government that wont act as a puppet to America's wishes. This number doesn't include those wounded, driven to homelessness, refugee status etc.


This number is less than the civilian casualty rate of world war II, however it's 3-4 times higher than the number of people killed in extermination camps by the Nazi's. So while this movie may be fun to watch (it seems a bit tongue in cheek type humor), a more appropriate theme these days probably involves Americans on the dark side of the moon.

But what's that I hear you say? American's aren't to blame, it's the government and it's corporatist backers, not it's people? Well consider that it may have been the same for Germany, at some point the people of the country involved have to take responsibility.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

you're right, i am probably becoming a magnet for them..i will change polarities and say..BRING IT ON

thanks for the promote

>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

DO NOT LET DOWNVOTES HURT YOUR FEELINGS, IT LEADS TO THE DARK SIDE, FIRST YOU FEAR THEM, AND THEY COME, THEN YOU HATE THEM AND THE STILL COME AND THEN FROM THERE.... You meet bantington blade or so far worse fate possibly fighting your own son or killing your master etc . etc.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

BoneRemake says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

DO NOT LET DOWNVOTES HURT YOUR FEELINGS, IT LEADS TO THE DARK SIDE, FIRST YOU FEAR THEM, AND THEY COME, THEN YOU HATE THEM AND THE STILL COME AND THEN FROM THERE.... You meet bantington blade or so far worse fate possibly fighting your own son or killing your master etc . etc.

Pink Floyd "Let There Be More Light"

RFlagg says...

Okay, I like early Pink Floyd, but Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here would have to go down as my favorites. I also prefer any of the post Waters stuff over Final Cut which struck me more as a Waters album that just happened to have Pink Floyd on it. Heck I generally prefer Division Bell over The Wall at times, although that may be because stuff from the Wall is way overplayed. Then again I would take an overplayed Wall song over lots of today's music (there are notable exceptions).

chicchorea (Member Profile)

WKB (Member Profile)

Lightsaber Golf Of The Day:Masters Golf 2011 Promotion/Promo

Kid goes to Disneyland and joins the Dark Side

doctor_evil (Member Profile)

Kid goes to Disneyland and joins the Dark Side

Kid goes to Disneyland and joins the Dark Side

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