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Israeli Cyberattack Explodes Pagers Across Lebanon

newtboy says...

It is a very safe assumption, I’ll apologize to umption if it turns out to be wrong.

“From all appearances”?
That’s a big assumption, and doesn’t match what I’ve seen, at least some were sold to the public including children….and all were detonated in public which means the collateral victims are 100% random. Even if they were first sold only to Hezbollah, another assumption, many definitely made it into the secondary resale market, which was 100% guaranteed from the start.
How many random bombs mailed/sold around the country by another country are OK? 10? 100? 1000? There may have been tens of thousands of devices spread around the country.

I do not acknowledge this was targeted or selective, the methodology makes that impossible and the mere suggestion ridiculous. “Those in close proximity” to the randomly distributed bombs exploded in public, or in buildings that burned from the devices, or accidents with victims that were driving, etc…. are random innocent victims even if you assume (with no basis or rationality) that the devises were miraculously only in Hezbollah hands and decide that targeting them for terroristic bombings is somehow acceptable.

Israel has a long history of ignoring the massive collateral damage of tens of thousands of innocent victims, mainly children, they intentionally cause by targeting their “enemies” when they can do the most collateral damage consistently, despite having the technology and capacity to do surgical attacks with minimal risk, and are this genocidally barbarous when defending themselves from mostly rock throwing children and fireworks and an occasional gunshot on a damage/death scale <1% what Israel returns.

This act again makes the Israeli government a terrorist government, this was a massive terrorist bombing, no matter what the objective, and likely another war crime. We should in no way be supporting or defending a terrorist nation that is under legitimate criminal accusations of war crimes from international courts. It’s not difficult.

bcglorf said:

Alot of assumptions there though...

First that it even was Israel. Which seems a reasonable assumption though.

My big difference with you though is around being untargeted. From all appearances the affected devices appear to have been almost entirely in the hands of Hezbollah members. That makes the better assumption that Israel(or whomever is responsible) actually was able to distribute the devices directly to Hezbollah itself for internal distribution.

Say what you will about the attack, but 'untargeted' seems a poor descriptor. Heck, even carefully planned out sniper operations on the same number of enemy operatives would likely have a higher collateral casualty count. At least acknowledge this attack, for everything else that it is, was highly selective of Hezbollah members and those within an extremely close proximity of them.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW you anti American moron.
You got suckered into spreading Russian lies again.
The stupid race baiting video you graffitied my profile with was another lie, an American citizen having a psychotic break and killing a cat who was not in Springfield, not a Haitian in Springfield eating cats like you claimed.

Another lie spread by the idiot that believes and spreads every single lie he’s told but absolutely never admits anything, much less every single thing he believes is a blatant lie.

This makes false racist accusation 317 you have attempted to spread that I have thoroughly debunked, you lying racist piece of shit.

Yes, this IS another Russian lie you are spreading. Blatant overt racism meant to divide between rational reasonable people and irate idiot racists…guess which side you chose. Many of the bomb threats and constant calls to police are coming from one foreign country…guess which one.

The Republican campaign is purely divisive, has no solutions only scapegoats to target, has been unambiguous that they will create and spread false stories (like pet eating by migrants) to get their messages out and will ignore the damage and danger it causes (like bomb, gun, and death threats, physical attacks, and terrorism of entire communities), they support and encourage political violence at every turn then cry a River when there’s the tiniest bit of blowback like when one of your own nutjobs turns on you.
The reason it is so divisive, outrageous, racist, sexist, etc. is that this gets clicks and views and reports and distracts the news cycle from going over his record of economic collapse, health crises, job losses, division, failed trade wars, failed border policy, failed drug policy, forgotten infrastructure policy, all of 2020…honestly any of his policies…notice he doesn’t talk policy EVER. There’s good reason.

😂 just too fucking hilarious to miss….maga celebrities are begging people to stop listening to celebrities about politics! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Total win for the Hayes family and artists in general. For 4 years after receiving a cease and desist from the rights owner, Hayes’ son, Trump continued to use the music constantly without payment. He is now under court order to stop using Hayes music immediately, and expect many other artists to sue as well since legal notices are routinely ignored.
In this one case there are millions in damages, and there are dozens and dozens of artists in the same boat who told him to stop misusing their copywritten art and he rudely refused.
This may cost him hundreds of millions he doesn’t have and tie him up in court for years.

Oh no! The Treasonies are cancelled because
1) safety and security concerns (oh the delicious irony)
2) the backlash for a presidential candidate holding a fundraiser for people CONVICTED of sedition and attacking the government…a backlash that, in their insanity, came as a surprise
3) a scheduling conflict because the felon has another court case to address in chambers with the judge and Jack Smith tomorrow about the new superseding indictments. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The campaign has conceded New Hampshire.
It is driving the felon nuts. He’s having a major tantrum right now denying everything under the sun, attacking everyone he knows.
The wish washy coward also conceded the debate, again, afraid his dementia and incontinence and lack of knowledge will be on full display and contrasted sharply against Kamala’s sharpness, youthful energy, intelligence, achievements, and knowledge …he’s correct. Kamala would wipe the floor with him. Better to give her a free 2 hour commercial on all networks than expose the sundowning fool.
(On the sundowning note, it has been noticed that the campaign has chosen almost exclusively sundown towns to hold rallies…sundown town are where it was the law (despite violating federal law) that non whites were not allowed after sundown and would be lynched. It’s not coincidence, it is a distinct intentional pattern and not subtle dog whistle.)
He’s again calling for a government shutdown because he’s losing the election and completely out of cash (Harris is outspending him 10-1 in states where he’s spending anything, and many have been conceded completely) and is too dumb to understand that proving your complete and total incompetence and inability to legislate right before an election is not smart.
Issac Hayes estate won their injunction, forcing him to stop playing “hold on, I’m coming” and will win their suit for millions in damages for misuse of his work, dozens of other similarly abused music stars will follow….then Swift may sue for a billion over the fake endorsement he created.
Prison is going to be his end so fast. I give him under 2 years behind bars before he dies of natural causes…well under.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because you have been convinced the economy is tanking despite all evidence to the contrary, I point you to google the JP Morgan article where it’s pointed out that the US is the only major economy that has met or exceeded the pre pandemic 2019 predictions for gdp in the world, and we did it despite one of the worst responses to Covid in 2020 with up to 50% more deaths and far more economic damage than most other countries as a result.
But let me guess…JP Morgan is fake news?


newtboy jokingly says...

No way! That dick just ruined the exceptionally rare special edition oversized Mafex t 800 battle damage version action figure with intact left hand! Boo!

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

Ok….you wanna be political about JD Vance (aka James Donald Bowman aka James David Hamel aka JP Mandel, aka the SofaKing)’s music video?
Let’s talk about how he was just caught on audio recently saying when they take office they will use federal troops to arrest women traveling from red states to blue states for reproductive health care that they cannot receive in red states because gynecologists and OBGYNs have left the state, their professions having been outlawed.
Traveling or moving while pregnant will be criminalized.
Yes, they have said clearly that they intend to arrest pregnant women who need healthcare and deny it to them, not just abortions either because they can’t tell what the doctor MIGHT do, so leaving a red state while pregnant will be illegal, period….until they enact a national abortion ban which is clearly and obviously the plan.

Let’s address your stupid embed….Kamala has never been popular? Nice pandering bill, but 100% incorrect. She was popular enough that Donald contributed $15k to her campaign! She is popular enough to have won 4 elections handily, unlike Don who has never received more votes than his opponent in any election ever and was so bad he damaged down ballot candidates and lost seats with his red tsunami (talk about unpopular). She raised more money this week than any campaign ever in history, and was awarded more than enough delegates for the nomination in one day. On an organization zoom call for “black women for Kamala” a record 55000 showed up and signed up to volunteer…then on the “white women for Kamala” zoom call over 155000 signed up to volunteer, another record…she raised over $240 million in under 1 week in mostly smaller donations from nearly 2 million donors!
Edit: Oh no! MAGA just lost again in court, trying to block her campaign from the $240 million in the Biden Harris campaign…it’s hers. Now nearing $500000000 this week!
There has likely never been a more popular candidate.
What utter nonsense you spew.
Those MAGA tears are so yummy….more please!

bobknight33 said:


Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

😂 Russia just lost air superiority with the shipments of F-16s and more to come, lost most of their capabilities to inflict damage with new anti missile systems we just provided, lost ground superiority before the M1 Abrams and Tiger tanks were provided and now have to drive Chinese golf carts to the front instead of armored vehicles, and they were already losing territory, equipment, and men by the thousands before these major advances by Ukraine.
Assets deep in mother Russia are being hit daily. Major assets like ammo dumps and oil refineries, Crimea is in full emergency mode with Russians unable to leave because the only bridge out is only open rarely and is never safe. Expect retaliation for the strike on the children’s hospital recently…major retaliation on the motherland comrade.

BTW, your first line there is one hell of a hilarious self own. Always hilarious when you try to sound like you are of even average intelligence but can’t form a cogent sentence. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

@newtboy said: Lied to? How so….be specific.

As expected, you cannot answer because you just spew nonsense like a brain damaged infant….as usual.

Bonus- American Muck Rakers about two years ago launched a website with information suggesting that Lauren Bobert had been an escort on a sugar daddy website, that she had had multiple abortions, and that she engaged in illegal drug usage at the time.

Boebert insisted she was going to sue them and their donors…but didn’t. They sued her for defamation…and she just settled with them and paid Muckrakers who had the story about her being a drug addled hooker who has had multiple abortions (and who has performed public sex acts in front of children REPEATEDLY…once on camera) correct in the first place. They claimed to have lost 90% of their donations due to the threat, so it’s likely a big settlement…and isn’t she already bankrupt, having closed her failed business, sold the house in the divorce, and can’t even afford a criminal attorney for her unemployed criminal son who is also a teenage father and neighborhood menace? Isn’t agreeing to pay them a settlement and never filing a suit herself an admission that their reporting was accurate, and she is a drug using hooker who has had multiple abortions…everything she rails against?

bobknight33 said:


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“God-emperor Trump”
This is what the cultists call the felon in his own commercials now. Even he isn’t trying to pretend it’s not a religious cult anymore.
It’s likely the frontal temporal dementia…I cannot explain the followers of someone with such debilitating brain damage except his morals and actions are exactly like yours, and of course you support someone who is just like you (except for the inheritance, the freebies, and the cult following, and the judges and politicians in his pocket).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Proof at 1:15

Another fake, just like the fake of President Biden pausing mid sit where the audio was altered so you don’t hear he was listening to an announcement to see if he should remain standing…or the Normandy fake where the paratrooper was removed from the clip to make it appear he wanders alone into a field because he’s lost, not talking to a paratrooper who just landed.

You have to produce these fake videos because the real President Biden is in good shape mentally and physically unlike the diapered felon who meth rages every morning at 3am and needs his team to spend every day doing damage control over his tantrums, lies, and ridiculous accusations that are always admissions (he has no imagination so when he wants to make a claim about someone he just thinks of something he’s been attacked for or that he knows is wrong and accuses them).

Democrats don’t have to fake videos or make up lies about the Felon, his actions are disgusting and illegal enough, actually so bad many won’t believe he could really be so disgusting, such a long term public pedophile, such a business fraud, so incredibly unreligious, so outrageously anti democratic, and ALWAYS SO HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

This felon and rapist is you guy, this you pick…he is the absolute best maga has, and he will soon be a prisoner. Note, this means you see yourself as worse than a felonious rapist, business fraud, charity fraud, constant liar, and public pedophile because you obviously see him as your better.

If you were a real man with any honor, you would kill your self for being such a worthless tool spreading these anti American lies, but you are an infant that doesn’t understand the concept of honor or truth so you think nothing of it.

PS- Convicted felon Bannon is being sent to Danberry…not a club Fed prison! This is because he has other cases. Who else has other cases but is about to be sentenced to Rykers Island? 😂

PPS- Gaetz is now under investigation for sex with minors and child sex trafficking, drug use (and transportation across state lines so drug trafficking), abusing his authority to dispense political favors to friends, and obstruction of official investigations (including this one). I guess that means he’s ineligible to run for office just like Hillary was, right? 😂

Bonus- Trump Media is in total freefall, dropping another $5 to hit $30 this morning and still plunging. I think it burned through all its cash reserves and may fold soon, bringing it to $0. Congratulations, another total failure. Maybe he can get another savior loan from another Russian oligarch through the Dominican Republic like last time…oh wait, Russia has no money thanks to strong Biden sanctions that have completely decimated their economy…sorry Charlie!
His properties values are also plunging because his name is toxic, so much his bond may become invalid again!

bobknight33 said:

Do you really think the Dem party wont replace Biden?

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Once again, your grasp of the English language tends to point to who is really stupid here. “Your are stupid”? So close…keep trying, you’ll pass first grade English some day. 😂 😂 😂

They aren’t gaining territory…not for a while. You are over a year behind, and were never right on the facts.

Russia is trying to get Ukraine to agree to the current frontline as the permanent border…they wouldn’t be doing that if they were gaining ground. Ukraine says absolutely not…they wouldn’t be so quick to say no if they were losing territory still.

Russia has made no significant progress since last years Ukrainian counter offensive that granted wasn’t a total success but did drive Russia out of territory they had held…learn to read. Russia now holds approximately 20% of Ukraine, a serious shrinking from the maximum seized territory.
They are being pushed back or at worst held in place by a force that is essentially unarmed (after maggots blocked aid) and under 10% in numbers…and we just rearmed them.
Russia is losing territory they stole, slowly but they are losing. Their spring offensive was not very successful (but was costly) and when the squadrons of F-16s start flying and M1-Abrams start rolling they will be destroyed, they cannot defend against them.
They are now completely insecure in Crimea and may lose it, cannot sail the Black Sea fleet (they are hiding their best ships in Cuba!), and does not have an air force that can compete with F-16s. They are also enjoying attacks deep into the mother country with multiple groups of saboteurs in the country doing major damage daily.
The Russian people no longer support the war, and know the reasons for it were outright lies. The economy is non existent, banks closed, stock market offline, their sons are all dead, injured, in Ukraine, or on the run, their military is completely decimated, their oil infrastructure is being destroyed…and no one is coming to rebuild them , they will remain global pariahs for decades to come. North Korea is supplying their ammunition, and it’s so bad that it is more dangerous for the Russians than the Ukrainians. China and N Korea aren’t going to help rebuild the Russian economy, they can’t. Europe and the US are going to rebuild Ukraine. It will be the shining star of Eurasia.
Ukraine may expand into Russia soon. It’s incredibly likely they will take Crimea back.
Russia overplayed its hand and is so screwed it may actually fold as a country SOON, it has destroyed itself and now that we are actually backing Ukraine (not piecemeal drippings blocked by MAGA every time they can cause damage and help Russia) they have lost, they just won’t admit it yet (kinda like you)….who is surprised you believe they are “WINNING”? They’re “winning” about as much as the convicted felon and rapist has been since November 2020….which is not at all. The tiny temporary territory gains they’ve made this month were so costly they aren’t “wins”. If it costs you 20000 troops and 4 armored divisions to take a town that’s now rubble, and your enemy held you back for months and only lost 1000 troops…. you lost.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

Jon Stewart Calls BS on Trump | TDS

ReverendTed says...

As someone who was a straight-ticket Republican voter from the time I was old enough to vote until 2016, nothing has done more to drive me to vote Democrat more than Donald Trump and the Republican acceptance and defense of that deranged narcissist. That there are still tens of millions of people who are willing to vote for him is absolutely baffling to me.
That there is still a real potential that he could be elected to a second term is positively terrifying, both in terms of what damage could be done, but for what it says about our populace.

Joe Biden's lies are legendary.

newtboy says...

Gotta go back over 36 years…for THAT? (88-24 is 36 not 33 bob…you can’t even do basic math) You tried this same nonsense 4 years ago…nothing has changed except the economy is no longer in freefall, it’s growing fast thanks to adult leadership.

Grasping at straws again, friendo…old rotten straws. Give me today’s footage of Trump after court, guaranteed it’s chock full of nonsensical lies, intentional lies, consequential self serving lies, destructive and damaging lies. His administration was the most dishonest in history by a factor of 100 which damaged America beyond belief, every single time he speaks dumb Donald lies. Any time Trump goes off the prepared teleprompter he sounds like a manic schizophrenic….incapable of staying on topic for a single sentence and taking credit for things he not only didn’t do but opposed when Obama (or others) did them. (Like the Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 that Trump repeatedly took credit for, infrastructure investments, a functioning economy, and dozens more)

Compared to the alternative Joe is the truth incarnate and has never said a questionable word in his life.
Also, he’s not a rapist, traitor, tax fraud, sad golf cheater, traitor, election fraudster, bank fraud perpetrator, traitor, racist, Epstein partner in crime, pill popper, sleepy angry old man, narcissist, or traitor, and doesn’t owe his freedom to sex trafficking Russian oligarchs who help keep him out of prison.
What was disgraced Dumb Donald doing back then? Racist redlining in New York (refusing to rent to black people), raping underage girls with Epstein, defrauding his partners, going bankrupt repeatedly, and calling for the lynching death of the innocent Central Park 5.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s bond is totally junk.
The bond company submitted more (improper) paperwork, including the signature page from the E G Carroll bond from a completely different company. They do not have the liquidity to post a bond 1/10 the size they have posted. Be ready for Donny to go to prison.

He also violated the gag order repeatedly and a motion for criminal contempt has been filed, and will likely be granted.

And again, Sleepy Don couldn’t stay awake at his own criminal trial to protect himself, do you really think he can stay awake to protect America, who in his mind is second seat to him at best?

Meanwhile, the MAGA Kansas AG is outraged that Biden is funding the program and paying for them to remove lead pipes because blanket poisoning citizens and giving children brain damage is a state rights issue to Trumpists.

Meanwhile Huckabee Sanders has been referred for prosecution for stealing $20k for a Paris vacation and lying about where the money went and creating fake government records to hide the theft.
Her response to being referred for prosecution on multiple felonies:a video stating “come and take it” using stolen copy-written music already under a cease and decist order. The criminality is no longer hidden or disputed, it’s celebrated.

How’s your Trump Media stock doing? Might hit 20 today! Did you go “all in”!? 😂

Still waiting.

Bonus- OAN has admitted they lied about the 2020 election and Smartmatic and settled the lawsuit over the big lie. Another big “L” for team Traitor.

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