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are nader reforms still possible? reality asserts itself

douglasjack says...

Ralph & Paul, What you're looking for is giving our allegiance to the long 1st Nation sovereignty here. Humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') 1st Nations cultivated local power by organizing the 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home') through multihome living with critical-mass of 100 people in each Longhouse/apartment, Pueblo/townhouse & Kanata/village. Such grouping enables local livelihood economies of mutual aid multiplying time, resources & money for women-men intergenerationally. 70% of people in the USA & worldwide live in multihome dwellings but aren't organizing their livelihood economies because we are programmed as colonists. Here's a software development we're working on for neighbourhood web-based Human Resource Catalogues, Resource Mapping & accounting in a Community Investment & Exchange System. Lets become indigenous to our time & place. [url redacted]

10 Amazing Ancient Chinese Inventions

chingalera says...

Africans invented rice cultivation. When the Chinese arrived, the Africans threw it at them. They freaked.."Don't touch it!! Pick it up with sticks!!!"....The rest is history.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

enoch says...

i wanted to jump on board for this video.
made some points that should be made but the message gets lost in the fear-fear-fear-mongering.

is there a dumbing down of american youth?
yeah..i think there is enough evidence to support that.
are the teachers in some conspiratorial cabal in the execution?
oh hell no.they have been corralled and cornered into a NCLB and standardized testing nightmare.

this video is not being fair to teachers by implying that somehow they are responsible for the brainwashing of an entire generation.
many teachers i know took early retirement out of sheer disgust but many others did not have that many i know are to the point of being broken,crushed by an institution that is meant to enlighten and educate but instead has turned into a human fear factory.

they have come to realize that their job is not to instill and cultivate curiosity but rather to institutionalize and create obedient workers.

not all i know but enough.

hard to fight a system when you have a mortgage and two car payments.

yet what do we see?
day in and day out.
its all the teachers fault.
it isnt.

Stephen Fry Confesses 2012 Suicide Attempt

chingalera says...

Hard to imagine the missing brilliance of the trek here without my bi-po-lar acquaintances, allies, ex-girlfriends, and (other)....Whose to say it's not the way we're all supposed to re-wire as a response to or in order to fend-off, the bizarre nature of our captivity??

The condition exists for a reason: Great music, brilliant artists, as well as the cultivation of enormous brass balls, as is surely the case with Sir Fry.(and if she hasn't knighted him already, then the queens a daft, un-hip, oldster who needs her jewelry pawned and her house leveled.

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

chingalera says...

@renatojj-There's a fatal flaw in your argument-You assume that there are equitable rules that govern which corporate entities may enjoy a seat at the big-boy's table and those slated for consumption.
Systemic corruption to the point of excising a cancer in hopes of saving the patient would be more relevant an analogy. These huge entities who have cultivated and maintained their empires through placement of representatives, presidents, and lawmakers, and the propaganda through marketing and mind control have structured a system which consolidates their collective power and further entrenches their sustainability.

This machine appears to have effectively influenced your world view enough to play spokesperson for the criminal elite and ensure another 1000 years of indentured servitude for the bulk of the earth's inhabitants.

In other words my friend, your condition appears to be terminal.

The History of VideoSift Part I (Blog Entry by dag)

chingalera says...


I must have showed up here after about 4-6 months in (choggie)and I recall being scrutinized by a senior member(farhad2000) through e-mail as to my politics, spirituality, etc. Soon realizing my opinions on most pop-culture, spiritual/religious views, and (A)political sensibilities were center to right of most children here, I set out not for laud or praise from the developmentally-disabled, but for infamy whether I wanted it or not....and that by accident.

Thank you all for your patience and willingness to grow together with folks much more talented and hipper than themselves, while maintaining a healthy sense of humor and hopefully, using that interaction to cultivate themselves.

Thanks to all, we have gotten many years out of this cheap trolling motor purchased used with very few hours of previous operation by one owner.

Colorado and Washington Legalize Cannabis

entr0py says...

>> ^SevenFingers:

I always saw/read about debates saying how reefer would be a big boost to state income, but they always always placed the debate around the use of smoking, or ingesting it. But I never saw the points being placed about the thousands upon thousands of actual products that can be made through hemp that can be taxed.

I'm glad this happened.

Surprisingly growing hemp seems to be a much more difficult legal problem, one that no state has ever solved. Laws legalizing industrial hemp cultivation have already been passed in 10 states, but if anyone were to actually plant a field the expectation is the feds would quickly swoop in. Federal law makes no distinction between hemp and marijuana, they're both schedule 1 "drugs".

Bills and amendments to disentangle the legal status of hemp and marijuana are introduced in congress every year, but I don't think they've ever come close to passing.

Green Day Fan Gets to Play Guitar at Their Concert

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^blingaway:

No room for artist interpretation?
The thing with down-picking is it limits the speed at which one can play and it's very fatiguing in the long run. It's easier for a beginner to down-pick, and it looks cool, but it's a bad habit to cultivate if one wants to develop real technical proficiency.

Don't get me wrong, good alternate picking is important, but you seem to think that people down-pick because it's easier than alternate picking. It's actually not, especially if you want to play a fast song. Down-picking is a valid technique that produces a distinctly different sound than alternate picking. It's especially common in metal and punk. Master of Puppets by Metallica is a really good example of this. Almost the entire rhythm section of the song is down picked. Try playing along to it one day (or worse, a live version where it's even faster). I guarantee your picking forearm will ache by the time you get to the acoustic bit!

As for artist interpretation, if you don't like that kinda music, or even the down picking sound, that's fine, but the people doing it are not doing through lack of technical proficiency.
Full disclosure: I've been playing guitar for nearly 20 years. I don't claim to be a virtuoso, but I started out playing a lot of metal, so I know this stuff.

Green Day Fan Gets to Play Guitar at Their Concert

blingaway says...

No room for artist interpretation?

The thing with down-picking is it limits the speed at which one can play and it's very fatiguing in the long run. It's easier for a beginner to down-pick, and it looks cool, but it's a bad habit to cultivate if one wants to develop real technical proficiency. >> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^blingaway:
I'd get spanked by my guitar teacher for not alternate picking if that was me (that unschooled punk down-down-down don't fly) but Upvote for the sheer awesomeness of getting invited onstage! That was a risky sitch. Kid's got a rock-n-roll soul.

Then you guitar teacher is wrong. Down-picking is the correct (i.e. how it was written) way to play it.

Can Wisdom Save Us? – Documentary on preventing collapse.

shinyblurry says...

@dag @Fletch @LarsaruS

I think you're all forgetting that Hitler was a master of propaganda, and those statements affirming Christianity were just that. Hitler used a facade of piousness to cement his power with a predominantly Christian populace. Feel free to disagree, but then you have to deal with statements which he made to party loyalists, like these:

"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together....
"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity....
"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things." (p 6 & 7)

Night of July 11-12th 1941

"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure." (p 43)

October 10th 1941

"The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity."

19th October, 1941, night

Doesn't seem like such a warrior for christ now, does he? The cult of personality that fletch is talking about just makes my point. When man tries to get rid of God, he just replaces God with himself. Human beings have the natural desire to worship, whether it is something like money, or power, or celebrity, or themselves, everyone who doesn't know the true God has at least one idol in their life they pay homage too.

To say there is no connection between atheism and communism is absurd. Atheism was at the roots of it, and that according to the communists themselves:

"Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism"

"Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism"


“With disdain I will throw my gauntlet full in the fact of the world and see the collapse of this pygmy giant. Then will I wander god-like and victorious through the ruins of the world. And giving my words an active force, I will feel equal to the Creator.”

Karl Marx

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion”

Karl Marx

So you see there is a connection between atheism and the atheistic regimes that committed uncounted atrocities. Fletch, you're even denial about the definition of atheism, which is the denial of any deity according to the dictionary. A famous quote says that "without God everything is permissable". And that is the logical connection, that a man unrestrained by any thought of ultimate accountability can justify any kind of moral action to himself. Consider this quote from Joel Marks, the professor of philosophy at the University of New Haven

“This philosopher has been laboring under an unexamined assumption, namely that there is such a thing as right and wrong. I now believe there isn’t…The long and short of it is that I became convinced that atheism implies amorality; and since I am an atheist, I must therefore embrace amorality…I experienced my shocking epiphany that religious fundamentalists are correct; without God there is no morality. But they are incorrect, I still believe, about there being a God. Hence, I believe, there is no morality.

Even though words like “sinful” and “evil” come naturally to the tongue as say a description of child molesting. They do not describe any actual properties of anything. There are no literal sins in the world because there is no literal God…nothing is literally right or wrong because there is no Morality"

Please note, I am not saying atheists cannot be moral; I am simply saying that an amoral viewpoint can be a causal factor in committing atrocities, just as much as any zealout. Psychopaths suppress what they know is right and wrong, and dictators ordain it.

It goes back to my original point. It is human nature that is the problem, the corruption of which I attribute to sin. A moral person will be moral in every circumstance, whereas an immoral person will be immoral in every circumstance. You cannot chop it up to specific beliefs of methodologies..they only diagnose the symptom and not the cause.

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

shinyblurry says...

This response proves you didn't even read the page that you are using to "debunk" the video. It doesn't address this video. This page, which contains one paragraph and a broken link to a video, is the one addressing it:

Again, you present yourself as the voice of chicken little, as your perpetrate another myth upon the overpopulation myth, which is the myth of peak oil. We are not in danger of running out of oil anytime soon; in fact, because of new technology and methods, such as the fracking boom, our domestic energy production is expected to rise significantly.

Since 1976 our proven oil reserves are double from where they started, and new reserves are being found continuously:

There is also evidence that oil fields are refilling:

The fact is that there is an oil boom in the western hemisphere:

The coal oil sands in Canada alone are estimated to hold 175 billion barrels of oil. What I find interesting hpqp, as you do another hit and run, is that you have all the faith in the world that science will solve all of our problems, except when it comes to your favorite doomsday hypothesis.

As I have already proven, we produce more than enough food to feed everyone. The problem is in the inequity of man and in the inefficient and wasteful distribution. We lose over 1/3 of the food we produce to waste. We have more than enough fuel to supply our agriculture, and the research shows that having smaller and more energy efficient farms will increase yields even further, and not significantly impact biodiversity.

>> ^hpqp:
>> ^shinyblurry:
You call one paragraph and a video that doesn't exist debunking this? Let's examine the paragraph:
"Together the world’s 6.8 billion people use land equal in size to South America to grow food and raise livestock—an astounding agricultural footprint. And demographers predict the planet will host 9.5 billion people by 2050. Because each of us requires a minimum of 1,500 calories a day, civilization will have to cultivate another Brazil’s worth of land—2.1 billion acres—if farming continues to be practiced as it is today. That much new, arable earth simply does not exist."
Did you miss when it said in the video that we're growing more food on less land, and that there are techniques which can turn barren land fertile, such has been practiced in Brazil and Thailand? Farming is going to continue as it does today; more yield per acre, and more barren land turned fertile, and it will continue to outstrip population growth. You've debunked nothing; you have no argument at all. I doubt you even read the page.
efficiency statistics
Scientists Are Making Brazil’s Savannah Bloom
>> ^hpqp:
Debunking the lies, nonsense and misinformation of this video:
I disagree with the vhemt's core ideology (I do not want the human race to go extinct), but this page does a good job of exposing this crap.
If you want some real math, watch this series:

The first page I linked to has no video, so I don't know what you're on about with that (my 2nd link, the youtube one, definitely works), but it has much more than "one paragraph" (not that that matters) showing the manipulation and misrepresentation in your video. As for "growing more food on less land", two words: oil and biodiversity. Without going into details, most (if not all) modern agriculture is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, a dwindling, non-renewable resource (fertilization, transport, etc.). The article you link to indirectly makes my second point: with the disappearance of fossil fuels, people are turning to biofuels (e.g. palm oil, mentioned in your article) which destroy biodiversity and cause several other issues ). Meanwhile, the soybeans and beef production (the one to feed the other btw) cause a large amount of ecological damage.
That's the last I'm answering to you (although it's more for the benefit of other readers, since I know how you are with the facts of reality).

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

hpqp says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

You call one paragraph and a video that doesn't exist debunking this? Let's examine the paragraph:
"Together the world’s 6.8 billion people use land equal in size to South America to grow food and raise livestock—an astounding agricultural footprint. And demographers predict the planet will host 9.5 billion people by 2050. Because each of us requires a minimum of 1,500 calories a day, civilization will have to cultivate another Brazil’s worth of land—2.1 billion acres—if farming continues to be practiced as it is today. That much new, arable earth simply does not exist."
Did you miss when it said in the video that we're growing more food on less land, and that there are techniques which can turn barren land fertile, such has been practiced in Brazil and Thailand? Farming is going to continue as it does today; more yield per acre, and more barren land turned fertile, and it will continue to outstrip population growth. You've debunked nothing; you have no argument at all. I doubt you even read the page.
efficiency statistics
Scientists Are Making Brazil’s Savannah Bloom
>> ^hpqp:
Debunking the lies, nonsense and misinformation of this video:
I disagree with the vhemt's core ideology (I do not want the human race to go extinct), but this page does a good job of exposing this crap.
If you want some real math, watch this series:

The first page I linked to has no video, so I don't know what you're on about with that (my 2nd link, the youtube one, definitely works), but it has much more than "one paragraph" (not that that matters) showing the manipulation and misrepresentation in your video. As for "growing more food on less land", two words: oil and biodiversity. Without going into details, most (if not all) modern agriculture is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, a dwindling, non-renewable resource (fertilization, transport, etc.). The article you link to indirectly makes my second point: with the disappearance of fossil fuels, people are turning to biofuels (e.g. palm oil, mentioned in your article) which destroy biodiversity and cause several other issues ). Meanwhile, the soybeans and beef production (the one to feed the other btw) cause a large amount of ecological damage.

That's the last I'm answering to you (although it's more for the benefit of other readers, since I know how you are with the facts of reality).

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

shinyblurry says...

You call one paragraph and a video that doesn't exist debunking this? Let's examine the paragraph:

"Together the world’s 6.8 billion people use land equal in size to South America to grow food and raise livestock—an astounding agricultural footprint. And demographers predict the planet will host 9.5 billion people by 2050. Because each of us requires a minimum of 1,500 calories a day, civilization will have to cultivate another Brazil’s worth of land—2.1 billion acres—if farming continues to be practiced as it is today. That much new, arable earth simply does not exist."

Did you miss when it said in the video that we're growing more food on less land, and that there are techniques which can turn barren land fertile, such has been practiced in Brazil and Thailand? Farming is going to continue as it does today; more yield per acre, and more barren land turned fertile, and it will continue to outstrip population growth. You've debunked nothing; you have no argument at all. I doubt you even read the page.
efficiency statistics
Scientists Are Making Brazil’s Savannah Bloom

>> ^hpqp:
Debunking the lies, nonsense and misinformation of this video:
I disagree with the vhemt's core ideology (I do not want the human race to go extinct), but this page does a good job of exposing this crap.
If you want some real math, watch this series:

criticalthud (Member Profile)

It's The Bees' House Now, Let Them Have It

ForgedReality says...

Wow. That is spectacular. I hope they just let the house become a hive. We already have a shortage and strange disappearance of bees. As long as they're not Africanized, I see no reason why they can't be allowed to stay and maybe be cultivated.

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