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Alan Grayson - What Republicans Can Do With Their Taxcuts

quantumushroom says...

Your attempt at a coherent argument was admirable, but simple facts led to your downfall.

Now you know how I feel the other 98% of the time. Downfall? I enjoyed a Chicago-style thin crust pizza last night. I don't remember any downfall.

I love this so much here it is again:

If only the left and Odumbo could prove me wrong with jobs and prosperity instead of empty rhetoric and blame, I'd gladly admit to being wrong.

It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.

Is It Hot In Here?

Pizza Hut Japan- Shrimp and Mayo Roll Crust Pizza ( commerci

legacy0100 says...

>> ^Crosswords:

I was going to say that sounds absolutely disgusting, but after hearing its a different beast than the stuff I'm used to I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Still hot mayo... ugh.

Disgusting? Really?

Isn't Shrimp Salad the same exact thing? Or at least it does here in America. Come to think of it, potato salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, coleslaw, egg salad and fruit salad all contain mayonnaise.

Or perhaps you were only referring to mayo being served in hot temperature. Then sure, it's kinda gross.

But even still, we eat lots of dishes that contains with mayo in hot temperature without even realizing it. If your hamburgers have hot-off-the-grill beef paddies and you eat it with mayo, then you've got yourself hot mayo.

Pizza Hut and Pyramids

Yearly charter membership? (Sift Talk Post)

deathcow says...

The highest rated person should get a special icon instead of just a crown. Make the upper crust fight for the unique distinction. More stats are needed.. not just top votes, but who gets the most votes per vid, etc. There must be 50 interesting ways to scatter your user data. Also blankfist name should randomly display in pink perhaps 5% of the time. Also I get autopaypal deducted every so often but have never seen a contributor thing, is there one? I thought I saw some people with contributor icons? And after $110 in donations perhaps a new achievement icon : )

Capturing Somali Pirates, First Person Shooter View

coolhund says...

>> ^TheFreak:

Oh yes, clearly the armed men hijacking boats are the victims here.

They are people who dont know how to get food anymore.
I would really like to see you in such a situation...
Its not really a justification for hijacking ships, but these people simply try to survive. Maybe you sitting in your chair in front of your $1000 PC eating pork crusts and having heartburn afterwards cant imagine having not enough food, but these people fight for food every day. Then western corporations take away their MAIN food source and you expect them to just die on starvation? Have you gone completely gaga?

Theres always a different side of the picture, and obviously the western media doesnt show the other side (politicians actually laugh about these facts). Its always only the bad and brutal pirates, who do everything out of pure greed and fun.

Blankfists Idea of Free Market Awesomeness (Politics Talk Post)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

...does this ^ guy get paid per moronic troll-like statement?

@all of you guys and girl

I think the answer is sheer pragmatism.

1. Separate Government from Corporations

- Elected officials may only collect contributions from Citizens. (Corporations are NOT citizens)
- Amounts may not exceed $200 per citizen (So that even the poorest of us can take part)
- Any and all investments must be sold before an official may be worn into office
- Any candidate currently or formerly in a corporate career position (CEO, upper management, etc.) must wait a minimum of 7 years before seeking public office

2. Limit Corporations

- No company may be awarded a charter without the consent of the State Commonwealth Convention.
- A Corporate Charter term may not exceed ten years.
- Any and all charter renewals must be reviewed and approved of by a jury of the Commonwealth.
- All corporate charters must include four Commonwealth Stipulations:
1) The understanding that Corporations exist only for the express purpose of expanding opportunities for a group of communities, the improvement & stability of those communities, and the preservation or improvement of the physical health & mental well-being (Happiness) of the individuals which comprise those particular communities.
2) Horizontal Management Structure
3) Profit & Gain Sharing Agreements
4) Failure to maintain the prior stipulations will result in a voluntary resignation of the Corporate Charter or the corporation shall otherwise be remanded to a jury of the Commonwealth to await restructuring or dissolution.

Since our current political and economic systems were set up by businessmen and bankers of the 16th & 17th centuries, it shouldn't be surprising that politicians and bankers act how they do.

Socioeconomic location determines how we are all socialized.
In the "upper crust" locations - greed, bribery, corruption and lack of concern for the commonwealth/"underlings" are standard and acceptable behavior.

Unless we collectively resocialize these rich/wealthy bastards, they'll continue to teach the next generation of rich bastards that those behaviors are perfectly normal for someone of their background.

Physicist explains science in baby terms for Fox News idiot

Kevlar (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

I tend to think of myself as a cantankerous crust of Camembert.

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
Cheese riot? Bring it, you big glop of gouda! YOU CANTANKEROUS CUT OF CHEDDAR!

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Awwww. My Mum used to sing that to me. Badly. You trying to start a cheese riot?

[e:] Now I listen to the last of the lyrics, it's a little weird. She never got past the first line.

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
What's new, srscat?


Physics - Fusion and Fission

Payback says...

>> ^swedishfriend:If we take too much mass from the moon we fuck up our entire ecosystem and climate since it is so heavily dependent on the pull of the moon's gravity...

Wow... do you even know how big the moon is? It's a little more than 1/4 of Earth's mass. As a species, we have dug up about .01% of the Earth's crust since industrialization. You honestly think we can do anything to the moon within the same timespan?

This is all ignoring the fact that digging further into the planet and in more remote locations is a fraction of the cost of digging into the moon.

Obama is Selling You Out? (Politics Talk Post)

longde says...

The rich will sit there and take it because doing business in this country is the easiest in the world. Where the fuck are they going to go?

What a naive fool. No regulation? Get fucking real. The reason the economy is in this mess is because of deregulation and lack of oversight of the banking industry, derivatives industry and the mortgage bond raters.

We have witnessed in the last eight years the spigot of free markets and deregulation cracked open a trickle, and these fools have abused every drop of freedom they got. What will happen if there is a full release? Do we really want to be a third world country?

This vlogger doesn't care because he thinks he'll end up in the upper crust if there ever was a libertarian revolution. I call this the "little 'g' god delusion".

Isaraeli War Crimes Class of 2009

demon_ix says...

>> ^acidSpine:
Was that meant to be an army? Where are the Apache attack helicopters the tanks, fighter jets, the warships the nukes?
I don't doubt your fear is real but Israel is only nibbling at the crust of an enormous turd pie so please don't assume the moral high ground because your troops aren't suicide bombers

I fail to see your point. I don't see the Taliban using fighter jets, yet that's ok?

Isaraeli War Crimes Class of 2009

acidSpine says...

Was that meant to be an army? Where are the Apache attack helicopters the tanks, fighter jets, the warships the nukes?

I don't doubt your fear is real but Israel is only nibbling at the crust of an enormous turd pie so please don't assume the moral high ground because your troops aren't suicide bombers

Duckman33 gets 250 Ruby but can't find it (Animation Talk Post)

Why Are Planets Round?

rychan says...

This Sagan guy seems kind of shady, let's fact check him

He says if you build a mountain significantly taller than Everest it will be crushed under its own weight. Let's see:

Everest is made of limestone and dolomite (among other minerals). They have a compressive strength of about ~150 megapascals. That means a surface area of Mount Everest can sustain up to 150 million Newtons of force before crushing.

Limestone and dolomite have a density of about 2,500 kg / m^3. Each such cubic meter would exert roughly 25,000N of force downward in Earth's gravity. So how high can we stack this stuff before the base crushes?

(150MPa / 25KN/m^3) = (150,000,000 N / m^2 ) / ( 25,000 N / m^3 ) = 6000 meters.

You might note that Everest is, in fact, taller than 6000m. But it is not completely vertical and it likely has some materials with higher compressive strengths at its base.

Once you enter the Earth's mantle, then rocks are in an environment with pressures higher than their compressive strength, leaving them to behave slightly like fluids and thus seek the minimum energy configuration of a sphere.

At the bottom of the Earth's mantle, you get to pressure's of about ~136 GPa, 1,000 times higher than our hypothetical column of Everest.


It's interesting that if you look at a cross section of the Earth, the crust is obviously solid, while the upper mantle is so hot that it is very fluid-like. The deeper, lower mantle, while much hotter than the upper mantle, is under so much more pressure that it is actually very nearly solid. Then the outer core is melted nickel-iron while the inner core is solid. So the Earth's cross section from surface to core is approximately solid / liquid / solid / liquid / solid.

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