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TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

newtboy says...

It's funny, I said almost the exact same thing to my right wing cousin before the election. He believes Obama created Ebola in order to put us under martial law...because he hates America. (Sweet Zombie Jebus!)

EDIT: I must also say, the dumbocrats totally gave this election away by making their campaigns the same as retardican campaigns, namely "Obama sucks and we don't like him". WHAT IDIOTS! I can't fathom how they thought that strategy might work...'vote for us because our leader, plans, and past progress are all crap'?!?
My real hope is that the next 2 years might wake people up to the fact that they don't HAVE to vote for retardicans OR dumbocrats....but it's quite a thin slice of hope with little evidence to back it up. I actually HOPE they try to force their 'agenda' (of no helpful governing except for corporations and opposing and repealing any past legislation passed with democratic votes, even their own). After the last election, however, I have little evidence that Americans CAN think for themselves, or think at all on average, so we're stuck with the teams already chosen. Might be time to move to Canada! ;-)

VoodooV said:

On the lighter side though, Nothing has really changed though, Obama can still veto anything the R puts out and they don't have enough control of congress to override the veto. If anything If Reps really are emboldened and think they have a mandate to go full retard..even moreso than usual. Then in the long term, this will benefit the liberals when the public ultimately rejects GOP ideas as they have increasingly done so.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

On the subject of feces, I am reminded of an aspect of the Uygur/Harris debate that I wanted to pick up.

As they were discussing torture, Harris was rather convinced of his understanding that death would be worse than having your holy book mistreated or being sprayed with (fake) menstrual blood.

This fails to appreciate a major drive behind the use of torture: to "reset" a human mind, to have the subject betray whatever is most sacred to him/her. The torture at Gitmo/Baghram was directly aimed at one of the most defining aspects of their victims' personalities, namely their religious beliefs.

All of this was beautifully illustrated in Southern America when the torturers' aim was to completely negate the societies' strong sense of solidarity by forcing selected people to betray one another, by putting them into either-you-or-them situations. As horrible as death is, to have the core of your very being negated by force is, in fact, worse for quite a significant percentage of people, as proven by those who would rather endure torture/death than deny what made them human.

They manage to wipe a human's mind alright, as you can see by the mindless husks in those torture camps that were once human beings. And by setting them up as examples, entire societies are reprogrammed.

The more "civilised" version of it would be the treatment of whistleblowers. It sends ripples through society, just like its uglier cousin, inducing a chilling effect that I would at some point love to see quantified.

Alaskan Dude Skips Rocks On Frozen Lake

oohlalasassoon says...

Gosh, I seem to recall it quite well, as do my 2 brothers and 2 cousins, and said uncle that was there, along with his dog that jumped in the water, breaking the ice to retrieve the duck....but as an internet stranger, I trust your judgement.

nock said: other words, you've never done this.

rare purple Siphonophorae

Russell Brand " Is Fox News More Dangerous Than Isis? "

newtboy says...

EDIT: I think you meant to say 'how can you NOT disagree that an organization that commits actual massacres...actual fucking massacres is better than Faux News?', meaning 'How can you agree Isis is better than Faux?'...right? You forgot to double the negative.

I think that can be reasonably asked because Faux news (and others) has essentially become the propaganda wing of another organization that commits MORE actual massacres (but usually from a distance...I'm talking about the US military industrial complex here). That makes them directly complicit in and a facilitator and even instigator of the killing of hundreds of thousands of 'innocent' (non-threatening) people, to me that's likely worse than directly killing hundreds, even if you only ascribe 5% culpability/responsibility to them, perhaps it's not to you.
It's a bit like if you're in a disagreement with your neighbor and your cousin comes over with a baseball bat, knives, and a stun gun, gives them to you and then constantly, angrily, threateningly, cajoles you into violent action against your neighbor. The cousin will be (properly) prosecuted right there with you when you murder your neighbor and his should Faux news be.

Yogi said:

HOW Can you disagree that an organization that commits actual massacres...ACTUAL FUCKING MASSACRES is better than Fox News.

Are you using some metric that isn't on this planet? Is there something that Fox does to make people think those things that is the equivalent of Killing Hundreds of people?

We will never agree until you can accept that Murder is worse than Thought Crime.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chingalera says...

@bremnet-Concealed is only the 'way-to-go (check your state's laws) unless you are able or willing to navigate the laws and duties and fine-print responsibilities once you sign-on to another hoop-toss to jump through. Most US state's existing laws let citizens arm themselves and carry legally without being on another bullshit hit-list.

SO the guys' being a dick, what of it with regard to state-sanctioned fascism, eh?? Get naked at your cousin's wedding and a bit tipsy an' let some bored neighborhood informant with a cell-phone and a tree-stump in their ass call the local pigs, and see how fast your world collides with your bank account and how many do-not-hire lists you get placed on. Preach that shit from a pulpit how about it??

Coulthard on team orders

chingalera says...

I for my, have no transferable or proven or legitimate strategy whatsoever with regard to any game, life, or fundamental existence in a world virtual or otherwise.... Experiential stamina however, affords her luxury when tinctured with a sheer will and a general joyfulness about having to put up with bullshit. WHEN said bullshit comes in the form of some anonymous individual saaaaay, who pops-in via an internet portal disguised as a welcome mat at yer mum's cousin's house because they "knows" you better than you know yourself, reads a few rules then proceeds to try and hand me my ass and feed it to me and tell me how it should taste?? Yeah, that's the kind of damaged cunt that needs a time fucking out.

Enjoyed your time-out so far ya fuckin' cunts?? Good. Now y'all can continue to fuck the FUCK off!

Love you gorillaman, and thank you for the sage wisdom that only a solid wanker like yourself can serve iced-cold

gorillaman said:

Strategy is what makes F1 more interesting to watch than other sports, which are typically just a bunch of sweaty morons running around on a lawn.

Team orders have always been a good thing and people who don't like them are intellectually and morally subhuman.

Pit Bull Celebrates 11th Birthday

A10anis says...

No, actually it is humans who are stupid, unhygienic (your spelling has been amended), annoying and dangerous. If there is climate change, humans are the cause. Imagine wasting chemo on the likes of you! Finally; humans are violent criminals who take resources away from fellow humans to make a buck. Vets alleviate the suffering imposed on animals by some of those humans.

PS; your tag "gorillaman" does that mean you respect at least one of our genetic cousins, or do you wish to kill off every animal you deem as useless? I am being rhetorical, feel free to keep your simplistic, childlike "opinions" to yourself. Unless, of course, you are a troll. In which case you have succeeded in getting at least one response.

gorillaman said:

This is stupid and you people are stupid. Also dogs are stupid.

Dogs are unhygenic, annoying and dangerous. Dogs cause climate change. Imagine wasting chemo on a dog. Pet owners and vets are violent criminals who take resources away from humans and replace them with suffering.

What the Duck?!? This is INSANE!

Irreversible: Rape scene (disturbing)

Bslimguy says...

I'm a guy and was raped by a female cousin when I was around 9 or 10 she was in high school. I don't hate her for what she did but I wish it would of never happened because it messed me up. I have trust issues with every girl I ever dated, not only that I use to get real bad anxiety attacks to the point I was shaking in fear and sweating badly around females. I no longer get the anxiety attacks since therapy but the trust issue is still there.

This movie shows how evil we are as humans, at least that's what I got from it. I doubt the guy posting the nonsense about blaming women for rape, would feel the same way if it happened to one of his family members.

26 Interesting Facts About Beer - mental_floss Ep. 38


Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

Yogi says...

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, who is Anwar al-Awlakis 16 year old son was targeted and killed. Born in Denver he was looking for his father and had sat down to dinner. He died along with his 17 year old cousin. It's called murder of the innocent.

Also they don't end any threat at all, they create more and more terrorists daily. Just ask anyone who's town has been hit by a Drone attack.

VoodooV said:

I don't see what the deal is quite honestly. We don't wait for due process if a citizen takes a bunch of hostages or goes on a killing spree. If we see the opportunity to end the threat, we end the threat

If it is reasonable to attempt a capture this american actively working with Al Queda, then cool, but I'm guessing that it isn't a realistic plan so I just don't see what the issue is here.

"Pickle Juice" Starring Zooey Deschanel's evil twin

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"Pickle Juice" Starring Zooey Deschanel's evil twin

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