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Sea Creature or Afghan Hound

Mystic95Z says...

Heck I didn't know it was spelled itt either lol. For those not in the know Itt was a character from The Adams Family.

noims said:

A little change in punctuation, capitalisation, and spelling clears it up a bit.

It's Cousin Itt swimming.

To be fair, I didn't know that it's supposed to be Itt rather than It. The resemblance and grace are indeed striking though.

While I'm here, my favourite example of necessary capitalisation is that time I helped my uncle Jack off a horse.

Sea Creature or Afghan Hound

noims says...

A little change in punctuation, capitalisation, and spelling clears it up a bit.

It's Cousin Itt swimming.

To be fair, I didn't know that it's supposed to be Itt rather than It. The resemblance and grace are indeed striking though.

While I'm here, my favourite example of necessary capitalisation is that time I helped my uncle Jack off a horse.

ant said:


Sea Creature or Afghan Hound

"Alternative Math" - The confusing times we live in

newtboy says...

I didn't like doing proofs either. That doesn't make them less math.
That's proofs....not idiocy. Training your brain to see different routes to the correct answer makes more difficult math far easier.
People learn (or don't) at different rates. I took AP B/C Calculus while some friends were in remedial math. My cousin graduated (waldorf) and can't add double digit numbers. Now, if you can't place out of remedial math, that's a problem, but the fact that they don't just give up on 11th graders that still don't know the basics is a good thing.

bcglorf said:

Har har har.

I went through every calculus class my uni offered, so not so much.

Mayhaps I didn't explain the example given in enough length. The simple operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division all have a single correct answer. Insisting that students find multiple methods of performing those operations and demonstrate multiple different learning methods for them is mental masturbation. You could spend that same time actually moving on to the more advanced stuff that is supposed to 'in theory' prepare them for.

Another example was solving a double digit multiplication problem like 37*86. The marking example showed a student using the old school vertical method and showing their work to arrive at the correct answer. The provincial grading system declared that as WRONG. The student was 'falling back' on the algorithm and should have demonstrated the use of multiple methods of solving the problem. That is idiocy.

Basic add/subtract/multiply/division isn't MATH it's arithmetic and it's a basic operation with a single answer and so long as you use a correct method to arrive at the correct answer you are good to go. Teach students that foundation and then move on to teaching them actual MATH. Read through our provincial curriculum, they are STILL teaching add/subtract/multiply/division at the Grade 11 level in the curriculum on the premise that students are still 'mastering' something that should've been a given by junior high.

A Hawk is seeking refuge in my taxi from Hurricane Harvey

How Game of Thrones Helped Save a Farm in Northern Ireland

I do not support a livable wage

enoch says...

all of us?
no one?
mighty big on the presumption bubba.

let me guess,YOU run a business?
is your boss nickname captain whiny cunt?

because every owner/boss i run into that complains about having to pay this or this or that are whiny little bitches.i am not suggesting that some of their gripes are not valid,because they are,but when it comes to paying their employees?

yeah..whiny,little bitchy cunts.

they complain endlessly how they can't find good the turnover is brutal and it costs them soooo much to train,gear and clothe etc etc.

and almost every single one of them pays under 10 bucks an hr.

my son owns his own business.pays 100 bucks a job to start and if you work out? raises it to 150 bucks a job,usually does three jobs a day.

he has only had to replace one helper in five years.

compare that to his cousin,who pays a whopping 9 bucks an hour,and he goes through helpers like a semi-automatic.

guess which one is the whiny little bitch?

to be fair,the cousin does own two houses,five cars and all the newest gadgets.while my son is working on his first home.

but he ain't no bitch,and his workers adore him.

which one you billybussey?

ahh../slaps back
no need to answer!
we already know.

billybussey said:

None of you have ever run a business.

Your Five Favorite YouTube Accounts (Sift Talk Post)

U2 interview with Kimmel, plus surprise ending

CrushBug says...


I remember talking to my cousin, when I was very young, and I said I didn't know who U2 was. He went to his shelf, grabbed Boy, War, and The Unforgettable Fire, and said "Listen to these, and don't bother talking to me until you do."

A defining moment for me, growing up.

Dog Just Being Protective of His Baby Squirrel

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

enoch says...

i would say we disagree but i cant even say that.
you didn't counter ANYTHING i said,you just accused me of being dishonest.

which has been pretty much your position this entire thread.i thought i was doing you a solid by laying down some history,which helps explain some facets of radical islam.

notice my wording:facets.

do you realize that i taught comparative religion and cultural religious history?
do you realize just how foolish you appear to me right now?

you want to counter my not countering my argument,and implying i am being dishonest.

ok sweetheart,
i think i see the problem here.
YOU are seeing the dynamic through a singular lens.

you want to ignore the historical implications and simply focus on islam itself?
ok,that's fine.
i find it stupid,short sighted and incredibly biased,but whatever..

yoooou have an agenda to get to don't ya?

then let us just strip the dynamic of ALL historical implications and focus solely on islam itself.
(which is why you mentioned Maajid Nawaz, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris, Hitchens )
you clever clever boy...
i see what you did there../ruffles hair.
you are SO adorable when you are being myopic and lazy!

so what would you like to discuss?
how islam is in desperate need of a reformation?
or maybe how the original intent of islam from a spiritual perspective was hi-jacked by his cousins and turned into a political conquest machine,that subjugated ...

you know what?
why am i bothering?
you have revealed yourself to be a condescending,sanctimonious know-nothing.who read a couple of books and thinks he 'get's it".

no read sam harris.

look man,
i am not here defending islam,because as religions go,islam is kinda shit.
but to ignore how neoliberalism and american interventionism have amplified,and worsened and already crappy situation.

that's not even intellectually dishonest.
that is just plain lazy.

whats next?
you gonna do some 'thought experiments" and try to argue that at least america's "intentions" were nobel?

you WERE! weren't you!!

and this little revisionist nugget "Those countries have had problems long before any western intervention."

oooh really?
because,unlike YOU,i actually know the history of that region.
so if you want we can compare how some cities and countries were considered "progressive" and even "liberal",and even some (granted,only a few) that were considered "secular" *gasp*.

how about this,instead of me repeatedly taking you to the woodshed to give ya some of that "learnin",how about you just go look up the history of kabul,afghanistan.

that's it.just one city.

and then come back and tell me that neoliberalism,colonialism and good old fashioned empire building hasn't been a major force in the rise in fundamentalism and radicalization in the middle east.

it looks like you really ARE going to make go all the way back to the dark ages!

and dude..seriously..hitchens ROCKED,but sam harris?
no..juuust no.
i don't do apologists as a counter argument.

edit:i will say that i agree with this "There are actual muslims (such as Maajid Nawaz)that say islam has a problem(especially particular strands of it), and it needs reform. Embracing the muslims who want reform is the only way forward."

you mean that islam may need a reformation?
*gasps*/clasps hands to face.
didn't i fucking already SAY that?

ah well,foiled by my pedantic ways.

Giant Alligator Takes A Stroll Through Florida Nature Center

Asmo says...

Run zig zags, crocs and their cousins are actually quite speedy in a straight line, but they have difficulty turning.

Payback said:

HAHAHAHA I laugh at the idiots lying down...

"I don't have to run faster than the alligator, I just have to get ahead of you!"

Behind the Scenes of La La Land

This Girl Has Crazy Talented Feet!

Anime Expo - Surprise!

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