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Runaway Saw Blade

BoneRemake says...


When I drove over the ass end corner of a late 80s BMW in the parking lot of a shopping mall while making an improper tight turn. All I could do was leave a note and go on my way.

They ended up contacting the company.

If the guy actually thought he could get away with cutting on the road without a permit or some form of paperwork and backtrack responsibility.. that guy would be pretty stupid, most people that do that work know there is a paper trail.


** I should note I was in a 5 tonne flatbed delivery truck in a tight parking lot ( got lost -bad directions..*cough*)

Titanfall Gameplay video @ 1440p

serosmeg says...

This 1440 VIDEO ran a bit choppy on my system... *cough*.. Happy to see you are able to play a game (not even out yet) in real time, at 1440.

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well thanks kinna dag. You pm'd me AFTER the fact and after I posted this to the sift-talk....THANKS, for the fucking heads-up.

If it's "sort of" a one time thing deal, Not fine. The only way anyone knows if the embed is not spot on is if another user (either the original submitter or someone else that sees and remembers it different, alerts someone.) WHY then, would not the person who cried foul contact the person who raised it from the dead and TELL THEM, rather than (and this is what i suspect) tattle to the admins (because they have a particular hate-stick lodged in their assess towards another user, or were never taught manners by their abusive mothers and fathers) who then unilaterally FUCKS MY POWERS AWAY) to the giggles and squeaks of the internet DOUCHEBAG who brought it to your attention? Which is what I KNOW has transpired, the cowardly little fucks whoever you are, suck it.

Cowardly. infantile, sophomoric douchebag bullshit thuggery.

Now, how do I get these powers back, and now codify these arbitrary "sort of" rules??

By bringing this mishap to the sift's attention, and perhaps *cough, put it to vote??

Voting only works for those who use it for evil apparently, just look at the state of the planet.

I would appreciate again, the ability to clean-up dead videos. I regularly fix dead embeds and then immediately give other videos a chance by *promoting them to the front foster a spirit of courtesy and joy and good will in the hearts of the original submitter.....GOOD THING

I even deaded all of Kronosposidens dead shit since he's AWOL, and am bringing his back tto life slowly but surely, even though that charlatan gentle-man was the biggest prick in the universe to me, and set-out on a similar quest, to burn me at ever turn...

(like copper-dan the resident ban-hammer obsessive-compulsive) regularly peruses the sift for violators, to satisfy his badge-point quest to be head NARC of the site). GOOD THING?? I consider it not, but I suppose everyone needs their little jobs.

Can you...People who don;t recognize the hatred in your hearts, act as civilly as you accuse me of acting the opposite of?? Look in the fucking mirrors and stop lying to yourselves, it's getting really fucking old..

Or how bout this.

Let's take a fucking vvote, or pole (like the one in so many assess) and vote whether or not to let love rule...Just tell me to fucking leave and I will....Don't keep playing the the punk-ass bitch card about it why doncha??....Bare your true natures and use small words if you have to. please. A single sentence will do.

The greatest piece of filmmaking you'll see this week

Transgender woman dares Councilman to stone her

Sniper007 says...

To be precise, "those to cast the first stones" would be the two or three witnesses needed to convict, confessions notwithstanding. So barring those witnesses, according to Mosaic Law, she can't be stoned. But hey, it's not as important to understand the Bible as it is to hate it. ... <cough>

Cover your Mouth, Adam!

How Charlie Sheen Discovered Global Warming

deathcow says...

They're waiting for you Gordon.


The Test Chamber

Intercom 1: (feedback)"Testing, testing. (coughs) Everything seems to
be in order."
Intercom 2: "All right, Gordon. your suit should keep you comfortable
through all this. The specimen will be delivered to you in a few
moments. If you would be so good as to climb up and start the rotors,
we can bring the anti-mass spectrometer to 80 percent and hold it there
until the carrier arrives.

Why was HL1 SO good.. why do I still remember all the voices and scenes all these years later.

First 360 Barrel Roll in a 4 Wheeled Vehicle

Noah Official Trailer (HD) Russell Crowe, Emma Watson

Honest Trailers - The Matrix

Breaking Bad - The Musical (How to Make Meth)

Patrick Stewart sups hot lead. I think.

oritteropo says...

Aunt Annie's poem is along the lines of:

I were sitting on me arse last evening,

Me Mother and Father were off,

Cuz they'd heard, me old Nan Susanna were laid up in bed with a cough

She has some brasses me old Nan Susannah;

That's reason she's looked after so

If they've nought, well they're nought but a bother.

Here's an example - me old Uncle John.

"Orange Bubble" Sky in Michigan

Woman thinks all postal workers are after her

Hive13 says...

I have watched several videos from her (now dead) Youtube channel and she is completely delusional. Paranoid schizophrenic for sure.

She thinks the janitors at her apartment are stalking her, all mailmen are stalking her, the cars in the parking lot across from her apartment are ganging up on her, bingo night is a trap for young kids to be molested and the construction crews outside her new psychiatric facility were sent to block her access.

She records all license plate numbers she sees and swears that she sees them multiple times. She verbally attacks people for coughing at her and for calling her crazy.

I am truly scared for her and she has the potential to do some very bad things if provoked. It turns out her user account has been terminated.

Miley Cyrus' Video Without the Music is Some Crazy Shit!

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