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Ron Paul Denies Theory of Evolution

flavioribeiro says...

I like his answer, and you'll feel more comfortable with it if you consider his idea of government.

Ron Paul's views on religion or evolution aren't relevant because as President he would follow the Constitution and not any set of scientific paradigms. It doesn't matter whether he accepts the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, or evolution, or general relativity.

The whole libertarian platform defends that the federal government should let people govern their own lives because it recognizes that politicians and bureaucrats aren't experts in most subjects, and are thus unqualified to make expert decisions. The federal government can't adequately regulate education, healthcare or scientific research on a nationwide level, and should delegate this responsability to local governments.

Limited government is designed to prevent prejudices or special interests from interfering with our lives. This applies to beliefs regarding evolution, or religious beliefs. If you watch the Candidates@Google interview you'll see that Ron Paul defends legalizing prostitution and drugs. He doesn't approve of them, but he thinks it's not the federal government's responsibility to interfere, and that these decisions should be made locally (if that).

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

MycroftHomlz says...

Hviid A, Stellfeld M, Wohlfahrt J, Melbye M.

Danish Epidemiology Science Centre, Department of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

CONTEXT: Mercuric compounds are nephrotoxic and neurotoxic at high doses. Thimerosal, a preservative used widely in vaccine formulations, contains ethylmercury. Thus it has been suggested that childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccine could be causally related to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether vaccination with a thimerosal-containing vaccine is associated with development of autism. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Population-based cohort study of all children born in Denmark from January 1, 1990, until December 31, 1996 (N = 467 450) comparing children vaccinated with a thimerosal-containing vaccine with children vaccinated with a thimerosal-free formulation of the same vaccine. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate ratio (RR) for autism and other autistic-spectrum disorders, including trend with dose of ethylmercury. RESULTS: During 2 986 654 person-years, we identified 440 autism cases and 787 cases of other autistic-spectrum disorders. The risk of autism and other autistic-spectrum disorders did not differ significantly between children vaccinated with thimerosal-containing vaccine and children vaccinated with thimerosal-free vaccine (RR, 0.85 [95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60-1.20] for autism; RR, 1.12 [95% CI, 0.88-1.43] for other autistic-spectrum disorders). Furthermore, we found no evidence of a dose-response association (increase in RR per 25 microg of ethylmercury, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.90-1.06] for autism and 1.03 [95% CI, 0.98-1.09] for other autistic-spectrum disorders). CONCLUSION: The results do not support a causal relationship between childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines and development of autistic-spectrum disorders.

The Impossible Bridge

There are no Danish people in Denmark

wazant says...

He he he...

But--this guy is standing on "Stroget", the pedestrian shopping street at the center of the tourist district in Copenhagen (where I live), so it's not surprising that he meets lots of tourists (not immigrants) there. It's like trying to find Manhattan natives standing in line to go up the Empire State Building. Still, many Danes shop, eat and drink on and around Stroget so he was really not looking very hard. This must have been filmed in December because you can see the Christmas decorations are up, suspended over the street.

Amsterdam: The Bicycling Capitol of Europe

wazant says...

Here in Copenhagen, the situation is rather similar. I am not sure about Holland, but here it is possible to take your bicycle with you on the trains if you buy the right ticket. I used to do that to get to work sometimes. You can't take your bike on the buses though.

Bruce Springsteen Joins A Busker To Sing One Of His Songs

wazant says...

I live in Copenhagen and, while I did not witness this performance, the story of it is widely told here so I think it is true. I didn't know there was a video though! I definitely recognize both Bruce Springsteen and the street ( Strøget, the down-town pedestrian mall).

Quantum Physics Double Slit Experiment - amazing results

lucky760 says...

This stuff is really incredible. Read this text quoted from
Pay special attention to the second paragraph regarding the existence of our universe... Whoa. These implications are mind-shattering...

The 'collapse of the wave function' theory in the Copenhagen Interpretation states that "when we are not looking at the particle, the probability wave, of even a single particle, is spread out and will pass through both slits at the same time and arrive at the detector as a wave showing an interference pattern. When we observe the electron by placing detectors at the slits, it is forced into revealing its location which causes the probability wave to collapse into a particle. If the theory is correct, its implications are staggering. What it suggests is that nothing is real until it has been observed!

Nothing is real until it has been observed! This clearly needs thinking about. Are we really saying that in the 'real' world - outside of the laboratory - that until a thing has been observed it doesn't exist? This is precisely what the Copenhagen Interpretation is telling us about reality. This has caused some very well respected cosmologists (Stephen Hawking for one) to worry that this implies that there must actually be something 'outside' the universe to look at the universe as a whole and collapse its overall wave function. John Wheeler puts forward an argument that it is only the presence of conscious observers, in the form of ourselves, that has collapsed the wave function and made the universe exist. If we take this to be true, then the universe only exists because we are looking at it."

Quantum Physics Double Slit Experiment - amazing results

czechrite says...

Here's some research, explains it in a way that is not so mysterious. Check out the actual link for more details.

"The Copenhagen interpretation (of this experiement) posits the existence of probability waves which describe the likelihood of finding the particle at a given location. Until the particle is detected at any location along this probability wave, it effectively exists at every point. Thus, when the particle could be passing through either of the two slits, it will actually pass through both, and so an interference pattern results. But if the particle is detected at one of the two slits, then it can no longer be passing through both - it must exist at one or the other, and so no interference pattern appears."

ie: you change probability by observing. read the whole entry in the encyclopedia (it's not easy, but if you persist, it is understandable)

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